Preparation Anal

Preparation Anal


Preparation Anal


Future Edition


How To Prepare for Anal Sex As a Bottom

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How To Prepare for Anal Sex As a Bottom
Why Is an Isotonic Solution Better for Douching?
I’m new to bottoming. Why do I need to clean out, anyway?
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When it comes to bottoming, most of us never had access to proper education, especially when it comes to the butt. This means both beginners and experienced players have had to turn to adult movies, friends, or Reddit to figure out how to properly prepare, play, and care for our butts. This doesn’t sound safe now, does it?
In my surgical practice, I quickly learned that nearly everyone who engaged in backdoor intercourse had cleaning regimens that involved either water or store-bought enemas . For those who may be unfamiliar, preparation for anal sex involves cleansing the butt canal, most traditionally done with liquid expelled from a bulb or shower hose. Everyone wants to be confident that they won’t have any unnecessary surprises when it’s time to play. Sometimes their diet (like fiber intake) or stress levels mean that preparation is what to do before anal play as the final step to getting their butt squeaky clean and ready for the big D. 
After realizing the void in education, I also realized that there had never been safe and appropriate butt-preparation products. That’s when I sought out to create Future Method Cleansing Solution --the first ever preparation product developed specifically for butt play and hygiene. 
As we discussed in our bottoming for beginners guide , there are some great simple steps to acquaint yourself with butt play. This includes familiarizing yourself with lube , solo play (preferably with a toy, not your fingers) and learning the unique sensations that those nerve endings excite as well as muscle control. This may take a while, but it’s worth it! There’s no better preparation than learning your own personal comfort and slowly increasing your capacity with butt plugs of incrementally larger size prior to engaging with a partner.
Knowing how to properly clean your anus will help maintain your bottom’s microbiome. While you should never use harsh soap inside your anus, an isotonic solution and a gentle touch are best for rectum cleaning. The skin around your anus is extremely thin, making it important to keep best practices in order to prevent injury and infection. It’s important to know how to properly clean up for anal sex using the following steps:
Use the bathroom to get rid of any possible poop present in your bowels.
Clean your Future Method bulb and tip with warm water and soap.
Assemble the bulb and tip, then draw the Future Method solution into the bulb (roughly half the pouch).
After applying lube to the bulb tip, slowly insert it into your rectum to complete rectum cleaning. The best position is to be standing up (what some people call The Captain Morgan) with one foot resting on either your toilet or the edge of your bathtub. Gently squeeze the bulb, allowing all of the liquid to flow into your rectum. This position uses gravity to naturally help prevent the liquid from going too far up into your sigmoid colon.
Before releasing pressure from the bulb, remove both the bulb and tip, and then expel the solution from your rectum into the toilet. If desired, a second pouch may be used.
There are a couple of methods to prepare to bottom: 
Water and store-bought enemas: Water, followed by store-bought enemas, is the most common formula/liquid gay men (and those who enjoy butt play) use for anal sex prep. There are essentially two types of cells in our anus. When we prepare, the lining (also known as the mucous membrane ) can be affected. These cells are hypersensitive, so when somebody prepares with water or store-bought enemas, for example, the ability for these protective cells to function is depleted. Water pulls out all of the cells’ nutrients and store-bought enemas pull out all the water. Regardless of what is used, the end result is cell destruction. This human-caused alteration also disrupts what is known as the microbiome in your butt — that you can manage with pre + probiotics — which affects the normal balance of the good bacteria and bad bacteria that resides there. As a result, there’s a chance that micro-cuts and tears can happen, and with the absence of the protective layer, it can lead to a higher chance of contracting HIV and other STDs, and other significant complications.
Isotonic formula: The Future Method Cleansing Solution is truly the first of its kind on the market. It’s the first scientifically-formulated, isotonic solution that gently – yet effectively – cleanses the butt to prepare for the heightened experience we all deserve. Isotonicity means that the formula allows for the free movement of solution across your cell membranes, without disrupting the cells in your butt and, therefore, only cleansing. We want you to be well prepared to bottom for any intimate moment. Put another way: if we were to create a spectrum, water is on one end and a store-bought enema is on the other. We want to be right in the middle –exactly the same concentration as a cell, aka “isotonic”. This is important, because we want our solution to do one thing: clean. We don’t want to irritate a cell, disrupt a cell, and certainly not cause trauma. So if an isotonic solution comes into contact with a cell, it leaves the cell alone because there's no difference between the concentration of our solution and the concentration of the cell. Not only is our solution isotonic, but we added a mild cleansing agent called Tego Solve, as well as licorice-root extract, called glycyrrhizic acid, which is known to be soothing. 
It's all in the science—get yours today.
Yes, preparing is safe, assuming you avoid some common pitfalls and myths . When we think of preparation solutions, it’s not only the liquid or formula that can cause problems, but also the mechanics of how it’s delivered into the butt.
Over preparation is a big problem in the butt community because we have all been trained to think that more is better.
Over-preparation: Cleaning too deep, with too much force, or with too much water (either all at once or through too many applications) can cause long-lasting problems, including irritation of the region. When you prep for anal with other, larger bulbs in the market and insert 7+ fluid ounces in one squeeze, the liquid ends up going too far beyond the rectum, into the sigmoid colon above, where poop is stored. This can actually make the situation even messier than if you hadn’t prepared at all. Over preparation is a big problem in the butt community because we have all been trained to think that more is better. But when it comes to preparation, less is actually more. The more liquid you insert into your butt (and the more times you do it), the more trauma that occurs. Regardless of the trauma, most people are uneducated on the actual anatomy of butt intimacy. For routine intimacy of this kind, your finger / toy / partner(s) aren’t going as deep as you think. In order to better understand why less is more, we must first understand the location of our poop and bowels in relation to where in the butt engagement actually takes place. Most shower hoses are actually too long and end up way higher inside your colon. This is no-no #1. Then, once inserted, you turn on the faucet. Unfortunately, most shower hoses do not have any way to regulate water pressure. Now, all that high-pressure water creates a balloon effect, distending the rectum, washing away all the good things, and then shooting that water way up into the colon–much further than anyone will ever go during routine butt intimacy. You may ask yourself: what’s so bad about this? Well, the colon is where poop is stored. So the more you flush, the more poop you’ll dislodge, the longer it’ll take for things to “run clear”. This is no-no #2.
Enema Dependency: Enema dependency is a potentially serious consequence of over-use. I see it time and time again from the aforementioned over-preparation. I even know some people who use the shower hose to poop normally–not just when they’re preparing to bottom. By doing this, the inner muscles of the rectum not only get distended beyond their capacity, but also, over time, they lose their ability to recoil. We need those muscles to effectively go to the bathroom and keep everything in its rightful place. Without these muscles to help, people can lose that imperative reflex, causing significant constipation and/or–the most catastrophic–what’s called rectal prolapse. In order to go to the bathroom, in this over-use scenario, you have to create so much force that your insides are literally pushed out. It isn’t pretty and can lead to a surgical emergency. The good news is that these variables are compounding and with proper education surrounding preparation, we can hopefully avoid these detrimental effects. 
Shower Hoses and Water Pressure: When using a shower hose, you’re forced to constantly insert and remove the nozzle in order to expel the water and release the balloon-like pressure. During this repetitive action of fill up, rinse, and release, the trauma is compounded. Over and over again, I see people who practice this type of preparation, some of whom are doing it for over 45 minutes, several times a week. Do we now see how bad this is? And, quite frankly, how unnecessary it is?
Unfortunately, no one taught us any better, until now. The goal for Future Method is to educate people on the science of intimacy. We are here to analyze everyone’s intimacy practices and come up with solutions rooted in science. We want you feeling as awesome and as clean as you want, but to achieve these end results in a safe and simple way. 
Cleaning your preparation bulb is actually a fairly simple process:
Separate the tip from the bulb itself. 
Wash both the tip and the bulb with warm water and soap. 
Dry them both before putting them away.
Please remember to store them in a clean, cool, and dry place in between uses.
What most people don’t realize is that being ready to bottom at the drop of your pants actually starts with your diet. If you maintain a healthy diet full of fiber (either natural or through fiber supplementation), anal prep should only take a few minutes (and for a lucky few, not necessary at all). 
Why fiber? Think back to the last time you saw a dog poop. Have you ever seen them use toilet paper? No! This is because their food is naturally super high in fiber, which causes their stool to bulk together in one smooth, bulky mass. 
While it’s hard for most of us to naturally incorporate enough fiber into our diet (through fresh fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, whole grains, and unprocessed bran), adding supplements is a great alternative. Most of us are probably familiar with drugstore brands like Metamucil, Citrucel, and Colon Cleanse Daily Fiber, which all come in pill and/or powder form. Another option is designer fiber, like Pure for Men , which was specifically designed for those who enjoy bottoming.
If going the supplement route, you’ll need a lot of patience while you find the right timing and dosage of fiber to ensure maximum cleanliness for your body. I always recommend taking your fiber before bed since this allows absorption and optimization to occur while you’re sleeping and then going to the toilet when you wake up in the morning.
Education at the forefront–on topics both popular and taboo. The blog started by the gay community, for everyone.
The views expressed in this article intend to highlight alternative studies and induce conversation. They are the views of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of Future Method, and are for informational purposes only, even if and to the extent that this article features the advice of physicians and medical practitioners. This article is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice.
To get to the bottom of topping, we’ve asked board-certified urologist and sexual health expert, Dr. Joshua Gonzalez, to write a guest blog for Future Method on the ins and outs of penetration.
First Time Bottoming: A Beginner’s Guide
New to bottoming? Learn to prepare, relax, and be ready, for pleasure.
For Confident Sex, Just Add Water: Our New Anal Douche Powder
Discover the cleansing solution for worry-free bottoming.
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FWIW, you could be doing it all wrong.
For a lot of women, just hearing the words "anal sex" can make them clench their cheeks and change the subject quicker than they can say "no, thanks!"
But it's 2019, people! If it feels good and you like it, what's with the negative stigma around a little lovin' in the booty hole?
Newsflash: Anal sex can feel good, ladies. Your anus is full of sensitive nerve endings that can make your orgasms so much stronger and more amazing than just a normal O, says Susan Block (aka Dr. Suzy), PhD, sexologist and owner of the Dr. Susan Block Institute.
So if you think you might be open to giving the ole booty-loving a test run, here are some things you’ll want to do to prepare yourself first.
Remember girl, this is your body and you are fully in-charge of what happens with it. "Just because your partner wants to experiment or try something new doesn't necessarily mean you're obligated,” says Block.
It's great that your S.O. is so open about their wants and desires, but if you're feeling uneasy about anal sex, talk it out to see if you can find some common ground. Maybe you're not ready for actual penetration, but perhaps you're open to the idea of starting with fingers and/or experimenting with toys until you feel ready (or not!) for more.
Incorporate anal play into your masturbating sessions, suggests Block. After all, you're the only person who knows what feels good and what doesn't. "Try to fantasize not necessarily about anal sex, but about the things that turn you on," says Block.
To get your body revved up, you have to get your mind right. So breathe deeply and relax, and think sexy thoughts as you're exploring back there. When you get to the point during your touch-yo-self sesh when it starts to feel really good, you'll have a better idea of what to try with your partner.
"If fingers are going to be involved, always make sure they’re cleaned, trimmed, and filed with no hangnails," says Block. It also wouldn't hurt to incorporate a ~sexy~ foreplay shower to not only get your juices flowing, but to also freshen up back there.
And as for the hair sitch? Totally up to you, girl. (As a kid, my father used to always tell me that if you look good, you feel good—and while he definitely wasn't referring to the grooming habits of my asshole, I think it totally still applies.)
If you feel sexy AF completely waxed, keep your bald eagle shining. If you feel like a boss beyotch au naturale , then that's your prerogative. If you're confident about the way you look down there, you'll be more likely to relax and enjoy the sensation you're feeling—regardless of whether or not you have a little hair in your crack.
There are times when alcohol makes sense—like, when you're ripping shots on your 21st birthday or drowning out your conservative uncle's political views during Thanksgiving. But your first anal sex experience is not one of those times. "It's best that you're in a sober mindset so you can not only fully consent, but also recognize what you can and can't handle," says Block.
If you know anything about the digestive system, you know it's probably best to not try anal sex right after you've housed a Chipotle chicken and cheese burrito.
“If you just had a big meal, it's not the best time to do it..." warns Block. This is your kind-of-stretching-but-still-trying-to-make-a-point-here excuse to not eat your vegetables (or any other high-fiber snacks) before anal sexy time.
You're not a GD porn star who's able and willing to take it up the ass sans lube or foreplay, mmk? Your booty deserves some prodding and attention before you go for a home run.
“Before insertion, there should be a lot of play with the outside of the anus, as it’s very sensitive,” says Block. After that, try inserting one finger at a time. “The first time might just be fingers—and maybe not even the whole finger," she says. Either way, take it slow.
Just because it's anal sex doesn't mean you have to take it from behind. In fact, for some women, doggy style can be the most painful position, since it's reportedly the position where men can penetrate the deepest. For your first time, Block recommends lying on your back with a pillow under your butt, similar to a comfortable missionary style. You can also try it while spooning, but be prepared for some awkward falling out and re-adjusting.
Although the vagina is self-lubricating, the backdoor unfortunately doesn't have that same luxury. Silicone lube is your friend since it will last the longest (but if you're using a condom, go with water-based lube, which won't break down latex). The more you use, the more slidey, glidey, easier, and less painful the experience will be.
“Just because you're having anal sex doesn't mean the rest of your body is not involved,” says Block. Make it more fun by stimulating other areas of the body because, like, it doesn't have to be entirely all about ~dat ass~. Encourage your partner to pay close attention to your clitoris, nipples, neck, and anywhere else that feels good—as these erogenous zones can help distract from the pressure you're feeling in your booty.
Make sure you’re practicing safe sex, says Block. You’re obviously not going to get pregnant from anal, but there’s plenty of other stuff that you definitely don’t want a potential STI. If your partner has a penis, make sure he’s wearing a condom and opts for water-based lube.
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