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177 Completely WTF Stock Photos You Won’t Be Able To Unsee
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#1 Grandma Teaches Blond Children Important Life Lessons
#2 Guy Reaches Through Computer Screen And Types Backwards While A Surprised Cat Looks Off Into The Distance
#3 "A Centaur Has Met The Wrong Half. He Was Very Puzzled."
#4 Cat With A Bouquet At The Feet Of Mistress
#5 Woman Throwing Spaghetti In A Forest
#6 Excuse Me Miss, But That's My D You're Sitting On
#8 "Hey Lady, Your Computer Isn't Even Switched On"
#9 Umm, Yeah, I Think We Found The Murderer
#10 This Boy Installing The Newest Piece Of Software
#11 Cat Snake Cooking A Magical Potion
#12 No Potatoes While I'm Working Please
#14 Need To Get Home Before The Storm, But I’m Hitting All The Cat Lights
#15 I Searched For "A Large Bird" On Google And Was Not Disappointed
#16 Hitler With Potatoes And A Picnic Blanket Looking Dress
#17 Lol Stop Struggling And Let Me Stab U
#18 Should I Call The Ambulance Already? (Notice The Hand)
#19 "Hacker" Stockphotos Are The Best
#20 Drinking And Driving Taken To A Whole New Level
#21 Catanic Featuring Leornado Dicatrio And Cate Winslet
#23 Child Breaks The Fourth Dimension And Creates A Loophole, Sending His Legs Into A Different Dimension And Breaking His Back, All While Laughing About It.
#24 How To Keep Your Kids Safe On The Internet
#27 Memory Loss Is More Painful Than You Might Think
#28 African American Snake At Job Interview
#29 She's Just A Little Moody, Now Get The F*cking Pickles
#30 Woman Tackling A Mugger Who Forgets He Has Two Hands
#34 Doctor Has A Special Advice For You
#35 Old Man Uses Toilet Paper As Binoculars
#36 This Is A Search Result For "Evolution" - Pretty Much Sums It Up
#38 What We Need Is A Picture Of A Blindfolded Woman In Lingerie Holding A Pomegranate With A Octopus On It. Oh And Could You Set Up A Mirror In The Corner Showing Another Woman Sulking? Perfect. Thanks
#40 Bald Man Chisels His Way Into Your Privacy
#42 Astronaut Asking For Wishes From A Horse Genie
#43 Man Has Relax Time Inside Of Washing Machine
#44 If You Rub This Potato On Your Skin, You'll Live Forever!
#45 Bare Chested Man With Tattoos, Wearing Butterfly Wings
#46 A Young Boy Trying To Kill Himself With A Barcode Scanner
#47 Potassium Just Goes Right Through Me
#48 "Lemme Help You Out With That!"
#49 Still In Denial About His Hair Loss
#50 Average Rooftop Rainday Showdown
#51 A Man Stands With Two Gourds In Hand, Wearing Nothing But A Speedo
#53 The Unconventional Birth Of A Pineapple
#54 Why Istock? I Searched "Finance". Came Up In The First Page Of Results
#55 Disgusted Dietitian Nutritionist Checking Examine Sweet Roll Bun With Stethoscope. Because Why Not?
#56 Chasing Streaker Through Head Cabbage Field
#57 "I Asked You How You Like Your Eggs!"
#58 A Dwarf Hairless Rat Unzips Her Friend To Reveal A Crested Gecko Underneath
#59 Stock Photos Of A Hostage Except The Girl Unable To Pretend She's Not Into It
#61 Stock Photos You Wish You Could Use
#64 Young Girl Glued To The Wall With Duct Tape, So Daddy Can Relax And Have A Beer
#65 This Nun Praying To The Celestial Being Of The Seas
#69 How Did Stock Photos Beat Bojack To This Scene?
#70 If This Isn't Me, I Don't Know What Is
#73 Ajit Pai Attempts To Destroy The Internet
#74 Car Salesman Won't Take No For An Answer
#76 Guy Casually Smiling While Taking A Smoke Break And Talking On The Phone. Also There Is Man Tied Up In His Trunk.
#77 Why Is He So Puzzled By That Broccoli
#78 This Woman, Who Is Checking Out Her Own Ass Which Has Been Cut Off From The Rest Of Her Body
#79 Ghost Riders Granny Has Dementia, Watch Your Ass
#80 This Man Not Quite Realising The Situation He Is In
#81 Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Malware
#82 Disturbed Teenager Grinding Carrots
#83 Naked Businessman With Briefcase In Office
#86 I β€œKneed” To Know What Is Going On Here!
#87 Happy Older Couple Selects Perfect Elephant Butt Replica
#89 Cyclist Rides With Samurai Sword
#90 Man Putting Banana Into Car Exhaust Pipe
#93 Carefree Man Smoking On A Rocking Horse
#94 Little Boy Eating A Herring. It Is A Dutch Tradition To Eat A Herring Like This
#97 A Man Growing Flowers Instead Of A Beard
#98 Feeling Tired? Recharge By Simply Putting A Fork Into The Outlet
#99 Young Woman Drinking Orange Juice In Pain While Being Strangled By The Throat
#100 "Come On, Y'all, Let's Take The Tennis Courts Back From The Jocks!"
#101 Male Cook Pointing Gun At Savoy Cabbage
#102 Blank-Faced Man Deflates And Loses His Spine
#103 A Happy Woman Holding A Knife To An Older Man
#105 Girl's Face Among Fresh Oranges
#106 "Smiling Old Man Having Coffee" More Like Me During Office Meetings
#107 Apple With Teeth Devouring A Pig
#108 Strange Person Sitting Near The Toilet And Thinking
#109 Ah, For All The Times Where I've Needed A Picture Of A "Cat In A Medical Cap Holding A Small Man Under Glass"
#110 Grandma's Not Coming To Christmas, This Year
#111 The Lady That Snorts Donut Powder
#112 His Outfit Says "Beekeeper" But His Eyes Say "Serial Killer"
#113 Old People Enjoy Retirement With A Gun Over A Rabbit That's Scared For Its Life
#114 Man In Doggystyle Position Ready To Eat A Leaf
#116 Man In Bathtub With Rubber Duck
#118 Selfie De Jesus. I Can't Begin To List All That's Wrong With This
#119 Woman Strangling Her Husband While Her Lover Is Playing The Violin
#121 Woman With Six Arms Holding Fruit And Cakes In Each Hand
#125 Fish Heads Fish Heads Eat Them Up Yum
#128 Teenage Boy Disposable Glasses On Chest
#130 No Really, Wtf. Woman Dressed As Bearded Charlie Chaplain Points At Melting Clock With A Terrified Face.
#131 To Become The True Watermelon Head He Must Eat Himself.... And LSD
#132 America's Snipers Are Hard At Work Protecting The Country
#133 Fat Man Feeding A Girl A Burger
#136 Do We Really Need This Stock Photo?
#137 Woman Injecting Something In To Corn
#138 "These Pictures, Or Shuttertock Pictures, Should Be Useful Enough To Make Companies Buy Them And Use Them To Show Something Or Whatever" Ok Boss!
#139 Girl Playing Soccer With Grandfather In Wheelchair As Goal Keeper
#141 Bizarre Farmer With Watermelon Instead Of The Abdomen On Field In Summer
#142 He's Got Money Coming Outta His Ass
#143 Young Woman With Squirrel In Mouth
#145 "Professor In Glasses Thinking About Math Formulas"
#148 Man In Eyepatch Pretending To Play The Violin With An Abacus
#149 Stock Photograph Of A Pretty Asian Girl Screaming Into A Trumpet
#152 Mike, The Cyber Internet Hacking Thief
#153 Angry Man Rips Appart The Insides Of A Computer
#154 Sad Pretty Girl With Big Ears Playful
#156 This Old Man With Smoke Coming From His Nose
#158 Woman In Templar Tabard And Armoured Coif Holding A Dagger
#162 Cat And Dog Wearing Biker Gear And Using Tin Can Phone
#163 Man With Pink Pigs Head In Basement Watching Tv Eating Pizza And Drinking Beer
#166 A Man Dressed Up As Santa Pinching His Nipples
#167 A Redneck Dog With An Axe In His Hands
#168 Man In A Bathrobe Pouring Orange Juice Into His Mouth And Spilling It
#174 A Woody Allen-Doubleur Plays With Androgynous Sex Doll
#175 Young Nurse Assisting A Patient Undress
#177 When You Accidentally Kill Your Pet
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When you see a weird image depicting an improbable scenario, lousy acting, and that peculiar editing style, you can instantly tell that it's a stock photo. However, there's just something about these weird photos that make them so distinguishable and often laughable. And though these images were primarily made to be sold, it's impossible to think anyone would choose these even they were free stock photos. Bored Panda has collected a mass of strange and funny photos from sites like iStock or Shutterstock that no one will ever use, and they will definitely make you say WTF.
From a grandma teaching a group of blond children the secrets of "stab between the fingers" to a female version of Adolf Hitler peeling potatoes, the photographers behind these weird stock photos were probably trying a bit too hard. And it's not that we don't appreciate all the work that went into producing them... We just think each of them should come with an in-depth commentary by the author, explaining what was going on in their head while creating such a funny stock photo worthy of our list.
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Oh shit, this is some real shit you've got us doing, gran.
The cats like "I need to lay off the catnip"
I am veeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrry confused about what happened here
the real question is, why wouldn't you want this? The cat is a good gentleman
Same actors as in the more famous Distracted Boyfriend / Man Looking at Other Woman meme.
Why do so many of these involve death
I think I've been quoting SootHouse too much on these images.
He's posed wrong in the casket, too.
so THAT'S where we get spam emails from!!
That looks like an Estonian rapper Tommy Cash. He has unusual but otherwise great videos.
Some dumb person like me wouldn't think anything wrong with it. Spoiler: She's holding the metal bit
Piracy is the first thing I thought of
pfft, he's not even wearing a seatbelt. sheesh.
The penguins in the background laughing and conspiring to sink the Catanic
hey kid, how flexible are you?
"I can't do tuesdays"
Future CEO...Conspiracy Engagement Officer
Don't tell ME you can't remember! Where's the castle?!?!
Move left or right. The gun is still pointing at you.
don't type that in Google at work... please!!!
you don't want to get vaccine? you don't want to give your kid antibiotic? Well why the F did you come here? sit on this and spine until it's bleeding
i need that kind of tree in my backyard
He's just trying to get the keys out to clean the key board
Those are some serious yoga skills :-P
He's ACTUALLY seeking advice from horse Aladdin about the state of Agrabah in 2018.
He is scanning the m
Naked Women Playing With Dildos
Sexy Fit Naked Women
Boob Critic

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