Prelude to Sophies War. A Novel - First 🥇 in the Sophie Series

Prelude to Sophies War. A Novel - First 🥇 in the Sophie Series

👓 Susan A Jennings
Prelude to Sophies War. A Novel - First 🥇 in the Sophie Series

Prelude to Sophies War. A Novel - First 🥇 in the Sophie Series

✅ Deep, hidden scars of a tragic childhood and ➕ romances gone ➡️ wrong, bubble 💬 to the surface and ➕ haunt Sophie when she 👤👩 arrives in London during WW1️⃣ as a nurse 👨‍⚕️ probationer. London cowers under bomb 💣️ attacks from German ​🇩🇪​ Zeppelins. Innocent 😇, terrified Londoners join shell 🐚-shocked 😲, battle weary 😩 soldiers under Sophie’s care 🚘️ at Bartley Hospital 🏥. Battling her 👤👩⬅️ own demons 👿 she 👤👩 comforts others, risking her 👤👩⬅️ own wellbeing and ➕ nursing 🤱 career. Will Sophie succumb to her 👤👩⬅️ demons 👿 or will she 👤👩 use them ➡️👥 to strengthen her 👤👩⬅️ passions


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