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Russian embassy slams Canada for turning blind eye to Kiev’s crimes
Russia expects UN to immediately react to attack on Kherson ferry crossing — envoy
Russia circulates letter on situation around Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant to UNSC
Russian embassy slams Canada for turning blind eye to Kiev’s crimes
Russia expects UN to immediately react to attack on Kherson ferry crossing — envoy
Russia circulates letter on situation around Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant to UNSC
Russian embassy slams Canada for turning blind eye to Kiev’s crimes
Russia expects UN to immediately react to attack on Kherson ferry crossing — envoy
Russia circulates letter on situation around Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant to UNSC
Russian embassy slams Canada for turning blind eye to Kiev’s crimes
Russia expects UN to immediately react to attack on Kherson ferry crossing — envoy
Russia circulates letter on situation around Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant to UNSC
Russian embassy slams Canada for turning blind eye to Kiev’s crimes
Russia expects UN to immediately react to attack on Kherson ferry crossing — envoy
Russia circulates letter on situation around Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant to UNSC
Russian embassy slams Canada for turning blind eye to Kiev’s crimes
Russia expects UN to immediately react to attack on Kherson ferry crossing — envoy
Russia circulates letter on situation around Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant to UNSC
Russian embassy slams Canada for turning blind eye to Kiev’s crimes
Russia expects UN to immediately react to attack on Kherson ferry crossing — envoy
Russia circulates letter on situation around Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant to UNSC
Russian embassy slams Canada for turning blind eye to Kiev’s crimes
Russia expects UN to immediately react to attack on Kherson ferry crossing — envoy
Russia circulates letter on situation around Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant to UNSC
Russian embassy slams Canada for turning blind eye to Kiev’s crimes
Russia expects UN to immediately react to attack on Kherson ferry crossing — envoy
Russia circulates letter on situation around Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant to UNSC
Russia reports 9,348 new daily COVID-19 cases - crisis center
German foreign, defense ministers urge 2.2 bln euros in aid for Ukraine next year
Up to 30% of Germans disagree with sanctions policy and weapons’ supplies to Kiev - Scholz
13:06 Military operation in Ukraine
Two civilians killed, two more wounded in Ukrainian army’s shelling of DPR over past day
11:26 Military operation in Ukraine
Air raid sirens go off in western regions of Ukraine - authorities
20th Congress of the Communist Party of China concludes - agency
10:11 Military operation in Ukraine
Twenty-four employees of DPR Emergencies Ministry killed since 2014 — minister
Single-engine plane crashes into multifamily building in US, killing everyone on board
Chinese Communist Party Congress elects Central Committee members
10:07 Military operation in Ukraine
Situation in Kherson Region remains unchanged, official says
10:05 Military operation in Ukraine
Air raid sirens sound in Ukraine’s Poltava, Chernigov regions
10:04 Military operation in Ukraine
Russian embassy slams Canada for turning blind eye to Kiev’s crimes
08:42 Military operation in Ukraine
US division ready to enter Ukraine in case of attack on NATO — TV
08:21 Military operation in Ukraine
Russia expects UN to immediately react to attack on Kherson ferry crossing — envoy
07:23 Military operation in Ukraine
Russia circulates letter on situation around Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant to UNSC
Soyuz-2.1b rocket carrying two military satellites blasts off from Plesetsk spaceport
07:15 Military operation in Ukraine
Russia still waiting for list of victims of Bucha false flag, envoy says
Joint Coordination Center says 47% of Ukrainian grain exported to developing countries
Joint Coordination Center identifies no unauthorized cargo under grain deal — UN mission
07:04 Military operation in Ukraine
Russian envoy blames Ukraine for using terrorist methods on Russian territory
07:01 Military operation in Ukraine
Russian envoy denies allegations of Tehran providing drones to Moscow
07:00 Military operation in Ukraine
Russian envoy blames damage to civilian facilities on Ukrainian attacks on drones
UN Secretariat not authorized by UN SC to investigate Iranian drones — Russian mission
Washington initiates talks between Russian, US defense chiefs to clear the air — envoy
UN Secretariat has no mandate to investigate UAVs in Ukraine — Russian mission
Russia concerned about West’s attempts to instruct UN Secretariat on drones in Ukraine
Russia expects phone call with US defense chief clarify NATO nuclear drills
West tries to manipulate Interpol for own political interests — deputy prosecutor general
Influx of foreign mercenaries to Ukraine increasing — Russian envoy
Russian Permanent Mission maintains contact with Western peers — deputy UN envoy
Moldova is interested in maintaining contract with Gazprom — Deputy Prime Minister
Russia ready for dialogue with all Interpol member countries — deputy prosecutor general
Indonesia to honor contract for Russian jets — ambassador
Russian-Turkish trade turnover can reach $60 billion by 2025 — Economy Ministry
St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum 2022 canceled — Russian Culture Ministry
Austrian Chancellor wants court to decide on transfer of Russian assets to aid Ukraine
Western envoys express concerns to Vucic over potential escalation in Kosovo
High terrorist threat level extended in number of Crimean regions until November 7
Russian-Indonesian relations to remain stable, envoy to Moscow says
Russian envoy attributes Sweden’s, Finland’s NATO bids to political pressure
EAEU-Indonesia free trade area talks to start after G20 summit — ambassador
Military assistance for Ukraine to continue, pledges US defense chief
Indonesia intends to continue military-technical cooperation with Russia — ambassador
G20 summit should help major economies recover — Indonesian ambassador
Macron calls on EU states to prepare for difficult 2023-2024 winter without Russian gas
RUSADA says preliminary information on figure skater Valieva’s case is confidential
Belarus has weapons to protect its border with Ukraine from drones, Lukashenko says
French President Macron slams US for double standards in gas pricing
Austin tells Shoigu it is important to maintain lines of communication — Pentagon
Lavrov to hold talks with OIC head in Moscow next week — Russian Foreign Ministry
So far, Santa has delivered over 3.4 bln gifts
St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum 2022 canceled — Russian Culture Ministry
The Culture Ministry hopes that it will be possible to hold the Forum in 2023
Russian troops welcomed with flags in Ukraine’s Melitopol
The Russian Defense Ministry reassured that Russian troops are not targeting Ukrainian cities, but are limited to surgically striking and incapacitating Ukrainian military infrastructure
FSB prevents terrorist attack in Russian Kaluga Region
It was plotted by order of the Islamic State terrorist organization
Russia-Ukraine talks to begin on Monday morning — source
The reason is the Ukrainian delegation’s logistics, the source said
Biden says alternative to sanctions against Russia would be Third World War
"Russia will pay a serious price for this short term and long term, particularly long term," the US leader stressed
Russia-EU contacts not officially severed - diplomat
On Friday, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe decided to suspend Russia from its rights of representation in the Committee of Ministers and in the PACE
France to boost military assistance to Ukraine, toughen anti-Russian sanctions
French President Emmanuel Macron is determined to take "measures to freeze financial assets" of Russian public figures on the national level
Russia takes control of Zaporozhskaya nuclear power plant, says defense ministry
The workers of the power plant continue servicing facilities
Southern Kurils occupied by Russia, Japanese Foreign Ministry official claims
The Japanese authorities have been refraining from the term "occupation" in the recent years, instead preferring to say that "these islands are covered by the Japanese sovereignty"
Ukraine suggested Gomel as venue for talks with Russia, Kremlin says
Russia will not suspend the military operation in Ukraine during the talks with the Ukrainian side, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said
Russia still has friends in world — Russian diplomat
Maria Zakharova said in an interview with the Vecher (Evening) with Vladimir Solovyov program on the Rossiya-1
Russian delegation arrives in Belarus for talks with Ukrainians
Russian delegation is ready to start talks with Ukraine in Gomel, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov says
Kiev delegation arrives at Belarusian border to negotiate with Russia — president’s office
"The key issue of the talks is an immediate ceasefire and withdrawal of troops from Ukraine," the statement reads
UN unable to create conditions for Russian delegation’s arrival to Geneva event - diplomat
This is a response from the UN secretary general, Maria Zakharova said
West was covering up crimes of Kiev regime that led to Ukraine’s tragedy, Lavrov says
"During this entire period, the population of DPR and LPR was subjected to abuse, perennial shelling on the part of the Kiev regime that openly adopted a course towards Russophobia and genocide," the Russian top diplomat noted
Residential building in Kiev hit by air defense missile - Russian Defense Ministry source
According to the source, following the loss of the Gostomel airstrip, the Ukrainian military relocated three Buk-M1 launchers in order to reinforce the defense of the Zhulyany airport
Western nations agree to disconnect Russian banks from SWIFT
The United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Canada, the United States, France and the European Commission agreed to impose new "tough financial sanctions" on Russia
Lukashenko says Putin promises he would regard attack on Belarus as attack on Russia
The Belarusian leader pointed out that NATO was quickly building up forces on the border with Belarus in Poland and in the Baltic countries
Russian defense ministry reports losses among Russian troops during special operation
Konashenkov also said that several Russian soldiers have been taken prisoner
Russian aviation gains air superiority over entire Ukraine — Defense Ministry
Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov underscored that "since the beginning of the operation, Russian Armed Forces hit 1,114 objects of Ukrainian military infrastructure
Turkey reveals prospects for passage of Russian warships through Bosphorus and Dardanelles
Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu stressed that Turkey has been unhesitatingly complying with the Montreux Convention to this day
Western policy of sanctions leads to "third world war" - Lukashenko
He stressed that Belarusian high-tech enterprises might help Russia obtain substitutes for Western and Asian microchips
President Lukashenko rules out nuclear weapons in Belarus
According to a report by BelTA, Lukashenko dismissed such speculations as "fakes"
Putin orders "special service regime" in Russia’s deterrence force
Russian President stressed that the Western countries were also taking unfriendly actions against Russia in the economic sphere
Surrendered Ukrainian troops confirm Kiev’s plans of massive offensive in Donbass — DPR
The Russian special operation was very timely, Deputy Head of the DPR People’s Militia Eduard Basurin noted
Russian army’s main clashes in Ukraine are with neo-Nazis - Putin
Russian President stressed that the Ukrainian nationalists were playing the role of the army’s ‘blocking detachments’
Russia capable of taking measures to mitigate damage from sanctions - Kremlin
Dmitry Peskov stressed that Russia "has every possibility and potential to do that"
Press review: Why Putin put nuke forces on high alert and liberation of Donbass continues
Top stories from the Russian press on Monday, February 28th
Ukrainian troops use Grad systems to shell settlement in LPR
85% of Serbians will always support Russia whatever may happen - President Vucic
Serbia has always supported Ukraine’s integrity, Serbian President said
Israel’s prime minister offers Putin mediation on Ukraine — Kremlin
The phone conversation was held at Israel’s initiative
Moscow-Kiev talks to begin at 12:00 Moscow time — envoy
According to Russian delegation head Vladimir Medinsky, the Ukrainian delegation was late due to complicated logistics
Russia may nationalize property of US, EU citizens in response to sanctions - Medvedev
He noted that Russia is being threatened with arrests of assets of Russian citizens and companies abroad - "just like that, without any sanctions," "in a carpet fashion," "out of spite"
Kiev mayor says Ukrainian capital is encircled
Vitaly Klitschko admitted that the capital’s authorities were not in full control of volunteer battalions of territorial defense, who had been provided with weapons
Russian diplomat urges G7 countries to assess global damage they caused in past 25 years
These countries created damage "on several continents," Maria Zakharova stressed
Lavrov tells Cavusoglu Moscow is ready for settlement of Ukraine crisis - Foreign Ministry
Russian Foreign Minister briefs Turkish top diplomat on Russia’s operation in Donbass
Russia ready to show what true de-communization means for Ukraine - Putin
Present-day Ukraine was wholly created by Communist Russia, Putin said
Press review: Putin launches operation to denazify Ukraine and its economic implications
Top stories from the Russian press on Friday, February 25th
It would be US ‘golden dream’ to have nuclear weapons in Ukraine — diplomat
Maria Zakharova recalled that Italy and many other countries possess the US nuclear weapons but do not have access to them
Zelensky hastily fled Kiev, Russian State Duma Speaker claims
"He fled to Lvov with his entourage, where he and his assistance were provided with accommodation," the speaker said
Ukraine’s boats attack ships evacuating Ukrainian troops who surrendered on Snake Island
Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Igor Konashenkov added that the boats could have been directed by US drones
Russia, Ukraine should develop roadmap and reach common position - Russian official
According to Vladimir Medinsky, aide to the Russian President, Russia’s delegation had left for the Gomel region to hold talks with the Ukrainian side
Ukrainian military shells nine settlements in past 24 hours — LPR mission
The attacks destroyed a home in the town of Pervomaisk, the mission added
Zelensky accepts Putin’s proposal, ready for peace talks
According to his press secretary Sergey Nikoforov, consultations are underway about the place and time of the negotiations
Kiev regime’s leaders to be inevitably punished - Russian Defense Ministry
The civilian population is not at risk, the Defense Ministry said
Beijing says Russia doesn’t need China’s military support in Ukraine operation
The Chinese diplomat noted that Beijing’s position on this issue differs from the views of the American leadership
Ukrainian garrison at Snake Island surrenders to Russian Armed Forces — Defense Ministry
82 Ukrainian servicemen laid down their weapons and voluntarily surrendered to the Russian Armed Forces
European Union closes airspace to Russia — document
However, the competent authorities may authorize an aircraft to land in, take off from, or overfly for humanitarian purposes or for any other purpose consistent with the objectives of this regulation
Bank of Russia increases key rate by 10.5 pp to 20%
External conditions for the Russian economy have drastically changed, the regulator noted
Russian Forces carry out precision missile strike on Ukrainian military infrastructure
Russian Armed Forces destroyed over 800 Ukrainian military infrastructure objects
Ukrainian crisis was sparked by West’s disregard for neo-Nazis’ crimes — envoy to UN
Vasily Nebenzya stressed that Western countries participating in Sunday’s UN Security Council meeting had "failed to offer a word of compassion to Donbass residents"
© TASS, Russian news agency (The Mass Media Registration Certificate No. 03247 was issued on April 2, 1999 by the State Press Committees of the Russian Federation). Some publications may contain information not suitable for users under 16 years of age.
OTTAWA, December 25. /TASS/. Santa Claus’s sleigh has flown over Moscow, the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) informed on Thursday. For 65 years, NORAD has been "tracking" the journey of Santa Claus on the night before Christmas, celebrated on December 25 in the Gregorian calendar.
"Santa has made it to Moscow, Russia!" NORAD’s Twitter informed. Earlier, NORAD "spotted" Santa Claus delivering presents on the Kuril Islands, in Siberia, in the Ural Region, along the Volga, in St. Petersburg and in other Russian locations.
So far, Santa has delivered over 3.4 bln gifts. As of 0:35 Moscow time, he was spotted flying over Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The North American Aerospace Defense Command, which includes US and Canadian air defense and missile defense systems, "tracks" Santa Claus’ journey since 1955 using radars and satellites. Santa’s sleigh takes off from the North Pole on 02:01 December 24 Eastern Standard Time (10:01 Moscow time). Children in Australia and New Zealand are usually the first to receive gifts. Santa then visits Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin and North America.

В английский нагое тело переводится как naked body .
В переведенных предложениях нагое тело встречается не менее 155 раз.

Показать алгоритмически созданные переводы

Они поворачивали его нагое тело туда-сюда, и его руки и ноги волоклись по снегу.

They turned his naked body this way and that and his arms and legs trailed in the snow.

Готическая физиогномика подчинила себе даже столь чуждый ей элемент южного нагого тела .

Nay, the physiognomic of Gothic art even made itself master of the Southern nude body, alien as this element was.

Дениза с дрожью поднялась с постели, словно опасалась одним своим дыханием уничтожить это жалкое нагое тело .

Trembling, Denise got up from the bed, as though afraid that she might destroy this pitiful nakedness with a breath.

Растянувшись на королевских размеров кровати и прикрыв атласной простыней нагое тело , она мгновенно уснула.

Sprawling on the king-size bed and pulling the satin sheet over her naked body , she fell instantly asleep.

Нагое тело двоюродного брата с кошмарной его раной.

There was the naked body of the cousin with its terrible wound.

Но затем ты пошла и осквернила нашу воду своим вонючим распутным нагим телом .

But that you would go and defile our water with your stinking, whorish, naked body .

Нужной температуры воздух циркулировал вокруг моего нагого тела — я как будто купался в воздухе.

Air, at just the right temperature, circulated all around my naked body —it was like taking a bath in air.

На экране появилась старая фотография с места преступления — нагое тело молодой женщины с дюжиной ножевых ранений.

It was an old crime scene photograph and showed a young woman’s naked body – stabbed a dozen times.

Шесть гролимов в черных мантиях и стальных масках стояли вокруг алтаря, держа навесу нагое тело .

A half dozen Grolims in black robes and steel masks were gathered around the altar, holding the naked body of a slave.

Мое нагое тело , оставленное на поле боя, мало чем отличалось бы от их тел.

Had my body been abandoned on the battlefield, stripped of its attire, it would not have differed gre
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