Pregnant Women Foot Fetish

Pregnant Women Foot Fetish


Pregnant Women Foot Fetish

By Anonymous
Updated August 20, 2018

This is life with a pregnancy fetish…

By Anonymous
Updated August 20, 2018

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My fetish is more common than you think it is. A lot of people have it. And if you’re not familiar with it, you might judge it, just like I would judge something I didn’t understand. Despite what you might think, I’m not a monster. I have a strong, primal impulse, like anyone with an addictive fetish does, and I am alway in the process of balancing it out with the practicalities of real life.
And before you ask, yes, I’m in therapy for having a pregnancy fetish. My therapist knows about my problem, and is the only person who was able to get me to the doctor’s office for the birth control implant — a small bar under the skin of my upper arm that I constantly, subconsciously scratch at. I want to rip it out, and I dream of doing it in my sleep. But I meet with my therapist twice a week, and she helps me with that. And with a lot of other things.
I met my husband (with whom I have two children, the only two I have) seven years ago. He didn’t know about my fetish — something I’ve known about since I was a teenage girl — but over the years, I began to open up to him. We’ve always had an extremely communicative sex life, and even though I was afraid he would judge me, I began to love him so much (and see myself so seriously with him) that not telling him about such a huge part of me was not an option anymore. I found that, beyond not upsetting him, it actually turned him on, too. He was happy to indulge my fantasies and support my dreams of being a mother as many times as we could, both physically and financially.
The first time I actually got pregnant, it was like an entirely new world had been opened to me. Where my sex life had always been thrilling (and our roleplaying helped enormously), this was a whole new level of joy and pleasure. Sometimes it felt that just by sitting down on my office chair, I would have an orgasm! My whole body was humming with excitement, and having people come up to me on the street to feel my stomach was every bit the flattering, glowing experience I thought it would be. I felt like a goddess, in every sense of the word, and my husband couldn’t leave me alone. At one point, he called in sick four days in a row to stay home and make love to me. Luckily having an eight-month-pregnant wife helped with that story!
But when my daughter arrived, things changed quickly. Where my body had felt vibrant and warm, it suddenly felt empty and sagging. Always trim, I had suddenly become a loose, fat woman — and not the round, jolly kind of fatness that makes you feel like twice a woman when you’re expecting. I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror, and I couldn’t look at my daughter. I resented her for having taken something from me, even though I didn’t know what that thing was. My husband bonded with her immediately, and I was glad he did, because our nanny ended up replacing most of my interaction with her. At least she had one parent who was head-over-heels, the way you should be.
I saw my therapist, who explained to me all about post-partum depression, and helped me get back to a normal life. I lost thirty pounds, started feeling “myself” again — going dancing, traveling, working, enjoying the company of my family — and things started to make sense. I didn’t feel incredibly attached to my daughter, though. (I would describe the love as the love I have for my parents, whom I’m not enormously close to. I feel a familial draw and obligation, and I know intrinsically that I would do anything for her, but I don’t get a rush of endorphins from seeing her. I don’t extract an enormous amount of joy in her presence, certainly nothing like when I was pregnant.)
Once my confidence was back at its highest, and my sex life with my husband had returned full-force — when my daughter was just over two — I quickly became pregnant again. I want to say that this was an accident, but I had been intentionally messy about contraception, because I wanted the experience without having to say that it was something I did on purpose. I couldn’t help it, my fetish had returned, and I needed the experience of pregnancy again. It was something greater than myself, and when I found out the news, all of my concerns were immediately erased from my mind. I even connected with my daughter in a more profound way — now that I was so happy and fulfilled, I could give my full self to her. It was an idyllic nine months, as it had been the last time.
But as soon as my son was born, I was emptied again. My body had taken an even harder toll, and he was a colicky baby who couldn’t sleep through the night. There was one week where I just left — took the car, drove to a beach town an hour or so away, and rented a room in a little b&b in the middle of autumn. I couldn’t stand to be around my family, particularly not my children, and making up with my husband would only mean that my overwhelming fetish would return. When I arrived back after that week of cleansing, I felt better (better enough to put on a good front, and get into therapy), but I was not happy. And I did not feel love.
Now, I am here, with a four- and two-year-old, and a handsome, still quite young husband who cares for me. But I feel nothing. Without my fetish, I am empty inside, and looking at my children only reminds me painfully what it felt like when it was good. The thought of not having that experience to look forward again tears me apart inside, and makes me seriously consider suicide.
The truth of the matter (at least, after a few years’ worth of therapy) seems to be that I am just not one of those people who should be a mother. In fact, in all of my years of fantasizing, I never actually thought about what it would be like after giving birth. It never interested me. And all of the instincts I have for other parts of my life simply don’t happen with my children — they inspire nothing profound in me, nothing that makes me long for their presence. I hope they are happy, but I am more interesting in caring for myself than for them. I would always choose a night with friends over a night watching Disney.
And now I am here in a prison I have created, with two children I don’t feel very strongly for. My desire still consumes me, and I fear that one day I may leave them to re-start the whole process in a different country, with some other name. All I know is that I have to get out, and have this experience again. I have to find a solution, and something tells me (as much as I hate to admit it) that it might not involve my family.
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Now, there is a difference to pedophiles. the good pedophile realizes that his attractions are wrong and seeks help to cure it and has NEVER acted on it. but the bad pedophile does go with his attractions, and decides to act on them, this applies to other fetishes as well.
Why is anyone sexually attracted to children? If you suffer from pedophilia, please seek psychiatric help. If you've ever thought of raping a child, turn yourself into a mental ward.
This is the worst fetish to have. If you are sexually attracted to children, turn yourself into a mental ward or the police station. Absolutely disgusting.
Do I need to explain what is morally wrong with this fetish? And to think there are people who openly try to justify their lust for underage children. Disgusting.
Animals can't speak and because humans don't understand animals, it's impossible to find if they are consenting or not. Not to mention it's very dangerous and can give you diseases(Human sex can too but having sex with animals is a deadlier risk).
Oh god help us all. This is just sickening. A animal and a human having sex. It's just extremely horrifying. I'm glad it's illegal.
I don't think it's bad being attracted to furries because most of them were designed to be sexually attractive in the first place, but having sex with a real life animal is just wrong.
Those poor animals have to idea what you're doing! You can be attracted to whatever you want and NOT have sex with them, you know.
It's one of the few fetishes that you can't do in real life. Only in Deviantart, and Google images. You'll see fictional characters being swallowed whole and devouring each other. After that, they get distended bellies, their stomach growls and they belch like a trucker. Then the victim gets aroused by it and gets comfy in someone's stomach. There are soft vore (Where the victim is alive and whole) and hard vore (with gore and killing). It's pretty messed up.
If you know someone who wears glasses, a fedora, likes Sonic the hedgehog, praises Krystal from Star Fox for all the wrong reasons, and suffers from super autism, you get this nasty ass fetish. Some people make videos of this and it's just extremely cringy.
Some of them want to be eaten by real snakes but you can't breath inside a real snake cause they constrict they're prey.
This fetish (fetish of swallowing people whole and alive) makes me never want to eat again.
I'm very dissapointed in this list. The rest of the top 10 of these fetishes mentioned below are tame and objectively more hygienic and safe than in comparison to others way below it. (Unless if you "Use" the diaper) While I can see where the above is coming from. Especially Beastiality and Pedophillia and as well as Paraphilic Infantilism which is basically regression. But regardless though, It has my vote because to be honest. Poop is a waste product. I question the sanity of those who jack off to poop as well as many other fetishes.
My opinion, the most disturbing fetish. How can you even be attracted to your own crap? Must be higher.
Sexual attraction to feces? Gross! It's almost as bad as vomit. Also, don't watch 2 girls and 1 cup.
Definitely horrific. I don't care what others do in their privacy, but I want nothing to do with feces.
Why would anyone be aroused by dead bodies? They can give you horrible diseases and it's just plain wrong. On 1000 ways to die, there was a necrophiliac who was delivering dead bodies to funeral homes. During a car crash, a coffin slammed him into the window and he died (He forgot to lock the wheels off the cart).
Should be above eproctophilia on the list. Nothing really wrong with eproctophilia compared to this.
How is the arousal of dead bodies lower on the list then people getting hard from age regression?
Making fetishes with a dead body. Disgusting as hell. Dead bodies smells so bad since it decomposed.
It's peak degeneracy. Anyone with an ounce of empathy would be too disturbed to even think of their genitalia. I don't know how things like amputation can be seen in a sexual light. If you enjoy this, you need help.
Just awful. I have seen guro where women are slowly cut apart, getting their nipples ripped open, limbs amputated, and finally impaled and burned until they are charred. Now, I know it's not real but these people may not be far from performing real murder. If the only way a person can get off is by looking at the severely mutilated remains of a woman, real or drawn, they are deeply psychologically scarred. The only reason this isn't voted higher is because people haven't seen guro.
Not only are they dead, but horrifically mutilated to where they're not even human anymore.
I just looked this up. Absolutely horrified. Scarred for life.
It's definitely the creepiest, it's disgusting and it's disturbing fetish of them of all. A psychotic manchild will dress and act like a baby. It gets worse. You can see fictional characters wearing diapers on fanart. It's really nightmare inducing and it will traumatize you for the rest of your life.
This is NOT the worst fetish out there. Many people like this kinda thing, and it is NOT a big deal. At all. People with the omorashi/scat fetish may enjoy diapers, and if people are so narrow minded that this kinda thing is on this list, I am saddened.
I don't mind diapers but when somebody has to act like a baby, It just seems off.
This fetish is weird but harmless unless it relates to pedophilia.
The boys I went to Middle and High School with were OBSESSED with farting! And I hate fanfic authors whose stories revolve soley on farting!
There is a blog for every website dedicated to Nintendo girls farting. There's even a side blog dedicated to Princess Daisy "farting in tight jeans." I need bleach.
Being attracted to farts is disgusting and really childish. They have ton of fanfics including farts and it gets painful to read. Also it could be hilarious and taken less seriously at times.
Considering that Sanjay & Craig and Breadwinners are cartoons, the people that work for nickelodeon must be eproctophiles.
Who would be stupid enough to be sexual attraction to vomit? That's disgusting. It's also called Roman Shower. On 1000 Ways To Die, there was a segment about a attractive blonde named Suki pukey who has this fetish. She made this guy vomit by pressing down his throat (I feel sorry for the guy) and the guy vomits into Suki pukey's face. Suki choked on the guys vomit (due to the guy eating hot dogs at the hot dog eating competition) and died. It traumatized me ever since.
Eh, I ask about barf colors a lot, but this is still pretty disgusting and weird.
Lord help us all. Son, that's just nasty.
Albert Einstein marries his cousin though as his second wife...
Hand me the bleach, please. You can have it when I'm done. *pours bleach into wine glass*
Seriously, what Pornhub! Are all their staff from Alabama or something?
Why isn't this like #3 or #4? What the hell guys.
How is this not worse than zoophilia, poop, fictional characters eating each other and a bunch of furries? This is actually a pretty big problem. There's people who enjoy banging chickens and then chopping their heads off to make their muscles constrict around... yeah. How is "just" sex with an animal worse than definitely raping it hardcore, including blood and, oftentimes, the animal's intentional death? The people who voted for the furry fandom and all those other things are sick for outright ignoring this. You know you only wanted to hate on something you don't like. Think about it. This should be the second spot. And HOW IS PEDOPHILIA NOT NUMBER ONE? All of this is bad, but come on!
I mean, if we got sadism and zoophilia, this is gonna pop up. Anyone's free to have weird fantasies in the privacy of their mind, but animal abuse is just a big no. I kinda get how this could happen, but hurting something helpless is a terrible thing to do
Sexual pleasure from, I'm not even kidding, inflicting PAIN on animals. I'm depressed to even find out this is a real thing...
All Zoosadists should go to the darkest depths of hell, I'm talking about the ones who enjoy it. If they don't want to be Zoosadists, that is fine, if they get help that's even better.
This one should be in the top 5 at least. The fact that it involves people stepping on, smashing or running over live animals is innately psychopathic. It is literally one step down from straight up murder and many serial killers engage in this fetish as adolescents. Maybe some people aren't into doing it themselves and just watch others but it is still disturbing.
It's disturbing, there are videos of people out there crushes cats, dogs, bunnies and many more animals just so they can have their sexual fantasies.
As long as it's just an object, inanimate, fine. Animals shouldn't just die in such a horrific fashion for someone's sexual stimulation.
This fetish often involves tiny animals dying. I hate this, it's horrible.
It's perfectly normal if you want to bang someone like Lopunny, Cleo, or Krystal. These animals were design to resemble more to humans then animals. But most actual furries are usually into gay porn were the male furries are overly muscular and still retain most (if not all) animal features. Renamon is also super gross and what are you thinking about banging her.
Not all furries are bad people. Some of them are good people in real life. Sometimes the furries are really psychotic. They will sexualize fictional anthropomorphic characters by giving them boobs and other privates that should not be on an animal.
Some makes amazing fanarts, but the dark side of the furry fandom is really, really dark. One day I was searching for the beautiful fanarts, but instead, I found some disgusting, oversexualized ones. Good thing I didn't look at too many furry fanarts. Otherwise I won't be able to see certain animals the same way again...
It's nasty. Why would you turn beautiful animals into ugly humanoid monstrosities?
I'm going to interpret this as getting off to the morbidly obese, not just chubby people. More often than not, if practiced, it's for the pleasure of someone other than the fat person, so it really poses a health risk to whoever's subject of it. Nothing wrong with liking some bulk, but forcing someone to change so severely and putting them at risk for your own gratification? That's just wrong.
I just want to say, there is a difference between fat fetish and the inflation fetish. Fat fetishism is having the sexual desire of fat people. Inflation fetish is the sexual desire of seeing someone/being inflated, gradually having your body/body part growing. I am of the inflation fetish, I'm weird, I know. But that's the point of fetishes, we don't know why we like them. We just do.
I'm a kid with a fat fetish and I feel guilty about it yet I can't stop going into my room and playing with myself while thinking of some anime girl being stuffed by food or slime.
To be honest there, I kind of have that fetish, but usually when people look skinny with clothes on or used to be skinny, but looking a bit chubby when you see them shirtless.
Honestly I was shocked seeing normal functioning adults still integrating diapers as part of their lifestyles.
This doesn't need an explanation, or does it?
If you're into this fetish. You need to grow up.
Isn't something like this already on the list?
I could vote for other items too, but this one takes my vote as I'm a DeviantArt member and this sort of fetish is kinda common on DeviantArt. I just don't understand why this fetish even exists. Inflation is a sort of fetish where a character is seen being blown like a balloon by another character, or a character gets air pumped into him/her by another character. Seriously, this item needs to be higher up on this list. Same goes for feet fetish, I'd seen it on DeviantArt as well. DeviantArt has some good art but it's also a hellsite for weird fetishes.
I hate Umbreon and Espeon now because they are ALWAYS on whatever I look up and they're getting inflated and that could kill you!
Inflation is a FETISH?! A huge problem in the world is actually a fetish?! What has the world come to.
Still seems violent despite consent or without gore with the "popping." Anger gets the best of my urge.
They use this to kiss, lick, suck or masturbate to it. Mort from Mada
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