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By Paul Sims for MailOnline Created: 11:10 BST, 16 August 2011
Many parents would despair at the thought of their 15-year-old daughter becoming pregnant.
But Soya Keaveney’s mother Janis takes a more positive view.
The unemployed 48-year-old says Soya, whose baby with boyfriend Jake Gray, 17, is due in January, will make a ‘wonderful mother’.
Too much, too young? Seen posing in revealing clothes at just 12, Soya is now 16-weeks pregnant at just 15
Not to mention that the new arrival means the family will be handed a bigger council house.
Mrs Keaveney has already attracted accusations of encouraging the premature sexualisation of her daughter.
Aged just 12, Soya was posing provocatively in a bikini for pictures her mother later posted on the internet in the belief it would launch the youngster’s modelling career.
Model aged 12: Soya in a provocative adult pose
Despite the images bringing a deluge of twisted emails from ‘strange men’, they were not the last.
With her mother’s full approval, the pre-teen Soya donned false nails and a belly button piercing and struck glamour-girl poses for a magazine spread.
In it she said she dieted and worked out daily in an effort to be like her idol, Cheryl Cole.
Last night – with her modelling dreams now on hold – Soya proudly posted a scan of her unborn baby on her Facebook page, writing: ‘Don’t see what the big fuss is. Being pregnant doesn’t mean your (sic) a slut especially to someone who you have been in a long term relationship with!’
Her mother, meanwhile, said: ‘I’m just totally blown away by this. I don’t understand what the big fuss is about.’
She declined to say anything more, directing the Mail to PR adviser Katy Brent and adding that the family would entertain bids for media interviews when Soya returns from a holiday with her boyfriend and his family in the Spanish resort of Majorca.
In an earlier interview, however, she insisted her daughter – who said she was taking the contraceptive pill and had refused to consider an abortion – would teach her unborn child the same discipline she had been shown while growing up.
As a mother, Mrs Keaveney said she had been strict but understanding. Her daughter’s boyfriend was allowed to stay overnight in the family home in Thornaby, Cleveland, but only in separate bedrooms and that is how it would remain until she is 16.
Heavily coated in make up, Soya's mother Janis says she trusts her daughter completely and will be a wonderful mother
‘I know people may think that I’m laying down the law after the horse has bolted,’ she told The Sun. ‘But Soya won’t be sharing a bed with Jake under my roof until she’s turned 16 in January.
‘I’m very strict about that. I know they’re very much in love but the law is the law.’
Proud: Mother Janis Keaveney says she 'doesnt understand what the big fuss is about'
In the meantime the family – which includes Soya’s sisters, 20-year-old Coco and Ritzy, 18, and twin brother Tarot – are preparing to move to a bigger council house.
‘Our three-bedroomed place was already over-crowded with her sisters, her brother Tarot, Jake and one of her sister’s babies,’ Mrs Keaveney said.
‘Once the new baby comes the council will have to find us a place with four or five bedrooms. We’ve already started packing.’
The mother, a former school secretary, caused uproar when she allowed photographs of Soya posing in lacy underwear and a bikini to be published in Closer magazine in 2008 under the headline ‘My girl’s only 12 but she’s already dieting’.
The article revealed that, unlike other children her age, Soya had been going to discos at the age of seven and wearing make-up, mini dresses and revealing tops. By eight she was desperate for fame.
Aged 12, the youngster was exercising every day and never left the house without putting on eyeliner and mascara.
She had also started wearing padded bras, short skirts, cropped tops, high heels and fishnet tights.
There were nights out at under-18 discos and hours spent in front of the mirror getting herself ready in clothes regularly picked out by her mother.
Soya Keaveney's Facebook picture shows the scan of her unborn child. The youngster has attacked critics who have questioned her age
‘Soya is still only a girl and very immature in some ways, but I’ve always 100 per cent trusted her when she goes out with her friends,’ said Mrs Keaveney.
‘When she was 12 or 13 she went with some friends to an under-18 disco and told me about a contest they had to see who could kiss the most boys. I didn’t see any harm in it. After all, it was only kissing.’ The magazine article told how Soya had posed for the provocative pictures – the bikini shot taken while on holiday in Egypt – and her mother had posted them on a website dedicated to her daughter in the hope it would help her modelling career.
‘Some people might think the pictures are raunchy, but I think she looks lovely,’ Mrs Keaveney said.
‘Hopefully, they’ll help raise her modelling profile. It’s all good practice, and she’s not showing anything you wouldn’t see on a beach.’
Soya’s exercise regime included 200 sit-ups. ‘I’m terrified of getting fat,’ she admitted. ‘I want to be a model, a singer or an actress, and they’re hardly ever fat.’
Last night, Miss Brent said Mrs Keaveney was fielding requests for further interviews. ‘I can go to her with a figure,’ she said. ‘But at the end of the day it’s her call.’
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Published by Associated Newspapers Ltd
Part of the Daily Mail, The Mail on Sunday & Metro Media Group

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Amy Crowhurst is four months pregnant. She is also just 12 years old.
Her child was conceived in a one-night stand at the local youth club with a 15-year-old boy. She does not know his surname or where he lives.
'I know I was stupid to get pregnant but I'm not that bothered really,' she admitted yesterday. 'Of course I wish it had never happened but it's too late now.'
Amy, one of Britain's youngest recorded mothers-to-be, spoke to the Daily Mail after we were invited into the family home in Crawley, West Sussex.
This consists of two council houses knocked into one - to accommodate the still growing family of Amy's 42-year-old mother Rose.
She has given birth to nine children by two different fathers. The children's ages range from 21 years to just four months old.
Three years ago Amy's father walked out on the family and set up home with another woman. Since then her mother has had a number of relationships.
The most recent of these resulted in the birth of Amy's youngest sibling, a boy called Momodou whose father has since returned to his wife and children in the Gambia.
Speaking with her mother's approval Amy - who smokes, and has had her nose, ears and belly button pierced - said: 'I don't really mind because I don't like school anyway and now I don't have to go any more.
'I don't need to go to ante-natal classes because nobody knows more than my mum about bringing up children.'
Two weeks ago a doctor confirmed that Amy was pregnant. At first she had been reluctant to tell her mother, but suspicions were aroused when Amy began putting on weight and fainted.
She had confided in her mother that she was missing periods.
'But I put that down to smoking,' said Mrs Crowhurst, who knew her daughter was already a regular smoker. 'When she kept putting on weight I went out and bought a home pregnancy kit, which was when we found out the truth.'
The child's teenage father does not know about the pregnancy. Amy's mother knows only that he is 'a Jamaican boy from London' who visited Crawley for a night out.
Amy claims to have had sex with the boy only once. The result of that meeting has been the end of Amy's childhood.
She can no longer play sport or even go to school with her friends. After missing several weeks of school her own personal tutor visited her at home for the first time yesterday.
Mrs Crowhurst said she had been surprised by her daughter's pregnancy because 'she knows all about condoms and that'.
She added: 'I don't think she realises the magnitude of what she has done yet.
'She thinks it's all exciting being pregnant and having a baby, but she is throwing half her life away. She's really just a girl herself. She is still a giggly little 12-year-old at heart. But she's mature for her age and I'm sure she'll be a good mum.'
The family lives on £185-a-week benefits, as Mrs Crowhurst has given up her job as a dinner lady to care for her clan.
Amy's father, Peter Crowhurst, a 47-year-old maintenance engineer, was unavailable for comment yesterday but is said to have 'reluctantly' accepted his daughter's intention to go through with the pregnancy.
He is understood to be 'deeply concerned' that Amy, who wears his wedding ring on a chain around her neck, is racing towards motherhood when she is still so young.
Amy said: 'I am worried about the actual birth because I'm so small and I know it's quite painful.
'But I know I can cope. I've had lots of practice with my brothers and sisters. I know all about feeding, bathing and changing.'
She rejected talk of an abortion after seeing a scan of her unborn child. Nevertheless, claims of maturity pale into insignificance when the 12-year-old reveals that her only craving during pregnancy is for sweets.
Social services have visited the family. 'But they said everything was fine and they haven't made any arrangements to come back,' said Mrs Crowhurst.
A spokesman for West Sussex social services said: 'We produce an individually tailored package of care and support for the child and family.
'This is arranged in close consultation with them, with colleagues in the education department and with the health service.'
Britain's youngest mother is believed to be a girl of 11, who fell pregnant when she was just ten. The world's youngest recorded mother was an eight-year-old from Arkansas in the U.S., who had twins in 1994.
Published by Associated Newspapers Ltd
Part of the Daily Mail, The Mail on Sunday & Metro Media Group

Copyright © 2015-2021 by Pax Fidelis Sdn. Bhd. Proudly made in Malaysia.
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This viral news report about girls getting pregnant after a boy ejaculates into swimming pool keeps getting shared on social media, and clickbait websites.
There are a few variants, but they generally claim that a bunch of girls got pregnant at a birthday party after one of the boys who also attended the party ejaculated into the swimming pool.
Here is an example of the fake, clickbait article :
A surprise birthday party went horribly wrong after girls between the age of 13 and 17 years accidentally became pregnant.
A simple weekend pool party turned to tragedy when one of the young men attending the birthday celebration ejaculated in the pool without warning the house guests, accidentally ending up impregnating half of the girls present at the celebration.
“ I’m glad I didn’t have my swimsuit that day ,” remembers Daliah Jennings, present during the celebration. “It was a surprise party to celebrate my 15th birthday, let’s just say that a baby in my womb is the kind of present I’m glad I didn’t get” she acknowledges, visibly relieved of not getting pregnant. The young man claims there was no s*x at the party at all and that he only ejaculated in the pool by accident.
“ Some people in town say we had some kind of wild s*x orgy going on and that’s how I got all those girls pregnant, but I’m proud to say that I am still a virgin and that if anyone doesn’t believe me, I’m ready to undergo medical examination to prove it if that’s what it takes ,” says the 15 year old. “ I’ve become some sort of a local celebrity. People come up to me all the time and shake my hand and congratulate me, but I didn’t do anything! ” he adds, visibly sincere.
Dr. John Suzukima of Tallahassee Memorial Healthcare Hospital, who was the first to link the multiple births to a single cause, believes the young man has a rare medical condition called spermafortis which makes his semen unusually potent.
“ Clinical tests have proven that people who suffer from spermafortis have sperm counts close to a thousand times more potent and rich in spermatozoids than the average man, ” he explains.
“ This kind of semen is fairly similar to that of common water mammals, such as dolphins, manatees and seals and has properties that make it incredibly resistant to water. This condition could definitely explain what happened in this case but clinical trials and further tests would be needed to prove this theory ,” he told local reporters.
Needless to say, this is absolute BULLSHIT . Let us show you why.
Let’s get this one out of the way first. It is not possible for any girl to get pregnant from sperm in a swimming pool.
We even wrote a special article on the four scientific reasons why no girl needs to worry about sperm in a swimming pool.
The Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare hospital exists, but they do not have a Dr. John Suzukima in their staff directory.
In fact, Dr. John Suzukima does not exist in any hospital in the world. Needless to say, there is no press report quoting a John Suzukima.
There is no medical condition called spermafortis .
It is a fake word constructed from the words “ sperm ” and “ fortis “, which is Latin for strong. In other words, spermafortis = strong sperm.
Even if such potent sperm exists, they will still die in the toxic environment of the swimming pool.
Mammals like dolphins, manatees and seals reproduce by penetrative sex. In other words, the male has to insert his penis into the vagina of the female, to deliver the ejaculate.
You won’t find them ejaculating into the water to impregnate the females. In fact, manatees and seals actually have sex on land, not in the water.
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I think it is safe to assume that the chlorine in the pool would kill the sperm.
It’s so fake, and boy from a picture is hero that saved a little girl from abduction
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