Pregnant Stuffing

Pregnant Stuffing


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If you didn't read the title, this is a combination of pregnancy as well as stuffing and kinda weight gain? There is also a brief moment of vore on a TV show. If none of these tickle your fancy, click away now! It's easier to push the back button than to leave a salty comment! Also, I have very little knowledge on pregnancy and the medical field, so I apologize if you have been pregnant before or you are planning on joining/are in the medical field and see any wrong information. Thankfully since this is already unrealistic, I could have a little pass, right? Hi, I'm Lucy Albright. I have blonde hair, light skin, and blue eyes. I live in a penthouse in San Myshuno with my husband, Roy Albright. He's got a soft face, dark brown hair, a goatee, green eyes, and a tall and slightly muscular build. He may sometimes look a little intimidating because he is 6'4", but he is actually a total teddy bear. We have been married for about a year now, and I am currently seven months pregnant with twins. Roy is a botanist. He is very passionate about gardening, and it's so adorable. Almost every time he came home from work, he would tell me about his discoveries, or about a random plant fact. Both of us were very talented cooks. I work as a chef, but due to being so far into my pregnancy, I was told to take it easy, and, was given the option to temporarily work with the city food vendors. Of course, since I was so used to getting out of the house, I decided to do it. It was sometimes a really awkward job. They already had a uniform prepared for me: a T-shirt and some black pants. With a large twin belly, the shirt would not fit over. They refused to give me a larger size, which irked me. When I stood up to them, they just said to wear an apron. My pants also would not button and showed off the little lovehandles I had. As far as embarrassing moments I once mistook this one woman around my age for an expecting mother when she was ordering a bunch of food. She was very nice to me, however. Another positive thing was that I was keeping a decent weight because of this job. Or, at least, that's how I thought it was until around now. Roy had just come home. I greeted him with a kiss on the cheek. "Hello, Luce," he said, kissing me back. "I brought you some stuff," "Roy, you didn't need to!" I said. "But I wanted to," he insisted. "I know you've been getting some strong cravings so I got you your favorite foods." He handed me a bag. I took the bag from Roy and kissed him once more. He nodded and put his bag down and left to go shower. Looking inside his bag, I saw two 2L bottles of cream soda, three pints of ice cream, a family sized bag of chips, a warm box of donuts, and a frozen pizza. My stomach rumbled loudly as I looked at all the goods. I had already eaten lunch and was definitely ready for a snack. Knowing that Roy took forever in the shower, I could probably finish everything before he came out. Before I did anything, I decided to heat up the oven so I could put the pizza inside. I don't know why, but most microwaved frozen food always gives me a stomachache. As the oven was heating up, I started out with the ice cream. I took a large spoon and filled my mouth with heaps of the frozen treat, taking breaks after every few scoops due to avoiding brain freeze. Meanwhile, I heard Roy finally start the shower. It had been, perhaps five minutes, since I had started on the first pint. Except now, it was all gone because of how hungry I was. I stared down at my gravid belly, which still somehow felt empty. While it felt warm on the outside, I could still feel the cold inside of my stomach. I rubbed my belly for a little bit while I started on the second pint, going slower than before to calm down my twins. Maybe I should save this for later... I put the pints of ice cream aside, mostly just to let them melt a little more (they actually were quite frozen). I was still starving, as if I hadn't eaten for days. Is this what pregnancy does to people? Perhaps I would try to find some hot food. Roy probably had around 15 minutes left in the shower (he will take 20-30 minutes in the bathroom), so I could still have time. I prepared two cups of hot chocolate. While I would save one of them for Roy, it would be cold by the time he got out. I opened the donut box-- it was just a dozen of chocolate. Roy knew me so well, and I loved him so much for it. I dipped a few of the donuts into my hot chocolate and stuffed them into my hungry gullet. In the meantime, I felt my shirt getting tighter. Ignoring it, I went back to my donuts, three-fourths of the way done. I was still hungry. However, I did also feel pretty bloated, and that's not just from the pregnancy. After the last donut, I laid back and looked back in the direction where Roy went. The water was still on, and I just happened to hear the sound of shampoo and conditioner bottles hitting the floor followed by a curse word. I giggled, but cut myself off with a rather noisy burp. Now, I went back to the ice cream. I took in a few heaps of the second container, then paused to take a sip of hot chocolate to warm myself up again. I repeated the cycle: heaps of ice cream, hot chocolate, heaps of ice cream, hot chocolate, heaps of ice cream, brain freeze, hot chocolate, belch. My shirt was getting even tighter. I could see the fabric in between the buttons was opening up to reveal my light skin. Except, I was home, so I couldn't care less. At last, I was finished with the second pint, all of my first mug, and half of my second mug. Perhaps I'd gorge down on this final pint and then I would finish off the rest of the hot chocolate. I then looked at the bag of chips. Cravings were telling me to just take the chips and mix them in with the ice cream. Normally, it would sound so disgusting, but as a pregnant lady, everything is appetizing! I opened the family sized bag of chips and dumped the contents into the already soft ice cream. The softness made it easier to mix and to scoop. I took two spoons and would alternate between my left and right hand for scoops of the sweet and salty treat. The water turned off in the bathroom. Roy was finally done showering, but he would still probably take an extra ten minutes to shave. Plus, I was already a quarter of the way done. I stopped briefly in the middle of my binge and took a deep breath, having gotten brain freeze. I hated it so much-- just that feeling in your head. Yet I was already used to pregnancy migraines, so why was this so much worse? Probably because it was essentially a punishment for eating food! Disregarding these cranky thoughts, I finished up the chip ice cream. It was vanilla, by the way, so that way it was less disgusting. I finally finished off my second mug of hot chocolate and felt a little warmer. Now, one of the buttons looked like it wanted to snap off, and another one wasn't too far from following suit. The oven beeped, signifying it was heated up. I grabbed the frozen pizza and put it on a tray. Before I put it in the oven, I decided I would decorate this a little more. I opened up the refrigerator and sighed in relief. We recently got a large bag of mozzarella cheese, and I wasn't sure if I had remembered about it or not. I sprinkled a large heap onto the pizza, and sprinkled it down with parmesan cheese. Maybe when this thing was baked, I would add some more later. I put the pizza in the oven and set the timer to eight minutes. Meanwhile I would enjoy a nice bottle of cream soda. I lazily plopped down in front of the couch, and that's when the first button snapped off to reveal my navel which had been pushed out by one of the twins. All I did in response to this was let out another belch and turn the TV on. Next to me was my cream soda. Currently, the TV was on a soap opera. I knew how much Roy hated soap operas, so maybe I could get a few minutes in before he came out. The TV showed two characters getting married in a huge church. The priest looked at the couple, and out into the crowd of people watching intently. "If anyone objects to the marriage speak now or forever hold your peace," he stated. Everybody was quiet. "Very well then. With the power invested in me by the State of Delmarva I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.” Silence filled the room now. A camera zoomed into the couple's faces as they slowly came together for a kiss. The background was out of focus. "Someone's going to bust in," I commented as I watched. Unsurprisingly, I was correct. I decided to reward myself with a big gulp of cream soda. The unfocused door in the background busted open, causing a large echo in the church. As the focus went from the couple to the background, everybody turned their heads to see who was at the door. Gasps filled the air. An overweight redheaded woman was there. She was nowhere near as fancily dressed as the invited guests. Instead, she wore black leather boots, spandex leggings, and a white shirt stained with mint chocolate ice cream which was too small for her big belly. Her long red hair had traces of food on the ends, suggesting she had just stuffed her face before coming here. After taking a large bite out of the juicy hamburger in her left hand, she said "I'm crashing this wedding!" "Are you kidding me?" the priest sighed. "I just told everybody who objects to speak thirty seconds ago! You're too late, ma'am." "I don't think so!" Redhead said. "Jonathan! You didn't think you could escape me, did you?" The bride stared at Jonathan (the groom), confused. "Is this your crazy ex who moved across the country? She looks way different than in that picture you showed me." She pulled out an old photo of Jonathan with Redhead when they were presumably a couple. Redhead looked 150 pounds lighter and much cleaner. "Yikes, I feel bad for you." Redhead marched down the aisle to the couple. As she walked, her belly wobbled and jiggled with each step. Some guests watched, gagging in disgust, while others were ogling at her size. She separated Jonathan from the bride and glared at him. "Look at you! Cheater!" her voice broke. "I thought you loved me! Yet you desert me because I was trying to be a good girlfriend? I was just about to propose to you when you so brutally dumped me!" I took another sip of cream soda and watched the screen intently. "Carly, I dumped you because you were being too possessive!" Jonathan yelled. "Excuses, excuses!" Carly yelled. "What do you see in this skank that I don't already have?" "Hey, girlie, back off," the bride said. "If you can let yourself go, then you can let your ex boyfriend go." "Eat her up, Carly," I commented. "Eat the entire buffet, too!" (From here on out I won't be narrating every single line each character says.) Carly is mad at this point. She starts causing a bigger fuss while the priest just sits there, shaking his head. Here, Carly and the bride (whose name, by the way, is Reina) decide to pick a fight. Reina quickly loses as Carly manages to grab her and swallow her up, causing her belly to swell massively. Now, everyone is terrified and is running around in circles or out the door. The priest was holding up a cross and backing away, and Jonathan just stood there, stunned. Reina was yelling at Jonathan to run, but Jonathan was paralyzed. Carly grabbed Jonathan and tried to kiss him, but Jonathan then snapped out of it and ran off. Jonathan managed to escape, and Carly was trying to awkwardly maneuver her way down the hallway as fast as she could to chase him. Two people grabbed Carley from behind to try and apprehend her, but she managed to gobble them both up as well. Now everyone was hiding. Carley was much slower and was looking around for something to try and help her get around. There was an empty catering tray that she could use, but she just stopped to stuff her face with food from the buffet. The men who grabbed her and Reina groaned in disgust as they were met with chewed up food. Now, Carly was set out to find Jonathan. I had finished off my bottle cream soda now and was feeling pretty bloated. It didn't help that the twins were kicking and my belly was bubbling loudly. I just had to... " UUUUUUUUURRRPPPP! " There was no way Roy didn't hear that. "Lucy, would you cut it out with that racket!?" Roy yelled as he opened the door. You may think of me as the submissive wife and Roy as the angry dominant husband in this situation, but in reality: Roy, as I have said before, is a total teddy bear. At the same time, he is one of those people who rarely gets angry, but becomes a force not to be reckoned with should he get angry anyway. "Roy, I-I'm sorry!" I said. "I-I just had a bubbly drink and my tummy was hurting, I didn't mean to!" Roy ignored me. He walked by in just a towel and changed the channel. "There we go! Much better. You said your tummy was hurting?" He looked at me. I was relieved now. Roy was just mad at me playing soap operas again. "Yeah," I replied. "I just feel so bloated and..." Gurgle gurgle. " Still hungry." Instead of sighing and shaking his head, Roy smiled and sat down next to me. "I'm surprised. It looks like you finished off everything I bought for you, and it looks like you're at nine months now." "Roy!" I exclaimed, annoyed. Roy simply gave my belly a few pats and kissed me. "Don't worry, love, it's no problem!" he said. The oven beeped. "Are you making pizza now? Let me feed it to you." Roy got up and removed the pizza from the oven. He cut a few slices and set it out in front of me. "Not yet, it's too hot." I was anxious. I wanted the pizza now-- it smelt so good! My belly rumbled, and my twins were kicking. Roy chuckled and laid me down. "Relax, Luce," he said. "I'll take care of you while the food cools down." He grabbed another bottle of cream soda and a bottle of diet cola. From his work bag, he took out a singular brownie. In his pocket I could see a few mint candies. Then he took my already fairly-destroyed button shirt off to leave me in just a bra. I had a good idea of what he was going to do next. Roy came back and held both bottles in front of me. "Take your pick," he said. I pointed to the cream soda bottle. "Alrighty, drink up." I was a little annoyed. I was hungry, not thirsty. Except I wasn't going to bug Roy-- after all, he was treating me well! I grabbed the bottle of cream soda and started chugging. The thing that made this much better was Roy rubbing my belly as I downed the bottle. I felt the soda hit my stomach and fizz, causing me to feel more bloated. Roy smiled and started kissing my belly slowly as I finished the bottle. A few small burps escaped my lips. "Can I have that brownie, now?" I asked. I was having a hankering for chocolate now. Roy chuckled. "Not just yet. Did you want this, though?" He held up the other soda bottle along with the candy. I knew where he would be going with this. "That is, if you're still hungry." Why not? I nodded my hand and gestured with the "give me" motion. "Sure thing," Roy said, understanding my gesture. He handed over "This'll probably make you feel a little more bloated. Just warning you!" A little? Pfft. I was already slowly ballooning up for seven months, and then pretty quickly just today. This would be nothing. I took the diet cola and started chugging it down. Roy sat there with a soft smile, not minding my greed. In fact, I think he quite enjoyed it, considering he was willing to help me with my cravings. As my stomach expanded with air, it bubbled with great delight. Oddly, the movement felt more active inside, as if I was carrying more than two. Roy handed me the mint candies, which I quickly downed. My belly quickly started roaring. Now it was getting upset. I groaned from how achy it was getting. My belly slowly continued to grow and expand with air. If I stood up, I would not have been able to see my feet. "Look at you!" Roy said, delighted. His delight turned into sympathy as he noticed my face. "Luce, are you all right? Was that too much?" I exhaled heavily and rubbed my massive belly. "I think it might've been.... urp . I guess I'm done for now." Yet... it growled with hunger still. Roy looked at me with concern as I eyeballed the pizza. "Luce, honey, are you sure you want to keep it up? Are you sure it isn't just your pregnancy cravings?" "Positive!" I said, trying to grab at the pizza. I could barely lean forward due to being so big. However, I was able to let out quite the belch to make myself feel better. " UUUUUUUURRRRPP. See, now I'm much better!" Roy shrugged and took the pizza. "I promised I'd feed it to you." He took a slice and teasingly took a small bite for himself. I looked on in disappointment only to be met with a playful gaze. "Just testing the temperature! Here." Roy gave me the slice of pizza. The taste of extra cheese overpowered the sauce and the crust. I had only just swallowed the first slice when Roy suddenly handed over two more slices of pizza. "Take your time, Luce," he said. Even if he wasn't trying to shove everything down my throat at once, I decided to take the two slices and fold them together in order to take them down at the same time. "Luce, you don't have to do that! No rush!" he said, handing over another slice. "Oh, come on, Roy, I can take on more. Help me up, that way you don't have to just hand me this stuff and you can actually feed me." I ate the slice without a problem. Roy shrugged. "If you say so, Luce." He pulled me up so I was sitting down. Then he fed me two slices at once. He had cut the pizza into smaller slices so I wouldn't accidentally choke. Usually an 8 inch pizza would be cut into 6 slices, but this had about twelve. The savory taste of the cheese and the thick crust compelled me to want more. For a frozen, store-bought pizza, this actually tasted really good. Unfortunately, just as I was finishing the last slice, it was already all gone. I let out a light belch and sighed. Now my belly was really swollen. The twins were acting up, and were really feisty. Roy stuck his finger in my navel. "Roy, that tickles!" I protested. Even one of the twins kicked out of annoyance at Roy poking my bellybutton. "Look at you, silly!" he said. He rubbed my belly and kissed it a few times. "I bet you have to be full now." Rumble rumble... "Interesting," Roy said. "I'll give you the brownie now." He handed over the brownie, which I downed within seconds. It had an interesting taste-- it was rich and chocolatey, but there was just some tang that I couldn't describe. Suddenly, I didn't feel hungry anymore. My stomach was n
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