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Sculpture unknown - but this pregnant torso has huge presence and a great texture to the worked surface
I let you complete as it suit your mind
Read The Lost Valkyrie in order! Some chapters are NSFW!
The Captain struggled to be patient as he waited for the midday meal to finish. Finally, he was going to have some time alone with the lovely Princess. After treating him like a brother all their lives, the girl had finally seen what everyone else saw in him! It was exciting!
“And she’ll put in a good word for me with Tyna, too,” he thought to himself. No, he’d not given up on the shieldmaiden. The Captain’s thoughts stayed on the warrior girl, but now he indulged fantasies of having both young women all to himself. Such arrangements were not common, the Captain knew, but they were possible.
“If you had both girls, you could marry the Princess. Then you’d be KING…if Ulf were gone.”
This line of thought popped into the man’s head, seemingly from the outside. Or was it just an amplification of his innermost desires? It was hard to tell. In any event, the thought disquieted him. Was he so angry at his friend the King that he’d want to replace him?
But enough of that, he had a Princess to meet! Bedding the lovely young woman had nothing to do with King Ulf and his troubles with his best friend!
As the other people nearby were preparing to return to work, the man told them, “I have to scout out the area of the forest near the river for possible defenses. I’ll be back later.”
And with that, he made his way to the King’s house and slipped inside, trying both to not let anyone observe him entering and also to look very casual if they did. Nothing to see here, go about your business, just getting ready to go out into the forest. Captain stuff, you know how it is. The fun never stops when you’re an important man in the Kingdom of Bollurga…
Once inside, he made his way to Thyra’s bedchamber, still watching for anyone who might see him. He could never tell when that busybody Liv might appear and start scolding him or asking him pointed questions!
But he didn’t see a soul. He COULD hear some sounds coming from the kitchen, but the rest of the house seemed silent. Knocking on the closed door softly and hearing no answer, the Captain opened the door quickly and slipped inside, closing the door behind him.
Feeling the quiet close in around him as he turned around, the Captain took a moment to enjoy the fragrance of the forbidden room, as well as the relative opulence. Viking villages were not, as a rule, “wealthy,” but such wealth as Bollurgard had was well-represented here in Princess Thyra’s bedchamber. The girl had gold jewelry (pretty rare!), and expensive perfumes. The walls of her room were decorated with fine quality tapestries, and the fire in her hearth was tended regularly and still had hot coals from the night before, with fire wood laid up to quickly get the fire warm as the chill of the evening descended in a few hours.
The man could see some of Thyra’s dresses hanging or laying about, and he took a moment to admire them. While most Viking women wore wool or possibly linen, the Princess had some dresses that were silk and felt quite fine as he fingered the delicate fabric. As he ran his finger over one of the dresses he recognized, the Captain thought about how beautiful she looked when wearing it. Touching the dress like this reminded him of how it would feel to touch HER, and he felt his loins stirring and his manhood starting to press outwards against his pants.
Nowhere was a young woman’s status or wealth more apparent than in the amount and type of clothing she owned, and the Princess owned a lot. The Captain noted the girl had a large corner of her room walled off with shelves, tapestries and hanging dresses, forming a makeshift walk-in closet, where most of her clothing was stored. He couldn’t see inside it, as it faced away from the door, but it didn’t matter. He wanted to be ready for Thyra when she arrived.
Moving silently, the man stalked over to the bed the girl shared with the shieldmaiden - there was that stirring in his loins again. By the gods, the two of them in bed together just waiting for him to join them! Of course they’d be naked as they waited for him, doing who knew what to each other to pass the time until then…
The Captain laid down on the bed, arranging himself so Thyra would see him the moment she walked through the doorway, and he stroked his engorged manhood through his pants slowly as he waited, thinking how gorgeous she was going to look with him buried INSIDE her.
The doorway to the Princess’ bedchamber lay almost directly in front of him, and the closet-like area was more to his left, on the other side of the room’s hearth from where he reclined on her bed. As he waited there, stroking himself with slowly increasing attention, all else was quiet.
It was from the “closet” that Tyna appeared suddenly, walking out silently holding one of Thyra’s dresses up to the light critically, like she was wondering how well it might fit her, or if it would be suitable for whatever occasion she had in her mind. The Captain gaped at her in shock and a gradually deepening mixture of unexpected pleasure at seeing her and worry at her inevitable fury.
With good reason. The shieldmaiden stood before him completely naked, and seemingly unaware of his presence.
The Captain could see he had perhaps a few seconds before the girl noticed him lying on the bed, but he didn’t dare move, since she’d surely hear any sound he made. He lay there petrified, nevertheless drinking in the sight of the gorgeous young woman.
He’d only THOUGHT he’d seen her naked before, he realized, during the encounter at the waterfall. She’d been at least 20 or 30 feet from him, that time.
Now, she was only steps from the bed, and he had a much more intimate view of her evident beauty. The impossibly soft curve of breast and hip, the fullness of her ass, her long smooth legs and long, flowing golden hair running down her back. Time seemed to stop as he gazed up and down her body, the seconds drawing out, and then drawing out some more, giving him not only an eternity to enjoy her soft lushness, but also a cruelly brief moment at the same time.
Meanwhile, as he felt the pressure of impending discovery growing, he panicked, reacting instinctively to his dilemma in the way that was most natural to him.
It was how the shieldmaiden turned partially away for a moment that prompted him. Without conscious thought, the Captain was off the bed in moments, coming at the girl mostly from behind and grabbing her firmly, his hand reaching around to cover her mouth and prevent her from screaming. Later on, when he had time to think about what he’d done, the man would believe his intent was to render the girl harmlessly unconscious and leave without her knowing WHOM had attacked her.
Or maybe he’d thought he could gentle her into submission, showing her he meant her no harm and that there was no reason to be afraid or scream. Or attack. He’d always been good at handling women, after all.
Both ideas were preposterous. As the Captain grabbed Tyna from behind, covering her mouth with one hand, his other arm slid round her front, seeming to touch her impossibly soft skin in every possibly offensive way imaginable. Because where are you allowed to touch a naked, struggling woman who doesn’t want your touch? There is nowhere “safe” for a man to put his hands.
Moments later, he was falling to the floor as the shieldmaiden almost simultaneously attacked him in three places. She stomped on his foot as hard as she could while twisting out of his grasp, one hand flying up at his face so that the heel of her hand struck the tip of his nose. These two were immediately followed by a kick to his head as he started to drop to his knees.
“GET OUT,” the girl screamed as she then grabbed the closest available weapon. A broom with a stout wooden handle, which she brandished in the air as he gasped for breath and tried to rise and leave the room.
He was too slow for her. “GET OUT, NOW,” Tyna screamed, bringing the broom handle down on top of the Captain’s head with a loud WHACK sound!
The door to the bedchamber burst open, and the two guards from the King’s throne room entered without thinking, believing someone was in danger.
“My Lady!” one had time to cry out as the broom handle came down on HIS head, the naked girl positively seeming to BAKE the room with the heat of her fury.
The two men lay sprawled on the floor, dazed as the third tried - unsuccessfully - to retreat. The broom handle broke across his broad back, knocking him face forward in the doorway just as Liv and the King appeared, the King at first blocking Liv’s entrance as he made sure it was safe for her to enter.
“GET OUT,” the girl screamed a third time while the third man crawled through the door on his hands and knees. The Captain held his head in his hands where he was bleeding, while the second guard seemed knocked out.
The King gaped in wonder at the scene in front of him as the nude girl hopped onto the bed, still brandishing the broken broom handle, daring any of the men to approach. Then he started to laugh, loud and long.
“You mean… to tell me… she beat the HELL… out of three of my best warriors… with a BROOM,” he managed to say in between fits of helpless laughter. Soon he was doubled over, it seemed so funny to him.
The Captain didn’t seem to think it was funny at all, a petulant look on his face as he continued cradling his bleeding head.
Neither did Liv, who finally forced her generous hips through the door, pushing the King aside, with an indignant, “have you men NO regard for the maiden’s modesty? You all get out, or by the gods, I’ll drag you out by your ears!”
The older woman took a gown from nearby and offered it to Tyna where she still stood on the bed. The girl took it gratefully and held it over her body as the King, still laughing, grabbed the unconscious guard by one hand and dragged him out of the room.
“Let’s have Tyna train all the men to use brooms, so they can beat the hell out of our enemies with them,” Ulf laughed and laughed while the other guard helped the Captain to his feet.
It was then that Thyra appeared, looking shocked at the crowd of people outside her door.
“What’s going on here,” she demanded. “Why are you all in my room?”
“HE ATTACKED ME. HE CAME AT ME FROM BEHIND WHILE I WAS DRESSING,” came Tyna’s shout from inside the room.
How the HELL was it SO HOT in that bedroom, Thyra had a moment to wonder before several things happened at once.
The Captain was staggering through the doorway. “A misunderstanding, my Lady,” he said, still sounding foggy as he first closed the door and then leaned against the wall next to it.
“A misunderstanding???” Suddenly the Captain was thrown violently against the wall on the other side of the hallway as King Ulf thundered at him. “I TOLD YOU TO TREAT THE SHIELDMAIDEN WITH RESPECT, AND INSTEAD, YOU ENTERED HER ROOM AND ATTACKED HER.”
Thyra stood in shock as her brother punched the Captain, his big fists hitting the unresisting man once, twice, thrice, four times, until he was on the floor, face bloody to match the top of his head, now.
“Brother, please,” she cried, trying to placate Ulf. “You’re hurting him!”
No matter how the Captain had been acting, he didn’t deserve THIS. The Princess was aghast as the other man continued to be bloodied: the plan had gone way TOO well. Her brother was NOT supposed to have found out.
“My Lord, I pray, do the man no more harm,” came Tyna’s plea from the doorway where she stood, now, Liv behind her looking worried. “He has suffered enough.”
The King stopped in mid-swing, his own knuckles bloodied and bruised as he looked back at Tyna, his expression turning a bit more gentle as he saw how horrified both girls seemed, now.
Ulf turned back to the Captain, grabbing his hair and yanking his face up so he could glare down at him, eye-to-eye, and then thunder at him some more.
“You hear that? You attacked her, and she still wants me to have mercy on you. She has a gentle heart, the kind of which you’re not worthy with all your whoring. Your fate now rests in HER hands. If she asks me to banish you, you will be banished. If she asks you to be imprisoned, you will be. If she wishes you slain, I’ll kill you myself. Do you understand?”
“Yes, my Lord,” the Captain gasped wearily.
The King let go of the Captain’s bloody hair with disgust and stomped off, telling the guard to “get him out of here. And have the Physician check all three of you.”
King Ulf couldn’t BELIEVE the Captain had done this. Had he LOST HIS MIND?
The young King was bouncing between enraged disbelief at his friend’s actions and enraptured admiration of the beautiful Tyna’s spirited defense of her virtue.
“How many girls’ bedchambers has that man crept into,” the King wondered to himself.
But the shieldmaiden! Wow! He remembered how fierce she looked. Fierce and beautiful beyond measure! Seeing how she swung around that broom handle made him laugh all over again!
“With a queen like that at my side, I could take on the whole world if need be! What sons she’d bear me! And how the people would adore her!”
That made him sigh. King Knud was still demanding he marry his daughter. Ulf was going to have to choose and risk his kingdom if he chose wrong. Well, he knew one thing: he was going to get to know the girl enough to make an educated decision. After all, just because Tyna didn’t like the Captain (as he could see now, plainly), it didn’t mean she would like the King.
The Captain was silent as the Physician treated his wounds. He needed stitches on his head, and more to his cheek. His nose was broken, and the Physician told him to be very careful or it wouldn’t heal right.
The man barely heard, and he barely felt the pain as the older man worked on him. He was fuming, his ego badly bruised at what had happened.
Of course it was partly his own fault. What had he been thinking, grabbing the girl from behind like that? It would have been better to let her discover him on the bed.
Maybe it was Tyna’s fault, really: the girl made him feel crazy! He couldn’t get her out of his head! Even when she’d been kicking his ASS all he’d been able to think about was burying his engorged rod deep inside her.
Thyra came to check on him, being very solicitous. When they had a moment, she whispered, “I am SO sorry that happened.”
“Mmmmm, she might still be able to get my mind off the shieldmaiden,” he thought as he nodded silently to her words, his jaw aching and sore. The Princess was almost as amazing as Tyna! It was better that way, now that the King had made it clear he’d not be allowed close to the blonde any more.
As for the King, the Captain was now determined to make him pay for humiliating him this way. He could use his sister to do it, too. As a rule, Viking women were not required to marry as virgins as part of some religious or moral code. The gods were well known for their sensuality, and their people enjoyed the pleasures of the flesh pretty freely. But unmarried women were still expected to be chaste in order to avoid becoming pregnant with no means of supporting their baby.
For a royal wedding, the expectations were higher. A King might expect or demand a virgin bride as an affirmation of his status. So if the Captain spoiled the Princess, it would be a serious blow to Ulf’s plan.
The girl would NEVER be married to King Friedrich once the Captain was done with her. King Friedrich wouldn’t have her, and so her shame would shame Ulf.
“Oh yes, you’re going to regret choosing some stranger girl over your best friend,” he thought to himself, still nodding at Thyra’s soft, kind words even as he plotted against her and her brother.
Later that night, in bed together, Thyra whispered, “I felt bad for the Captain, today. I only meant to use your rejection of him to push him towards me, not to get him in more trouble with Ulf.”
“Me too,” Tyna agreed, though privately she had some bad feelings about the Captain. The shieldmaiden couldn’t explain why, but she felt the Captain “problem” was getting bigger, not smaller. However, since she couldn’t put her feelings into words that made sense, she was slow to express herself.
But at least she didn’t have to feel TOO bad about the Captain’s suffering, either.
“Well, the plan will be the same, anyway,” the Princess continued. “When he pushes too far, and he will, we’ll have something to hold over him.”
OK, now the shieldmaiden had heard enough. This FELT like a bad idea.
“No, Thyra, it’s not safe. We should stop this now. The King already knows what the Captain has been doing. I don’t want him pawing at you,” her friend argued. “It’s not safe, especially since today. The Captain is… dangerous, now.”
The young girl wished she knew better how to say it, but her feeling was quite clear.
Thyra wanted to believe her friend, but she’d known the Captain her whole life.
“He’s not dangerous. Headstrong and a horny toad, but he’d never hurt us,” the Princess told Tyna. “Trust me, we’ll keep an eye on him, and if he gets to be too forward, we’ll stop. But I want to make SURE he leaves you alone. Me too. We will continue the plan, OK?”
With a sigh, Tyna let her friend overrule her. They both knew Thrya was the more clever of the two. “OK, but BE CAREFUL.”
Created to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Annie Leibovitz's famous and groundbreaking 1991 Demi Moore pregnant cover shoot for Vanity Fair.
Click here to see more of my pregnancy photography
Created to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Annie Leibovitz's famous and groundbreaking 1991 Demi Moore pregnant cover shoot for Vanity Fair.
Click here to see more of my pregnancy photography
*my first {full nude} maternity shoot* Some are more edited than others...only posted a few descent ones :) CC welcomed!
Another tactile and visual delight from the Pride of the Valley Sculpture Park.
(see their website at www//
"Il sut tout à coup qu'il allait la perdre. Il ne douta plus de l'aimer, le cœur lui battit, il écouta les mots stupides dans sa propre bouche. De quoi fallait-il donc parler ? D'autre chose, d'autre chose. Comme tout est dérisoire... Elle ne le connaissait pas... Si elle le connaissait l'aimerait-elle ? On ne sait pas ce qu'il faut faire pour se faire aimer : se montrer comme on est ou mentir. On balance entre les deux. On fait les deux d'ailleurs, au hasard un peu."
Every times my baby kicks, it r
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