Pregnant Orc

Pregnant Orc


The pregnancy periods of elves and orcs.....(lore type question)
The pregnancy periods of elves and orcs.....(lore type question)
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So for the new campaign I'm doing this weekend, my friend and I are going to be a half-orc and half-elf half brothers.(human dad)
My question is, how long does it take for their respective pregnancies? Are they both human length, or is one longer than the other?
Or should we just not worry about official mention of that and just make up pregnancy periods to make the concept work?
I can't find rules for half breeds but I did find them for the base races.
Since we're both mothered by non humans, that'll be good enough.
Hopefully the Half-Elf is the older brother. Starting age for a half-elf is 20 and for a half-orc it is 14. If you want them to be the same age, the timeline could look like this:
year -2: elf mom gets pregnant with half-elf child
year 0: elf mom gives birth to half-elf child
year 5½: orc mom gets pregnant with half-orc child
year 6: orc mom gives birth to half-orc child
year 20: half-elf and half-orc reach adulthood
Probably going to have us come out at the same time. That gap makes it more conceivable.
There's actually a 3rd party book for 3.0 on this. It's called the book of erotic fantasy (wizards was not too happy about it). I'll tell you what it says when I get back to my apartment and read through the PDF I have.
Edit: been a bit, here's your answer:
Half-orc: 8 month long pregnancy, sexually mature between ages 14-16
Half-elf: one year long pregnancy, sexually mature between ages 18-20
Note: the book does not explicitly says when humans mature, but it seems to assume that sexual maturity is reached in humans between 14-18 even though society says it's not okay to do it until age 18.
She used it to make my character a necrophiliac...
that book actually had some decent stuff in it for NPCs, and some of the spells were crazy. i tried to introduce a bit of it into a campaign once, though, and my players were like "nope"
Too many references to hafling buggery for my comfort zone.
The "it's allowable pedophilia!" Implication made me wonder about the author's sexual peccadillos.

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