Pregnant Online

Pregnant Online


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Are you wondering if you are pregnant?
Our system will answer the question rankling you!
You don’t have to leave home, buy expensive tests or feel embarrassed at the pharmacy.
Now everything is simple! You just have to answer 24 questions. Thousands of women have benefited from our test. Find out that it is worth it. Don’t wait, check it out now!
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How do you know that you are pregnant? You’ll know when you miss a period, followed by a home pregnancy test that comes positive. But you might want to know about your pregnancy even before you miss your period.
If that is so, you could take MomJunction’s 13-question free pregnancy test to check for the symptoms and find out if you are pregnant.
Note: This quiz is not intended to replace medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, and is only for informational purposes. The best way to confirm your pregnancy is to have a pregnancy test.
A pregnancy test examines the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin hormone (hCG) in your urine. Your body makes this hormone when you are pregnant, and releases it when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine lining (1).
You can get a home pregnancy test kit from pharmacy stores or online. Follow the instructions on the kit carefully to get the right result. If the test result is positive, it means you are pregnant. The test kit gives accurate answers when you use them around a week after you missed the period.
The questions included in the online pregnancy test are those that a gynecologist usually asks during the first prenatal appointment.
The accuracy of the online test depends on the accuracy of your answers. While the online test result could indicate a possible result, it is not a replacement for medical consultation and formal pregnancy tests. However, you can take the free online test several times to compare the result.
Ideally, you should wait until the day your period is due. Around this time, the level of the pregnancy hormones increases, probably resulting in early symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, sore breasts, fatigue, and spotting or cramping due to implantation (2).
If you are experiencing these symptoms, answering the simple questions based on them can help you determine if you are pregnant or not.
The MomJunction online pregnancy test is designed with a set of questions that are based on the ovulation cycle, the number of times you have had intercourse, type of birth control methods you were using, and symptoms you are experiencing. We have also included questions about basal temperature and implantation. The results will depend on the answers you choose.
Whether or not you get a positive result in this quiz, you should get a pregnancy test done or visit a doctor if you miss your period.
Ideally, you should wait until you miss your period and then take the pregnancy quiz.
Not necessarily. You can miss a period due to several reasons other than pregnancy. They could be hormonal changes, health complications, changes in sleep patterns, stress, being underweight, or overweight (3).
Disclaimer: The online pregnancy test is only an indication that you might be pregnant, and is not meant to replace the assessment of the doctors. It only gives you the result based on the answers you choose. You should consult your doctor for confirmation of pregnancy.
Under 20
More than 45

How do you calculate your ovulation day?
Using Base Body Temp (BBT) Curve
Using Manual Calendar
Using Ovulation Kit
By Evaluating Lower Abdomen
I don't know when I ovulate.

I never track my menstrual cycle

Contraceptive Pills
IUD(Intrauterine Device)
Depo Provera
The Withdrawal Method

Did you have sexual intercourse during your 5-6 most fertile days?
No, Never
Yes, once
Every other day
Every day

Do you feel lower abdominal cramps?
Have you experienced any vaginal bleeding?
Do you experience tender breast and sore nipples?
Tell us about your next menstrual period?
Expected in next week
Expected in 1- 2 days
Supposed to come today
Supposed to come several days ago
My period are one to two weeks late

Yes, I am easily getting tired these days
No, I am doing good like regular me

Have You experienced unusual food cravings?
Yes, I often go these days
No, I am urinating normally

Did you take a home pregnancy test?
I did, and the result was Negative
I did, and the result was positive
I did not try

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All rights reserved. This information is for educational purposes only and not a substitute for professional health services. See a medical professional for personalized consultation. Please read our Disclaimer.

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