Pregnant Nurse

Pregnant Nurse


Home Nursing Life 8 Tips for Pregnant Nurses
It’s not unusual to see pregnant nurses still working in their units up to the last trimester of their pregnancy. However, pregnant nurses may find their regular work become more stressful.
Infectious diseases, shifting schedules, heavy lifting tasks and emotionally draining situations are just some of the challenges a pregnant nurse may face in her daily duties. Without proper attention and intervention, these problems may affect the nurse’s health and pregnancy.
It is important for a pregnant nurse to take care of herself well while working. Here are some tips in ensuring a safe and healthy pregnancy while still working as a nurse:
If possible, plan your pregnancy ahead. Consult your doctor about prenatal vitamins and the vaccines you need to take. Prenatal preparations will be your first protection in ensuring safe pregnancy.
At work, check your maternity leave options and family health benefits. Ensure that you have up-to-date health insurance and check if they provide good coverage for pregnancy. Securing these little details ahead of time is vital in easing your worries after giving birth.
Consider informing your superiors of your condition early in your pregnancy. This will let them plan ahead if you will need special considerations at work especially in shifting schedules.
Your head nurse, supervisor and nurse manager should be the first ones to know of your pregnancy. Consult with your hospital’s infection control team as well so they can advise you of infection control practices critical for pregnant healthcare workers.
During prenatal check-ups, let your OB know that you are a nurse. She may have additional instructions for you once she knows that you are working in the medical field.
You also need to discuss potential occupational hazards with your doctor like sources of radiation, disinfecting solutions, chemotherapies and many more.
You should have healthy meals and snacks on hand at work to meet the nutritional demands of pregnancy. You will also feel constantly nauseous in the first trimester and it can be relieved by the foods you crave.
Pack complete sets of meals and snacks before you head to your duty. There will be times where you will not have the chance to go down to the cafeteria so having packed meals will be a life-saver.
Are your shoes comfortable and well-cushioned?
As you gain weight during pregnancy, a good pair of shoes will save you from feet and back pains. Walking around the unit can be a tedious task in the last trimester of pregnancy but a good pair of shoes can help you overcome it. Invest well in the shoes you wear for duties. Ensure that they have good arch support, slip-resistant and well-cushioned.
The shifting schedule is a common concern among pregnant nurses. It is best for a pregnant nurse to stay in the day shift schedule in order to enough rest after work.
However, some nurses are so used to being night owls that they have no problems with the night shift schedule during pregnancy. This issue can be tackled in a case-to-case basis as women are all different in handling pregnancy.
If you are unsure about which schedule fits your condition, try both and determine which one works best for you.
Listen to your body and know when to stop. Nurses often forsake their own calls of nature but during pregnancy, there should be no excuse as you are now taking care of yourself and your baby. Go to the bathroom whenever you feel the need. Stop whatever task you are doing unless it is a life or death situation.
Whenever you are feeling constant exhaustion at work, consider taking few days leave to rest. Don’t push your body to the limits as it will adversely affect your pregnancy condition.
Most pregnant healthcare workers plan when they are taking their maternity leave. Some nurses take it at 30 weeks of pregnancy while others take it at as early as 20 weeks. Even if you already have plans about when to take your maternity leave, don’t hesitate to take it early if you feel the need already. There are pregnancies that become more sensitive at the last trimester and you should immediately rest to prevent miscarriage and complications.
Pregnancy is a highly individualized condition. What may have worked for other pregnant women may not successfully work for you. Assess your condition appropriately with the help of your OB. Only you can feel your body well so trust your instincts especially in taking your maternity leave.
Nurses have unspoken camaraderie when working with a pregnant colleague so let them know of your pregnancy. They will give you a light workload and they will keep you away from infectious cases. Nurses are also quick in helping pregnant colleagues in lifting patients and getting heavy supplies or equipment from other department. If you have more concerns about your condition, don’t hesitate to ask for the advice of other pregnant nurses in the hospital where you are working.
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Working as a Nurse During Pregnancy
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It is a time when you are in awe of what your body is capable of doing, in disbelief that you are having a baby as well as experiencing the feelings of excitement and nervousness that comes with being pregnant.
These feelings of pregnancy are discussed often, as well as how your body physically changes in order to grow the beautiful little baby currently residing in your tummy, but what isn’t discussed so much is the difficulty in managing some of those not-so-fun effects of pregnancy.
This is even more difficult if you have made the decision not to tell people the happy news until you have reached the end of those first 12 weeks, which is ironically when effects are at their worst.
With the type of elation that generally occurs when you find out you are having a baby, it is a hard task to keep this information between yourself and your partner.
What makes it harder, is when your body begins to change and all you want to do is share these changes with those close to you, including your work friends.
With the second trimester of pregnancy comes a sense of relief that you can now tell people and you generally not only start to feel a decrease in some of these uncomfortable effects of pregnancy, you begin to feel a bit more like your old self again.
I am currently 21 weeks pregnant with my first child, and I can thankfully say that I was one of the lucky ones who feels like a ‘pregnancy fraud’ because happily, the effects of morning sickness seemed to have missed me.
But, there are many who aren’t so lucky.
So how can you cope with morning sickness and being a nurse?
We’ve all worked with other nurses who have been pregnant and seen them dart away when the food trolley comes into the ward… or run out of a room with a hand over their mouth.
A few strategies that can help include:
Even though I haven’t experienced morning sickness, I still felt changes in my body that forced me to change the way I worked as a nurse.
And one of these changes was hunger.
When I was hungry… I was hungry!! And if I didn’t eat, then I would get nauseous.
This made it difficult for me as I am one of those nurses who hold off on morning tea until nearly lunch time, and suddenly I was finding myself looking for food by the time I had finished handover!
I eventually found a way to deal with it, and that was by making sure I had snacks in my pocket for those times of extreme hunger when I simply couldn’t leave the ward.
Some nurses aren’t so lucky and experience morning sickness so severe that they physically cannot work, and even if they want to keep their pregnancy a secret, are forced to tell people early because of it.
If this is the case, it might be worthwhile informing your manager or supervisor first, before telling the other people in your team.
When you consider that you are slowly growing another human being in your uterus, it shouldn’t be a surprise that you are tired, even if you think you shouldn’t be!
It’s important to listen to your body.
When it tells you to rest, then you rest. And even when it doesn’t tell you to rest, still have a rest!
I found this out the hard way. I would begin feeling great and take on a lot to do, then pay for it severely the following day with a deep-seated fatigue.
I ended up changing self-talk with myself and adopting a very similar tone to how I would talk to one of my patients following a surgery, about getting rest and pacing and looking after myself.
Sometimes we just have to be a bit nicer to ourselves.
For nurses doing shift work, fatigue can be particularly difficult. Therefore, it is important to look after yourself and rest when you need it, including those reviving little naps following a strenuous morning shift (or a not-so-strenuous morning shift).
And, if you can, plan ahead with your shifts and try to minimise the number of late-early shifts and night shifts you undertake.
Caring for at risk patients such as cytotoxic patients or those under infectious precautions can be a contentious issue.
Some people say that pregnant women are safe caring for these patients because we should all be using the correct precautions to protect ourselves, however some also say that pregnant nurses shouldn’t put themselves or their baby at any increased risk, which – lets face it – these patients are.
Some nurses are happy to continue caring for these patients, others not so much.
At the end of the day, it is the individual’s decision.
Just speaking for myself, every ward that I have worked on has shown great regard for pregnant nurses, ensuring they are never put in positions in which they are torn between regard for the safety of themselves and their baby, and their responsibility to the ward and its patients.
In regards to safe working practices when pregnant, your hospital Enterprise Bargaining Agreement (EBA) will have further information on your rights, as well as Safe Work Australia.
As you grow bigger, you will find it difficult to do some of the activities you might have done previously.
If you need help, then ask for help.
You will find that a lot of the time you may not even have to ask – that people are so caring they will already be looking out for you.
It is also important to remember that during pregnancy you are more at risk of musculoskeletal injuries as your ligaments begin to stretch and loosen in order to prepare your body for childbirth.
So for nurses, this can be particularly important when you consider the manual handling tasks we are required to perform everyday, and the fact the nurses have one of the highest rates of workplace musculoskeletal injuries compared to other industries.
Everyone is different and every pregnancy is different, so individuals will find specific strategies that will work for them and the effects of pregnancy they may be experiencing.
What may work for you, may not be for someone else. Like our patient care, it’s all individualised.
My top 5 hints for pregnant nurses are to:
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