Pregnant Guro

Pregnant Guro


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The new gurochan needs a pregnancy-related guro thread!
Labour pains got you down? Try some 12-guage asprin!
Could be considered hardvore, I suppose . . .
Battered, bruised, bloodied and birthing? Must be time for a selfie.
I bet she lived long enough to feel her baby crowning before the saw started grinding at her throat. So close, and yet so far.
>>9786 Alright, this one made me lol. Which Kisirian work is this from?
>>9836 From pixiv: When you cut the neck of a girl during labor Girl die certainly is a possibility that although baby survive.
>>10220 As seen in that specific picture, yes the baby would have been alive IF its not a stillbirth. That baby is 70% through the birth canal, and can breathe on its own.
>>4494 >>7839 Anymore like these? Where the baby finds it own way out/outgrows the mother?
>>7841 Xenomorphic style birth/death scenes. YES!
Got a bunch more, but it's all pretty old and common stuff now. That's why I asked if there was any new stuff. I'll dump/trade if there is interest though.
>>10411 it's a rare genre. Would appreciate anything you have. I havent found much outside some niche deviant artists like Mpregnator
anybody have any pics of the dude fucking the baby as the dead body of the mom lies off to the side, or is that too sick even for gurochan?
There's enough blood here to be considered guro, I think. Found on pixiv this morning.
>>11405 If I find something like that, I'll let you know.
>>15947 Souce, plz? What's artist name?
Dante had little regard for unborn infants, which he referred to as Sprogs, a Navy term for unwanted babies. He also was mercilessly cruel to pregnant ladies. These are all I have of his pregnant girls. Does anyone have any others?
Thanks for the Dante drawings. A few ones are new to me. You have a huge collection of his art and stories. Thats awesome. I didn´t find any new pics of him in all this years. Thx for that Regis.
These old dante drawings are awesome!
Otaquist and Anonymous - re your messages below, thanks. If you are on, PM me. as I don't think you can do it here.
>>17413 Don't have an account there, but you can always shoot me an email
>>24586 Anyone know what she's saying?
>>24634 Guh... There are too many them! Would be nice if there was an after picture of her completely mutilated and destroyed.
>>24634 I *think* she's saying "Shit, there's too many of them... !" I say think, because Google Translate says it should be "Damn! Few too many ...!" Google translate, why so silly
>>24650 If one were to say "a few too many" that would be an acceptable turn of phrase. Like, she could -almost- handle them, but not quite. But I've heard Japanese doesn't handle indefinite articles in the same way as English, so the "a" might not come through, and certainly machine translations lack some polish.
>>24638 There definitely needs to be an after picture, yeah. I wonder if that first stab took out her baby?
>>17854 >>17855 Anyone got a source for this?
>>17854 >>17855 Is there a source for this?
I'm pretty sure this goes here, re-implanting a baby that had been born into its mothers womb.
Burukabi is still creating preggo art, but it's always censored. Is he publishing the uncensored versions somewhere? I would ask, but he seems to communicate only in Japanese.
Another recent one, a happy mom to be (maybe).
>>47985 Aw, they removed her womb without looking inside! How rude!
>>47261 Very rude of me to forget Burukabi's Pixiv link, sorry.
I just wish this had an after pic...
Just when I thought the well had run dry! Many thanks.
>>49276 >>49275 Source?? Please tell me they take commissions!
>>49212 Source/artist? I’ve been looking everywhere.
This kinda fits the bill even though it's from a "normal" manga called Kenja no Mago.
Always a favorite thread. One of these days I'll make the pinata pic I have in my head though TBH I 'm way more about peril and predicament than actual guro... at least in my visual art. Hey anybody remember an extremely graphic Guest pic by Hyou on the ancient "Alumeneko's (sp?) Baloon bomb site?" That was my first Pregnancy guro pic.
>>74899 That is a page from a manga. I don't know the name, but I have fansubs, probably from Gurochan. I'll try to upload it.
File: 1414100030876.jpg (178.14 KB, 679x960, depregnation_by_andersvg-d….jpg )
Preggo Majorkey 10/23/14 (Thu) 21:33:51 No. 4276 [Last 50 Posts]
Majorkey 10/23/14 (Thu) 21:34:35 No. 4277
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MK 12/19/14 (Fri) 17:20:45 No. 7098
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MK 02/17/15 (Tue) 08:28:14 No. 9836
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02/18/15 (Wed) 04:19:13 No. 10029
02/24/15 (Tue) 05:23:57 No. 10220
Crixus1 02/24/15 (Tue) 13:22:49 No. 10234
02/26/15 (Thu) 02:23:22 No. 10281
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03/01/15 (Sun) 02:47:58 No. 10408
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03/01/15 (Sun) 04:27:19 No. 10411
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MK 03/01/15 (Sun) 23:14:46 No. 10480
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03/03/15 (Tue) 03:31:54 No. 10588
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03/03/15 (Tue) 03:32:18 No. 10589
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03/05/15 (Thu) 06:34:59 No. 10661
Ano 03/23/15 (Mon) 03:41:24 No. 11405
04/16/15 (Thu) 21:55:54 No. 12630
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MK 04/17/15 (Fri) 16:08:00 No. 12753
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04/18/15 (Sat) 09:03:48 No. 12771
MK 04/28/15 (Tue) 15:52:46 No. 13224
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MK 04/28/15 (Tue) 15:55:06 No. 13225
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04/29/15 (Wed) 12:43:36 No. 13266
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05/01/15 (Fri) 02:40:29 No. 13342
05/20/15 (Wed) 04:19:27 No. 14084
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MK 06/23/15 (Tue) 02:52:59 No. 15946
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MK 06/23/15 (Tue) 02:53:53 No. 15947
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07/01/15 (Wed) 15:33:10 No. 16548
07/02/15 (Thu) 08:10:17 No. 16570
07/02/15 (Thu) 08:10:24 No. 16571
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07/02/15 (Thu) 08:10:34 No. 16573
anon123 07/02/15 (Thu) 08:39:57 No. 16574
anon123 07/02/15 (Thu) 08:40:28 No. 16575
anon123 07/02/15 (Thu) 08:40:40 No. 16576
Regis 07/25/15 (Sat) 13:05:20 No. 17256
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Regis 07/25/15 (Sat) 13:24:28 No. 17258
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Regis 07/25/15 (Sat) 13:26:26 No. 17259
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Regis 07/25/15 (Sat) 13:27:43 No. 17260
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Regis 07/25/15 (Sat) 13:28:23 No. 17261
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Regis 07/26/15 (Sun) 12:47:07 No. 17325
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Regis 07/26/15 (Sun) 13:00:47 No. 17326
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Regis 07/26/15 (Sun) 13:14:21 No. 17327
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Regis 07/26/15 (Sun) 13:15:44 No. 17328
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Regis 07/26/15 (Sun) 13:16:52 No. 17329
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Regis 07/26/15 (Sun) 15:13:53 No. 17332
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Regis 07/26/15 (Sun) 15:22:15 No. 17333
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Regis 07/26/15 (Sun) 15:22:58 No. 17334
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Regis 07/26/15 (Sun) 15:24:04 No. 17335
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Regis 07/26/15 (Sun) 15:27:23 No. 17336
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Otakuist 07/26/15 (Sun) 19:50:19 No. 17346
07/27/15 (Mon) 01:27:50 No. 17354
Regis 07/27/15 (Mon) 14:55:11 No. 17413
08/06/15 (Thu) 10:58:58 No. 17854
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08/06/15 (Thu) 10:59:28 No. 17855
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08/07/15 (Fri) 23:44:14 No. 17917
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09/19/15 (Sat) 02:23:09 No. 19542
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10/01/15 (Thu) 18:56:28 No. 19988
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MK 10/01/15 (Thu) 18:57:34 No. 19989
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MK 10/01/15 (Thu) 19:13:03 No. 19990
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MK 10/01/15 (Thu) 19:14:32 No. 19991
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12/03/15 (Thu) 17:18:50 No. 21866
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01/06/16 (Wed) 15:56:14 No. 23052
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01/06/16 (Wed) 15:56:28 No. 23053
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02/17/16 (Wed) 18:43:28 No. 24586
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MK 02/19/16 (Fri) 04:17:55 No. 24634
02/19/16 (Fri) 11:37:57 No. 24638
Ashgale 02/19/16 (Fri) 21:57:11 No. 24650
03/04/16 (Fri) 09:58:43 No. 25197
MK 04/19/16 (Tue) 03:07:12 No. 26687
05/19/16 (Thu) 18:33:31 No. 26876
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09/26/16 (Mon) 08:26:17 No. 30327
11/13/16 (Sun) 06:32:51 No. 31721
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01/14/17 (Sat) 04:59:45 No. 34103
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pussy shooter 03/19/17 (Sun) 03:43:27 No. 36739
04/01/17 (Sat) 18:40:23 No. 37724
06/15/17 (Thu) 08:47:28 No. 40577
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07/30/17 (Sun) 20:16:19 No. 42543
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d udet 10/13/17 (Fri) 04:07:30 No. 47243
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d udet 10/13/17 (Fri) 04:08:57 No. 47244
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10/13/17 (Fri) 07:02:55 No. 47261
10/30/17 (Mon) 09:08:09 No. 47985
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10/31/17 (Tue) 17:35:17 No. 48047
d udet 11/12/17 (Sun) 15:29:29 No. 48417
11/19/17 (Sun) 09:24:11 No. 48686
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11/19/17 (Sun) 09:27:47 No. 48687
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11/29/17 (Wed) 22:28:11 No. 49177
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11/29/17 (Wed) 22:30:00 No. 49178
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11/30/17 (Thu) 18:28:51 No. 49212
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12/01/17 (Fri) 12:12:41 No. 49240
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12/01/17 (Fri) 12:13:21 No. 49241
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12/01/17 (Fri) 12:13:56 No. 49242
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12/01/17 (Fri) 12:14:31 No. 49243
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12/01/17 (Fri) 12:15:48 No. 49244
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12/01/17 (Fri) 12:16:16 No. 49245
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12/01/17 (Fri) 12:16:54 No. 49247
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12/01/17 (Fri) 12:17:24 No. 49248
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12/01/17 (Fri) 12:18:03 No. 49249
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12/01/17 (Fri) 12:23:42 No. 49258
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12/01/17 (Fri) 12:24:23 No. 49259
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12/01/17 (Fri) 12:25:10 No. 49260
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12/01/17 (Fri) 17:28:17 No. 49275
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12/01/17 (Fri) 17:28:44 No. 49276
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d udet 01/05/18 (Fri) 04:12:53 No. 50394
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02/05/18 (Mon) 00:58:47 No. 51264
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02/05/18 (Mon) 13:24:20 No. 51293
03/02/18 (Fri) 08:48:12 No. 52047
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05/12/18 (Sat) 06:41:36 No. 54861
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08/07/18 (Tue) 16:52:14 No. 59716
Anonymous 02/21/19 (Thu) 11:55:23 No. 65246
Anonymous 02/21/19 (Thu) 11:58:27 No. 65247
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Anonymous 02/22/19 (Fri) 22:38:28 No. 65296
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andersvg 04/11/19 (Thu) 09:02:34 No. 67374
Anonymous 04/19/19 (Fri) 11:03:11 No. 67753
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Anonymous 04/29/19 (Mon) 10:08:09 No. 68296
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Anonymous 04/29/19 (Mon) 13:08:19 No. 68297
Anonymous 04/30/19 (Tue) 06:47:25 No. 68312
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Anonymous 04/30/19 (Tue) 07:12:18 No. 68317
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Anonymous 05/03/19 (Fri) 13:57:09 No. 68490
qexet 05/03/19 (Fri) 15:48:40 No. 68494
Anonymous 05/04/19 (Sat) 17:40:56 No. 68527
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Anonymous 05/04/19 (Sat) 17:42:20 No. 68528
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Anonymous 05/11/19 (Sat) 15:29:48 No. 68818
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Anonymous 06/20/19 (Thu) 16:07:30 No. 70765
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Anonymous 06/20/19 (Thu) 16:08:57 No. 70766
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feet 06/21/19 (Fri) 17:23:18 No. 70782
Anonymous 06/21/19 (Fri) 19:01:40 No. 70785
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Anonymous 07/06/19 (Sat) 20:01:45 No. 71362
Anonymous 07/06/19 (Sat) 20:58:21 No. 71363
File: 1562446701188.jpg (20.85 KB, 355x355, 9120XOxPxTL._SY355_.jpg )
Anonymous 07/08/19 (Mon) 17:00:18
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