Pregnant Goddess

Pregnant Goddess


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Fertility Goddesses represent one of the main aspects of the Mother Archetype. 
Archaeological finds of the earliest Goddesses, from around the world, show her as the Great Mother Goddess and creator. This is illustrated by her large breasts and a swollen Belly. 

In this form the Goddess represents fertility of both people and the land upon which they lived.

Later in history the fertility Goddesses embody the fertile nature of the earth itself, these female archetypes are also usually mothers of other deities and so seen as patrons of motherhood. 
Over time Goddesses become increasingly differentiated, representing a multitude of different aspects of the female and the natural world. 
The fertility Goddesses listed below are linked to the various aspects of the mother. Some are grain or Earth Goddesses; others represent fertility, pregnancy and childbirth.

You will also discover several moon Goddesses since the phases of the the moon are linked to a woman's menstrual cycle. In many tribal societies, even today, women are at their most fertile at the time of the full moon.
Over time Goddesses become increasingly differentiated, representing a multitude of different aspects of the female and the natural world. 
The fertility Goddesses listed below are linked to the various aspects of the mother. Some are grain or Earth Goddesses; others represent fertility, pregnancy and childbirth.

You will also discover several moon Goddesses because the moon is linked to a woman's menstrual cycle. In many tribal societies, women are at their most fertile at the time of the full moon.
The lists below are by no means exhaustive, whilst researching the lists I have felt both daunted and heartened to see so many beautiful myths of the Mother Goddess, surviving in the modern world. These lists will no doubt grow and be refined as my research continues.

 I have split the Goddesses into two main sections. The first deals with fertility and whilst the other section concentrates on the Goddesses associated with pregnancy and childbirth. Many of these Goddesses are associated with both aspects of the mother. I chose to make the distinction to make it easier to find the Goddess you require.
If you want to invoke the fertility Goddesses you can choose to work with a Goddess from the first list. The high-lighted ones provide links to Goddesses I have covered in more detail elsewhere on this site. You can then invoke the Goddess or set up an altar to her in your home or garden asking that your requests may be granted. Many of these Goddesses can also be called upon to promote growth in other areas of your life.
The second list is for those of you who are already pregnant. Call on these Goddesses for a healthy pregnancy and an easy birth.
Ala (Nigerian) - Mother Goddess responsible for fertility of both animals and man.
Ajysyt (Siberian) - Mother Goddess. Her name means "birth giver". She visited every mother and provided a soul for the new-borns.
Aka (Turkish) - Ancient, Mother Goddess.
Alemonia (Roman) - Goddess responsible for feeding of the foetus in the womb. Her name may also be spelt Alemona.
Aphrodite (Greek) – Represented fertility.
Arianrhod (Welsh) - Associated with fertility.
Aveta (Gaulish) - Goddess of fertility, childbirth and midwives, also linked to fresh water.
Bast (Egyptian) - The cat headed Goddess was associated with both fertility and childbirth.
Bendis (Greek) - One of several Greek fertility Goddesses.
Bona Dea (Roman) - Goddess of fertility, healing, virginity, and women.
Brigit (Irish) - Was the Goddess of home, hearth, feminine aspects, healing, and fertility.
Ceres (Roman) - Goddess of crops and agriculture.
Corn Mother (Native American) - Responsible for the fertility of the land and people.
Cybele (Roman) - Cybele was the goddess of fertility based on Anatolian Goddess Kybele.
Demeter (Greek) - The Goddess of grain and bringer of fertility to the earth.
Freya (Nordic) - Often confused with Frigg, Freyja was the Norse goddess of sexual activity.

Frigg (Nordic) - Frigg was the Odin wife she protected a man's marriage and made him fertile. Her name was invoked to bring children into a conjugal union.
Gaia (Greek) - Ancient Greek mother goddess who gave birth to the land and the Titans.

Gefjon (Teutonic) -She was one of Frigg's handmaidens and associated with fertility of both man and the land.
Haumea (Hawaiian) - Haumea was perpetually reborn, allowing her to continually mate with her offspring.
Juno (Roman) - Often called upon by infertile women.
Macha (Irish) - Fertility goddess who primarily concerned with male virility.
Lakshmi (Hindu) - A mother goddess who represents the feminine aspect of God.
Mastor-Ava (Russian) - Earth Goddess.

Nile Goddess (Egyptian) - One of the prehistoric fertility Goddesses worshipped in the Nile Delta. She had the head of a bird.
Rainbow Snake (Aborigine) - She represented the fertile rains, and sea she flows through her people's lives bringing children.
Rhea (Greek) - Replaced her mother Gaia as the earth and fertility goddess. Rhea gave birth to the first Olympians.
Tlalteutli (Aztec) - Goddess of Creation. The Universe was made of Her body.
Urd (Teutonic) - Norse Earth Goddess.
Venus (Roman) - Roman equivalent to Aphrodite. She represented one of the main fertility Goddesses.
Artemis (Greece) - Despite being a virgin goddess she also presides over childbirth due to the ease of her own birth.
Bast (Egypt) - Bast was the cat headed goddess was associated with both childbirth and fertility.
Carmenta (Roman) - Goddess of prophecy and birth. Pregnant women used to offer her rice for an easy delivery.
Candelifera (Roman) - She was invoked at the beginning of childbirth. Her name means candle bearer and she used this light to help guide the baby into this world.
Diana (Roman) - Queen of Heaven. Patroness of childbirth, nursing and healing.
Deverra  (Roman ) - Goddess who protected midwives and women in labour. Her broom was used to sweep away evil influences.
Eleithyia (Greek) - Was the Goddess of childbirth and labour. She was shown as a woman wielding a torch, representing the burning pains of childbirth. Other works of art depict her with her arms raised in the air summoning a child to the light.
Frigg (Nordic) - Associated with easing child birth. A plant called Freya's grass was traditionally used as a gentle sedative during a difficult labour.
Hathor (Egypt) - The seven Hathors blessed the new-born and set a child's destiny. She is also associated with nursing infants.
Hekate (Greek) - As a midwife she carried a sacred knife to cut the cord at birth.
Hepat (Egyptian) - Goddess of Midwives.
Hera (Greece) - The Queen of the gods, Hera presided over all things feminine especially maternity and marriage.
Isis (Egypt) - Isis had many roles including the protector of motherhood.
Ixchel (Mayan) - Role included Goddess of childbirth, lunar cycles, and pregnancy.
Juno (Roman) - She protected pregnant woman as well as at birth, bringing the child into the light.
Lucina (Roman) - Goddess of Childbirth.
Meskhent (Egyptian) - Egyptian Goddess who presided over the delivery of babies.
Mylitta (Babylonian) - Mylitta took special interests in the process of childbirth.
Nephthys (Egyptian) - Stood at the head of the bed encouraging the mother whilst her sister Isis acted as the midwife.
Ngolimento (Toga) - Goddess who cares for the spirit of a child before it is born.
Nixi (Roman) - The Nixi were a triad of Goddesses associated with birth.
Nintur (Sumerian) - Her name meant "Lady Who Gives Form". She was represented as a woman holding a midwife's pail of water.
Nona (Roman)- Goddess of pregnancy. Her name means nine relating to the ninth month of pregnancy when the expectant mum would call upon her.
Pi-hsia-yuan-chun (Chinese) - She protects women, children, and presides over birth.
Prorsa Postverta (Roman) - Goddess of women in labour she was associated with the position of the child in the womb.
Pukkeenegak (Eskimo) - Feminine Goddess who gave children to the Eskimo women.
Renenet (Egypt) - Goddess who presided over a baby's suckling. She bestowed both a name and a personality on a new-born infant.
Shasti (Indian) - Feline Goddess, depicted riding a cat. Goddess of childbirth and protector of children.
Saint Catherine of Sweden (Roman Catholic) - Patron saint of miscarriage prevention.
Saint Gerard Majella (Roman Catholic) - Patron saint of pregnancy and expectant mothers.
Saint Raymund Nonnatus (Roman Catholic) - Patron saint of midwives.
Tamayorihime (Japan) - Ancient sea Goddess who watches over the birth waters to ensure a safe delivery.
Taueret (Egypt) - Protected infants by taking the form of a pregnant hippopotamus to frighten demons away.
Uma (India) - Her primary function was femaleness in all forms, particularly active ones like childbirth.
In the Pagan and Wiccan tradition the mother represents one aspect of the Triple Goddess; Mother, Maiden and Crone
For information about Goddesses for children and teenagers  please follow the link.
If you want to find out more about Goddesses associated with the fertility of the land and Springtime Please click on Spring Goddesses
Learn about the elemental Goddesses of Earth, Air, Wind and Fire. These are the Goddesses of creation and destruction.
The fire goddesses represent the element of fire in its many different forms; from the spectacular volcano Goddesses to the more benign Goddesses of the hearth fire.
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Fertility Goddesses - The Goddess Guide
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