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Pregnant Fucking Pictures


Pregnant Fucking Pictures

Gerrard Kaonga

On 7/15/22 at 11:17 AM EDT
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A doctor in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, has been arrested after he was caught allegedly raping a woman while a cesarean section was being performed on her, according to police.
Giovanni Quintella Bezerra, 32, was arrested last week in the early hours of July 11 in Rio de Janeiro, at the Women's Hospital in Sao Joao de Meriti, according to a Daily Mirror report.
Suspicions over Bezerra's conduct had already been raised when he performed two C-sections earlier that day.
The nurses recorded him during his third C-section and were able to catch him allegedly assaulting the patient.
Following the arrest, Police said they were already investigating whether a similar attack happened to the first two patients and have said that another three women, treated on different days have, come forward to accuse him of abuse, according to a Mail Online report.
According to the Brazilian newspaper Globo , Bezerra was indicted for the rape of a vulnerable person after he was arrested. This penalty ranges from eight to 15 years in prison.
Bezerra had also raised suspicions by allegedly having heavily sedated women who were undergoing C-sections. Hospital employees were able to change the delivery room Bezerra used for his third C-section of the day in order to film him successfully.
To conduct the alleged act, Bezerra positioned himself at the woman's head as surgeons began work on delivering the baby.
The team, working only feet away from him, was unable to see the patient from the neck up. The alleged rape lasted for 10 minutes.
At the end of the alleged attack, Bezerra was also recorded cleaning the woman's mouth with gauze.
On Monday, the Regional Council of Medicine of the State of Rio de Janeiro launched an internal inquiry and opened proceedings to expel the medic.
"This behavior, in addition to deserving our repudiation, constitutes a crime, which must be punished in accordance with the legislation in force," the public agency said in a statement.
They added that at this time they are focusing on providing support to the alleged victim and her family.
Bezerra's defense said they are waiting to have access to all of the testimonies before addressing the allegations, "according to a report by Globo.
"The defense claims that it has not yet obtained full access to the testimonies and elements of evidence that were produced during the drawing up of the arrest warrant in flagrante delicto," his defense said, also confirming the accusations against Bezerra.
Newsweek has contacted Rio de Janeiro police for comment.

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