Pregnant Egg

Pregnant Egg


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Uterine Polyps

Impact Of Smoking On Women’s Health

Benefits Of Vitamin C

Dr. Sangeeta Agrawal, Obstetrician and Gynaecologist in Mumbai, India
Eggs are a great source of protein, vitamins, and minerals. There is no recommended limit on how many eggs people should eat. Therefore, they can form an important part of a healthy balanced diet. Eggs in pregnancy is another important question which pregnant woman has. They are best consumed after cooking till the white and […]
Eggs are a great source of protein, vitamins, and minerals. There is no recommended limit on how many eggs people should eat. Therefore, they can form an important part of a healthy balanced diet. Eggs in pregnancy is another important question which pregnant woman has.
They are best consumed after cooking till the white and the yolk is solid, such as in boiled poached or scrambled eggs. And one can avoid adding salt and butter. Frying eggs is not a good idea as that increases the fat content by 50%.
Pregnant women should avoid consuming raw eggs. Mousses, soufflés ice creams, and salad dressings may contain raw eggs.
There is no limit to the number but the quantity should be taken as a part of a healthy balanced diet and required calories should be calculated.
As you would when not pregnant, avoid uncooked eggs and avoid frying as that increases the cholesterol content.
Yes, but then watch the fat content as it increases substantially.
Not at all, on the contrary, they are healthy.
Yes, you can have them in all trimesters.
They are a great source of protein, vitamins, and minerals.
Dr. Sangeeta Agrawal is a leading Obstetrician and Gynecologist. She offers the latest and cutting-edge treatments for various gynecological conditions. Practicing for over 29 years now, Dr. Sangeeta has been at the forefront of research and treatments for women’s health needs.
For appointments, please fill our contact us form or call Landline: (+91) 22-24312821 Mobile: (+91) 98202 21675.
In India, cervical cancer is the commonest cancer to affect women. What are the common causes of Cervical Cancer? There are various factors that increase the risk of cervical cancer; such as malnutrition, low socio-economic status, multiple sexual partners, smoking, etc. Human papilloma virus infection is also an important cause of cervical cancer there are many types of HPV. They are classified as High risk and low risk. High-risk types cause genital cancer and the low-risk types cause genital warts. HPV can spread due to skin-to-skin contact. It does not require penetrative intercourse. One can acquire the virus at any time and then it may persist in the cells for a long time. It will then induce changes in the cells that over a long period of time lead to precancerous and then cancerous changes. What is the available vaccine to prevent cervical cancer? HPV infection may not produce any symptoms. Taking vaccination against HPV can prevent cervical cancer. The vaccines contain some strains of the virus in the antigen form. These then help one to develop antibodies to the viral antigen. All women can take the vaccine. It is particularly meant for young girls who have started sexual activity. […]
It is with great pleasure that I inform all my followers that I have now attained the title of The ‘FRCOG’ After 12 years of MRCOG, the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists in the UK does an assessment of your performance and then confers on you the title of FRCOG. i.e. fellow of the royal college. The convocation was held at Royal College in London on the 23rd of September 2011. Here I want to thank my parents for always being there for me, encouraging me and supporting me all the way through. None of this would be possible without their support. I also thank all my family members, friends, well-wishers and patients who have supported me always.
Malaria is a very common infection and can be life-threatening but it is preventable. Here are a few tips on prevention of malaria. Malaria is caused by the bite of the female Anopheles mosquito. In Pregnancy, Malaria infection carries significant risks to mother and baby. Miscarriage, stillbirth and premature labour are the main complications of malaria. What are the measures to prevent malaria? The ‘ABCD’ of malaria prevention is as follows:● Awareness of risk● Bite prevention● Chemoprophylaxis● Diagnosis and treatment must be prompt Education about the cause and symptoms of malaria (such as a fever with chills) is useful. How can I prevent mosquito bite that causes malaria? Use skin repellentsKnock-down mosquito sprayInsecticide-treated bed netsClothing and room protection The anopheline mosquito has different preferred biting times in different parts of the world. But the maximum risk period is from dawn to dusk. Therefore the mosquito bite prevention measures need to be applied 24 hours a day. Skin repellents containing 20% DEET Have been used and there are no apparent adverse effects Knock-down mosquito sprays Permethrin and Pyrethroids sprays kill resting and flying mosquitoes. A can of insect spray active against mosquitoes is useful to help clear the room of mosquitoes. […]
Puberty is when a child’s body starts showing changes as they are in the process of becoming an adult. Puberty for girls is when the girls start developing breasts, get their first period. Wherein puberty for boys is when their voice gets heavier and they start showing facial hair growth. So, medically we can say puberty is the process of biologic & physical development through which sexual reproduction first becomes possible. Various physical changes occur during puberty. Puberty for girls usually starts at the age of 9 years. This can differ from girl to girl. What are the five stages of puberty? Accelerated growthBreast development & growthPubic & axillary hair growthMenarche -i.e. appearance of 1st menses (ovulation usually occurs 1-3 years after menarche)Most girls get their 1st menses between 9yrs to 16yrs, mean age is 12.8 yrs For how long should we wait for the first periods? 1. Does not have menses by age of 14 yrs and also secondary sexual characteristicsOr2. No menses by age of 16 yrs despite secondary sex characteristics, then she would need further investigation. One should then see a gynecologist. Here are a few FAQs around Puberty in Girls as answered by Dr. Sangeeta Agrawal.
Diagnostic x-ray is a frequent source of patient anxiety in pregnancy. It is important to note that: 1. No single diagnostic x-ray procedure is enough to threaten the well being of the embryo or fetus. 2. Risk of fetal anomalies, growth restriction spontaneous abortion are not increased at exposure level of <5 rads. 3. MRI and ultrasound are safe in all stages of pregnancy. 4. Radio opaque and paramagnetic contrast agents are unlikely to cause harm; but should be used only when the benefit justifies the potential risk to the fetus. 5. Use of radio-active isotopes of iodine is contraindicated in pregnancy.
During pregnancy, it is a pregnant women’s ultimate joy to feel the baby’s movement. It further increases the bonding with the baby. Fetal movements are perceived by the women as a sensation of discrete kick, flutter, swish or roll. When will I feel the baby movement? Movements are first perceived by the mother between 18 and 20 weeks of gestation. Women in their first pregnancy may perceive movement much later than 20 weeks of pregnancy, but women who have been pregnant before may perceive fetal movements as early as 16 weeks pregnancy in the subsequent pregnancies. Fetal movements provide an indication of the integrity of the central nervous and musculoskeletal systems. The normal fetus is active and capable of physical movement, and goes through periods of both rest and sleep. The number of spontaneous movements tends to increase until the 32nd week of pregnancy. From this stage of gestation, the frequency of fetal movements plateaus until the onset of labor; however, the type of fetal movement may change as pregnancy advances in the third trimester. There is no reduction in the frequency of fetal movements in the late third trimester. How much fetal movement is normal? By term, the average […]
Thigh Chafing is a very common complaint amongst women. Thigh Chafing Treatment is possible with a few easy methods. Thigh Chafing occurs when skin rubs against another skin (as when the thighs rub against each other while walking) and becomes red, inflamed, and irritated. Sometimes it may be very itchy and then can get infected. Chafing can be extremely irritating and uncomfortable. Walking may become difficult thus affecting your daily routine. How do I stop my thighs from chafing? Wearing loose comfortable cotton clothes so as to prevent friction between the skin of the thighs.Keeping the skin moisturized. Thigh Chafing Treatment With Home Remedies But once it occurs, most women apply oils (eg. coconut oil), and gels (eg. Aloe vera gel), locally which can soothe for a while but do not treat the problem. Clotrimazole powder or cream can be used and can help relieve the redness, irritation and infection. Infection is usually fungal but it may soon become a mixed infection.One would, in that case, need a broad spectrum cream. If it does not resolve with this then one should see a doctor.
Urine infection is very common across all age groups of women. Women are particularly prone to urine infections due to the anatomically short urethra. Let’s discuss the relation between Cranberry Juice and Urine Infection. Cranberry juice intake has been touted as a helpful measure to reduce the rate of urine infections. Cranberry juice increases benzoic acid in the urine which in turn makes the urine acidic and therefore prevents the bacteria from proliferating. It was also believed that cranberry juice prevents the bacteria from sticking to inert surfaces such as catheters and prevents infections from long dwelling catheters. Research has revealed that substances derived from cranberry juice i.e. extract such as glycoproteins, fructose, and condensed tannins prevent bacteria from sticking to the epithelial cells and thus prevent urine infection. As the bacteria do not stick to the walls, they are flushed out in the urine. Cranberry extract is now available as a tablet form. A minimum of 300-400 mg twice daily in tablet form for at least a month or so is needed to give some benefit. Research has also shown mixed results and therefore it is too premature to recommend it as a preventive treatment for UTI. Nevertheless, one […]
Most of us have certain notions and beliefs that may or may not be right. Pregnancy is one such issue where myths are common, and vary from region to region and culture to culture. Here are half a dozen pregnancy myths around the world. These are the common ‘old wives’ tales’ that are the subject of discussions in kitty parties. Let me discuss some of them here. Myth: One should not eat papaya in pregnancy. Fact: You can consume papaya. Hundreds of years ago papaya seeds were consumed to bring about termination. Ripe papaya is good for you and the baby. Myth: When you are pregnant you need to eat for two. Fact: Please don’t. Remember you will have to work double to lose that weight. It is important to just eat well balanced, healthy small frequent meals. Myth: If you crave salty foods, then you have a baby boy. Fact: Cravings in pregnancy have nothing to do with the sex of the child. There is no scientific explanation for the cravings and they probably are just secondary to the hormonal changes in the body. Myth: It is best to avoid sex during pregnancy. Fact: It is alright to have […]
Periods are a normal physiological function of the female body but there are many myths and taboos surrounding it, especially in India. These affect the social-cultural lives of the women and also the health -physical and mental. Here are a few period facts and myths. Scientifically we know that the woman makes one egg per month and the uterus makes a lining. This lining will facilitate the growth of the fetus in case the egg meets with sperm and fertilizes. When fertilization does not happen then the egg and the lining are shed off. This shedding of the lining is menstruation or the periods. But periods are considered dirty and impure. Period Facts and Myths: Myth: Women cannot enter the puja or the kitchen as she is impure. Fact: Well, this sounds like a joke. There is nothing impure. It is for this reason that many women approach a doctor to take tablets to prepone or postpone their periods during big pujas and festivals. This ideally should be avoided. Myth: Women in periods should not touch sour foods like pickles. Fact: The belief is that the body emits some smell which will turn the food bad and unedible. Till to […]
Female Infertility is when you are trying to get pregnant naturally for atleast a year with no success. Infertility can be due to male or female infertility. There are various causes associated with famale infertility as listed below: 1. Age Age is the most consistent factor that affects the fertility of women. The women have all their eggs at birth and after birth the eggs only dwindle over time. Fertility declines after 30 and the decline is significant after 40. After 40, pregnancy is difficult, higher chance of medical problems, and higher risk of chromosomal abnormalities. 2. Smoking Smoking makes it difficult to get pregnant. It further increases risk of miscarriage, difficult times in pregnancy, higher chance of premature delivery, growth restricted babies, and various complications of pregnancy. 3. Weight Weight plays a major role in hormonal balance and the glucose and thereby the insulin metabolism in the body. Obesity can make the periods delayed scanty and can prevent the normal egg formation every month. Even if the eggs are formed, they may not be good enough for fertilization and implantation as the hormonal milieu is disturbed. 4. Timing of Sex It is common to have very infrequent sex among […]
The reason behind pain near pelvis/pelvic is different for different people. Here are 5 Types Of Pelvis/Pelvic Pain that you should be aware of: 1. Pain during sex There are a variety of things that can cause pain near pelvis during sex such as infections, vaginal dryness, muscle spasm. The Solution: Vaginal lubricants and pelvis floor exercises/Kegel exercises can go a long way in the alleviation of symptoms. 2. Pain while passing urine. Commonest cause is urinary tract infection, but renal stones, Interstitial cystitis, or painful bladder syndrome, often presents as a UTI. The Solution: See a gynaecologist, do a urinalysis and culture and then take treatment as required. 3. Pain during bowel movements Haemorrhoids also commonly known as piles, and fissures are common problems. They are more common in pregnancy as constipation is a precipitating factor. The Solution: Stool softeners and increased fibre in the diet are the only solutions during pregnancy. Definitive treatment can only be done after delivery 4. Pain during periods Cramps that usually start with the period and settle in 1 to 2 days when the flow starts. These are common and physiological. The Solution: Hot water fomentation, exercises, and safe pain killers such as […]
Pregnancy Vaccinations will enable the mother to develop immunity. The antibodies can pass from the mother to the baby and thereby give protection to the baby. Flu Vaccine During Pregnancy All pregnant women who are going to be pregnant in the flu season should take the influenza vaccine, irrespective of the weeks of pregnancy. Only the inactivated vaccine should be taken, live attenuated vaccine is contraindicated in pregnancy. TDAP Vaccine It is recommended to give one dose of Tdap vaccine to pregnant patients between 27 and 36 weeks irrespective of their previous vaccination status although it can be given anytime in pregnancy. If it has not been given in pregnancy, then it should be given immediately after delivery. Pregnant women who never have been vaccinated against tetanus should receive three vaccinations containing tetanus and reduced diphtheria toxoids. The recommended schedule is 0, 4 weeks and 6 through 12 months. Tdap should replace 1 dose of Td, preferably between 27 and 36 weeks gestation. Hepatitis B Pregnant women who are negative for the virus and who may be at high risk of getting infected should receive the vaccine. Ideally, all women should receive this vaccine prior to getting pregnant. Women, who […]
Obesity is increasingly common and has an impact on a wide range of issues in pregnancy. Overweight women and pregnancy is an important concern. Here is how it can be managed well during your entire pregnancy: In 1st trimester Nutritional counselling and tailor-made diet plans are important as they need quality nutrition and at the same time should not put on too much weight.They need to be screened for Glucose Intolerance / Diabetes.The baseline BP should be recorded with the correct size of the cuff.The prenatal test has lesser accuracy in obese/overweight women.The Invasive procedures (amniocentesis and CVS) are difficult to perform in obese/overweight women. The risk of pregnancy loss after these procedures is higher in women with BMI > 40. In 2nd trimester The ultrasound is done for assessing the anatomy. This is challenging as it is difficult to see fetus due to abdominal fat and therefore some abnormalities may be missed.Obese women have a higher risk of preeclampsia and diabetes. Therefore, regular assessment of the mother and baby is required. In 3rd Trimester The labor may be difficult and prolonged as the fetus may be overweight too.There are increased chances of requiring instrumental delivery (vacuum or forceps) and […]
This is a commonly asked question in pregnancy. Women all around the world have a question about whether they can drink tea and coffee during pregnancy. The answer is not too easy. Tea / Coffee contains caffeine. Caffeine should be restricted as much as possible during pregnancy. Caffeine is a stimulant and is found in commonly consumed beverages such as coffee, tea, chocolate, soda, energy drinks, etc. It is also found in some over-the-counter medications that relieve headaches and cold. What are the side-effects of tea/coffee on baby? There are studies that have been conducted in animals that show caffeine can have harmful effects on the foetus
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Pregnant Egg

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