Pregnant Daughter Incest

Pregnant Daughter Incest


Pregnant Daughter Incest

Sunday, Jul 10th 2022

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The young mother lives in an area with one of the worst rates of under-age pregnancy in the country.
But even so, the neighbours are shocked.
Not content with getting pregnant at 11 and giving birth at 12, she is now expecting her second child at the age of 14.
Her unborn baby's father is 17 and out of work, so the financial burden of supporting her growing family will continue to be borne by taxpayers.
One neighbour on a council estate in Rotherham said: 'She is giving out the message that it's OK to keep getting pregnant and the state will just keep paying for it.'
The schoolgirl's family background makes depressing reading.
Her own mother was just 14 when she had her, and went on to become Britain's youngest grandmother at 26. The girl's first baby was fathered by a man of 23 who was also her mother's lover.
He had fathered a child with her mother, too, which was born ten days before hers.
He was convicted of having unlawful sexual intercourse and jailed for seven years at Sheffield Crown Court, but the sentence was halved on appeal.
The girl did not realise she was pregnant until she started giving birth on the lavatory of her family home.
The family had to be rehoused because of the ensuing publicity and she later claimed she had been raped by the man.
However, the background to her second pregnancy, now in its seventh month, appears to be the more familiar one of 'illicit' teenage romance.
Her boyfriend is a daily visitor to her mother's semi-detached council house on the outskirts of town.
According to neighbours he often stays late, and is sometimes there overnight. He claims he will stand by her and help bring up both babies.
But for the time being at least, the family will have to rely on welfare payments.
The young father-to-be is believed to have been questioned by social workers and police, but not to have been arrested.
He said of the pregnancy: 'I'm not bothered about it, it happened. But her mum is worried about her kids being taken into care.' One of his friends said: 'They are a very quiet couple. They don't go out to pubs or clubs or anything like that.
'They seem very close. It's a longstanding relationship, he has been going out with her for at least a year.
'He is a bit of a rogue - just one of the lads.
'The girl never wears make-up or flashy clothes. She might act a bit older than she is, but with already having one kid to bring up that's because she has no choice.'
Yesterday the girl's mother would not discuss the situation.
Asked about her daughter's predicament she replied: 'So, what am I supposed to do about it?'
She added: 'A lot of nasty rubbish is being talked about my daughter and I don't want to say anything more.' Then she slammed the door.
Neighbours said the teenager had tried to hide her pregnancy for as long as possible, and now spent most of her time at home awaiting the birth
One said many local people blame the girl's mother for what has happened.
'Nobody really blames the girl or social workers - they are at the house almost every week and they seem to be doing the best they can for her,' she said.
'It's her mother that everyone resents, and people are shunning her on the streets.
'The mother has encouraged the relationship with the boy and there is a lot of ill-feeling.
'It looks as though she will have to move to another area because of the animosity towards her.
'Most people around here are decent and hard- working and wouldn't let their kid get into this sort of mess.'
Local Labour MP Denis MacShane called for better sex education in schools to prevent more such cases arising.
He warned: 'Children are under immense pressure to behave as adults when they should be allowed to live as children.
'Britain has unacceptably high rates of school-age pregnancy compared to the rest of Europe.
'We need more support for families and need to reintroduce the idea of personal responsibility at all ages.'
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I got pregnant after affair and my husband left me
I had a brief affair when my husband was working away with his company and I got pregnant.
I realise how wrong I was to cheat on him and regret it deeply.
I was hoping my husband was the father and kept the affair secret but, when my son was born, it was obvious who his father was.
My husband was so heartbroken he ran out of the delivery room.
He reacted so badly, he kicked both me and my baby out of the house, screamed at us and even went so far as to hit me.
The baby and I are now staying in a hostel until we can find somewhere to live.
I love my husband and I’ve asked about us getting back together, but he says there’s no chance.
I’ve also found out he’s been making offensive remarks about my son and his father.
The problem now is that I slept with my husband to try and win him back – and now I’ve recently found out I’m pregnant with his child.
When I told him, he said he wanted me to get rid of it and that he doesn’t want any child of his being raised with my son. I really need your advice.
Can I get my husband back and have a family with him?
In the simplest of terms – no. And, more importantly, why would you want to?
I understand his anger at your affair and lying to him over the pregnancy. What I won’t understand are his negative remarks towards your child. He’s using that as a form of punishment, which is very sad for your little boy.
Would you honestly want this man near your new baby when he’s been making bad remarks about him?
I’m shocked you’ve slept with him after what’s happened and had ­unprotected sex. You need to sort your life out – start by being a bit more realistic.
People usually have affairs because things aren’t right at home, so there were obviously cracks in your relationship and that’s how all of this ­happened in the first place.
If you do keep this child, you have to start putting your children first and work on making all your lives better without him.
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Telephone number: 0203222111, 0719012111





Sometime last year, I asked my boyfriend to come home so I could introduce him to my mother. He came and they met. Just recently, he confessed that since that time, he has been meeting my mum and in fact, they have been intimate.
Simply he has been cheating on me with my mum. Now she is pregnant with his child, a revelation that came after I discovered that I am also pregnant.
This has really shaken and disturbed me. I did not know that the two people I love and care for the most can do this to me. I am depressed and don’t know how to deal with this. I also don’t know how to handle either of them. Please advice, I am troubled
Follow your heart Mercy because at the end of the day people will tell you many things but you are the one in the middle of all this. You are the only one who can make this decision. Be strong and ready to forgive if you decide to go ahead with the relationship.
{Suzanne Onyango}
Even the Bible strongly condemns such behaviour and says that a man who lies with his mother-in-law is cursed. This man will be a big burden to your life and will always be a source of pain and stress. You will find another man even if you decide to keep the child. I have a man who loves me and my child despite the fact that the child is not his. He does not even want another child.
{Jeanette Musila}
If your boyfriend got the confidence to reveal this to you, then maybe he is truly sorry for what he did. Try and forgive them both even if your heart will remain at pain because, after all, you love them both. {Gibson Muthuri}
Mercy, sorry for what I call stealing from the poor. Your mother is a wicked woman. Do you have a father and if yes where is he? This man is really just good for nothing and the faster you leave him the better it will be for you. You can also quit staying under the same roof with this “woman” who claims to be your mother and a lover snatcher at the same time. Cut any links with these people until you are safe and comfortable with them. Receive God’s grace and blessings!
{Ouma Ragumo Sifuyo}
Mercy, this man who gets into an affair with your mother making her pregnant, knowing well you are still there is as guilty as your mother who takes her daughter’s boyfriend. Anyway, such incidences are no longer news. Count the game lost, wish both of them well in their new-found relationship. Take nothing to your heart, smile and move on. You will be more careful with your mother next time.
{Tasma Charles}
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The Standard Group Plc is a multi-media organization with investments in media platforms spanning newspaper print
operations, television, radio broadcasting, digital and online services. The Standard Group is recognized as a
leading multi-media house in Kenya with a key influence in matters of national and international interest.

Standard Group Plc HQ Office,
The Standard Group Center,Mombasa Road.
P.O Box 30080-00100,Nairobi, Kenya.
Telephone number: 0203222111, 0719012111

I am a third year student in campus. I have some confessions to make. My mum and my step-dad have a daughter together. My mum loves him very much and she has always favoured my step-sister over me and this has made me develop a lot of anger towards her.
We are very close with dad and I always thought he often made passes at me but did not make much out of it. Recently, we were watching a movie and ended up getting intimate and now I can't get him off my mind. He also seems to have the same problem and I think he has fallen in love with me.
I love him but I know that this will only bring trouble if my mum was to find out so I am looking for a way to end this. This is becoming difficult because I like him and the fact that we see each other daily worsens the situation. Please advise...
Now that you have gone to bed with your mother’s husband, how do the two of you behave when she is around? Even if he is your step-dad, it is still weird and unimaginable. Yes it is less weird than if it was your actual father but it is just inappropriate. I cannot even begin to imagine what I would feel if I was in your position. End this now please!
I think you are looking for a sugar daddy to spoil you by giving you money and other things. However, be in the know that you are looking at the wrong man. Suppose it was you whose daughter was sleeping with your husband? How would you feel? What would you do to your daughter? That very answer is what your mother will do when she finds out about this. And that liking and favouritism she has for your sister will increase ten times when she finds out.
Imagine getting a child with someone you are calling a father? A man who has slept with your mother? Why do you want to break her heart? This man could be having other affairs outside and could infect you even with HIV. Sleeping with somebody you call your dad is a curse to you. If you got a child with him, what would that child call your mother? Stop thinking like a girl who has never stepped inside a school, you are a Third Year student in the university. Concentrate on your studies as this man is only wasting your time.
By law, he is and remains to be your father. Your story is a bit ambiguous because it is not the resentment to your sister but the intimate love you have with your dad. The African culture and tradition do not support this and history will judge you harshly. Someone who sees your mother naked should never do that to you and at the very age you are. This is incest and an abomination. There are many single unmarried men that can date you. He is not the only remaining man on earth. Stop this to be at peace with yourself and with others.
This is one of those things in life that are just unacceptable. It is probably the highest form of betrayal you have both exposed your mother to and without a doubt, you ought to find a way to deal with this. I believe this is why you have shared your issue with us so before I give you some pointers as to how you could deal with this, let's put your sit uation in the right context.
The first and very solid fact is that no "love" can exist and grow between a girl and her father. Real dad or step dad, that man is your mother's husband and as such you remain to be his daughter. Indeed he can like you and even love you very much but not with the kind of love that would allow you to get intimate with him. You are therefore not in love with him rather you are only infatuated. It is common for girls to be infatuated with their fathers but this only lasts a short while then they grow out of it. Make no mistake about this; there can never be any true love between a girl and her father. But of course there can be many other kinds of love, just not the kind you are implying. He did this out of lust and you participated in it out of ignorance. If anything, it is in order to say that he took advantage of his daughter.
You both need to find a way of dealing with this but you cannot do this if you don't accept that what you did was unacceptable. Often, confession is the best approach to closure. However, in your situation, this may not be the best. There is no way you can continue living under the same roof with those two. Yes, it is about time you moved out and let them be as you try and find your way around this life. Living in that house will only lead you back to the same situation and the consequences are unimaginable. Have you thought about what could happen if you conceived a child with him? Have you even remotely imagined what would happen if she got wind of this matter or if she caught you in the act?
Please know that nothing good can come out of this and this is one of those situations you really need to quit while you are ahead. Talk to them about getting you an apartment so they can enjoy their marriage as you find your way through life. Yes, she may favour your sister over you but this should not be an excuse to mess her marriage. That man is not straight and it seems he can even do this with his own daughter. Like you put it, it is difficult because you see him every day of your life. Get a way out of that house and with time all this will end.
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