Pregnant Belladonna

Pregnant Belladonna


Pregnant Belladonna
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Belladonna (Atropa belladonna) is a plant that grows from Western Europe to the Himalayas. It’s also grown in the US. All parts of the plant are poisonous.
Belladonna has chemicals that can alter the function of the body's nervous system and cause changes to saliva, sweat, pupil size, urination, digestive functions, and others. Belladonna can also cause increased heart rate and blood pressure.

Despite known safety concerns, people use belladonna for asthma, the common cold, hemorrhoids, Parkinson disease, and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses.

Since 2010, the FDA has issued several warnings about homeopathic teething tablets and gels for infants that contain belladonna. Serious side effects including seizures, breathing problems, and agitation have been reported in infants taking these products, and some have died.

When taken by mouth : Belladonna is likely unsafe. It contains chemicals that can be poisonous even at low doses. Serious side effects might include blurred vision, fever, fast heartbeat, inability to urinate or sweat, hallucinations, spasms, mental problems, convulsions, coma, and others.

When applied to the skin : Belladonna is possibly unsafe. There isn't enough reliable information available to know if the poisonous chemicals in belladonna can be absorbed through the skin.

When given as a suppository (rectally) : Belladonna is possibly unsafe. There isn't enough reliable information available to know if the poisonous chemicals in belladonna can be absorbed from the rectum.

Special precautions & warnings:

Pregnancy : Belladonna is likely unsafe when taken by mouth during pregnancy. It contains potentially toxic chemicals and has been linked to reports of serious side effects.

Breast-feeding : Belladonna is likely unsafe when taken by mouth while breast-feeding. It can reduce milk production and also passes into breast milk.

Children : Belladonna is likely unsafe when taken by mouth. Consuming as few as 2 berries can be fatal in small children. Also, severe side effects and death have occurred in infants treated with homeopathic teething products containing belladonna.

Heart disease : Belladonna might cause rapid heartbeat and might make some heart conditions worse.

Down syndrome : People with Down syndrome might be extra-sensitive to the chemicals in belladonna and their harmful effects.

Gastrointestinal (GI) conditions : Belladonna might slow down the stomach and intestines, which could make some GI conditions worse.

Narrow-angle glaucoma : Belladonna might make narrow-angle glaucoma worse.
Are there interactions with medications?
Moderate Be cautious with this combination. Cisapride (Propulsid) Belladonna contains atropine. Atropine can reduce the effects of cisapride. Taking belladonna with cisapride might reduce the effects of cisapride. Drying medications (Anticholinergic drugs) Belladonna can block a chemical in the body called acetylcholine, which has many important functions. Some medications, called anticholinergic drugs, also block acetylcholine. There is some concern that taking them together might increase the risk for confusion, blurred vision, increased sweating, and increased heart rate.
Are there interactions with herbs and supplements?
There are no known interactions with herbs and supplements.
There are no known interactions with foods.
Despite known safety concerns, belladonna is found in some herbal supplements and homeopathic products. The FDA has issued several warnings about homeopathic teething tablets and gels for infants that contain belladonna. Taking belladonna is unsafe and can cause serious side effects.
Atropa belladonna, Atropa acuminata, Baccifère, Belladona, Belladone, Belle-Dame, Belle-Galante, Bouton Noir, Cerise du Diable, Cerise Enragée, Cerise d'Espagne, Deadly Nightshade, Devil's Cherries, Devil's Herb, Divale, Dwale, Dwayberry, Grande Morelle, Great Morel, Guigne de la Côte, Herbe à la Mort, Herbe du Diable, Indian Belladonna, Morelle Furieuse, Naughty Man's Cherries, Poison Black Cherries, Suchi.
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There is interest in using belladonna for a number of purposes, but there isn't enough reliable information to say whether it might be helpful.

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Belladonna 30, 200: 25+ Uses, Benefits & Dosages
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Home » Homeopathic Medicines » Belladonna 30, 200: 25+ Uses, Benefits & Dosages
Belladonna homeopathic medicine is a fantastic remedy used in various ailments of our body.
Belladonna 30 & Belladona 200 are the most common potencies used for the treatment.
Belladonna is used from head to toe to treat different diseases & complaints.
It is not only beneficial for adults but also safe for babies and dogs also.
This article has described detailed Belladonna uses for several complaints along with its dosages & potencies.
The name Bella means beautiful, and donna means lady.
It was named so because, in ancient days, people used belladonna berry juice to increase the size of the pupil in females and make them look attractive.
But it was a dangerous choice since it is poisonous. Hence it is also known as DEADLY NIGHTSHADE.
It’s been used as a homeopathic remedy since 1500AD as a polychrest remedy, which means it affects almost all the parts of the body and acts as a curative agent for many diseases.
This plant grows in shady places, and stems are around 1to 1.6 meters. Flowers are bell-shaped and reddish-purple and appear around May to August.
In homeopathy whole plant is used to prepare medicines. It’s plucked around the flowering season.
It contains various chemicals like atropine, hyoscyamine, scopolamine, apo atropine. These chemicals can block the functions of the body’s nervous system.
This action includes salivation, sweating, pupil size, urination, and even digestive functions. It is even capable of increasing heart rate and blood pressure.
Suppose large doses of these chemicals enter our body. In that case, it can cause dry mouth, blurred vision, enlarged pupils, dry skin, Fever, increased heartbeat, inability to sweat or urinate, and can even cause hallucination, fits, and coma.
But when these chemicals are converted into homeopathic medicines, they are no longer poisonous and are capable of curing various ailments, which is of great help to humanity.
So, let’s see uses of Belladonna homeopathic medicine in various complaints – 
Migraine is a recurrent type of headache that presents as throbbing pain, mostly on one side and accompanied by nausea and disturbed vision.
Belladonna is very much the medicine for a migraine if the following symptoms match in a patient.
If you have pain throbbing with heat, hammering in the head (temple), forehead, and occiput and is worse by the slightest movement, noise, light, lying down, and then Belladonna is the remedy for you.
Pain gets better by letting the hair down, bending the head backward, and laying a hand on the head. The patient can feel a cold sensation in the middle of the forehead.
Pains go downward from the head. Head becomes sensitive to draft air, cold, or even washing hair. Due to pain, they bore the lead into the pillow and roll heads from side to side with constant moaning.
During the headache, one can hear the pulse in the head with having difficulty in breathing.
Headache is worse on the right side of the head and can be triggered by even a haircut.
30C and 200C potencies work well in these kinds of headaches.
It must be repeated every 2 hours till the pain subsides .
Belladonna is an effective remedy for epilepsy/fits, which is of unknown cause in dogs.
Symptoms presented by dogs during fits include collapsing, jerking. Their muscles become stiff, and they lose their consciousness. There can be tongue chewing, drooling of saliva, and foaming at the mouth.
They fall to their side and make a short and quick movement with their leg. They can even pee or poop during the episode.
Belladonna is also indicated in Fever, mastitis, sudden boils, ear infections, conjunctivitis. Because of the intense pain, dogs are usually agitated, restless, and can be dangerous.
Pains are worse around 3 pm and in the sun.
Belladonna 3-4 drops of 200 potencies can be given in the mouth.
In acute infections, it has to be given three times a day till symptoms get better.
In epilepsy, heatstroke can be given every 15 minutes till the improvement and later reduced to 4 times per day.
Belladonna is an excellent remedy in the acute stage of infection. You might notice that tonsils are enlarged, especially the right side.
There is a constant desire to swallow with a choking sensation. They develop a constricted feeling in the throat. Swallowing is also difficult.
The patient has to drink a sip of liquid to swallow solid food.
You might feel a sensation of lump due to swollen tonsils. And also, an increase in the size of the mucous membrane is noticed.
200C potency gives good results in acute inflammation.
Four pills four times a day till reduction in discomfort or pain and gradually twice a day.
You might see that in acute pharyngitis throat is dry and hot and looks covered with a shiny coating. It seems angry red due to
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