Pregnant Asstr

Pregnant Asstr


Pregnant Asstr
Emma looked down while she absently caressed her stretched and bulging belly. “Soon,” she thought. “It's almost over.” In just over a month she'd be holding the baby, that currently felt like it was trying to kick its way out of her stomach, in her arms. It had been a frustrating pregnancy but maybe that was because it was her second and the newness of it had worn off faster. Whatever the case, she wanted the baby out and her body back to normal. Not that she didn't have motherly instincts, she adored her son, but she was over being pregnant.
The worst part was that at this point in her pregnancy men had stopped giving her that second glance she was used to receiving. They used to smile and nod and as soon as she passed by she could almost hear their heads turn as they checked her out from the rear. But at over seven months pregnant she was lucky to get a nod and she was starting to feel overweight and unattractive. Her hubby assured her that wasn't the case, she was just as attractive as ever and guys were just showing respect to a pregnant woman, but she didn't believe him. It was hard for her to go from being one of the most popular women at swinger parties to ignored expectant mother and she was feeling miserable.
“Moooommyyyyy!” The loud cry from her toddler son broke her out of her reverie and brought her back to the here and now. As she walked to see what he needed she realized just the briefest thought of men had caused her to be wet. God, she needed a good hard fuck from a new cock. Her husband had been the only man between her legs since before her son was conceived.
She found her young son on the toilet needing help to clean up. She was so proud of him for using the potty all by himself that she didn't bother scolding him for having a wet pull-up. When she went to get him a new one she found it was the last one. How could it already be the last one? Hadn't she bought some just the other day? She tried to remember when the last time she'd been to the store had been and found the recollection fuzzy. Sighing, she walked around their apartment making a list of everything they needed.
Going to the store with a toddler was difficult; going to the store with a toddler while seven and a half months pregnant was near impossible but she managed to get them there. She pushed the cart and entertained her son while she walked up and down the aisles always making a game of it every time he asked for something he couldn't have. She found herself with her hand on belly whenever she stopped to make a choice between products or take a breath before reaching for something on a shelf down low. Why did the have to put the pull-ups down on the bottom shelf?
The pull-ups were heavy and she had to get down on her knees to retrieve them. As she was wrestling the package off the shelf from her knees she heard other footsteps slowly enter the aisle. “Oh. Can I help you with that?” Emma turned and looked up to see a cute young man approaching her. He was carrying one of the small baskets in one hand and a piece of paper in the other.
“Wow, yes!” Emma said, probably with a little too much enthusiasm. The young man offered her his hand to help her back to her feet and then she was a little happy to see he also struggled a little getting the pull-ups off the shelf and into her cart. She looked in his basket while he was getting them and saw a mish-mash of unrelated things and the piece of paper was a list written in a young feminine hand.
“I don't know how mothers do it,” he commented as he bent down to retrieve his things. “I go to visit my sister and the first thing she does is hand me a list of all the things she forgot to get yesterday,” he said waving the piece of paper around. “And I know when I get back I'll have to put this away and everything she got yesterday as well. Say, could you tell me where the formula is?”
Emma smiled and pointed it out. He was very cute and this was the most any strange man had paid attention to her in some time. She found herself wonder what the bulge in his pants would look like if freed. He thanked her and as he was looking at all the choices she asked if he would mind walking with her and helping her out to her car. She could obviously get one of the bag-boys to do it but she wanted to stay in the man's company for as long as she could.
“No problem,” he said, “especially if you can help me figure out where the rest of this stuff is.”
Emma had the most enjoyable time at the store that she could remember. The young man's name was Mark and he was from out of town visiting his sister who was a single mother. Before they were both finished getting everything they needed they had exchanged nearly their entire recent histories. “That doesn't seem fair,” Mark commented when Emma told him that her hubby occasionally went out swinging without her. Emma shrugged. She didn't begrudge her hubby his activities, she only wished she could do the same. One thing she did notice, however, was that Mark looked at her a lot differently once she mentioned she and her hubby were swingers. His eyes were often lingering over her body appreciatively and she found herself getting rather aroused.
When it was time to head to the check-out her pussy was on fire and she desperately needed some relief and judging from the way Mark looked at her she knew he would be willing to provide it. And then, when she was bending a bit to play with her son, Mark was behind with his hand on her ass squeezing the cheeks and rubbing a finger up and down the crease between them. Emma didn't care if anyone else saw she pressed her butt back against his hand and did her best to stifle the moan that was threatening to escape her lips.
“We need to find somewhere to go,” she said to him after she straightened up. His hand was still on her ass playing between the cheeks. “I need you to fuck me right now,” she said quietly so that only he could hear. Mark nodded and they walked towards the bathrooms in the back his hand on her butt the entire time. Thankfully the store had a family restroom that locked. Emma pushed the cart in backwards and maneuvered it into corner so that her son would have to turn completely around in the cart to see anything and handed him a few toys from her purse to occupy him. She was so hot all she cared about was that be would be safe. Mark followed her in and locked the door behind him. Their lips were glued together a second later.
Emma was wearing her usual pregnancy pants with the elastic waist and she could feel his hands tugging them down as they kissed while her own hands were desperately fumbling with his belt. When she freed his cock she sighed in satisfaction; it was a good size and as she gave it a few jerks she found the head already slick with precum. He had pushed her pants down to her thighs and she wriggled around a bit to help him push the stretchy material down a bit further. She wanted to kneel down and take what was in her hand into her mouth but she didn't fancy kneeling down on the restroom floor, didn't have the balance to do anything else, and was worried how long her son would stay occupied with his toys.
Mark's thoughts were similar and without speaking her spun her around and had her brace herself half bent over against the sink. Her pussy was drooling so much that when the head of his cock came nosing against the outer lips it pushed right in easily. Their eyes met in the restroom mirror as her mouth opened wordlessly. She remained cognizant of her son and didn't want to make any noise that could be helped.
Mark started pumping slowly driving what had turned out to be quite a lengthy cock in and out of her needy pussy with full strokes. They continued to stare into each others' eyes wordlessly as they fucked. Emma had never felt so reckless. She had just met him moments before and now here she was fucking him in a public restroom while her young son played a few feet away. But God did she need it. She and her hubby were usually too tired after he got home from work, dinner was made and eaten, and their son put down for the night so a good fucking was rare and it had been ages since she'd had a cock other than his.
Mark was moving slowly trying hard not to make too much noise but it also caused the most sweet agony for the two of them. They were both so close but the slow pace was keeping them right on the edge for much longer than normal. Emma felt it building slowly in her groin like a hot burning itch that you can never seem to scratch enough to get relief. Her mouth remained open in that wordless cry but she was breathing more heavily. Then it happened. His cock rammed up into her a little harder and raked along her angry clit in just the right way and her body exploded. So much blood was pounding in her head that it hurt and she had to shove a fist in her mouth to keep from crying out.
He continued driving into her while she came causing agonizing wave after wave of pleasure to course through her body. She was gripping the sink with such force she was afraid she was going to rip it off the wall. Finally he shuddered and she could feel his meaty dick pulsing inside her as he filled her with his seed.
Several minutes later they were at her car and he loaded her bags in the trunk while she buckled her son into his car seat. “Are you going to be able to get this inside your place all right? Or would you like me to follow you home?” he asked.
Emma wanted to shout, “Follow me!” but she had a lot of things to do, he was a virtual stranger, and she had to look after her son. “I can handle it,” she said with disappointment, “and what I can't get hubby can when he gets home.” She walked over and kissed him on the cheek as he loaded the last bag. “Here,” she said handing him a piece of paper with her number on it. “Maybe we can get together some other time before you leave town.”
He took it and smiled. “I think I just found a reason to visit my sister more often,” he said chuckling.
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Do it yourself sex education

How’d I get Pregnant? Nikki’s Story by ‘this guy’
Back at the beginning of summer vacation this year, right after finishing fifth grade; I happened to see Tom and Steve, two really cute boys from the grade ahead of me, riding their bikes towards the old deserted Jameson’s house. I couldn’t help but wonder where they were going, so I followed them…down to the branch of the river that ran behind the deserted house. By the time I made it down to the edge of the river they had taken off their all their clothes except their underpants and were splashing around in the water. I stood next to a tree watching them have fun; their wet hairless twelve-year-old bodies glistening in the sun…such a beautiful sight… After a few minutes of watching the boys splashing around in the water in their underpants a naughty idea popped into my head. I quickly and quietly picked up all their clothes; well everything but their shoes. Once I had gathered up all their clothes I stated teasing and laughing at them. It was so funny: their eyes got all big. Then after a couple minutes of teasing, it started looking like they might cry, so I took pity on them and gave their clothes back. Tom asked if I wanted to go swimming with them. Kicking off my flip-flops, I said “yes” then pulled my pants off. I jumped into the river in just my panties and t-shirt. It was such a hot day, that the cool water felt good. We swam and horsed around for a while. Then, when we got out of the water I noticed that the fronts of both boys’ soaking wet underpants were tented out/up. I pointed at their crotches and laughed for a little while: again it looked like they were going to cry, so I stopped and started being nice to them. There was something about the way the front of their underpants were tented out/up…well, I just couldn’t seem to take my eyes off them…wonder why that could be… From the minute I got out of the water my bra felt weird. I knew it was because it was wet, and tried to ignore it: knowing it would feel normal again once it dried out. Since none of us had a towel there was only one way we were going to dry-off before we could put our clothes back on: I suggested we should lay in the sun in the tall grass right behind the old abandoned Jameson’s house. It took a bit of prodding to convince the boys that it was a good idea, but once they understood what I was saying the three of us grabbed our clothes and went. We had been laying in the sun talking for a quite a while and my bra was still wet and still felt weird. So I sat up and turned so my back was to the boys before taking my t-shit and bra off. Steve asked what I was doing, and I told him “my bra felt weird because it was wet,” then I put my t-shirt back on. When I turned back toward the boys the front of their underpants were all tented up/out again. Deciding to have some fun with them, I asked the boys about the things poking up in their underpants. They must’ve known I was teasing them, ‘cause they just ignored my question. We went back to our previous conversation about movies we wanted to see over summer break. After a while our clothes had mostly dried out and we were getting ready to leave. Again I asked about the things poking up in the front of the boys’ underpants. This time I got an answer: Steve said “the bulges were” their dicks then asked if I wanted to see them. Tom and Steve were real surprised when I said “yes,” but Steve quickly got over it and said I’d have to show them “my thingie…between” my legs. Not expecting that; I was hesitant, but agreed. Steve pulled his underwear down first; a second later Tom did as well. Both boys were sitting in the tall grass completely naked. After a minute or so of them saying “oh come on…” and the like, I simply pulled my panties down to my ankles and kicked them off. I was pretty sure they couldn’t really see much because the bottom of my shirt was at about the same height as my crotch…but they stared nonetheless. The three of us sat there not saying a word, just looking at each other. We must have sat there in complete silence for a good ten minutes. When we heard a car go by, all three of us nearly jumped out of our skin. We got dressed and went home.
It wasn’t until after the Fourth of July that I went swimming with the boys again. This time I came with them; and, unlike the last time, we all had swimsuits. After swimming, we laid in the tall grass up near the house. When we were lying in the grass I asked us if the boys wanted “to kiss like some of the older kids” did. Steve and Tom seemed kinda embarrassed when they said they didn’t “know how to.” I reassured them by telling them I didn’t either, and suggested that we could “all learn together.” Steve kissed me first: keeping his lips pressed against mine for a while. Then Tom kissed me: also keeping his lips pressed against mine for a while. It was pretty neat: felt good in a weird way. The boys went back-and-forth for a while, taking turns kissing me. When it was getting time to head home, Tom kissed me again, but we lost balance and fell back onto the grass. Tom landed almost on top of me. This time while we kissed he crawled up onto me and laid on top of me. He moved his hips around a lot: kinda like he was doing push-ups. It seemed a little strange, but it felt good so I spread my legs to make it easier for him to move around on top of me…the wider my legs were spread the better it felt… We had already agreed that Steve was going to give me the last kiss. When Tom got off me, Steve didn’t even let me get up: he simply laid down on top of me, and moving his hips a lot. When we left both boys were walking funny: like they had something in their swimsuits… After that day, we would all meet down by the river a couple of times week to swim. Every time things went pretty much the same way.
Then one day it was just me and Tom: Steve had to go somewhere. We intended to go swimming, but didn’t actually do any swimming that day: we just laid in the tall grass and kissed the way we usually did. Well almost: this time Tom laid down on top of me from the start. While Tom was kissing me, his hands wandered onto my chest. It felt kinda good, so I didn’t object when he pulled one of the shoulder straps on my swimsuit down. The gentle warmth of his bare skin on my boob felt really nice. While he was feeling my titty, it felt like something was happening in his swimsuit: the hard thing got soft… Since Steve wasn’t there; Tom was able to continue lying on top of me. He never stopped moving his hips…even when he pulled the other shoulder strap of my swimsuit down. Before long something was happening in his swimsuit again: the hard thing was back, then after a while it got soft again. When we were leaving I noticed that the front of my thighs and swimsuit were wet, and there was a wet spot on the front of Tom’s swimsuit. I asked him why he had “a wet spot on his suit, and why my suit and legs” were wet. He started telling me about what happens when a guy gets excited. It was so interesting: I just had to know more. He began by telling me about the wet stuff, how it’s sticky…and how if a guy puts his dick inside a girl’s cunny and squirts it in there the girl can get pregnant… I had so many questions, but Tom had to get home and didn’t have enough time to answer all of them …
We continued meeting several times a week. It just took off; we even brought an old blanket to lay on after swimming so we would be more comfortable… Steve looked like his head was gonna explode the first time he saw Tom feel my titties… After a week or so, I began pulling the top of my swimsuit down to my waist so the boys could feel my titties. Actually I started pulling the top of my swimsuit down ‘cause I was afraid they’d stretch out the shoulder straps…
Then, a few weeks later, Steve and Tom didn’t have their swimsuits, but I did. So, both boys went swimming in their underpants like they had the first time. Once their underpants got wet their boners were really obvious. I still had questions Tom hadn’t gotten the chance to answer, so I started asking... After a few minutes the boys ended up completely naked. I was in the middle of asking a question when Steve stepped forward and kissed me. Like before we dropped to the ground: his completely naked body sandwiched between my spread legs. In a matter of seconds the top of my bathing suit was down around my waist, and he was feeling my titties. Steve started kissing my nipples: my god that felt good. So good, that I grabbed and held onto his head: forcing him to keep kissing my titties. Steve thrusted his hips back and forth real hard for a few seconds, then he stopped and rolled off me. I felt this wetness and asked “what’s all this stuff on my legs and suit.” I almost didn’t believe what I saw when I looked down: there was all this thick creamy white stuff on my thighs and the crotch of my swimsuit. When I put my finger in it and pulled it away, it stuck like glue and left a trail across my suit onto my bare stomach….God: it was so gross… Once I cleaned all the stuff off with the corner of the blanket, Tom practically jumped on top of me. He did exactly what Steve had done: kissing my nipples, thrusting his hips and doing the sticky stuff all over my swimsuit and legs. For the next couple weeks we repeated that day’s events every time we went swimming. The more ti
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