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Expecting a baby? Pregnant Chicken is the best online resource for expectant and new parents. Featuring advice and tips to help keep your pregnancy fun.
I didn’t want to have any pictures of myself pregnant but a friend told me how much she regretted not at least having one or two shots because her kids wanted to know what she looked like when she was pregnant with them, so gave in and I took a couple of mug-shot style pictures of myself so it was documented.
With that in mind, you may want to capture your pregnancies in a photograph to preserve the wonder of life so I chose a few gems from for a little inspiration.
“Karen, seeing as you’re pregnant, let’s put you at the top of the family photo where the air is thinner. Karen? Karen?!?!”
I can appreciate what they were trying to do here but if your Christmas photo looks like it should have a “becka, becka, bow wow” soundtrack playing in the background, then you may want to reconsider the card.
I can’t decide what I like better, the garbage bag dress, the swamp or him wearing black socks in the water (or at least the illusion of it.)
“That’s it, Steve. A little further back, a little further. Now crouch down. Perfect!” I think the ex-boyfriend may have been the photographer in this one.
This reminds me of a picnic. A good idea in theory but uncomfortable in practice.
Words can’t describe this photo. Oh wait a minute, they can!
“It’s going to be a good year, Laura. A very Goodyear indeed.”
At first I thought “Nothing symbolizes maternity better than a watermelon and a gun” and then I thought “Actually, nothing *does* symbolize maternity better than a watermelon and a gun”. Bravo Mad’am.
“If I’m holding the baby then why do I still feel fat?”
Um, yeah. No. I’m just going to go with a solid no on this one.
Why do I feel like this woman was talked into this? I could see her thinking, “I’m just too tired to argue plus the kids won’t be able to take off because hockey equipment will slow them down and I’ll hold their heads. I’m sure it will look fine.”
“Okay, I’ll do your ‘Hoop, der it is’ idea but just don’t show my face”
May I call you Kung Fu Panda? Why certainly, may I deliver a front snap-kick to your pills?
There’s a good chance that this baby is going to require sunscreen of SPF 50 and higher.
I can’t help but hear the Jaws theme when I see this photo.
Jerry felt pretty cocky about taking the last bag of Oreos a pregnant lady was reaching for at Wegman’s, until his dismembered body was later found in the forest just outside of town.
Shhh, he falls asleep like this all the time. Just give him a minute.
Proud and noble, Donna figured the tutu and legs she found at Build-A-Bear would cleverly disguise her growing belly.
It’s all fun and games until someone gets ingested by a tree.
Hearing only “topless and melons”, he was sorely disappointed when he showed up for the photoshoot.
“Hey, lady. Get away from my picnic! Fuck!”
“Okay, well be sure to take a shot that I can send to Aunt Cathy. Just because wouldn’t come to the wedding doesn’t mean she’s not excited about the baby.”
Tired and exhausted from noodling for catfish, Carol decided to take a rest on the riverbank while keeping an eye out for gators.
Oh snap, stolen mini-mime vest and pants!
Hush, hush sweet little man-baby. Everything’s going to be alright.
I agree that the question mark is vital on this man’s t-shirt. Where is he looking? Why did he feel the need to layer two black tees? Why isn’t he happy? How do they get their hostas in the background to grow so well?
Quickly wrapping the table cloth around her naked body and running outside, she still wasn’t fast enough to catch the ice-cream truck.
Cat’s is the second longest running musical of all time, therefore, this image is timeless! Stick that in your bum and lick it.
I hope this is hanging over the fireplace for when their sassy mouthed 13-year old daughter brings her friends over.
So get out there with your cameras and document your blossoming belly, you crazy gals! Happy snappin’!



They look like teens who shouldn't be haveing babies

I bet there have been 35 stripper applications filled out recently...

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I was traveling for business and met a rather handsome man at the hotel restaurant. I went back to his room with no intentions of doing anything but to talk and relax. I got caught up in the moment and we had s** . When he was about to enter me I asked if he had a condom and he said that he didn't. I wasn't on birth control (my husband uses condoms) but I thought I was safe and let him come inside me unprotected. And yes, I got pregnant. Though we generally use condoms, when I came home I had s** with my husband and asked him to come inside me without one. He refused as he said he didn't want to get me pregnant. I later told him I was pregnant and that the condom must have failed. He totally believed me and now we've been raising our daughter for a year. No one knows and thankfully, the man who got me pregnant looked similar to my husband. I'm just worried about the future if anyone finds out later due to blood tests or DNA tests.

So..first you go to a strangers room “just to relax” , “no intentions “ but end up f****** ? But your husband (responsible man) uses condoms because you’re not on birth control and didn’t want a baby? But with this strange man you just met you went bareback and you thought “you’d be safe and let him c** in you ”? Pregnancy aside what about STDs? Not safe from those. How dumb do you think we are? So many things don’t add up. Just admit You went there expecting s** , got caught up in the moment and didn’t want him to pull out or you told him not to c** inside but he did anyway. You knew exactly what you were doing and knew you were fertile. Then tried to make your husband (responsible man) take the fall for the pregnancy but he didn’t want a child and used a condom against your wish. I’m sure he thinks it was his fault you got pregnant because he wasn’t careful enough and beat himself up over it. He loves that child w all his heart I’m sure and when he finds out the truth (he will eventually) it will crush him. He’ll still love her but you’re a different story. Your l*** and irresponsibility caused this. You should feel guilty and feel ashamed. He deserves the truth. I would be absolutely crushed if my wife ever did anything stupid as this. You should feel awful. And don’t use the phrase “it was an accident” or “it was a mistake”. You’re grown and knew what you were doing was wrong but you were weak and selfish to satisfy you’re own desire. You have to live w the consequences. How would you feel if the role was reversed and 9 months later a woman showed up with his baby?

The future is DNA heavy, not only will your poor daughter eventually find out so will your husband, it's inevitable.

If i was your husband and i found this out one day you'd be at the bottom of a deep f****** lake. Youre a hardcore c***

You wasn't on birth control and you let a stranger f*** you then c** in you without protection? You have to be the dumbest f****** b**** on the face of the earth. Beside the fact that you knew you would get pregnant you also put yourself at risk for an STD like aids.

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