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§ 4. Предварительные пробы в химико-токсикологическом анализе

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The site of the Media Sphera Publishers contains materials intended solely for healthcare professionals. By closing this message, you confirm that you are a certified medical professional or a student of a medical educational institution. The application of the screening techniques for the purpose of chemical toxicological and forensic chemical analysis. Rodionova , M. Belova , G. Ramenskaya , A. Journal: Sudebno-Meditsinskaya Ekspertisa. DOI: Sudebno-Meditsinskaya Ekspertisa. In Russ. The application of the screening techniques for the purpose of chemical toxicological and forensic chemical analysis has the objective to detect and identify the life-threatening substances within the shortest possible time period for distinguishing them from a large number of other chemical compounds amenable to the toxicological evaluation. Such methods acquire special importance for forensic chemical expertise in the cases of a negative result of the primary examination. The present article provides information about the history of development of the screening techniques. An email was sent to test gmail. Follow the link from the letter to complete the registration on the site. You can become an author of one of our magazines, send a request and we will consider it in during the day. We use cооkies to improve the performance of the site. By staying on our site, you agree to the terms of use of cооkies. To view our Privacy and Cookie Policy, please. All journals. Очистить поле. Search result: 0. Views: Downloaded: Contact the author. Table of contents. To cite this article:. Rodionova G. Opredelenie lekarstvennyh veshhestv metodom TSH skrininga v detskoj toksikologii: metodicheskie rekomendacii. Option of TLC screening of toxic and potent nitrogen-containing organic bases. Sudebno-meditsinskaia ekspertiza. TSKh-skrining toksikologicheski znachimykh soedinenii, izoliruemykh ekstraktsiei i sorbtsiei. Arzamastsev A. Jarvie DR, Simpson D. Annals of Clinical Biochemistry. Rapid Assessment of Drugs of Abuse. Advances in Clinical Chemistry. The identification of six classes of psychoactive substances in various objects using technique of immune chromatography. Klinicheskaia Laboratornaia diagnostika. Klyuev A. Sistema himiko-toksikologicheskogo analiza tehnicheskih zhid-kostej v diagnostike i lechenii ostryh otravlenij : Dis. Pod red. Izotova BN. Lisovik ZhA. Forgot Password? Last Name. Save Cancel. I agree.

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