Predicament Bondage Pictures

Predicament Bondage Pictures


Predicament Bondage Pictures
play with fire, but don't get burned!
I’m going to bunch together the components of orgasm control, teasing and denial and just call it “orgasm control” for the purposes of this article. You’re probably familiar with it in a general sense. Here’s the Fetlife BDSM Glossary definition: orgasm control or denial: The practice whereby the subject is not permitted to reach sexual…
Some people who’ve been in the BDSM scene a long time observe an escalation in the extremity of the things we do. It can certainly look that way in online communities. Safe, Sane and Consensual has given way to Risk Aware Consensual Kink, and there has certainly been a rise in popularity of identifiers like…
by Anon The following is more a description of a personal repertoire than it is a comprehensive list of technique. I share it with you in the belief that you may find some of these tricks appropriate to your own style. While I wrote the tips on the assumption that one person does something with…
by Andrew H. What connects fisting to BDSM? Very simply, it is a power exchange. What elevates it beyond other power exchanges is that a man physically places his life, his very being, in the hand of another man. And whether fisting is part of a larger BDSM scene, or an activity in and of…
by Gil K. Are you getting hot flashes? Does your skin feel prickly and on fire? Then either you are having an allergic reaction or someone is dripping hot wax on you. Lets hope its the latter, and discuss some technique and safety. MATERIALS A variety of candles can be used. These include: COACH CANDLES:…
by Rich W. While the world at large thinks of “abrasion” as a wearing or grinding away by friction or as an irritation, we who are SM-aware know that abrasion is an erotic stimulation of the skin by rubbing, scratching, or pricking. Abrasives are referred to in the Bible and are depicted in Egyptian drawings…
By Dean of Seattle There is a general rule in electrical play: Nothing Above The Waist. This rule can, however, be broken, in specific instances, with strict adherence to procedure. If you aren’t willing to play by the rules in this area though, this article isn’t for you this time. Above the waist is not…
by Fledermaus When I first heard the term “watersports”, naive little me it was a l-o-n-g time ago, I thought of swimming, diving, water polo, beach balls, and other stuff like that. It wasn’t many years later that I discovered that the water that the “WS” ads referred to was yellow and came from a…
You’ll be familiar with the saying “choosing between a rock and a hard place”. Predicament bondage is an evil game that leaves the bottom with (usually) two choices, which they’re forced to choose between. Both choices have unpleasant outcomes, but there’s no way out. They have to choose option A or option B, or switch…
We get a lot of queries about humiliation & degradation, specifically about practical ideas for things to do. Not every activity is suitable for every person, but here’s 90 fun ones. I didn’t write these, they’ve been passed around on the internet for a while, and before we get into the fun bit I wanted…

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Let me start of the story by explaining my self. My name is Michael and I live in my own apartment in New York, but at the time of this story I lived in a wealthy suburb of Chicago. When I say wealthy, I mean everyone has a bug, expensive house, a nice car, and lots of toys to go along with it. This story takes place when I was in middle school. I was part of a friend group with lots of people. My good friend Shawn's parents were always out of town on business. Shawn is the youngest of 5 children in his family. His older sibling would stay home and watch him and make sure he didn't get into too much trouble. One day Sean and I were hanging out at my one friends house playing video games like we usually did. The friends house we were at had some crazy parents though. They were always fighting. We could here them arguing from across the house. It was so irritating so we decided to leave with all of our friends. Once we left we began to discuss what we would do now. Shawn said that no one was at his house but he wasn't allowed to go their with out his older sister their, who had stuff planned all day. We decided that we would go their and chill and leave right before his sister got home. We arrived at his house and immediately went into his basement where his flat screen tv and video game console were set up. Their was 5 of us down their just playing video games for a little while. Eventually, I had to go to the bathroom. Shawn told me to go use the bathroom in his room in case I made a mess or something like that. Like I was explaining earlier, the houses in our area were not small. I had to walk across his massive house. And as I was nearing his room I heard music and it kind of freaked me out a little bit because no one was supposed to be their. I hesitated for a second and the continued on slowly to see where this music was coming from. I finally reached the room where the source of the music was. The door was wide open. I slowly peaked into the room and saw his sister on the bed. Now before I continue, let me just explain to you Shawn's sister. Her name was Emma and she had recently graduated high school and was going to college in a few months. She was a varsity athlete on the girls Volley ball team. Shes about 5'6 and skinny but now too skinny. I've talked to Emma before, she has a nice and easy going personality. I don't want to get too much into physical detail but she has a somewhat fat ass and nice pair of boobs. She has brown eyes and brown hair. Anyways, as I turned corner into her room, all i saw was her bare belly. She was only in her underwear. At first I was a little startled. But I quietly made my way in. As I walked around the bed she was on, I analyzed her bondage. She had one of those mask ball gag things on so she couldn't see anything. Also the ball gag in her mouth was massive. She probably couldn't even make any noise is she wanted too in that thing. She had belts tightly rapped around her thighs down to her lower legs and had a pair of cuffs on her ankles. Another pair of handcuffs connected her elbows, and another pair on her wrists. She then finished off the hogtie with a final pair of handcuffs. In addition to all of that, Emma had also connected a chain and connected it to the back of her bondage mask and her ankles cuffs and tightened it so her head was stuck looking up. As I slowly crept around the bed, I spotted the key that Emma planted in order to make her escape. And like the bastard I am, I snatched the key. This turned me on so much. I'm sure you can imagine how I felt. Me, a sixth grader in middle school, had a senior in high school, varsity Volly ball player tied up in her underwear completely at my mercy. The only possible way for her to get freedom was if I decided that she could have the key. But until then, I owned her. I eventually made my way back downstairs, with the key still with me off course. I played a few rounds of the game we were playing, although I was thinking more about my bound slave rather than the game. I kept thinking about how I should probably go give the key back but i was too turned on to do that. After about 3 hours of playing video games straight i went back up stairs to my captive. When I got up their, I found Emma wiggling around ferociously, looking for the key. Her wiggling around was definitely the hottest thing. She was wiggling so much but barely moving at allI didn't know how long she had been trying to escape either. For all I know, she could have been trying since i took the key and left. I analyzed her body a little bit longer before putting the key back in a place that she would eventually find it. I walked down stairs and we left. Shawn was hurrying us out because he didn't want us to be their when his sister got home. Every time I think back to that it turns me on. I had poor Emma bound for so long.

The summer was coming to an end. Their was about a month left of school. I soon would begin my 8th grade year. It was sort of depressing as I knew I wouldn't have the same freedom I had in the summer. At this point in my, life I lived in a wealthy suburb of Chicago. My parents were very rich and had a big house.

My parents would soon be leaving on their end of the summer vacation to Las Vegas for two weeks. This unfortunately meant that for all this time, I would have a babysitter. It wasn't all that bad though. My babysitter, Rachel, was very good at entertaining me. She would babysit me every day that both my parents worked and would leave
Brooke held her phone to her ear, nodding and agreeing with the person on the other line.

"Alright Mrs. Miles, 3 o'clock 'till 8 on Saturday? Okay. I'll see you then!"

Brooke hung up on Martha Miles, as she sat down on her bed. She'd just gotten a call from Martha, asking her to babysit her three children, Thomas, at the age of seven, Kate, who was ten, and Tilly, who was twelve. The seventeen-year-old girl thought she'd struck a goldmine, as Mrs. Miles was paying twenty-five dollars an hour, and she was babysitting for five hours, giving her a total of one-hundred and twenty-five dollars by the end of the day. Brooke grinned, as she texted
Annie woke up in an unfamiliar bed. Stretching her stiff limbs, she tried remembering why.
 Then, some muffled moaning came from the side of the bed. Annie looked over the edge of the bed to see her friend Amanda hogtied with handcuffs, gagged with a ball gag and blindfolded with a scarf.
 She suddenly remembered the events of last night. She had come to Amanda for a sleepover, and after a series of events, it had ended up in her getting involved in some bondage games. She didn't really know a lot about it, so it had scared her at first, and for payback she had tied Amanda up like that for the night.
 "How can she even sleep like that?"
  Once again, Annie woke up to the sound of mmphing from beside the bed. She peeked over the edge to find Amanda awake and squirming.
  "Want freedom" Annie asked while rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.
  Amanda was enjoying herself too much, so she shook her head.
  "Fine, but keep it down. It's not even 10am yet, and I prefer to sleep on a while on Sundays."
  Amanda understood and quieted down. She could soon make out that her friend was sleeping again.
  "I might as well get some sleep of my own" Amanda thought, making  herself comfortable.
  A few hour
This is my first experience with bondage and one of my favorites.
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i totaly would have done sooo much more with her and played with her :)

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When you hear the word “punishment,” sex probably isn't the first thing that comes to mind. But in BDSM —an umbrella term that encompasses bondage and discipline, domination and submission, sadism, and masochism—punishment can be a major component of sex. And a pleasurable one, at that.
“Punishment is a behavior modification tool used in some [dominant/submissive] dynamics to train or discipline a submissive when they’ve defied a boundary or disobeyed an order,” explains Charyn Pfeuffer, a sex and relationships writer and author of 101 Ways to Rock Online Dating . “There’s no one-size-fits-all playbook for punishment, and not every kinky relationship uses it.”
Every couple is free to determine the type and severity of punishments they want to use—and the options are essentially endless. For example, if the submissive partner is a "brat" (a sub who enjoys disobeying their dom’s rules), a dom might give you a spanking as a punishment for being naughty.
“Punishment can include spankings, slapping, choking, use of restraints, or (consensually) forcing your partner into sexual acts," says Daniel Saynt, founder and chief conspirator of The New Society for Wellness , a private members Open Love club for the adventurous. "It's really up to you and your partner to set the limits of what's okay for punishment and what's not.”
Like with most deliciously kinky things, punishment is not just about pain, but also pleasure. It’s a dance between the dom and sub that allows them to explore sides of themselves they may not get a chance to express in real life.
“Sexual punishment is when you know there is a part of you that is under-expressed, maybe from shame or fear,” says Kenneth Play , international sex educator and and creator of the Sex Hacker Pro Series . “So, if you feel like you’re being a dirty slut, being punished by your partner allows you to live out that feeling, while also enjoying your 'dirty slut' side.”
IMPORTANT: Before you engage in any BDSM punishments, you and your partner must thoroughly discuss your boundaries and limits beforehand. Despite the connotation of punishing someone, the activity still requires enthusiastic consent from all parties; the punished wants to be punished, and the punisher wants to punish.
This is where you bring someone to the brink of orgasm, only to stop touching them right before orgasm. Oh, the sweet agony.
Put them over your knee and show them what happens to naughty people who break the rules. Just remember to aim for the fleshy parts of the body, such as the butt cheeks and upper thighs.
Or, you could deny them a spanking. “Sometimes a submissive will ‘act out’ to get the punishment that they really enjoy," says Taylor Sparks, erotic educator and founder of Organic Loven , the largest BIPOC-owned online intimacy shop. "One way to punish them is to NOT give them what they enjoy."
Force your sub to agree to keep their pretty little mouth shut. You can go a step further by not allowing your submissive to speak while in a public place without asking permission first.
This would be cruel outside of a consenting dom/sub dynamic, but hot as hell if both parties are into it. “[This entails] getting your submissive dressed up for an event that they really enjoy, but upon arrival making them sit outside on the ground with their hands in their lap and not allow them to come into the event for a specific amount of time,” Sparks says.
Make your submissive walk on all fours with a collar and a leash like a dog. You can incorporate a dog mask designed for kink, like this one , and even take the act outside for the public humiliation factor.
This is a form of public degradation: You make your submissive wear a shirt that literally says "slut" on it.
“Chain your partner to the bed and leave them there to wait for your return,” Saynt says. “Leave your home and decide how long you want to make them wait for you. Come back to them begging you to set them free.” Oh, the fun that can ensue afterward!
This is when you "make" your partner "take" the pleasure, even if it feels like over-stimulation. “Force your partner to have orgasms until they are completely overwhelmed—then keep going,” Play says.
This is when the dom has sex with someone else and forces the sub to watch. Cuckolding is a more advanced activity, and we suggest doing your research before bringing a new person into the bedroom. For a slightly tamer version, the dominant partner can make the submissive watch them get off with a toy.
“Refuse to let your partner pleasure you and make them beg for a taste," Saynt suggests. "Come within a few inches of their mouth, watch their tongue slip out and get just close enough but not quite there. Make your body their prize and make the longing for it the punishment.”
“Grab ice cubes and use them to run along your partner's body while they are restrained,” Saynt says. “Use the ice to stimulate their body and offer a chilling experience.” This can go really well with a blindfold—that way the sub’s other senses, including touch, are heightened.
“What chore(s) does your sub hate doing? Make them do it—meticulously,” Pfeuffer suggests. What better excuse to not have to do the dishes tonight?
If your sub is naughty, take away their table privileges and force them to eat off the floor like a dog.
Tell your sub to get on all fours and act as a stool for you to rest your feet. Dive into a good book and force them to stay still until you’re good and ready to let them get up.
Is your sub being a little brat? “Put your submissive in the corner for a time-out,” Pfeuffer says. “Being ‘grounded’ for a little while can be incredibly effective” in getting them to follow your rules next time.
Dribble hot wax on a naughty sub’s body. Be sure you’re using a body-safe candle (like these from LoveHoney ), unless you really know what you’re doing. You don’t want to cause burns.
“Only allow your sub to pleasure themselves with your permission," Pfeuffer says. "If rules are broken, that permission is revoked." This means you hold the power over whether they experience pleasure or not; their pleasure is a gift you’re allowing them to enjoy in return for good behavior.
Have your sub go to the grocery store, the dry cleaners, or some other ordinary place while wearing a panty vibrator. You can accompany them, if you choose. We love the We-Vibe Moxie , which comes with its own remote for the dom to control.
If your sub breaks the rules, write what they did wrong on their body in permanent marker. Make them wear it around all day so they don’t forget how naughty they were.
Have your sub sit in the shower or bathtub and pee on them. This kind of humiliation play can get messy, so you might want to do it in the nude.
This is a form of “restrictive discipline,” much like giving your sub a “time out” in the corner. If they break the rules, take away something they enjoy as punishment. This could be access to the show they want to watch, their cell phone, or even an orgasm.
This one is taken right out of the old Catholic school playbook. If your sub does something they’re not supposed to, have them write out what they did a hundred times as punishment.
Have your sub wear a collar around. This shows them that they belong to you and you are in control. If you want ideas, we love this one .

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