Precum Flow

Precum Flow


Precum Flow

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How to increase quantity of pre-cum

Doctor of Medicine (MD), Psychiatry Residency Program,2001 – 2012
M.B.B.S,Mahatma Gandhi Institute Of Medical Sciences, Sevagram

Certificate Course in sex Therapy and Counselling, Sexology and Counselling, A
Sexology,Medikon Sexual Sciences, Mumbai

Training in Advanced Neurology at a leading corporate hospital (CARE hospital) in Hyderabad

Child Psychiatry Training in National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro-Sciences, Bangalore

Sex Therapy and Counsellingat MEDIKON Sexual Sciences, Mumbai.

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How do I increase the quantity and flow of my pre-cum (the colourless liquid males ooze from their penis when sexually aroused)?

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Hello, Thanks for using Doctor Spring for posting your query. I have gone through your question in detail and I can understand what you are going through. When you stated that your want to increase the quantity of pre-cum, I suppose there is a problem with the present quantity of precum. Please try to understand that the purpose of the pre-cum is to lubricate the vagina which is even done by the vaginal secretion. So even if your precum is less then the same can be taken care of the vaginal lubrication and if necessary artificial lubricants can also be applied. If you are using a condom then lubricated condoms are available and as such there is no access to the precum. I am suggesting you these option, as I am sorry to say, but there is no way you can increase the quantity of precum. There are some traditional therapies like Tentex Forte available which claim to increase the pre-cum as well but my patients have never noticed any benefit by that. Many people equate the quantity of precum with the vitality and sexual satisfaction, which is not so. Ones there is sufficient lubrication from the vagina, the purpose of pre-cum becomes nil. Hope that helped, If you have any further queries, I would be more than happy to help you, Kind regards, Dr. Srikanth Reddy MD Psychiatry and Sexology

Could you tell me the dosage of Tentex Forte?

Hello I advice my patients to take tentex forte daily 2 tablets at night and they seem to be doing well. Doctor Spring being an online forum, its not possible for me to prescribe you the drugs with out physically examining you. Sincere apologies for the same, Regards

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TheBatorBlog > Bate Facts > Ask The Batemaster > Ask The Batemaster: Increasing Precum
QUESTION: My favorite lube is precum. I often get quite a bit and can use it as a main lube on the head of my penis. Some guys I know don’t seem to make much, or any! I’ve seen a few guys online that seem like fountains! How can any guy increase his precum?
RESPONSE: To some extent the amount of Cowper’s gland fluid, AKA precum that you produce is individual and genetic. However, mis-information exists online that tells you this clear, slimy and delicious fluid only manifests as part of the mix of seminal fluid that comes from the head of the penis during ejaculation. This Cowper’s gland lies inside your pelvis below the prostate. It has two lobes on either side of the urethra, that tube which carries both urine and sperm down through your penis shaft to emerge from the tip of the head.
As most men who are dedicated edgers, or who love to stimulate our own penises for more than a matter of a few minutes know, many men “leak” at least some precum or Cowper’s during extended periods of arousal and erection. The original biological reason for this exquisite crystal-clear fluid is that it is alkaline in nature, so it helps to protect other spermatic components of semen from the acidic qualities of urine. Still, this fluid that naturally varies from some men who do not produce a discernible amount to such streaming fountains as you mention, serves as an aesthetic and delightful part of masturbating for many millions of men worldwide.
Often an intact man produces enough of this protective fluid, that it effectively lubricates the inside of his foreskin as it glides over the exquisitely ultra-sensitive skin of the bulbous head, or glans penis of our beloved sexual organs. For many men precum appears now and then as a gleaming droplet at the meatus, that opening at the tip-end of the penis. Due to its slightly glutinous quality you may enjoy dabbing it with a fingertip and stretching out a glistening thread of the fluid. Is this Spider Man’s real-life web-weaving? Many men enjoy the mild flavor of precum.
Press firmly yet carefully with a fingertip or knuckle against your perineum directly behind your scrotum during masturbatory arousal, directly where the back of your scrotal sac attaches to your body. Some short distance within your body, therein lies your Cowper’s gland itself, a tiny bulb of tissue that generates the fluid.
Things that may help: good hydration, drink plenty of water, take Vitamin E, add some Selenium to your mineral intake, and foods such as nuts might contribute to overall semen production, and hence Cowper’s fluid, as part of that mix. Fruit in general is believed to help, and precum contains fructose, which is basically the kind of sugar found in fruit.
Good sleep is also considered conducive to producing optimal amounts of Cowper’s gland fluid. Experience suggests that to regular masturbation with long periods of intense pleasurable arousal also stimulates production of these fluids of inner origin. Likewise, to as play with your testicles and massage them regularly helps generate beneficial Testosterone.
Men who do not produce significant or noticeable amounts of this fluid should not feel inadequate or left out. In truth you always benefit from using plenty of added lubrication on your penis while caressing it in the pursuit of intense self-pleasure.
A note from The Batemaster: I’m honored that the guys at Bateworld have asked me to respond to some questions from male masturbators around the world every week.
Always check with your doctor about any issues you might be experiencing with your sexual organs. Prompt diagnosis and treatment are important. This article’s purpose is to inform and entertain readers and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment.
QUESTION: My favorite lube is precum. I often get quite a bit and can use it as a main lube on the head of my penis. Some guys I know don’t seem to make much, or any! I’ve seen a few guys online that seem like fountains! How can any guy increase his precum?
RESPONSE: To some extent the amount of Cowper’s gland fluid, AKA precum that you produce is individual and genetic. However, mis-information exists online that tells you this clear, slimy and delicious fluid only manifests as part of the mix of seminal fluid that comes from the head of the penis during ejaculation. This Cowper’s gland lies inside your pelvis below the prostate. It has two lobes on either side of the urethra, that tube which carries both urine and sperm down through your penis shaft to emerge from the tip of the head.
As most men who are dedicated edgers, or who love to stimulate our own penises for more than a matter of a few minutes know, many men “leak” at least some precum or Cowper’s during extended periods of arousal and erection. The original biological reason for this exquisite crystal-clear fluid is that it is alkaline in nature, so it helps to protect other spermatic components of semen from the acidic qualities of urine. Still, this fluid that naturally varies from some men who do not produce a discernible amount to such streaming fountains as you mention, serves as an aesthetic and delightful part of masturbating for many millions of men worldwide.
Often an intact man produces enough of this protective fluid, that it effectively lubricates the inside of his foreskin as it glides over the exquisitely ultra-sensitive skin of the bulbous head, or glans penis of our beloved sexual organs. For many men precum appears now and then as a gleaming droplet at the meatus, that opening at the tip-end of the penis. Due to its slightly glutinous quality you may enjoy dabbing it with a fingertip and stretching out a glistening thread of the fluid. Is this Spider Man’s real-life web-weaving? Many men enjoy the mild flavor of precum.
Press firmly yet carefully with a fingertip or knuckle against your perineum directly behind your scrotum during masturbatory arousal, directly where the back of your scrotal sac attaches to your body. Some short distance within your body, therein lies your Cowper’s gland itself, a tiny bulb of tissue that generates the fluid.
Things that may help: good hydration, drink plenty of water, take Vitamin E, add some Selenium to your mineral intake, and foods such as nuts might contribute to overall semen production, and hence Cowper’s fluid, as part of that mix. Fruit in general is believed to help, and precum contains fructose, which is basically the kind of sugar found in fruit.
Good sleep is also considered conducive to producing optimal amounts of Cowper’s gland fluid. Experience suggests that to regular masturbation with long periods of intense pleasurable arousal also stimulates production of these fluids of inner origin. Likewise, to as play with your testicles and massage them regularly helps generate beneficial Testosterone.
Men who do not produce significant or noticeable amounts of this fluid should not feel inadequate or left out. In truth you always benefit from using plenty of added lubrication on your penis while caressing it in the pursuit of intense self-pleasure.
A note from The Batemaster: I’m honored that the guys at Bateworld have asked me to respond to some questions from male masturbators around the world every week.
Always check with your doctor about any issues you might be experiencing with your sexual organs. Prompt diagnosis and treatment are important. This article’s purpose is to inform and entertain readers and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment.
Yes: sometimes I call it the Nectar of the Gods! — BPG
I’ve noticed that since I started the multiple-dry-orgasmic practice you taught me 5 years ago, my pre-come production is very dependable – a tasty pearl showing up after about the 10th orgasm in a series continuing for each successive orgasms in the set – adding to my pleasure. Since I’d rather taste it than use it for lube, I still have to add a few drops or a squirt of olive oil every half dozen orgasms.
One of the most hilarious scientific discussions I’ve ever heard was about 30 years ago – a repot of an HIV research project to determine if there was virus in pre-come – which there is because there could be infected white blood cells in the soup that is pre-come. Collecting and handling specimens was very challenging because it’s an extremely clingy substance. Volunteers with lots of pre-come had been recruited but getting their samples out of test tubes was another thing!
As always, your comments are much appreciated. Yes, any man who produces precum (Cowper’s gland fluid) was likely to produce more during periods of high arousal, such as the multi-orgasmic practice you do. Yesterday I was masturbating with a master edger I know, and I generated 4 dry orgasms in succession, fairly quickly, and indeed, noticed more of this delicious nectar being produced! — BPG
How do I get precum to ejaculate on a regular basis. I noticed that my wife loves the lubrication it gives and I also allows me to have sex much longer than if I do not ejaculate precum before climaxing.
Hi, everybody. I’m 20 yo. I never had precum, at all. Not a drop, even with prostate massage. Also my potency isn’t good. A week ago, I started drinking more water, taking vitamin E and zinc. I also ordered Pygeum. Do you think it will help me?
Hello, Brother… Those things you mentioned are all good for you, and might help. Don’t overdose on the vitamins and supplements, just stick to the suggested dosage or minimum daily requirement for now–is my suggestion. Plenty of H2O is always good, as many people are somewhat dehydrated, but you can overdo H2O also and deplete your minerals. Balance is good. I cannot offer medical advice and I am not a doctor. However, age 20 is mighty young for potency issues, unless you haver been watching a great deal of porn, which can desensitize your associated brain centers. That’s something to consider. Some men are simply not designed to produce any noticeable pre-cum at all, by their DNA, apparently. There may be tiny amounts of it inside your urethra to alkalinize the acidic residue from urine, but not enough to squeeze out. The pleasure you feel while you masturbate is what matters most, and that does not depend on pre-cum. Use plenty of lube. Good luck! — BPG
I recently started taking zinc and pygeum myself (I never had precum either). Did you notice any significant increase in the amount of precum when taking these supplements? And if so, how long before you started noticing the effects?
Gud day am 35male am struggling with precum in my days i used have alot was like fountain an my gf love it but at n time dnt actually know wot went wrong but its only small bits that cums out plz guys any suggestions off wot i can use or do an getting that back am waiting on your reply
Hi Mike! I cannot offer you any suggestion that will guarantee a return of increased pre-cum, but for some men these things seems to help: make sure you hydrate plenty, drink a big glass of clean water first thing in the morning after you wake, and then drink more until later in the day; as the fellow above said, supplements of Vitamin C, Zinc, and Pygeum (Goobgle it) may help, but don’t overdo such supplements, just a small amount at suggested intervals; also when you masturbate, massage firmly directly behind your balls at the back of the scrotum. This last may exert pressure directly on the Cowper’s gland, the actual source of pre-cum. This may encourage more to flow into your penis and out the tip. Good luck, but be aware men vary a lot in how much they produce, and sometimes, as in your case, it simply changes. — BPG
Hey Mike! I eat 4 Raw Quail Eggs daily and notice a HUGE diference in my LOAD. Sometimes I’ll take Vitamins. I know Vitamin E, C, Zinc, Magnisium, Boron might help. For me I find all these to WORK 100%. A while back i also tried Celery Seeds. Woah! It was a major PLUS!. I guess what I’m trying to say. Healthy food and Vitamins DO GOOD.
I find more often when I have a wet dream, with or without the dream, that I’ll many times wake up to witness an ejacluation with many pulses, it’s never cum, these times when I wake, covering the sheets, not urine, but precum. Tho my mind often thinks I have urinated. While awake, I only produce small mounts of precum as described.
this guy doesnt really know what hes talking about… “drink plenty of water, take vitamins, blah blah blah”. all you need to do is eat 4-5 eggs(lots of protein) the day of, and you will notice a marked difference in precum production. I’ve tried for years with every kind of nonsense out there and its the only thing that works.
FWIW, the eggs likely work for you for not only the BCAAs in the egg protein as you mention, but also all the vitamins, minerals and the large amount of Lecithin.
Which is exactly what the article is mentioning and water is very important. If you are dehydrated, after the intake of lecithin you may literally ejaculate cottage cheese consistency (nasty). Drinking lots of water ensures that the ejaculate volume and fluid viscosity is maximized in combination of the additional vitamins and lecithin.
what a knob job you are. You’d think you could put two and two together and realize there is a vitamin and mineral reason as to why that works for you. dingleberry.
so i have question, the cow glands is the one that makes precum but what if you make the glands bigger? does it increase the precum and is it possible to make the glands big? another one is what foods do i need to eat to increase the precum?
What is your multiple dry orgasmic practice? How do I learn this ?
Not all men have foreskin thank God! And if anything, precum is much more useful for cut cock. Uncut cock is already always kind of moist and tacky!
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