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Actinolite is a member of a series that contains varying amounts of iron and magnesium. Tremolite is

Although adamite occurs in many localities, it's very rarely cut as a gem. This mineral is much too

Agate is a variety of chalcedony that exists in many colors and is often commercially dyed. Agate is

Albite, usually colorless but sometimes yellow, pink, gray or reddish. Translucent albite is sometim

“Emerald by day, ruby by night,” alexandrite is well known for displaying one of the most remarkable

Bright, silvery metallic cabochons of algodonite and domeykite are attractive and unusual. Faceted p

Almandine is perhaps the most common garnet species. Forming series with pyrope and spessartine garn

Amazonite is a variety of microcline, which is itself a variety of feldspar.

Amber is the hardened resin of ancient pine trees. This organic substance is most well-known for the

Amblygonite gems are usually pale straw yellow. Although they are too soft and cleavable to make goo

Amethyst is crystalline quartz in colors ranging from pale lilac to deep reddish purple. The Februar

Ametrine is a variety of quartz that displays bands of both amethyst purple and citrine yellow. Thes

Ammolite is a rare, iridescent, gem-quality material cut from the fossilized shells of extinct sea c

Large colorless crystals of Analcime are a great rarity although small transparent crystals are abun

Anatase occurs in many beautiful colors, such as deep indigo and amber yellow. However, these rare g

Strongly pleochroic, andalusite can show shades of green, brown, and red when viewed from different

These feldspars are rarely encountered in gem form. Andesine's occurrence is widespread throughout t

Andradite is one of the most sought after garnet species. Although more sources have been discovered

Although anglesites with pale colors can show great dispersion and brightness, they’re difficult to

Rare and difficult to cut, anhydrite is seldom faceted. However, this material can be carved into be

Anorthite is the most calcic of the plagioclases, and sometimes makes up a distinctive rock known as

Although too brittle for most jewelry use, properly cut apatite gems are truly magnificent. A collec

Although not suitable for jewelry, apophyllite is a popular collector's piece. Perhaps the whitest o

Named after the color of sea water, aquamarine is the blue to blue-green member of the beryl family.

Aragonite is more commonly found as a constituent of pearl and shell nacre than as a crystal suitabl

Soft and brittle, rare augelites are difficult to cut and unsuitable for wear. Faceted transparent p

When faceted, the members of the axinite mineral group are usually intensely trichroic, with conside

Collectors prize deep blue azurite crystals, but faceted gems are extremely rare. However, azurite f

Massive white barite (also called known as baryte) looks like marble and could be used for decorativ

Bayldonite is a nondescript greenish material that has been cut into cabochons by enterprising colle

With dispersion higher than diamond and sapphire blue body color, benitoite is one of the most attra

The beryls are among the most popular, and also the most expensive, of all gems. A wide range of col

Difficult to facet and typically colorless, beryllonite is a rare collector’s gem. Some specimens ca

Extremely rare as a cut gem, even in very complete collections. Many of the minerals in the tantalit

Also known as heliotrope, bloodstone is the traditional March birthstone. This dark green, opaque ch

Cut boleite is strictly for collectors, since it is soft and very rare. Faceted gems of any transpar

With light blue and green colors, no cleavage, and high hardness, boracite is an uncommon mineral. U

Bornite is suitable only for cabochons. The bronzy color rapidly tarnishes in air to a magnificent i

Brazilianite's lovely green to yellow colors make it a must for gem collectors. Large faceted stones

Breithauptite is a curiosity cut for collectors, although it could be worn with care in jewelry. The

Brookite usually occurs in very dark colors, transparent only in small fragments. Cuttable crystals

Brucites are extremely difficult to cut. Although too soft for jewelry use, faceted pieces would be

Bustamite is very similar in appearance and properties to rhodonite. The Japanese crystals are very

Bytownite is found in basic plutonic rocks, some metamorphic rocks, and meteorites.

Several species of marine mollusks produce stony growths called calcareous concretions or non-nacreo

Calcite is common and abundant throughout the world. The material has little intrinsic value since i

The material usually seen on the market as “canasite” is purplish in color. It is frequently confuse

Cancrinite is one of the most attractive of all opaque or translucent gem materials. It is a bit too

The best-known and generally least expensive variety of chalcedony is carnelian. It ranges in color

Cassiterite is a durable gemstone with tremendous dispersive fire, especially visible in properly cu

The only reported cut catapleiite is from Mte. Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada, in the form of tiny col

Soft, fragile, and hard to cut, celestite or celestine is seldom seen in gem collections. These gems

A little-known gem material of truly exquisite color, sky-blue ceruleite takes a very high polish ea

As beautiful as a diamond, a faceted cerussite actually has higher dispersion and usually excellent

Although faceting chabazite isn't too difficult, it's too soft for jewelry. However, only a handful

Technically, chalcedony (kal SED' uh nee) is any form of microcrystalline or cryptocrystalline quart

Chambersite is an exceedingly rare mineral. Although it has properties suitable for jewelry use, its

With light to medium dark purple colors and swirling patterns, charoite is one of the few gemstones

One of the most prized ornamental materials in China, chicken-blood stone has been used for centurie

Cut childrenite is a great rarity, and all gems are small. Cut eosphorite is more abundantly availab

Chiolite makes a challenging gem. It's difficult to cut, extremely rare, and has little appeal. It's

Chromite is shiny and black, and makes a curious-looking cabochon with no special attraction. Occasi

Although many gems show a cat’s eye effect, when the term “cat’s eye” is used alone, it always refer

Pure blue chrysocolla is extremely soft but interesting to gem collectors. On the other hand, chryso

Marketed as "Gem Silica" this relatively rare, blue to blue-green, opaque to near transparent materi

Chrysoprase is apple-green chalcedony that derives its color from nickel. Its hardness and striking

Magnificent red cinnabar is extremely soft and fragile, so faceted material is rare. It's cut primar

Citrine is the yellow to red-orange variety of crystalline quartz. Clever marketing and the rise of

Clinochlore is a family of minerals in the chlorite group. To date, only kämmerite and sheridanite v

Cabochons are interesting because of the lovely reddish metallic appearance of this mineral. Cut sto

Colemanite is an abundant mineral, and transparent material isn’t rare. However, gem cutters rarely

Any stone that changes color under different types of light is a rare treat for collectors. Color ch

Color change sapphires are those that change color between light sources.

Coral is the external skeleton of a tiny, plant-like marine animal called the coral polyp. The struc

The crystal structure of cordierite has many similarities to that of beryl; indialite, the dimorph,

Next to diamond, corundum is the hardest mineral known and is very compact and dense, with no cleava

Although covellite has attractive blue colors and shows iridescence, this rare mineral is difficult

Probably fewer than a dozen creedite gems have ever been faceted. This rare mineral is rarer still a

Lovely saffron-colored crocoite is quite a rare mineral. Although too soft and brittle for jewelry w

Cut cryolite is somewhat translucent, and has a "sleepy" look. The cuttable material has a very low

One of the rarest of all facetable gems, cut cuprites can show magnificent deep red color. However,

A very durable gemstone, danburite is an excellent choice for jewelry use. Although the mineral isn'

Datolite is a popular collector’s mineral. Polished sliced nodules can show off very attractive colo

One of the rarest garnet varieties, demantoid can have a green color that rivals emerald and a fire

Diamond is the most romanticized and heavily marketed of all gemstones. Nearly every jewelry establi

Diaspore is hard enough to make a durable jewelry stone, but the typical light brownish color is not

This mineral is seldom even mentioned in the gem literature because it is so rare and has been so se

Violane has been used for beads and inlay—transparent material is always very tiny. The color of thi

Dioptase has a beautiful, emerald-like green color. Although this mineral isn’t rare, gems are seldo

Although transparent dolomite crystals are fairly abundant and popular collector’s items, faceted ge

Dumortierite is a beautiful and very hard material, eminently suitable for jewelry. The cabochon mat

A relative newcomer to the world of gemstones, ekanite is rare and usually quite radioactive. When c

Emerald has been synonymous with the color green since ancient times. A fine emerald is a truly brea

Most gem enstatites have indices in the range 1.663-1.673. The brown and green gems from Tanzania ar

Faceted eosphorites in pale colors are quite attractive and easy to cut. However, these very rare ge

The epidote mineral supergroup contains many related species of interest to collectors. However, epi

Ettringite is not generally facetable; any cut stone would be considered an extreme rarity. South Af

Although hard enough to be worn safely in jewelry, euclase in beautiful colors is rare over a few ca

Although lapidaries can cut cabochons and decorative objects from massive or translucent eudialyte c

Euxenite is seldom seen in collections. Most collectors would not regard the mineral as facetable, b

Feldspars are the most common minerals at the Earth's surface. In fact, if the entire composition of

This mineral is not abundant and is known from various localities. Cabochons are cut merely as curio

Although too fragile for most jewelry use, fluorites are often faceted for collectors. They occur in

Like their marine cousins, many freshwater mollusks can produce pearls. However, this rarely occurs

Friedelite is not abundant, and gem-quality material is rarely seen even in large collections. Facet

This is not a terribly attractive gemstone, but faceted gems would be a tremendous rarity. The mater

Gahnospinel is a solid-state solution between spinel and gahnite.

Although commonly associated with the color red, garnets can be found in almost any color and are po

This mineral is very hard to cut because of extreme softness and cleavage. Gaylussite dries out slow

Glass has been used in jewelry for thousands of years. By itself, glass is brittle and unimpressive

A rather rare mineral, lovely blue-green grandidierite is seldom seen in gem or jewelry collections.

Grossular garnets come in almost every color, even colorless, except blue. However, unlike other gar

Gypsum is one of the most abundant minerals, but gem-quality crystals are very rare. This material i

Although hard enough for jewelry use, rare hambergite is a gem for collectors of the unusual. Its co

One of the major mineral constituents of lapis lazuli, haüyne is rarely found and faceted as a disti

Heliodor is a member of the beryl family. This stone is known for its range of yellow colors — from

Hematite has a long history of use as a pigment. As a gemstone, this material is often carved but ve

Massive hemimorphite can have a very delicate, blue color. However, it's seldom cut because not very

Herderite is a rare collector's gem, especially in larger sizes. It's too soft for wear but attracti

Also known as the “cinnamon stone,” hessonite is the yellow-orange to reddish orange variety of gros

Hodgkinsonite is one of the rarest of all collector gems. Cut stones are bright and richly colored,

This mineral was first noted in 1937 but was not described in detail until 1971. It has not yet been

Howlite is always opaque in nodules; it is an abundant material and easy to acquire. Sometimes it co

It should not be difficult to find numerous small faceted huebnerites among larger gemstone collecti

Clinohumites and chondrodites can make beautiful gemstones with rich colors, but these members of th

Hureaulite can show rich and lively pink, rose, and orange colors. However, this collector's gem is

Hurlbutite is an extremely rare mineral. Minute, colorless faceted stones have been cut from fragmen

Hydrogrossular differs from the other garnets in that it is never transparent. It ranges from transl

Hyperitdiabas is one of the most outstanding minerals I have encountered in recent years. Its appear

Idocrase is one of the lesser known and more beautiful collector gems. When properly cut it is as br

Inderite is very soft and difficult to cut, and only a few stones have been cut by hobbyists. There

This stone, which represents one of the few relatively available and affordable blue stone options,

One of two distinct minerals commonly known as jade, jadeite is the rarer and harder variety. Rich e

Jasper is an opaque, solid or patterned variety of cryptocrystalline quartz. All types of jasper tak

Jeremejevite would make a durable and attractive jewelry stone, but this rare mineral occurs even mo

Historically a popular black gem, jet has declined in popularity in modern times. Although jet jewel

Star kornerupine also has been found (Mogok, Myanmar) but is very rare. Kornerupine is generally dar

Kurnakovite is difficult to cut, inadvisable to wear, and usually colorless. Consequently, faceted s

Kyanite is very rare as a faceted gem, especially if free from inclusions and flaws. The material is

A beautiful but rare mineral, kämmererite is extraordinarily difficult to facet. As a result, the av

An overview on Labradorite Jewelry and Gemstones. Covers details and essential information on the ph

This material is nondescript and is cut solely as a curiosity. The gems are soft, pale colored, or c

Lapis lazuli has been used since ancient times and remains popular today. This gemstone has been pri

Laserblue is a rare, synthetic glass. It's hard for glass but easy to chip.

Lawsonite is extremely rare as a faceted stone, seldom reported and generally unavailable.

Lazulite makes a magnificent, deep blue gemstone. Although the mineral itself occurs widely, gem-qua

Too soft for jewelry use, legrandite is a popular collector’s mineral because of its intense yellow

Reddish granular or massive lepidolite is usually slabbed for ornamental purposes, such as ashtrays

Although abundant in various lava rocks, leucite is extremely rare in gem-quality form and often has

The blue color of linarite is magnificent, and it is a pity that large facetable rough has not been

Ludlamite has a lovely green color but is too soft for wear. Large crystals are known from only a fe

Transparent, gem-quality magnesite is rare and beautiful, with colors ranging from colorless, white,

Malachite is a beautiful decorative stone. Its rich, patterned coloration in shades of green is uniq

Malaia or malaya garnets are typically light to dark, slightly pinkish orange, reddish orange, or ye

One of the rarer varieties in the garnet group, Mali garnet is a blend of grossular and andradite. T

While the colors of spessartite garnet gemstones cover a wide range of orange shades, the mandarin g

Manganotantalite makes a spectacular red brown gem that is a very rare collector’s item. Transparent

Marcasite has a long history of use as a decorative and jewelry material. However, this brassy color

Meliphanite is an extremely rare gemstone, and perhaps fewer than 5-10 faceted stones have ever been

Mellite is a rare and unusual organic gemstone. Although soft and fragile, the “honey stone” is quit

Microcline is a variety of feldspar. The only microcline you are likely to encounter is amazonite.

Ranging in color from pale yellow to brown, reddish, and green, microlite cabochons are prized by co

Very rare milarite crystals can occur in green and yellow colors. Transparent material can yield sma

Millerite has a rich, attractive yellow color. Massive millerites can sometimes be cut into cabochon

Transparent mimetite crystals are extremely rare, and very few have ever been faceted. Cabochons wit

Moldavite is a transparent to translucent olive to bottle green tektite, first found in 1787 at the

Monazite may be partially metamict, with N=1.79. Stones can be an attractive yellow or brown color b

Found all over the world, moonstone is prized for its blue to white adularescence — a billowy, moonl

Compact, fibrous material is cabbed because the fibers provide a chatoyancy that sometimes yields we

A member of the beryl family, morganite shows a range of pink colors due to traces of manganese. Rec

The color of Namibian nambulite is a striking orange-red, very intense, and not really like any othe

All three minerals are fibrous or elongated zeolite minerals. Faceted gems are almost always elongat

Glass comes in several natural forms. All are used in jewelry.

A variety called elaeolite is red, green, brown, or gray, massive or in crystals filled with minute

Nephrite is one of the two distinct minerals commonly known as jade. While nephrite doesn't match th

An overview on Neptunite Jewelry and Gemstones. Covers details and essential information on the phys

Niccolite’s delicate peachy red color and metallic luster looks beautiful when polished. Gem cutters

Obsidian is the most common form of natural glass and occurs in many attractive varieties. Since pre

Oligoclase gems are feldspars that are part of a solid state series between albite and anothrite.

For millennia, artisans have carved intricate cameos from black-and-white onyx. Solid black onyxes,

Opals are in a class by themselves. As a species, opal is so unique it has its own descriptive vocab

What a nice coincidence that Lapidary Journal's cover story for January, 1998 is on Oregon Sunstone!

Orthoclase is best known for moonstone. It is occasionally a transparent, faceted gem.

Padparadscha is a light to medium toned pink-orange to orange-pink hue sapphire.

Until 2001, only three painite crystals were known to exist. Since then, additional discoveries have

Although marketed as “angel skin opal,” “rock wood,” and “mountain leather,” palygorskite is neither

Cerulean blue papagoite crystals are too small for faceting. However, massive material mixed with qu

Discovered in 1989, paraíba tourmalines are among the world’s most prized gemstones. These rare gems

The amphibole group is very large and extremely complex and contains numerous distinct species that

An overview on Parisite Jewelry and Gemstones. Covers details and essential information on the physi

Pearls are the only gems found within living creatures, both salt and freshwater mollusks. However,

Fibrous pectolite has long been a curiosity for gem collectors. Compact material can make wonderful

Pentlandite resembles other yellowish metallic minerals and is cut by collectors as a curiosity. The

Periclase has been synthesized in large masses in the laboratory, but these have no market significa

The modern August birthstone, peridot has been prized as a jewelry stone since ancient times. Always

Peristerite is primarily oligoclase with a complex mixture of feldspars. It has iridescence that is

Perthite is a blend of microcline, albite and oligoclase. It is usually brown and white. May have go

Gem-quality, colorless, facetable petalite is rare and desirable to collectors. More so if the stone

Rare phenakite is a very hard gem material suitable for jewelry. Usually colorless, cut stones have

Rare phosgenite typically shows pale colors. This material is difficult to cut and too soft for jewe

Renowned for its delicate blue-green shades, phosphophyllite’s beauty is enhanced by expert cutting.

Colorless pollucites lack fire when cut and are usually small. However, this very rare cesium minera

An overview on Powellite Jewelry and Gems. Covers details and essential information on the physical

Prehnite is popular as a cabochon material among hobbyists because of its lovely green and blue-gree

An overview on Prosopite Jewelry and Gemstones. Covers details and essential information on the phys

A few almandine/pyrope garnets from the US will change with treatment into proteus garnets. In refle

Proustite crystals have magnificent red colors and good brilliance. Although facetable, they're too

The gem variety of pumpellyite, chlorastrolite, is best known from the Lake Superior district of the

This material is never transparent and is too soft for wear. However, cabochons are a magnificent pu

Deep red pyrargyrite occurs in a number of localities in well-formed but small crystals. However, fa

Pyrite is more commonly known as fool’s gold and is familiar to nearly every mineral collector. It h

Pyrope always occurs in series with other garnet species. Common, dark red garnets are a mixture of

Pyrophyllite resembles talc in many ways and is indistinguishable by eye from soapstone. Chemical te

Pyroxmangite grains are rare, seldom clean enough to facet, and difficult to cut. However, when cut,

An overview on Pyrrhotite Jewelry and Gemstones. Covers details and essential information on the phy

An overview on Quartz Jewelry and Gemstones. Covers details and essential information on the physica

Quartzite is a rock made up of tightly packed quartz grains. Sometimes, it contains small crystals t

Although this common arsenic sulfide mineral occurs worldwide, cut gem-quality realgar is extremely

Originally known as bixbite, red beryl is one of the rarest, most desirable, and most expensive gems

Rhodizite is tough enough to make an excellent jewelry stone. However, it's quite a rare mineral. Fa

Beautiful rose red to pink rhodochrosite crystals are popular with mineral collectors. Although very

Rhodolites are purplish red garnets, a blend between almandine and pyrope in composition. These dura

Ranging in color from pink to a fine rose red, rhodonite is a popular material for jewelry and decor

A popular variety of colored quartz, rose quartz makes a durable jewelry stone. Although commonly ca

Rubellites are tourmalines with reasonably saturated dark pink to red colors and medium to dark tone

One of the most popular traditional jewelry stones, ruby is exceptionally durable. Its colors — alwa

Though perhaps best known as inclusions within other gems, rutile crystals themselves can be faceted

Although pearls are one of humanity’s most ancient gems, natural undersea beds of pearl-producing oy

Samarskite is a very heavy material from which lustrous black to brownish cabochons are sometimes cu

Sanidine is a mineral of volcanic rocks, rarely considered a gem. While occasionally brown or yellow

Few gems have held our attention over millennia as well as sapphire. The pure blue colors and excell

Sapphirines are durable but very rare gemstones. Although named after their typically sapphire-blue

Sarcolite is an extremely rare mineral. Tiny, colorless to “fleshy pink” gems have been cut only fro

Although not well known, scapolite would make an attractive gem material for both jewelry enthusiast

Large, faceted scheelites are among the most beautiful of all collector’s gemstones. They occur in m

With lovely colors and intense pleochroism, faceted scorodite is a prize for collectors of the rare

An overview on Sellaite Jewelry and Gemstones. Covers details and essential information on the physi

Senarmontite is a rare mineral, restricted in occurrence to the presence of antimony sulfide ores. I

To date, only one locality — Mont St. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada — has produced facetable serandite. Th

Bowenite is usually blue-green, yellow-green, or dark green and translucent; it is used for carving,

Shattuckite is often mixed with quartz, and data often reported for properties may be erroneous. The

Shortite is an exceedingly rare, not overly attractive mineral. Cut gems are among the rarest of all

Siderite is difficult to cut, but this light brown collector's gem has yielded faceted pieces of gre

The fibrolite from Burma and Sri Lanka is well known to gem collectors, and highly prized because of

Simpsonite is an extremely rare gemstone. The material from Western Australia is bright yellow-orang

Long thought to be brown peridot, sinhalite was investigated in 1952 and found to be a new mineral.

Smaltite is a collectors oddity, cut only as cabochons. It is seldom seen in collections since it is

Smithsonite occurs across the globe, but facetable crystals are extremely rare. These gems can show

Smoky quartz comes in every shade of brown, from a light tan to nearly black. This gem is known for

Tough, easy to cut or carve, and rich in color, typically blue, sodalite is highly desired by hobbyi

Sogdianite is an extremely rare mineral, suitable for cabochons. The color is striking and the mater

Usually orange to reddish brown, gem-quality spessartite or spessartine garnets are somewhat rare. H

Sphalerite occurs in many colors. With a dispersion over three times that of diamond and an adamanti

Sphene, also known as titanite, has rich body colors, strong trichroism, and a fire that exceeds dia

Spinel is an important gem historically because it has been confused with other gemstones, especiall

Extraordinarily difficult to cut, spodumene has several colorful varieties, such as hiddenite and ku

An attractive but uncommon mineral, spurrite has seldom been cut as a gemstone. However, it has the

Star sapphire is a type of sapphire that displays asterism, a star-like optical effect.

Staurolite crystals in opaque cross shapes are popular gemstones. However, this material is very rar

Rare stibiotantalite possesses an interesting mix of physical and optical properties that help disti

Stichtite is not facetable, but the pink color is quite striking in cabochons. Cut stones are especi

Stolzite is a rare mineral; much rarer than wulfenite and usually occurs in very minute crystals. Ho

Strontianite is a collector’s oddity, with no spectacular properties to recommend it. Colors are usu

What is the color of sugilite? Grape jelly purple is a good description. More popular among consumer

Although sulfur is very abundant, facetable material is not. Sulfur is also enormously difficult to

Sunstones contain hematite or goethite inclusions, which reflect light in parallel orientation and c

Taaffeite reacts to most gemological tests like mauve-colored spinel, but can be distinguished on th

An overview on Talc Jewelry and Gemstones. Covers details and essential information on the physical

Tantalite is too dark to be of use as a faceted gem but is sometimes cut as a collector curiosity, e

Tanzanite has had a rapid rise to prominence among jewelers and gem enthusiasts. Although naturally

Tektites were first discovered in 1787 in Czechoslovakia (then Moravia) near the River Moldau, hence

Tephroite is generally reddish brown and barely translucent. However, it takes a good polish and is

For a long time, rare thaumasite crystals — pale, fragile, and with little to no fire — were interes

Thomsonite cabochons take a high polish but are somewhat brittle. These are especially lovely when a

Crocidolite, (blue asbestos,) alters to quartz, but while retaining its fibrous structure. This mate

The traditional November birthstone, topaz is a popular gem. Although frequently associated with gol

Tourmaline is a name applied to a family of related minerals with widely varying properties. Tourmal

It is possible to misidentify tremolite, mistaking it for other amphiboles. Hexagonite is the rarest

Triphylite is one of the world's rarest gems. The IGS had the extraordinary privilege of examining a

An emerald-green variety of grossular garnet, tsavorite is one of the most popular and expensive var

Gem collectors prize tugtupite for its rich colors and intense reaction to ultraviolet light. Sporad

With striking sky blue to blue-green colors, turquoise has been prized by cultures all over the worl

The fibrous material cuts interesting catseye cabochon gems, but they are curios only since they are

Always a dark, rich green color, uvarovite is one of the rarest members of the garnet family. Usuall

A faceted vanadinite may be considered a tremendous rarity. Fewer than ten such gems may have been c

With beautiful green to blue-green colors and interesting patterns, variscite is a popular hobbyist

Villiaumite is seldom discussed among collectors of rare gemstones because until recently no facetab

Vivianite is so fragile and soft, any faceted gems would be difficult to handle safely, let alone we

Väyrynenite is a very rare mineral. Crystals as well as faceted gemstones in reddish, pinkish, and o

Wardite is another of the many phosphates that have been cut by collectors. It is pale colored and n

Wavellite is a very attractive mineral, well-known to collectors. Its radial aggregate crystal clust

An overview on Weloganite Jewelry and Gemstones. Covers details and essential information on the phy

Seldom seen even in mineral collections, whewellite is very rarely faceted. It’s mostly desired as a

An overview on Wilkeite Jewelry and Gemstones. Covers details and essential information on the physi

Willemite is prized for its intense green fluorescence. Too fragile for jewelry use, faceted specime

Easy to cut but too soft and fragile for jewelry, a faceted witherite would make an unusual addition

Interesting cabochons have been cut from wollastonite, especially from the fibrous material (which y

Although aesthetically magnificent wulfenite crystals are often too thin, soft, and sensitive to cut

Xonotlite is strong and can take a good polish. However, these gems are extremely rare, both as a sp

Yugawaralite is a very rare colorless to pinkish zeolite mineral. Little facetable material exists,

Small, cuttable crystals of very rare zektzerite are found only in a mountainous location in Washing

Zincite is a very rare mineral, essentially restricted to one important locality. Well, terminated c

Don’t be confused by the name. Zircon is a natural, magnificent, and underrated gemstone that has be

An overview on Zunyite Jewelry and Gemstones. Covers details and essential information on the physic


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