Powerone Clit

Powerone Clit


Powerone Clit
Rebecca came from a wealthy family and could be considered a
"princess" although others might use the term cockteaser or
bitch. The family was in the public
arena, her father, James was a Congressman and her mother, Sally was a noted attorney. She had a twin sister Heather. Both were eighteen, long red hair and
beautiful, with an outstanding figure. 
But that is where the similarities ended.  
Heather would go to Yale next year. Her fiancé had just graduated from the same
school. His family was one of the social
elite. Rebecca had been trouble since
she was fourteen. She’d been in and out
of private schools, mostly thrown out and arrested for drinking, drugs and
vandalism. Her parents had tried various
psychiatrists and treatment programs. 
They even resorted to jail when she got seven days for vandalism, but
all efforts were a failure. The final
straw was her last incident. She’d got
into a car wreck while under the influence of drugs. Sadly, the person in the other car suffered
major injuries. It would cost millions
of dollars in damages to make this one go away, but the press couldn’t be
bought off. Her parents were now
desperate. James was up for re-election
next year and he didn’t want the scrutiny that Rebecca brought him.   
           They were
told that conventional treatment would do nothing for Rebecca, so James sought
alternative treatment methods outside of the United States. They finally found the DeShade Psychiatric
Clinic in Bermuda. James and Sally went
to see it and meet Doctor Marquis. It
was a very modern and well-equipped hospital. 
It had a small number of patients, ten and a large staff of twenty. It was very expensive, but they could provide
round the clock supervision and individualized care. 
Marquis had very unorthodox methods. He
believed that Rebecca was too independent and free-spirited and she didn’t
adhere to conventional standards of morality. 
She needed to be taught the consequences of her actions. Doing this would require harsh treatments and
punishments. While he didn’t describe
them in detail, he did explain that they’d involve electric shock treatment,
restraints and humiliation. He explained
that Rebecca would have to be entrusted to his care as legal guardian for a
period of one year. She wasn’t to have
any visitors, but she’d write home once a month. At the end of the one-year period, she could
return to her home and become a productive member of society. In desperation, James and Sally signed
Rebecca over to Doctor Marquis and they made arrangements for Rebecca to be
drugged and flown by private plane to Bermuda to begin treatments the next
They had put a drug it into her drink at dinnertime and by
the time dinner was over Rebecca had passed out. Two men came and took her to the airport
where a private jet flew her to Bermuda. 
With the right amount of money she was smuggled through
Rebecca was placed in her cell. It was a large room with no windows and a
large mirror on one wall, but it was really a two-way window. The room contained a large four-poster bed
and table. Both the table and the bed
had straps placed at all four-corners. 
She was stripped of her clothes and was dressed with a strapless bra that
unhooked in the front and thong panties. 
This would allow ease of removal when she was bound.  
She was given medication that would leave her docile once
the other drug wore off. This would be
standard procedure while she was here. 
At about 10:00 PM she began to awaken. The lights in the room were on. She was very groggy and as she tried to turn
over, she realized that her arms were tied to the headboard. She looked at her wrists. They had leather bands with fur on the inside
to prevent chafing. She could feel the
same bands on her ankles. The two straps
had metal hooks to hold them together behind one of the slats in the
headboard. A blanket covered her, but
she quickly realized that her clothes were gone, she was dressed immodestly now. 
Dr. Marquis watched
her from behind the mirror. 
Rebecca heard the lock on the door turn and watched it
open. Two men entered and both wore
white coats like doctors. 
"Where am I, what am I doing here?" cried
"I am Dr. Marquis and this is Michael." You’re now a patient at DeShade Psychiatric
Clinic," said the doctor. 
"Your parents have decided that you require special treatment and they’ve
entrusted your care to me. I’m now your
legal guardian for the next year and you’ll remain my patient. We are on an island outside of the United
States. You’ll be treated by me while
you’re here."
"Oh, no, my parents wouldn't do that," Rebecca
cried out in protest.
"They most certainly did after your recent car
accident. You almost killed someone and
they had to take drastic measures to make sure that it didn’t happen again. You’ll begin treatment tomorrow. My treatments might be considered harsh or
brutal but they’ll provide results," stated the doctor. 
"What are you going to do to me?" she cried out as
tears formed in her eyes. 
"My treatments include electric shock therapy, forced
enemas, tight bondage and humiliation. 
You’ll be subject to spankings and whippings for any infractions of the
hospital rules or insubordination to any of the guards. Michael will be your personal guard. You must obey all of the guard's orders and
submit to their demands without question." 

"Please, don't hurt me, I feel so weak, I can just
barely move," she moaned. She tried
to pull her arms down, but the leather straps held tight. 
"I’ll watch you from behind the mirror and when I’m not
there the cameras will always be on. You’ll
no longer have any privacy. I’ll leave
you with Michael for initiation. As I
said before, you must obey the demands of the guards, no matter what. Your body is no longer yours, but mine. The guards have my permission to do anything.” Dr. 
Marquis left the room and the door slammed shut. 
Rebecca trembled in fear as the door closed and locked. Michael was over six feet tall and
muscular. In her weakened condition, she’d
be no match for him. With her hands
bound, she was helpless.  
Michael walked over to the bed and began to pull the blanket
off Rebecca. "Let's see what we
have here," as the blanket slowly moved down Rebecca's body until he threw
it to the floor. 
Rebecca began to get goose bumps from the cool air as she
realized that she only wore a strapless bra and thong panties. She turned red in embarrassment when she
noticed Michael lewdly stare at her body. 
While Rebecca was eighteen years old, she was still a virgin. She’d been the ultimate
"princess". There was no one
good enough to have her body.  
"Leave me alone," she yelled as the tears dripped
from her eyes. "Put the blanket
back on me, it’s too cold." Rebecca
turned over onto her back, her arms high over her head to prevent Michael from
seeing her naked ass. Michael went
behind the headboard and began to pull Rebecca's arms lower onto the bed frame
to make Rebecca arch her back to prevent her arms from breaking. 
"Please, that hurts, don't pull them down." She felt Michael unclip the straps but clip
them to the lower rail of the bed to force Rebecca into the arched
position. She had to raise her ass off
of the bed to maintain the position. Her
breasts were now pushed up, as well as her pussy. 
"You’ll learn that part of your treatment will be tight
bondage. This will involve placing your
body in unnatural positions. Often this
will be humiliating as your breasts, ass and pussy will be prominently
displayed. You’ll be forced into these
positions for hours at a time. You’ll
only be released for treatments or to be placed in a new position." Michael went to the side of the bed and ran
his hands under Rebecca's arched back. 
"I love how your body yields to the bondage." 
His hands continued down her back and Rebecca trembled, as
she knew he would soon run his hands over her naked ass. "It hurts to stay like this, please let
me down," she begged. His hands had
moved over her back and now ran over her naked ass. "Please, don't touch me there or I’ll
tell the doctor."
"The doctor is behind that mirror watching you present
your body.” Michael began to caress her
ass cheeks. He squeezed them to force
groans and gasps from Rebecca's mouth. 
He separated the cheeks of her ass and Rebecca could feel
the cool air on her anus. 
"You are a very beautiful woman and I’m going to enjoy
your body while you’re here. I work here
because I get to enjoy the charms of women like you. During the day you’ll submit to Dr. Marquis’ treatments, but at night, you’re
mine. He ran his hand down one of her
legs until he reached the cuff attached to her ankle. He began to pull her leg open to the side of
the bed. Rebecca couldn’t move the other
leg because she needed it too support her arched back.  
"What are you doing, you’re spreading it too wide.” She felt Michael fumble with something and
then he released her leg. When she tried
to move it back, she found that he had tied it to the edge of the bed. He moved to the other side of the bed and
grabbed the other ankle until it was spread to the side and secured. "Oh, that's too wide. You’re splitting me open, let me down.” She was now forced to arch her back and ass
off the bed, with her legs spread wide. 
She faced the mirror and she could see how obscene the position she was
being placed in was. Her legs were
spread wide and only her skimpy thong prevented Dr. Marquis from seeing her
pussy from behind the mirror. 
look very sexy, Rebecca. I bet no one’s
ever taken the liberties with your body as I do," and his hands returned
to her body. This time they began to run
over her stomach.
 "Please, I
can't hold this position much longer, please release my hands," she
"You’ll be surprised at how much pain you can
withstand. If you don't, you’ll fall to
the bed and break your arms. I don't
care one way or the other. With two
broken arms, it won’t be necessary for me to tie your hands until they heal.” His hands continued up over her stomach until
they reached her bra. "You must
have noticed that you’re dressed in a strapless bra. It unsnaps in the front for a reason. This will allow easy removal, even when you’re
in bondage. Your panties are thongs to allow
you to be spanked on your naked ass without removal and when necessary, they’ll
tear easily.” His hands moved over her
bra and grasped her breasts in his large hands.
"No, don't touch me, get your hands off of me, I don't
deserve this treatment.” 
"But you do Rebecca. 
You have always put yourself first. 
Now you must learn to submit to the demands of others. You have very nice breasts and I intend to
take full advantage of them. Your
breasts will soon be naked for Dr. Marquis and me to see. In the days to come, Dr. Marquis will pay
special attention to your breasts. I’ve
seen him put young ladies breasts in very tight bondage. He loves to torture large nipples. Do you know what it feels like to have clamps
put on your nipples? Can you imagine the
pain as they are pulled and twisted from your body?" He continued to manipulate her bra-encased
breasts as he tightly squeezed them. His
fingers roughly sought out her nipples. 
"Do you have large nipples, Rebecca?"
"Oh, don't hurt my breasts, that hurts, oooowwww."

 "Answer me,
Rebecca, do you have large nipples?" and he squeezed her nipples tightly. 
"OOOOOOWWWW, yes I do! 
Now leave them alone," she cried. 

"That's very good, Rebecca, you must submit. I think I’d like to see for myself. Ask me to make your breasts naked, Rebecca."

Rebecca was humiliated at the way she was forced to perform. No one had ever touched her like this, and
now she was forced to ask a stranger to bare her breasts. "Make my breasts naked," she
replied meekly as she submitted to his lewd demand. 
"Yes, I think I’ll remove your bra," and his hand
went to the catch. With a flick of his
finger the bra opened and instantly fell to the bed. Rebecca now laid on the bed, her back and ass
arched upward invitingly as her breasts pointed to the ceiling with her legs
spread wide. Rebecca's breasts were
large and firm. As she said, her nipples
were large also. The cool air and
Michael's fingers had made them erect. 
"AAAAAHHHH, OOOOHHHHH, don't," Rebecca moaned as
hands returned to her naked breasts and began to manipulate them. He fondled her large tits and paid special
attention to her nipples. His fingers
circled the areola and teased the nipple. 
He plucked her nipples from her chest to pull and stretch them. "OOOOOWWWW, that hurts," as she
arched her back higher to release some of the tension on them, but Michael continued
to pull them higher. "Please, it
hurts, and I’m arched to high", she begged. 
"Ask me to strip your panties off and I’ll release your
nipples," as he gave her nipples a particularly cruel twist. 
them harder, take my panties off, but please leave my nipples alone," she
replied, humiliated that she had to ask to be stripped naked. 
Michael released her nipples but continued to lightly caress
them and force them to stay erect. 
"You have very sensitive nipples, Rebecca. Can you imagine what it would feel like if I
applied sandpaper to them? Think of the
exquisite pain you’d feel. They’d become
very tender to the touch. Maybe tomorrow
I’ll get some sandpaper and we’ll try it, would that be okay, Rebecca?"
"Oh, no, that would hurt so much. I don't think I could stand it."
"But you’d be bound tightly and you’d have no
choice. I can do what I desire with your
tight little body and you have no choice but to submit to my demands. Let’s see your pussy next," as his hands
moved to her waist. 
Rebecca cringed in humiliation as he slid his hands into her
panties. She could feel his hands touch
her bush as they slid over her pussy. 
She tried to move away from the hands but as she moved lower, her arms
"That's right Rebecca, raise up higher, push your pussy
into my hands or you’ll break your arms.” 
Rebecca obeyed and pushed up higher. 
His fingers began to spread her pussy lips apart. Again, Rebecca tried to escape the cruel
fingers but the result was that she had to raise her pussy higher to escape the
pain in her arms. "You’re learning,
Rebecca. I’ll have my way with you, so
submit to my advances."
"I think Dr. 
Marquis and I would like to see your naked pussy now.” He pushed her panties lower until they
reached the spread in her knees. He
ripped them off and they fell to the bed. 
Rebecca was now spread open for both of them to see. Michael moved to the foot of the bed so he
could stare directly between her spread legs. 
"You have a very beautiful pussy, Rebecca. Your pussy lips are spread open and I can see
your pretty pink insides." He
climbed on the bed between her legs and put his hands under her naked ass. "Raise your ass higher, Rebecca, so we
can see your anus." 
The humiliation took a toll on Rebecca. She was being forced to raise her ass and let
them see her naked anus. She felt his
fingers pull the cheeks of her ass apart. 

"Higher, Rebecca, obey. 
I’ll spread your cheeks apart until your anus is open. Raise higher now."
Rebecca groaned in pain and humiliation as she pushed her
ass higher off the bed and strained her muscles to support her body. Her anus was now held high and open to their
"Very good, Rebecca, your pussy and anus are now spread
wide. How does it feel to show yourself
like this? Keep your ass high,
Rebecca," his hands pushed her up and open. 
She could feel his stare on her naked loins. He kept her high and open for long minutes as
tears came from her eyes in shame and humiliation. He moved from the bed and stood up. Rebecca stayed in position, raised up and
spread wide. Her innocent body was naked
and her muscles ached from the spread position.  
"It's time for dinner, so I’m going to leave you like
this for an hour. When I come back, I’ll
tuck you in for the night. You must stay
in that position for the next hour.” 
Rebecca cringed in pain. 
She didn’t know if she could stand an hour of the torture.  
When Michael came back, Rebecca's tight body was covered in
sweat. She looked very sexy, raised up
and spread. Michael untied her legs and
went behind the bed and unfastened her hands from the bottom rail but
reattached them to the higher rail. 
Rebecca groaned and turned over onto her side. Michael picked up the bra and a new pair of
panties and put them on Rebecca. He made
sure that he forced her to endure the maximum amount of humiliation possible as
he spread her legs first before he pulled her panties up to her waist. His fingers ran down the crack in her ass to
push the thong deep into the crevice. He
picked up the blanket and covered her naked body with it.  
"Doctor Marquis said he was very pleased with your
responsive behavior. You may get some
sleep now because tomorrow you need to be wide awake and alert. He has a full day of forced enemas waiting
for you. I think I might have to join
the doctor and watch as the enemas are forced into your ass. By tomorrow night, your ass will be relaxed
and I’ll be back to put you into a new bondage position. While tied tightly, I’ll take liberties with
your ass. Sleep well my little
She was brought fully awake with a slap on her ass. It was Michael.
“Get up slave." 
When she failed to move fast enough he grabbed her panties and pulled
them up until they cut her in half just like a piece of thin dental floss.
 She felt it cut
deeply into her as she scrambled off the bed. 
He then led her out the door as he kept a hand on the top of the panties
to make them dig into her ass and pussy. 
She looked over her shoulder and saw the evil grin on his face.  
"Smack," his hand hit her squarely on her
tit. "Face front and don't look
back you bitch," as she started to cry and whimper quietly. "Shut up," he yelled "you have
nothing to cry about now, ah, but later," he laughed, "you
will." His was an evil laugh, a
laugh that boded badly for a girl she’d learn.
They entered into a room that looked like a cross between a
medical lab and a barn. In the center
was a horse, not a real one but a kind of mechanical bull. She thought that’s what it was called. She had seen it once in a movie with John
Travolta. It sat in a circle with holes in
the floor like drains. There were
faucets and a table with drawers in the circle as well. Along the wall were pristine stainless steel
counters and various medical instruments.
As she looked around she saw a tall bald headed man seated
behind the desk. His looks scared her. He had to have been at least six and a half
feet tall with a hard muscular body. His
coat barely fit him he was so wide.  
With a motion of his head he directed Michael to the
horse. Rebecca started to scream,
"No, no, no" as she fought him. 
Without any ceremony Michael tossed her over the back of the horse, forced
her down onto it and tied her hands to t
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