Possibilities of Internet resources in Teaching English Vocabulary - Иностранные языки и языкознание контрольная работа

Possibilities of Internet resources in Teaching English Vocabulary - Иностранные языки и языкознание контрольная работа


Иностранные языки и языкознание
Possibilities of Internet resources in Teaching English Vocabulary

Theoretical aspects of relationship between technology and language. Research-based principles of vocabulary instruction and multimedia learning. Analysis of examples of vocabulary learning strategies available on the Internet during the lesson.

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Eurasian National University named after L. N. Gumilev
Department of Theory and practice of foreign languages
Possibilities of Internet resources in Teaching English Vocabulary
internet teaching english multimedia
To find strategies that use Internet resources to engage pupils in vocabulary learning
To analyze the role of using internet resources in teaching English vocabulary at primary schools.
During our research we used immediate constituent analysis method.
Theoretical significance : We have done an analytical work, made a valuable contribution to the studying of the beneficial strategies that use Internet resources to engage pupils in vocabulary teaching at primary schools. And in our opinion, it will be quite right to research this problem on the basis of works of outgoing scholars such as Lubliner & Scott, Stanovich, Dalton, B. and Grisham, D. L., Son, J. - B.
The practical significance of our research work: The materials given in our work can be used at the seminars and can be the reference to defined internet programs, books, sites for people who are interested in using internet resources in teaching English vocabulary at primary schools.
The structure of research includes Introduction, theoretical part, practical part, Conclusion and Reference. In Introduction the aim, objectives, object and subject, methods of investigation, theoretical and practical significances, also the materials under analysis of research were considered. In the theoretical part of research we considered about the theoretical aspects of relationship between technology and language. In the practical part of the research we have given the analysis of examples of using Web application during the lesson at primary schools. In conclusion: the result of our research is considered. In Reference : the list of works foreign scientists that were analyzed during the investigation.
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Possibilities of Internet resources in Teaching English Vocabulary контрольная работа. Иностранные языки и языкознание.
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