Pornographie Feministe

Pornographie Feministe


Pornographie Feministe
Fun, inclusive, pleasureable, fantastic feminist porn!
Fun, inclusive, pleasureable, fantastic feminist porn!
Fun, inclusive, pleasureable, fantastic feminist porn!

Feminist Porn Awards

Feminist Porn Awards

Feminist Porn Awards

Feminist Porn Awards

Feminist Porn Awards

Feminist Porn Awards

Silver Shoes tells three intersecting stories about how what we wear can affect what turns us on - and how 
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There’s no one type of feminist porn film. They can range from high-end features to low-budget gonzo-style vignette movies, they 
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Three couples, three different sex lives, three different types of infidelity. Can it all work out and can everyone get 
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An intense docu-porn about people who are into BDSM and kink with interviews and very personal erotic footage of their 
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Handcuffs by Erika Lust is a short film about a couple engaging in public, kinky sex, all the while followed 
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Kate Eden is conducting research into women's sexual fantasies - lush, surreal and very intimate imaginings. She finds herself drawn 
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A look and an invitation. Hands meet and fingers touch flesh. Mouth to mouth, breath to breath. Read More »
Rebecca and Todd are a loving couple who are, sadly, destined to part. Gone explores intimacy and kink with sex 
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A selection of explicit and unusual fantasies from Erika Lust Films. Each short depicts a different scenario created from a 
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Feminist porn heart throb Bishop Black moves in a naked dance of pure sensuality. Alone in a bare room, lit 
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The truth is that porn can be - and is - feminist. By definition, porn is simply sexually explicit media. It's not inherently sexist or degrading or sex-negative. When feminists create pornography that reflects their perspectives, their sexuality, their politics and their sexual ideals, that becomes feminist porn.
The porn for women movement wanted to make female friendly porn. It grew into "feminist porn" in order to be more inclusive. Now labels are evolving again.
A list of feminist porn performers with information about what films they have starred in, some bio info and recommendations.
An incomplete directory of better-known feminist porn directors with bio and film information. Plus a handy list of other female porn directors and those who make feminist porn.
Feminist porn is – at its simplest – pornography created from a feminist perspective. As a genre it takes in a wide variety of voices,

Welcome to Feminist Porn Org. Here you’ll find a comprehensive guide to all things feminist porn. We have a selection of videos ranging from documentaries to seriously sexy porn movies. We have recommendations and listings of good quality websites, films and books, plus listings of feminist porn award winners and more.
The PorYes Feminist Porn Awards have run since 2009. Here is a complete list of winners from every PorYes event in Berlin.
The Feminist Porn Awards honoured and celebrated a wide range of directors, performers and films / scenes over the course of ten years. Every year

A full list of the Feminist Porn Awards nominees from every year that nominations existed 2009 to 2015, in a single list on one page.
A documentary about the Feminist Porn Awards and conference 2014, held in Toronto. This video shows discussion, the award night speeches, films and more.
The PorYes Feminist Porn Awards are held biannually in Berlin, honouring feminist porn creators. This doco shos the 2017 Awards night
A documentary about the 2013 Feminist Porn Awards and Conference, with interviews, feminist porn film snippets, and footage from the events.
A discussion of ethical porn – what it is, what it looks like and what to look for when choosing your porn. Plus a list of ethical porn companies.
Despite claims that “porn addiction” is growing, it’s not a real disease and porn itself is not addictive. Here’s what you need to know.
Ethical porn producers care about who is looking at their material. They only want consenting adults to view their porn and take steps to ensure

Why you should pay for your porn – an explanation that good porn isn’t free and why it is ethical to pay for any pornography you consume.
Youtubers Come Curious visited one of Erika Lust’s porn sets. Includes interviews with Erika and her performers, behind the scenes footage and a discussion about what makes for ethical porn.
Kaleidgogasm 3 is part of an ongoing experimental film series by Ms. Naughty, creating unusual genderless erotic films through mirroring effects.
A celebration of masculinity. Chase strips in the shadows, his sleek body lithe yet indistinct. He reaches for his crotch

Former slave Marie Scott suffered a wrongful death in 1914 and now she’s a vampire, living out her life in the queer underworld of Berlin.
Silver Shoes tells three intersecting stories about how what we wear can affect what turns us on – and how we feel about sex and sexuality.
In this revealing and emotional documentary, Skyler explores the concept of virginity and talks first times with a variety of friends. He then sets about losing his own virginity. The result is surprising and incredibly moving.
Kate Eden is conducting research into women’s sexual fantasies – lush, surreal and very intimate imaginings. She finds herself drawn into an imaginary world of unbridled female sexuality.
A look and an invitation. Hands meet and fingers touch flesh. Mouth to mouth, breath to breath.
Rebecca and Todd are a loving couple who are, sadly, destined to part. Gone explores intimacy and kink with sex shot from a female perspective.
A selection of explicit and unusual fantasies from Erika Lust Films. Each short depicts a different scenario created from a fantasies submitted by fans of Erika Lust.
Jiz Lee, Blath and Valentine enjoy a sensual orgy enhanced by water and wetness. This film revels in fluidity, exploring the sensuality of liquids.
On a visit to Berlin, Pandora Blake encounters her friend Parker and they head back to her flat for tea and flirting. Friendly chat turns to kissing and then things get serious
A couple enter a hotel, hot for each other. The encounter becomes a steamy menage-a-trois when they find an exciting third party.
Three couples, three different sex lives, three different types of infidelity. Can it all work out and can everyone get off?
An intense docu-porn about people who are into BDSM and kink with interviews and very personal erotic footage of their fetish play.
A freelance photographer accidentally takes a photograph – both of her friends having sex and of a possible murderer. Meanwhile, she sets out to explore her own sexuality with a hot butch and embarks on a journey of discovery.
Feminist porn heart throb Bishop Black moves in a naked dance of pure sensuality. Alone in a bare room, lit only by natural light, he moves his sculpted body freely.
An award-winning film about an older lady living it up in Paris and having fun with a gender-bending handsome man
 and cake.
Morgana Muses became a porn star at age 47 after leaving a loveless marriage. She became Feminist Porn Heartthrob of the Year. Like a chrysalis she emerges

A female-friendly porn film celebrating intimacy, joy and laughter during sex, embodied by gratitude. Features straight couples having a good time.
Shine Louise Houston’s first two queer porn films were The Crash Pad and Superfreak. This video offers moments from both films.
In “Dear Jiz”, genderqueer porn star Jiz Lee runs a bath, luxuriates in the water and then masturbates to orgasm while a voiceover reads fan letters.
Handcuffs by Erika Lust is a short film about a couple engaging in public, kinky sex, all the while followed by a voyeur.
Come Together by Petra Joy is the latest feature from this director who has made female-friendly films. Four vignettes exploring female sexuality.
Trinity is an MMF threesome scene that isn’t afraid to depict male bisexuality. It won Sexiest Short at TIPF (previously the Feminist Porn Awards)
A documentary about the Feminist Porn Awards and conference 2014, held in Toronto. This video shows discussion, the award night speeches, films and more.
The PorYes Feminist Porn Awards are held biannually in Berlin, honouring feminist porn creators. This doco shos the 2017 Awards night
This short documentary features female porn directors talking about their work and why it’s important for women to make feminist porn from a female perspective.
A documentary about the 2013 Feminist Porn Awards and Conference, with interviews, feminist porn film snippets, and footage from the events.
Youtubers Come Curious visited one of Erika Lust’s porn sets. Includes interviews with Erika and her performers, behind the scenes footage and a discussion about what makes for ethical porn.
There’s no one type of feminist porn film. They can range from high-end features to low-budget gonzo-style vignette movies, they can be story-based or documentaries,

The internet has long been a place to explore sexuality and feminist porn sites have bloomed in the last fifteen years or so. Free from

A quality listing of feminist porn books and essays offering positive discussions of pornography, including the voices of performers and sex workers.
Bright Desire is a smart feminist porn site offering a more positive view of sexuality. Featuring real-life couples, award-winning short films, hardcore porn and documentary, this site offers a broad range of realistic, intimate and joyful porn. Plus photography, erotic fiction, articles, reviews and more. Bright Desire was an Honored Website at the Feminist Porn Awards in 2015. Director Ms. Naughty was named Indie Porn Icon in 2017.
Pink Label TV is one of the largest online collections of indie, queer and feminist porn. Here you'll find the work of hundreds of groundbreaking directors and performers, all producing alternative, sex positive porn videos. Pink Label actively supports new producers and the site also offers advice, training videos and more for first time filmmakers. If you want to see what's new in feminist porn, you'll find it at Pink Label.
Huge selection of films by feminist and female directors plus the XConfessions collection.
Real life couples filming themselves having sex. We love Lustery.
Bright Desire: Award winning short films, real life couples, smart porn for women and men.

La sĂ©lection des meilleurs sites porno, de vidĂ©os, de sex cam et de sextoys analysĂ©s Ă  la loupe par notre Ă©quipe d’experts . La porte d'entrĂ©e du sexe en France.

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Aujourd’hui mis Ă  l’honneur par les mĂ©dias mainstream - Ă  travers l’exemple iconique d’erika Lust - la pornographie fĂ©ministe est pourtant plus ancienne que la culture 2.0.
DĂ©sormais dĂ©crite et analysĂ©e au grĂ© des mĂ©dias les plus populaires, la notion de film Ă©thique ou fĂ©ministe n’a pourtant rien de trĂšs nouveau. ParallĂšle au porn dit “mainstream”, cette conception du genre (Ă©mancipatoire, indĂ©pendant, subversif par nature, transgressif, volontiers naturaliste) nous renvoie Ă  “l’autre Hollywood” des annĂ©es 80.
IncarnĂ©e par les oeuvres activistes de Candida Royalle et d’Annie Sprinkle, la pornographie fĂ©ministe fait alors l’objet de toutes les polĂ©miques de l’autre cĂŽtĂ© de l’Atlantique, s’insinuant au sein d’un dĂ©bat intellectuel et militant, celui des “guerres des sexes” (sex wars). Les fĂ©ministes dites “pro sexe” rencontrent alors une rĂ©sistance de la part de figures fĂ©ministes “anti-sexe” virulentes, telles Catharine MacKinnon et Andrea Dworkin, pourvoyeuses de lois anti-X - envisageant le porno comme une violation des droits des femmes et une incitation Ă  la haine. Leur dĂ©cret "Antipornography Civil Rights Ordinance" a pour but...l’interdiction pure et simple du genre. La pornographie fĂ©ministe, Ă  l’instar de la scĂšne queer, a donc cette particularitĂ© d'ĂȘtre marginale au sein du fĂ©minisme comme de l’industrie adulte.
En France, les tags parfaits fĂ©ministes trouvent Ă©cho au dĂ©but des annĂ©es 2000, Ă  travers les essais et films inspirants de la rĂ©alisatrice Ovidie (son bouquin culte Porno Manifesto , sorti en 2002). A travers ses discours mĂ©diatisĂ©s et trĂšs critiques emprunts d’empowerment, l’actrice politisĂ©e s’oppose autant aux vieux discours du conservatisme anti-porno qu’à l’hĂ©gĂ©monie masculine qui plane sur le X - une domination qu’il faut Ă©branler. L’ex-actrice, ayant jouĂ© devant l’objectif des grands noms du cul hexagonal (Alain Payet, John B root, Fred Coppula), milite pour un vision libertaire et pro-sexe du fĂ©minisme. Tout en s’attardant sur ce que le X peut, Ă  ses yeux, vĂ©hiculer en terme d’images oppressives et sexistes.
Aujourd’hui, l’influence artistique et thĂ©orique d’Ovidie se fait encore sentir sur le panorama X. La fĂ©ministe frenchie Anoushka propose sur son site social Not a sexpert une vision du sexe explicite dĂ©tachĂ©e des codes du mainstream : dĂ©centrĂ©e de l’acte de pĂ©nĂ©tration et de la dictature de la catĂ©gorisation qui envahit les tubes, cette production lĂ  se focalise sur l’alchimie Ă©rotique entre les membres du casting, mettant un point d’honneur Ă  honorer le plaisir fĂ©minin et la notion de consentement. Du porno Ă©thique, fĂ©ministe et Ă©ducatif Ă  sa maniĂšre.
A l’heure de Twitter et de YouPorn , la rĂ©alisatrice fĂ©ministe “vedette” est suĂ©doise : elle s’intitule Erika Lust et cela fait dĂ©jĂ  14 ans qu’elle propose son X Ă  elle. Sa sĂ©rie rose des Xconfessions part d’un principe allĂ©chant : proposer aux couples de pitcher leurs propres fantasmes et rĂȘves humides, afin d’en faire des films aux castings excitants Ă  souhait (Amarna Miller forever). A travers ses films fĂ©ministes, Lust conçoit le porno comme une conversation traversĂ©e de scĂšnes explicites : non pas une illustration distante du sexe en tant que performance spectaculaire, mais un dialogue trĂšs “2.0” avec le public, devenu acteur Ă  part entiĂšre de l’oeuvre sur laquelle il va se masturber. On reste loin de ce que Pornhub catĂ©gorise en “female choice”, rubrique un peu trop guidĂ©e par la libido masculine.
Mais le modĂšle sex-positive d’Erika Lust qu'on retrouve sur sa plate-forme Lust Cinema , source d’influence pour les nouvelles gĂ©nĂ©rations de pornographes, ne doit pas faire oublier les trop mĂ©sestimĂ©es figures du fĂ©minisme X actuel. Citons entre autres choses la française Lucie Blush, blogueuse, rĂ©alisatrice, fĂ©ministe et tenanciĂšre du site Lucie Makes Porn , la superactive Paulita Pappel, performeuse, productrice et gĂ©rante du Porn Film Festival de Berlin, Ă  qui l’on doit deux sites Ă©thiques, entre (vrais) couples amateurs ( Lustery ) et lesbiannisme joyeux non hĂ©tĂ©ronormĂ© ( Ersties ), mais aussi Bree Mills, working girl Ă  la tĂȘte du site Girlsway , fantasmant l’idĂ©e d’images sans mecs et d’un X “girl on girl” moins phallocratique que les grosses prods mainstream. Les non-rassasiĂ©s pourront toujours goĂ»ter aux films de fesses lĂ©chĂ©s, diversifiĂ©s et politiques de Vex Ashley ( Four Chambers ), Petra Joy (le site CinemaJoy ) et Courtney Trouble (Trouble Films), ou encore aux fictions Ă©thiques et bandantes du collectif Verso CinĂ©ma.
Si elle est globalement bien accueillie par la sphĂšre mĂ©diatique, la nouvelle vague de porno fĂ©ministe attise Ă©galement les dĂ©bats. “La pornographie fĂ©ministe n’existe pas” selon AgnĂšs Giard, rappelant sur son blog que cette vision binaire du X n’est pas exempte de contresens - comme en tĂ©moigne la diversitĂ© des sous-genres, des pratiques et des tags, celle des prĂ©fĂ©rences de la gent fĂ©minine, volontiers extrĂȘmes (anal, sadomasochisme, etc) - et, globalement, l'ambiguĂŻtĂ© du spectacle pornographique (“ Le porno est sexiste parce qu’il est transgressif. S’il n’était pas transgressif, il ne serait pas porno ”). Il n’y aurait pas de “bon” porno (fĂ©ministe), mais une pluralitĂ© d’oeuvres jugĂ©es et ressenties selon la sensibilitĂ© - parfois contradictoire - de chaque spectateur et spectatrice. Conclusion ? La frontiĂšre est toujours trĂšs mince entre “l’éthique” militante et la complexitĂ© des fantasmes hardcore qui composent la culture porn, entre la conscience politique et le plaisir dĂ©complexĂ© du X.

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par Marion Dos Santos Clara
Créé le 22/01/2021 à 15:17 , modifié le 19/05/2022 à 15:45

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Journaliste lifestyle, Marion écrit sur les sujets liés à la psychologie, à l'amour et à la sexualité, sous un angle sociétal. Des sexualités aux nouveaux codes amoureux, elle décrypte les 


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Dites adieu aux films pornographiques fait par des hommes pour des hommes. Voici 6 sites de films porno fĂ©ministe et Ă©thique qui remettent le female gaze (et notre plaisir) au cƓur de leurs films.
On ne vous apprend rien, le porno mainstream pose de nombreux problĂšmes. Il a tendance Ă  ĂȘtre totalement centrĂ© sur le regard et le plaisir masculin, dĂ©peint souvent les femmes d'une maniĂšre dĂ©gradante ou dĂ©shumanisan
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