Порно видео с Rob Carpenter (Роб Карпентер)

Порно видео с Rob Carpenter (Роб Карпентер)


Порно видео с Rob Carpenter (Роб Карпентер)

©2022 «Детская школа искусств» Мошенского муниципального района

Здесь представлены ответы к учебнику и рабочей тетради Кауфман 7 класс
Happy English по английскому языку. Вы можете смотреть и читать онлайн (без скачивания) с компьютера и мобильных устройств.
Данный решебник учебника и рабочей тетради по английскому Кауфмана предназначен для учеников 7 класса и их родителей, контролировать и проверять выполнения домашней работы.
К учебнику и комплекту рабочих тетрадей


Use the, a, (no article)
1. He is my friend.
2. She will be a vet.
3. Simon is happy.
4. It was the interesting film.
5. Cute is a bad agent.
6. It was their house.
Complete the sentences.

1. She speaks French.
2. He is from Japan.
3. They speak Spanish.
4. We live in Turkey.
5. In Italy they speak Italian.
Рабочая тетрадь № 1

Answer the questions about the characters.

Who speaks Japanese? — Boss does.
Boss speaks Japanese.
Who is learning Russian? — Agent Cute is.
Agent Cute is learning Russian.

Подчеркни названия стран, не совпадающие с названием языков.

В. Look at the menu of the Food of the World restaurant.

Рабочая тетрадь № 1

Answer the questions.

Agent Cute finds people.
He comes from England.
He does his work for his brother.
He is a really nice guy.
Last year he found an English boy in Russia. His favourite pastime is watching TV.

Напишите слова, которые получаются из этих букв.

tip fly
win sand
ham myth
green tape
. Match the sentences and their translations.

1. — d 2. — a 3. — с 4. — b

A. Translate the words in brackets and fill in the gaps.

Agent Cute had to deliver a document to Rob MacWizard’s family.
The document was top secret.
Robin dropped the document when he went back to his time.
The document is a key to the treasure.

Рабочая тетрадь № 1

Answer the questions.

In America they speak English, don’t they? — Yes, they do.


clients — клиенты
catastrophe — катастрофа
Read and put the verbs in brackets in the right form.

Cute: Hi, Boss! A horrible thing happened!I can’t find the top secret document!
Boss: I don’t believe it! I put it into your bag!… Did you show it to anybody?
Cute: No! Of course, I didn’t.
Boss: Did you tell this lady about the trasure? Cute: Yes, I am afraid I did.

Match the underlined sentences with the expressions from the box.

1. — с 4. — d
2. — b 5. — e
3. — f 6. — a

A. Agent Cute is writing a letter to Misha, but his Russian is not very good because he is very nervous. Write a letter in English.
Dear Misha,
I’m afraid, a horrible thing happened! I went to Tunbridge Wells. I had a document for Rob. This document is top secret. Robin dropped it and I picked it up. This document is the key to a treasure. I met a very nice lady on the train. She had a heavy bag, and I asked her: «Do you need a hand?» She said: «Thank you».

Look at the map. Write the names of the countries and their languages.

Great Britain France
English French

1. Let me introduce my brother. His name is Jack Brown —
e) It’s very nice to meet you.
2. How do you do? c) How do you do?

Use the expressions from Ex.3 and write a dialogue.

Let me introduce my brother. His name is Jack Brown.
How do you do?
How do you do?
Where are you from?
I’m from Germany.
What do you do?
I’m a driver.
I’m afraid I have to go now.
It was very nice to meet you.
Complete the sentences with the right form of the verbs.

Robin MacWizard is from Edinburgh.
Robin found the time tunnel.
Rob wants to visit Misha.
Misha lives in Lukinsk.
Betsey has three children.
The boss is going to take his first holiday.

Guess the meaning of the underlined word. mosquitoes — москиты
Write the adjectives in the right order.

My grandfather is a brave old man.
Our office is in a nice new house.
Ann’s Friends live in a beautiful little village. Nobody wanted to eat that disgusting cold soup.
Choose the right answer andfill in the gaps.

The deepest lake in the world is lake Baikal. The warmest of the three is the Red Sea. The longest river in the world is Mississippi. The largest ocean in the world is the Pacific Ocean.
The highest mountains are the Himalayas.
Рабочая тетрадь № 1

Put the words in the right order.
A backpack was old and heavy.
The sleeping bag was new and soft.
We slept on a hard cold ground.
We saw a young hungry bear.
Help Rob pack his backpack. Fill in the gaps with the words.
1. It can be muddy in the forest, so they’ll need wellingtons.
2. They are going to walk for a long time, so they’ll need trainers.

Translate into English.

Я не люблю спать в палатке.
I don’t like to sleep in a tent.
У тебя есть спальный мешок?
Do you have a sleeping bag?
Он не мог найти спички и фонарь.
Не couldn’t find the matches and a torch.

A. Put the adjectives in brackets in the right form.

Ted is taller than Steve.
My dad is older than my mum.
They are the happiest family in our town.
Mary’s English is worse than her German.
Nick is the best football player in our class.
The hottest day last year was 12 July.
D. Write questions for your Friends.

1. What is the most beautiful city?
2. What is the most interesting museum?
3. What is the most important holiday?
1. Is a book more interesting than a film?
2. Is Mathematics more difficult than History?
3. Is a bicycle cheaper than a car?
4. Is spring warmer than autumn?
Homework. Рабочая тетрадь № 1

В. Complete the table with the right form of the adjective.

Положительная степень:
Positive degree; famous; favourite; good; important creepy; horrible; easy; gloomy; interesting.
Сравнительная степень:
Comparative degree; more famous; more favourite; better; less important; creepier; more horrible; easier; gloomier; less interesting.
Превосходная степень:
Superlative degree ; the most famous; the most favourite; the best; the least important; the creepiest; the most; horrible; the easiest; the gloomiest; the least interesting.
Rewrite these sentences.

The matches are theirs.
The camera is mine.
The mosquito is yours.
The tents are ours.
The mattress is his.
The camping stove is hers.
Rewrite these sentences.

Peggy’s backpack is lighter than mine.
The weather today is worse than yesterday.
This house is smaller than that one.
This picture is cheaper than that one.
The Black Sea is colder than the Red Sea.
The cauldron is cleaner than that one.
Fill in the gaps with as …as or not as …as

This exercise is not as difficult as that one.
The film was not as good as the book.
My friend’s cat is as funny as mine.
Those shoes are as comfortable as those ones.
His backpack is as heavy as yours.
Choose the right word.

Is that your pen?
That pen is mine.
That ball isn’t his.
Is your dress as old as hers?
Their flat is as small as ours.
Our teacher was as good as theirs.
Find the mistakes.

My bag is as clean as hers.
This book is as interesting as that one.
His brother is older than hers.
Your mistakes are as bad as mine.
Рабочая тетрадь № 1

Choose the right form.

This is the darkest room in the house.
He saw the most popular film of the year. He is taller than I am.
That was the happiest day of his life.
Peggy’s sleepover was creepier than mine.
Answer the questions.

Is History as interesting as Literature? Yes, it is. History is as interesting as Literature.
March is as long as January, isn’t it? Yes, it is. March is as long as January.
Are the days in autumn as short as in winter? No, they aren’t. The days in autumn are longer than the days in winter.
Are you as tall as your friend? Yes, lam. Iam as tall as my friend.

Match the pictures and the idioms.

1. — d 2. — с 3. — b 4. — a
Match the expressions and their translations.

1. — d 2. — с 3. — a 4. — b
What do you do with these things?

Match the nouns and the verbs.
1. — e 2.- с 3. — f 4. — d 5.- b 6. — a

A. Choose the right answer.

1. — b 2. — a 3. — с 4. — a 5. — b
B. Translate into English.

1. My backpack was not as heavy as his.
2. His face was as red as mine.
3. This sweater is not as warm as that one.
4. My tent is bigger than yours.
5. This place is as beautiful as that one.
Рабочая тетрадь № 1

Find the mistakes and correct them.

He is the strongest boy in our class.
That cake is the worst.
He was the most handsome man in the family.
His flat is bigger than his friend’s flat.
Write your own sentences.

Maths is easier than History for me.
History is not as easy as Maths for me.
His backpack is lighter than mine.
My backpack is not as light as his.
Their camping stove is cheaper than ours.
Our camping stove is not as cheap as theirs.
My torch is better than yours.
Your torch is not as good as mine
Choose the right answer

1. — с 2. — a 3. — a 4. — b 5. — a 6. — a 7. — с 8. — b
Fill in the gaps and complete the sentences.

The Eiffel Tower is in France.
The Berlin Wall is in Germany.
The Vatican Museum is in Italy.
The Tsar Bell is in Russia.
The Statue of Liberty is in the USA.
The Great Wall is in China.
The Natural History Museum is in England.
Homework. Рабочая тетрадь № 1

В. Match the names of the capitals and their

1. — f 2. — b 3. — g 4. — с 5.- j 6. — i 7. — a 8. — e 9. — h 10 — d
C. Match the names of the countries and their capitals.

The capital of England is London.
The capital of France is Paris.
The capital of the USA is Washington, D.C. The capital of Italy is Rome.
The capital of Spain is Madrid.
The capital of Turkey is Ankara.
The capital of Russia is Moscow.
The capital of China is Beijing.
The capital of Japan is Tokyo.
The capital of Germany is Berlin.
Рабочая тетрадь № 1

Translate into Russian

— Азия — самый большой континент в мире.
— Австралия — самый маленький.
— Африка больше, чем Европа.
— Антарктика меньше, чем Северная Америка, но больше, чем Европа.
— Южная Америка — четвертый по величине континент, и меньше, чем Северная Америка.
Расположите названия континентов в порядке убывания из размеров.

1. Asia 2. North America 3. Antarctica 4. South America 5. Europe 6. Australia
Read and translate.

Средняя температура воды в океанах около 4 °С.
Морская вода замерзает при температуре — 2 °С.
Коралловое море — самое большое в мире.
Самая глубокая точка на дне мирового океана — Марсианская впадина в Тихом океане.
Гималаи — самые высокие горы в мире.
Озеро Байкал

Самое глубокое в мире озеро Байкал. Оно длиной 636 км и шириной 48 км. Глубина Байкала 1620 метров. Более 300 рек впадают в Байкал и только одна — Ангара вытекает из него.
Самоe соленое озеро в мире — Мертвое море. Из-за того, что в нем много соли, в этом море легко плавать.

Нил — самая длинная река в мире. Белый Нил и Голубой Нил сливаются в Судане и образуют Нил. Нил течет по Египту в Средиземное море.

1. — e 2. — a 3. — b 4. — с 5. — d 6. — f

Guess the meaning of the underlined words,
windsurfing — виндсерфинг
postcard — почтовая открытка
fountains — фонтан
restaurant — ресторан
Write the negative form of the adjectives

unofficial, uncomfortable, untidy, unkind, unreal
Homework. Рабочая тетрадь № 2

В. Fill in the gaps with a positive or a negative form of the adjectives.

1. uncomfortable 2. happy 3. unkind 4. unusual 5. lucky 6. friendly
Read Sasha’s story again, fill in the gaps and answer the questions.

Where did he go to?
He went to St. Petersburg
Where did he stay?
He stayed in Peterhof.
What did he see?
He saw the beautiful fountains and palaces.
What was the weather like?
The weather was very nice.
What did he promise to his Friends?
He promised to send postcards.
How many postcards did he write?
He wrote thirty-five postcards.
Read Olga’s story again. Here are the answers. Write the questions.

Where did they go?
Where did they stay?
Did you like it there?
What was their room?
What was the sea?
What was the food?
What were the waiters?
What was the entertainment?
Why did they wake up at seven o’clock in the morning?
Рабочая тетрадь № 1

Use the или no article and answer the questions.

Do more people speak Chinese or English?
Which is the largest country in the world?
Is Africa larger than Europe?
Which sea is larger the Baltic Sea or the Coral Sea?
Are the Himalayas or the Alps the biggest mountains in the world?
The deepest lake in the world is Lake Ontario, isn’t it?
Is the Caspian Sea or the Dead Sea the saltiest in the world?
Is the Amazon shorter than the Nile?
Does the Nile flow through Egypt or Iran?
Рабочая тетрадь № 1

Fill in the gaps with the, a or-(no article)

The USA is bigger than England.
People in the USA and England speak English.
Next summer my family will go to the Crimea.
I want to visit the British Museum.
Oxford Street is the biggest shopping street in London.
Tower of London stands on the river Tames.
We can’t drink this water

dynamite — динамит
plastic — пластик
Look at the pictures and fill in the gaps.

Four men came to the forest by car.
The men cut down the trees for their campfire.
The men killed the fish with dynamite.
They washed the car in the river.
The men didn’t pick up their litter and left the campfire.

A. Read and translate with a dictionary.

Жил однажды мудрый старик. Он мог ответить на любой вопрос в мире. Все знали о нем. Однажды два мальчика сказали: «Мы собираемся обмануть этого старика. Мы поймаем птицу, пойдем к этому старику и скажем: «У нас что-то в руках. Это живое или мертвое?»
Если он скажет: «Мертвое», мы отпустим птицу, а если он скажет: «Живое», мы убьем ее.
Они поймали птицу, принесли ее к старику и сказали: «У нас что-то в руках. Это живое или мертвое?» Мудрый старик посмотрел на молодых людей и улыбнулся. «Это в ваших руках», — сказал он.

atmosphere — атмосфера
toxins — токсины
chemicals — химикаты
climat — климат
Match the answers and the explanations.

1. — с 2. — a 3. — b
Add suffixes to these verbs and make nouns.

inform — information
situate — situation
protect — protection
pollute — pollution
organize — organization
Homework Рабочая тетрадь № 1

A. Choose the right answers.

1. — a, b 2. — a 3. — a, с 4. — b, с 5. — a, с
B. Find the mistakes.

I see a plane in the sky.
A lot of factories pollute our atmosphere.
The Sun is the biggest star in our Galaxy.
People went to the Moon in the 20-th century.
C. Translate into English.

Animals, plants, seas and oceans need our help.
The environment is in danger.
The water in this river is polluted.
People breath air and drink water.
Рабочая тетрадь № 1

Nine planets go round the sun.
Девять планет вращаются вокруг Солнца.
Mercury is the closest planet to the sun.
Меркурий — самая близкая планета к Солнцу.
The largest planet in the solar system is Jupiter.
Юпитер — самая большая планета в Солнечной системе.
There are billions of stars in the Universe.
Во Вселенной — миллиарды звезд.
Astronomers think that the Earth and the planets formed 4,600,000,000 years ago.
Астрономы считают, что Земля и планеты образовались четыре миллиарда шестьсот миллионов лет тому назад.
Make the questions for the underlined words.
How many planets go round the sun?
What is the clothest planet to the sun?
What is the largest planet in the solar system?
How many stars are there in the Universe?
Who thinks that the Earth and the planets formed 4,600,000,000.
Rewrite these sentences. Use the prefix re-.

Reuse this bag again.
The workers had to rebuild this wall again.
We made a mistake. Recount the people again.
This flat is very old. We must redecorate it again.
Guess the meaning of the underlined words.

containers — контейнеры
materials — материалы
light — свет
electricity — электричество
public transport — общественный транспорт
spray — брызгать
Write turn on/turn off.

I’ll turn off the TV because nobody is watching it.
Turn on the radio! I want to hear the news.
You mustn’t forget to turn off the light.
Let’s dance. Turn on the music.
Рабочая тетрадь № 1

Выберите из списка слова, которые подходят под определение pollution
litter chemicals glass containers
toxins cans
Match the verbs and the nouns.

Make your own sentences with the word combinations.
protect the environment
drop old containers
pollute the atmosphere
recycle litter
go by public transport
pay a fine
We should protect the environment.
We shouldn’t drop old containers.
We shouldn’t pollute the atmosphere.
It is good to recycle litter.
It is better to go by public transport.
People should pay a fine for pollution.
Choose the right answer.

1. Litter is
rubbish which people drop in the streets.
2. Recycling is using litter again
3. A fine is
a) the money you pay if you do something bad
4. Air pollution is dangerouse because you can’t breathe
5. Pollution c)can kill people
6. There will be no air without c) forests
7. A plastic bottle lasts c) forever
8. Greenpeace is
an organization that protects the environment
Fill in the gaps with these words.

There is one extra word.
Our promise
The people of the Earth will protect their planet.
We will build special factories and recycle our rubbish.
Children will not drop litter and will help clean the forest.
We will never forget to turn on the electricity and water.
What mustn’t people do on the campsite? Write 3-4 sentences. Look at the picture for ideas.

People mustn’t drop litter.
People mustn’t cut the trees.
People mustn’t go by car through the fields.
Fill in the gaps with used to

Translate into Russian
My friend used to live in Moscow. Now he lives in St. Petersburg.
Мой друг раньше жил в Москве. Сейчас он живет в Санкт-Петербурге.
Kate hates cooking, but three years ago she used to cook for her children.
Кейт ненавидит готовку, но три года назад она имела обыкновение готовить для своих детей,
I used to visit my Granny every summer when I was a child.
Я имел обыкновение приезжать к моей бабушке каждое лето, когда я был ребенком.
I used to speak very good English, but I can’t do it now.
Я раньше хорошо говорил по-английски, но сейчас я этого не могу.
Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. Use used to

The air used to be good, the sun used to shine and it used to be warm.
They used to sleep in the tents on the ground.
They used to cook their food on the camping.
They used to pick berries and mushrooms.
They used to swim in the river.
5 .

Прибавьте окончание — ing
к глаголам.

flying, putting, lying, making, carrying, typing, wearing, tying, cutting, acting, dropping, bitting, sharing, taking
Use the words in brackets in the Past Progressive.

She was washing up yesterday morning.
Peggy was writing a story at 7 o’clock last night.
They were picking up wood when we came.
We were singing songs at 10 o’clock last Monday.
I was reading a book when sh
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