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'Sexy Baby' Clip: Young Girls Discuss Porn Documentary looks at how technology and pornography are shaping the sexual identity of young girls .

A young woman talks to Sima Kotecha about how her boyfriend's pornography habit led to him abusing her when she was 13
NSPCC's head of sexual abuse programmes, Jon Brown, says he is "not surprised" at the survey's findings
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By Patrick Howse Education reporter
A tenth of 12 to 13-year-olds fear they are "addicted" to pornography, an NSPCC ChildLine survey has concluded .
One in five of nearly 700 youngsters surveyed said they had seen pornographic images that had shocked or upset them, researchers found .
The charity also says that 12% of those surveyed said they had taken part in, or had made, a sexually explicit video .
It says that viewing porn is "a part of everyday life" for many of the children who contact its helpline .
ChildLine has launched a campaign to raise awareness and provide advice to young people about the harmful implications of an over exposure to porn following the survey results .
One boy under the age of 15 told ChildLine that he was "always watching porn, and some of it is quite aggressive" .
He said: "I didn't think it was affecting me at first but I've started to view girls a bit differently recently and it's making me worried .
"I would like to get married in the future but I'm scared it might never happen if I carry on thinking about girls the way I do ."
A girl, who is now 17, told the BBC that she was sexually assaulted by her boyfriend when they were both 12 years old .
"He thought it was OK on some level," she said .
"Pornography isn't just a 10-minute video - it has consequences ."
The ChildLine Fight Against Porn Zombies (FAPZ) campaign uses a series of animations looking at the implications of overexposure to porn for boys and girls .
The animations link to a range of information and advice to help young people understand the effects of replicating pornographic content in real life and to protect them from putting themselves at risk .
Peter Liver, director of ChildLine, said that it was important to talk openly about the issue .
"Children of all ages today have easy access to a wide range of pornography," he said . "If we as a society shy away from talking about this issue, we are failing the thousands of young people it is affecting .
"We know from the young people who contact ChildLine that viewing porn is a part of everyday life, and our poll shows that one in five 12 to 13-year-olds thinks that watching porn is normal behaviour .
"They tell ChildLine that watching porn is making them feel depressed, giving them body image issues, and making them feel pressured to engage in sexual acts they're not ready for ."
He welcomed the announcement last week of plans to teach children from the age of 11 about rape and sexual consent as part of personal, social and health education (PSHE) in schools .
"Our campaign clearly complements this proposal," he said .
"Across society, we need to remove the embarrassment and shame that exists around talking about porn - which is why we are launching this activity and helping young people to make more informed choices ."
Dame Esther Rantzen, ChildLine's founder, said it was shocking that children as young as 11 are approaching the helpline with concerns about pornography .
"Young people are turning to the internet to learn about sex and relationships," she said .
"We know they are frequently stumbling across porn, often unintentionally, and they are telling us very clearly that this is having a damaging and upsetting effect on them .
"Girls in particular have said they feel like they have to look and behave like porn stars to be liked by boys ."
Dame Esther said that improved education was vital .
"We absolutely have to talk to young people about sex, love, respect and consent as soon as we feel they are ready, to ensure that they gain a proper perspective between real-life relationships and the fantasy world of porn," she said .
F .A .P .Z - Fight Against Porn Zombies Online and mobile safety Explore ChildLine
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The Washington Post Democracy Dies in Darkness
The men behind GirlsDoPorn lured young women with modeling jobs, then tricked them into porn, FBI says
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They wanted to be models . Mostly struggling college students, the young women submitted applications through websites such as BeginModeling .com — which promised a “comfortable start” in the industry — only to learn that the modeling job was a pornography shoot .
They agreed to participate anyway, federal authorities claim in court documents, because of a promise that the videos were being created exclusively for private collectors or DVDs sold abroad and would never be posted online .
That turned out to be a lie, the FBI says . The footage was uploaded within months to a website called GirlsDoPorn, which has allegedly made $17 million by specializing in “amateur porn” starring nervous first-timers . They also appeared on Porn Hub, one of the world’s leading adult video sites . The women say they were horrified to find out their shoots were online; many were harassed or ostracized as a result . At least one was disowned by her family, according to the FBI .
The owners and two employees of GirlsDoPorn now face sex-trafficking charges in what federal investigators call a “scheme to deceive and coerce young women to appear in sex videos .” A criminal complaint filed last week in San Diego, where the company is based, alleges that some of the women were threatened with “legal action or outing” if they didn’t perform, barred from leaving shoots or even sexually assaulted . They were often paid far less than the $5,000 or so that was initially offered .
“The FBI is still in the process of identifying all the women recruited, filmed, coerced and defrauded by this conspiracy,” the complaint says, “as well as the proceeds made from these activities .”
Website owner Matthew Isaac Wolfe, 37, porn actor Ruben Andre Garcia, 31, and employee Valorie Moser, 37, were arrested last week . The FBI says 37-year-old Michael James Pratt, the site’s other owner, is a fugitive . He’s believed to have fled the United States for New Zealand, where he and Wolfe grew up and were childhood friends . All could be sentenced to life in prison if convicted .
Attorneys for Garcia and Pratt either declined to comment or did not respond to inquiries from The Washington Post . Anthony Colombo Jr ., who represents Moser, said in an email that his client “looks forward to addressing the charge in the future .”
The allegations stunned others involved in the pornography industry, who described the company as an outlier . Alec Helmy, the president and publisher of XBiz, an adult-entertainment industry news site, called the case “a very strange story .”
“Consent is a huge thing within the business for obvious reasons,” he said . “And there are a set of standard practices that everyone kind of abides by, and so it’s rather shocking to think that a seemingly full-fledged business was operating that way .”
The criminal charges come as a civil trial against GirlsDoPorn and its owners is underway in San Diego Superior Court . The allegations in that case echo the criminal complaint: Women say that after responding to modeling ads, they were ultimately tricked into performing in pornography that was posted online .
In court, a woman identified only as Jane Doe 15 testified that her video spread quickly among her friends, family and classmates, according to the Daily Beast , which has reported extensively on the case . She was kicked off her cheerleading team and left her college town . She struggled in her relationships with family and friends .
“If I had known that not only was it going on the Internet,” she said, “but that they were posting it on the Internet, that my name would be attached to it, that it would be in the United States, and that I wouldn’t be paid $5,000, but $2,000 less, and insulted because I was pale and bruised; if I had known that it was more than 30 minutes of filming, if I had known any of that, just any one of those; if I had known that other girls had been harassed and kicked out of school for it, if I had known that I would be kicked off the cheer team; if I had known any of that, I wouldn’t have done it .”
There are 22 plaintiffs in the civil case . John O’Brien, one of the attorneys representing the women, told The Washington Post that their lives have been “totally turned upside down .” He added: “Many of these women have gotten psychiatric help and counselors . Quite a few of them have attempted suicide . … A lot of these girls have said their lives are ruined ."
Pratt and others involved with GirlsDoPorn deny wrongdoing . They argue the women knew what they were getting into and signed contracts allowing the videos’ online distribution, with Pratt attorney Aaron Sadock saying in opening statements that the women “knew the risks ."
“The plaintiffs in their testimony show that they are aware of the inherent risks,” he said, according to the Daily Beast . “They were aware of Paris Hilton, Kardashians, release of sex tapes . In other words, the plaintiffs’ social-media presence, activities online, posting videos themselves make it clear that they inherently knew the risks of being filmed in an adult video .”
But the FBI complaint claims the women were not given a chance to read the contracts or allowed to keep a copy, instead rushed into painful sexual encounters with an “aggressive and indifferent” Garcia . Some allegedly signed after company employees gave them alcohol or marijuana .
The company also paid Moser and other women to falsely claim that they themselves had filmed videos that no one ever found out about, the FBI alleges . In one alleged example, a woman going by the name of “Kailyn” wrote to a hesitant woman, “You’re totally fine! That’s what I was worried about but there is absolutely no way anyone will find out!”
O’Brien said that GirlsDoPorn, which he described as the “black sheep of the porn industry,” built a business model and a customer base that relied on duping inexperienced young women into shooting sex scenes . The website often emphasizes the youth or inexperience of the women, sometimes noting that they “took months of convincing .”
“They don’t want porn stars,” O’Brien said . “Let’s just say their target is the girl next door, the one and only time she’s ever going to do porn . And the only way to convince somebody of that — to get a college girl that has no interest in porn, has never done porn to do that — is to set up the scheme they have .”

Published Sep . 28, 2021 5:03AM ET 
A Washington state man will rot in prison for two decades after posing as a teenager, pressuring girls as young as 12 to send him explicit images, and then using that material to blackmail them into sending more . The Justice Department said Monday that Joshua Henry Punt, 39, pleaded guilty to using Kik and Snapchat to find his victims . Using profile pictures of “youthful YouTube personalities,” Punt groomed the girls and pressured them into sending explicit photos and videos . When the teens tried to cut contact with him, he threatened to send the material to people they knew if they didn’t comply with his demands . The DOJ said victims were identified in New York, Arkansas, California, Texas, Nevada, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia . When sentencing Punt, U .S . District Judge Benjamin H . Settle told him: “There are no words to express how serious this crime is . . . You could see the pain in those girls, and you continued to do it—to eight precious, innocent young girls—you tortured them .”

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Rigorberto Garcia was arrested for luring young girls into watching child porn .

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A man was indicted by a Brooklyn grand jury for allegedly luring girls into child pornography, the feds said .
Rigorberto Garcia, 33, was charged with multiple counts of coercion and enticement, and sexual exploitation of a minor in connection with seven underage victims, according to a Tuesday federal court indictment .
Garcia used fake names like “Chris Perez,” “Sean Alvarez,” “Steven Skyler,” “David Schineberg” and “Nate Floriano,” to lure the girls to locations where he would film them performing sex acts, prosecutors alleged .
The suspect is also charged with attempting to exploit at least four other girls, according to the indictment .
On Jan . 21, the NYPD seized electronic devices containing child porn and found Garcia had allegedly transmitted the illicit images to other states and countries, the document said .






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Porn shapes how boys and men see girls and women, and how girls and women see themselves .

Pornography has deeply troubling effects on young people, but there are ways we can minimise the harm

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Associate Professor, Queensland University of Technology

Dr Michael Flood has received funding from the Australia Research Council, Australian Primary Health Care Research Institute Foundation, and Victorian Government . However, no funding was received for the material featured in this article .
Queensland University of Technology provides funding as a member of The Conversation AU .
For many young people, pornography has become the default sex educator . Children and young people are encountering pornography in greater numbers, at younger ages, and with a wider variety of content, influencing young people’s sexual lives .
Research evidence from around the world shows porn has harmful impacts on young people and adults alike . Some impacts are deeply troubling, particularly pornography’s contribution to sexual violence .

Read more:
How male 'porn superfans' really view women

But with sexually explicit material still so easy to access online, there are ways we can minimise its harms among young people, from providing better education at school to developing more ethical porn .
Pornography can shift sexual interests, behaviours and relationships . It shapes “ sexual scripts ”, providing models of behaviour and guiding sexual expectations, with studies finding links between watching pornography and heterosexual anal intercourse , unsafe sex and more .
Watching pornography can lower men’s relationship satisfaction . And for women, male partners’ pornography use can reduce intimacy, feed self-objectification and body shame , or involve coercion into sexual acts .
But these next areas of impact concern me most .
Pornography teaches sexist and sexually objectifying understandings of gender and sexuality . For instance, in a randomised experimental study among young men in Denmark, exposure to (nonviolent) pornography led to less egalitarian attitudes and higher levels of hostile sexism . And in a longitudinal study among US adolescents, increased use of pornography predicted more sexist attitudes for girls two years later .
Pornography also teaches violent attitudes and behaviours to both adolescents and adults .
What’s more, meta-analyses – systematic research that synthesises multiple studies – from 2000 and 2015 have found associations between watching pornography and actual violent behaviours .
Aggression, largely by males and overwhelmingly against females, is common in pornography: an analysis of top-selling and top-renting titles found 88% of scenes showed aggression .
Men who use pornography more often are more likely to practise or desire dominant, degrading practices , such as gagging and choking . And women who use pornography are more likely to practise or desire submissive practices .
In fact, longitudinal studies among adolescents find watching pornography is linked to sexually violent behaviour later in life . In a US study , people who watched violent pornography were more than six times as likely to engage in sexually aggressive behaviour . In another , it predicted more frequent sexual harassment perpetration two years later .
But while pornography use is an important risk factor for sexual violence, its risks are greater for some users than others . Four factors mediate the impacts of porn: the user’s attitudes and personality, their engagement with the material, its content, and the context of watching it .
So what can we do to minimise the harms of pornography on children and youths?
Comprehensive sexuality education in schools is vital for providing alternative, age-appropriate content on sexuality .
Parents may worry that teaching in schools about pornography will encourage students to seek it out for the first time, but there is no sign this actually happens .
Curriculums on pornography can teach young people to respond more critically, helping them assess and respond to pornography’s influence . “ In The Picture ”, for instance, is a great resource for schools to help support young people navigate the seemingly ubiquitous sexually explicit material online .
Such efforts do work . In a Dutch longitudinal study , the more a young person had learned about the use of pornography from their school sex education, the less likely they were to see women as sex objects .
And in a US evaluation of a five-session curriculum, students showed positive changes in their pornography-related knowledge, attitudes and intended behaviours .
Other than education, we need better pornography . Some call this “ ethical pornography ” – ethical in its production, use and distribution, and content .
First, participants should have consented to their involvement and not be harmed . The unethical production of porn is common: 12% of males and 6 .2% of females in Australia have taken a nude or sexual image of another person without their consent .
Ethical pornography also involves ethical use and distribution . People consent to its viewing, and cannot be distributed without participants’ consent .
But discussions of “ethical pornography” have largely ignored the issue of content – physical and verbal aggression is routine in pornography .
So we must also hold the pornography industries to account . They must produce better pornography, which eroticises consent, respect, and intimacy rather than sexist hostility .
My son is looking at porn . What kind of porn should he be looking at?
Maybe we need a ratings system – the “Healthy Sex Tick of Approval”?
Even depictions of consensual sex may still perpetuate the sexual objectification of women and reinforce other sexist social norms . And in a sexist culture, even the most ethical images of sex may be understood in ways that affirm that wider culture .
Still, it seems pragmatic to give attention to what might comprise “better”, or at least “less worse”, pornography .
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