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Little girl thinks prom-bound teen is actual princess An adorable little girl interrupted a pre-prom photo session in Raleigh, North Carolina. "She said she wanted to see the princess." her father said.

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Buca di Beppo

Quizzed about who he'd cast as himself in a proposed made-for-TV movie based on his book America's Toughest Sheriff , Joe Arpaio offered up the names of actors Robert De Niro and Al Pacino.

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Best Sign That Scottsdale's Women Have Gone to the Dogs

The Second Annual Bitches' Weekend

Grilled by reporters after several felony counts against her were dropped in November, former beauty queen Jill Scott -- an ex-Mrs. America and Mrs. Arizona best known for her appearances on local TV commercials for her ex-husband's Empire Glass windshield replacement company -- talked to the press corps about the ordeal. "It's been humiliating," said Scott, whose ex-husband claimed she'd stolen money from his company. "I've lost about five years of elasticity in my skin."

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Best Mountain With a Gynecological Term Painted on It

Double Butte

Tempe's "A" Mountain is not the city's only painted butte. Head west on Broadway Road, and look south just before you hit the I-10 freeway, to check out the side of Double Butte -- about halfway up. There, just below a white painted cross, is the word "labia" in large letters. We have no idea how it got there; we're just happy as a, well, clam that it is.























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On second thought -- waiter, cancel the penne!

Day workers will help you move, landscape, paint, almost any chore that needs to be done. They have no set hourly price. However, do the right thing and pay what is mutually agreed upon. (Some workers have complained about getting stiffed for up to three days' work.)

Laborers gather in corners across the Valley. However, if you want guaranteed day labor, the corner of Broadway Road and Mesa Drive in Mesa is a sure bet. Up until noon every day of the week, all four corners of the intersection and adjacent streets are filled with guys eager to make a day's wage.

Pickup trucks pull up and a handful of them will jump in the bed. These men are eager to work and consider day labor a big boost to their economic situation; many send their earnings home and put a little aside in their savings.

But what about the women? We haven't found a comparable "official" group, but we did get an invite last spring to a chick trip that looked way better than any 20/30 charity golf tourney.

Cassidy and Katie Campana (daughters of former Scottsdale Mayor Sam) have made an annual tradition of gathering their girlfriends and their girlfriends' female dogs (along with ample libations appropriate for both species) and heading to the northern Arizona pine country for the ultimate bitch session.

The Campanas make grudging exceptions for male dogs, but otherwise the event is strictly off-limits to men. "This is an all-girl weekend . . . so save all your griping, but also all the juicy stories," the invitation reads.

But even jaded motorists will do a double take at the name emblazoned on several signs near the entrance to the Lost Dutchman State Park. Instead of bearing the names of the sponsoring do-gooders, these signs merely declare: "In loving memory of John Denver."

Yes, that John Denver. The "Rocky Mountain High" singer lived in the Rocky Mountains and died in 1997 when the plane he was piloting crashed near Monterey, California.

So why the Arizona tribute? Seems it's part of some fans' efforts to get John Denver Adopt-A-Highway signs -- and roadside cleanups -- in all 50 states.

Estrella Mountain Ranch 11800 South Golf Club Drive 602-468-0800
Estrella Mountain Ranch 11800 South Golf Club Drive 602-468-0800

Friday, Sep 9th 2022

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Published: 19:29 BST, 22 August 2014 | Updated: 23:17 BST, 22 August 2014
A mother-of-two called the police after finding out that her 13-year-old daughter had been sending and receiving nude pictures of herself and other teens on her tablet computer.
The mom, who has not been named to protect her identity, from Dinwiddie County, Virginia, was horrified when she discovered sexually explicit content on her daughter’s electronic devices.
Her daughter had been 'sexting' boys a series of naked images on her cell phone and tablet computer and had received similar pictures back in response.
Images: The mom of a teenage girl found out that her daughter had been sending and receiving naked pictures of herself and other teens using her tablet and phone
Police: The worried mom made the difficult decision to call the police over the incident to protect her daughter
Her mother told WTVR : ‘What scares me is... this much bigger than we realize. How many others are doing this and you don't realize it.’
The parents became aware of their 13-year-old’s activity when their other child heard voices in her bedroom around 4 a.m.
They punished her and took away her electronic devices.
But when they had a quick look through the device they were unprepared for what they found.
‘Looking through the phone and the tablet we did find, sexual pictures, conversations, that were very inappropriate for her age,’ she said.
However, while none of the images showed their daughter with anyone else she was sending most pictures to boys who would then text one back to the eighth grader.
But worryingly, one 'sext' involved a high school senior.
‘We believe them to be 17-18ish... Definitely older than her, did request they have sex,’ she said.
‘Everybody wanted to be her friend, because according to these people, she was cool now.’
The girl could face criminal charges.
But her concerned parents said that they called in the sheriff's office to protect her.
‘We did this now to protect her. For now and in the future, because this could get worse, she could be taken,’ she said.
Commonwealth's Attorney Lisa Caruso said there are other options for the teen, not necessarily going through the court system.
Charges: Commonwealth's Attorney Lisa Caruso said there are other options for the teen, not necessarily going through the court system
However, the older teens could face felony charges depending on their ages.
Now, the mom is urging other parents to do more to protect their kids.
She said parents should start by having all electronics fitted with parental controls to keep children away from dangerous apps.
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Charles to make address to the nation TONIGHT as grieving King starts duties
Floral tributes for the Queen start to grow at Buckingham Palace and Windsor
Prince Harry mourns Queen's death in Balmoral alongside William
How day of sorrow unfolded for UK as selfless Queen worked to the very end
Death of our Queen: What happens over the next 10 days
Editorial: The Queen was a unifying symbol to the nation
Salutes, speeches and silence: How the first day of mourning for the Queen will unfold
Liz Truss's energy price cap burden will fall to taxpayers, leading economists say
The pictures that capture the real Queen Elizabeth II
Queen died with Charles and Anne at her beside - but not other royals



The Queen










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Published: 20:36 BST, 2 June 2014 | Updated: 22:45 BST, 2 June 2014
These are the 'too-short' shorts that caused administrators at a Montreal high school to kick student Lindsey Stocker off campus.
Stocker donned the jean shorts To Beaconsfield high school on the first hot day of the season, and was temporarily suspended when she refused to change.
The grade 11 girl is seen wearing the controversial shorts for the first time, in pictures published by the Montreal Gazette .
'Too short': These are the denim shorts that got Montreal teen Lindsey Stocker suspended from school
Stocker unwittingly started a revolution by refusing to change out of a pair of shorts, when she was told they were not appropriate for school on May 21.
She refused, and instead printed a poster that she plastered over the school, questioning why girls' bodies were the focus of the rules instead of boys' behavior.
During third period on that day, two vice principals entered her classroom and told everyone to stand up so their outfits could be inspected .
'And when they came to me after about two rows of looking they stopped and told me my shorts were too short and I had to change,' Stocker told the National Post .
Get shorty: Lindsey Stocker says she was humiliated in front of her class for wearing a pair of shorts on a hot day
'They continued to tell me would be suspended if I didn't start following the rules. When I told them I didn't understand why I had to change they told me that it doesn't matter - I don't have to understand the rules, I just have to comply by them.'
Stocker felt singled out and humiliated in front of her class, but what concerned her more was a set of rules that focused on girls' bodies rather than boys' behavior.
So instead of complying with the rules, she went and printed up about 20 posters and stuck them up all over the school.
The posters read, 'Don't humiliate her because she's wearing shorts. It's hot outside. Instead of shaming girls for their bodies, teach boys that girls are not sexual objects.'
Statement: Although Stocker's poster only remained up for about 10 minutes before teachers took it down, it had the desired effect
Support: Stocker has had strong support on social media and other girls at her high school are wearing shorts to school in solidarity
The posters were taken down by teachers after about 10 minutes, but they live on in social media.
Stocker also has won the support and admiration of other girls at school.
'Most people are agreeing with her, women shouldn’t have to cover themselves up completely because we shouldn’t be viewed as sexual objects,' student Sierra Drolet told CJAD News .
Lauren Paquay, 15, showed up wearing shorts in support of Stocker. She said the dress code verification - making girls stand up with their arms by their sides to ensure their outfits are fingertip length - is 'humiliating.'
School rules: The school district spokesperson says there are dress rules for both girls and boys
'People are being judged for the way they dress, they have to change because boys look at them. The boys should be the ones who have to learn to treat women better and look at them in a different light,' she told CBC .
The chairperson of the Lester B Pearson School Board told CJAD News that Stocker has been suspended for not following the rules.
'The rules are there to help the children learn and prepare them for their future work places, high school is a job for them, they are there to learn to function in society, so it’s important that the rules be followed,' Susanne Stein Day says.
'Girls and boys have rules on dress codes; it is not a girl, boy thing, that’s not the point.'
'I was in violation for showing my legs,' she says. 'And that, point blank, is a problem for me.'
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