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Porno Japanese Incest Son

The Standard Group Plc is a multi-media organization with investments in media platforms spanning newspaper print
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Standard Group Plc HQ Office,
The Standard Group Center,Mombasa Road.
P.O Box 30080-00100,Nairobi, Kenya.
Telephone number: 0203222111, 0719012111

More stories to check out before you go
A sick mum has been jailed for having sex with her 12-year-old son - while her depraved partner watched from abroad on a webcam.
The 39-year-old mum wore headphones so her controlling lover could direct her as she abused the boy in their bedroom.
The traumatised victim told police he could hear his mum being told what to do as she gave him a "sex lesson".
The sickening offence came to light when the mum made a complaint about her partner to a domestic abuse charity - and "blurted out" that she had abused the eldest of her two sons.
The court heard her "highly destructive" partner had so far escaped justice.
The mum, who cannot be named to protect her son, was jailed for three years and three months at Bristol Crown Court.
Passing sentence, judge Michael Longman told her: "Your behaviour towards your son was contrary to human instincts and basic decency.
"It occurred after you met a man who clearly was controlling and over-bearing - a man who, it is also clear, should be prosecuted himself but is outside the jurisdiction and beyond the reach of this investigation.
"Even though he was at a distance from you, he continued to exert that influence.
"But you continued to behave towards your son in a way which, despite that pressure, your own instincts should have prevented."
The court heard the boy was just 11 or 12 when the sordid incident took place at the family home in Bristol.
It came to light when the mum made a complaint about her partner to Next Link Domestic Abuse Services in the city.
Police were called to quiz the mum and interview her son.
Prosecutor Mark Hollier told Monday's hearing: "In a very ordinary voice, he described an incident to the police officers about how his mother had given him a sex lesson in the main bedroom of the family home and this was observed by [the partner] via a webcam and computer link."
The mum - who cried through much of the hearing - denied "volunteering" to have sex with her son.
But she admitted a charge of engaging in penetrative sexual activity with a boy under 13.
Her two sons have since been taken into care by social services and are now living with a foster family.
The court heard the mum's abusive partner is still abroad but police are liaising with officials overseas to bring him to justice.
Defence lawyer Fiona Elder said it was an "extremely unusual" case and the mum was acting on instructions from her "highly destructive" partner.
She added: "She's absolutely devastated by the loss of the children and what she has done."
A psychiatric report found the mum had a personality disorder which made her susceptible to being in abusive relationships and becoming dependent on abusive partners.
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The Standard Group Plc is a multi-media organization with investments in media platforms spanning newspaper print
operations, television, radio broadcasting, digital and online services. The Standard Group is recognized as a
leading multi-media house in Kenya with a key influence in matters of national and international interest.

Standard Group Plc HQ Office,
The Standard Group Center,Mombasa Road.
P.O Box 30080-00100,Nairobi, Kenya.
Telephone number: 0203222111, 0719012111

More stories to check out before you go
A sick mum has been jailed for having sex with her 12-year-old son - while her depraved partner watched from abroad on a webcam.
The 39-year-old mum wore headphones so her controlling lover could direct her as she abused the boy in their bedroom.
The traumatised victim told police he could hear his mum being told what to do as she gave him a "sex lesson".
The sickening offence came to light when the mum made a complaint about her partner to a domestic abuse charity - and "blurted out" that she had abused the eldest of her two sons.
The court heard her "highly destructive" partner had so far escaped justice.
The mum, who cannot be named to protect her son, was jailed for three years and three months at Bristol Crown Court.
Passing sentence, judge Michael Longman told her: "Your behaviour towards your son was contrary to human instincts and basic decency.
"It occurred after you met a man who clearly was controlling and over-bearing - a man who, it is also clear, should be prosecuted himself but is outside the jurisdiction and beyond the reach of this investigation.
"Even though he was at a distance from you, he continued to exert that influence.
"But you continued to behave towards your son in a way which, despite that pressure, your own instincts should have prevented."
The court heard the boy was just 11 or 12 when the sordid incident took place at the family home in Bristol.
It came to light when the mum made a complaint about her partner to Next Link Domestic Abuse Services in the city.
Police were called to quiz the mum and interview her son.
Prosecutor Mark Hollier told Monday's hearing: "In a very ordinary voice, he described an incident to the police officers about how his mother had given him a sex lesson in the main bedroom of the family home and this was observed by [the partner] via a webcam and computer link."
The mum - who cried through much of the hearing - denied "volunteering" to have sex with her son.
But she admitted a charge of engaging in penetrative sexual activity with a boy under 13.
Her two sons have since been taken into care by social services and are now living with a foster family.
The court heard the mum's abusive partner is still abroad but police are liaising with officials overseas to bring him to justice.
Defence lawyer Fiona Elder said it was an "extremely unusual" case and the mum was acting on instructions from her "highly destructive" partner.
She added: "She's absolutely devastated by the loss of the children and what she has done."
A psychiatric report found the mum had a personality disorder which made her susceptible to being in abusive relationships and becoming dependent on abusive partners.
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D’Auriol à Macron, Elisabeth II et les dix présidents
Mort d’Elisabeth II : Charles l’héritier, William le préféré
Des associations de protection de l’enfance réclament un blocage pur et simple de cinq des sites pornographiques les plus consultés en France. La justice est consultée ce mardi.
Le secteur de la pornographie en ligne retient son souffle : des sites pornos vont-ils être censurés en France ? Ce mardi 6 septembre, le tribunal judiciaire de Paris doit se prononcer sur la demande de bloquer cinq des sites pornographiques les plus consultés sur le territoire – Pornhub, XVideos, XNXX, XHamster et Tukif – déposée par l’Arcom (l’Autorité de Régulation de la Communication audiovisuelle et numérique, héritière du CSA).
Cette décision attendue, si elle est confirmée, serait une première mondiale. Elle est l’aboutissement d’une longue procédure, engagée après les déclarations d’Emmanuel Macron en 2017. Fraîchement élu, le président réclamait alors davantage de mesures limitant l’accès au porno en ligne, en particulier pour protéger les mineurs. Sauf que la mise en place d’une petite fenêtre demandant « Avez-vous plus de 18 ans ? » ne suffit pas.
Soutenues par le gouvernement, les associations e-Enfance et la Voix de l’Enfant ont réclamé le filtrage de neuf des principaux sites porno directement auprès des fournisseurs d’accès à internet (Orange, SFR, Bouygues Telecom, Free). « A 12 ans, près d’un enfant sur trois a déjà été exposé à la pornographie » , souligne la saisine.
La demande a toutefois été jugée « irrecevable » par le tribunal de Paris, en octobre 2021 . Trois associations de protection de l’enfance (l’Open, le Cofrade et l’Unaf) ont alors saisi l’Arcom pour réclamer un blocage des cinq sites précités. Impossible néanmoins de prédire l’issue de ce feuilleton judiciaire.
D’abord parce que la décision de bloquer des sites ne frappera pas que les mineurs de moins de 18 ans, mais bien l’ensemble des Français – certains dénoncent une atteinte au principe de « proportionnalité ».
Ensuite, parce que les conséquences pourraient être multiples, comme le déplorait dans nos colonnes le responsable de l’un des sites pornographiques visés, Tukif :
Un effet contraire à l’objectif défendu. Surtout que Google, non consulté dans la procédure, met généralement rapidement à jour son moteur de recherche, et les obscurs petits sites pourraient se voir propulsés en tête des résultats.
En cas de filtrage, on peut anticiper des comportements similaires à ceux adoptés après la multiplication des blocages des sites de téléchargement illégal : les internautes se reportent sur d’autres entités. En effet, depuis 2010, la pratique du piratage n’a pas baissé : en 2020, 12,7 millions de Français (soit un quart des internautes) se sont rendus en moyenne chaque mois sur des sites proposant des contenus « manifestement contrefaisants » (musique, films, séries…), contre 12,6 millions dix ans plus tôt, note une étude [ PDF ] de la Hadopi, l’ancienne autorité pour la protection des droits sur internet, fusionnée avec le CSA dans l’Arcom.
Quelle serait finalement la solution ? Le ministère de la Justice penche pour une obligation formelle du contrôle de l’âge de l’internaute avant tout accès à un site pornographique. Dans une précédente procédure, le site Jacquie et Michel était ainsi considéré comme « en conformité » puisque disposant d’un système de vérification de l’âge qui impose d’abord une transaction bancaire, puis un contrôle des pièces d’identité. Sauf que le CSA et désormais l’Arcom, s’ils ont été missionnés par l’exécutif pour étudier le respect du contrôle de l’âge sur les sites, n’ont pas à édicter la méthode à utiliser.
Le sujet semble technique, mais c’est bien le cœur du problème : l’Etat souhaite un contrôle de l’âge des internautes, mais ne dit pas comment faire. Aucun acteur étatique n’a été désigné pour l’effectuer. Or, déléguer ce contrôle aux sites porno eux-mêmes semble problématique. Les utilisateurs accepteront-ils de confier leur pièce d’identité et leurs coordonnées bancaires à des sites la plupart du temps hébergés à l’étranger et évoluant dans des milieux pas franchement déclarés ? Accepteront-ils aussi de voir se constituer d’énormes bases de données où seront à la fois enregistrées leur identité et leurs préférences sexuelles ?
D’après un sondage Ifop de 2020 [ PDF ], 57 % des Français voient dans cette obligation une atteinte à la vie privée, et 87 % disent ne pas avoir confiance dans les éditeurs de sites pornos pour gérer ce contrôle. Il est ainsi facile d’anticiper une bascule vers les solutions techniques permettant de contourner filtrage et contrôle, en particulier le VPN (réseau privé virtuel), qui permet de faire croire à une connexion depuis l’étranger. Ou, plus simplement, chercher un site qui n’exige pas de contrôle (évoqué par 64 % des sondés). Sur ce point, il est à noter que certains des sites pornos mis en demeure ont déjà préparé des versions de leur plateforme pour contourner un éventuel blocage (à l’image de
Les contenus pornographiques représentent un tiers de ce qui circule sur le net, soit environ 5 % de la consommation mondiale d'électricité. Interdire le porno sur internet sauvera la planète...
La belle excuse pour faire passer la censure d'internet comme une mesure de protection... Car les sites moins consultés deviendront les sites les plus consultés. Que les parents fassent leur boulot, et que l'état se mêle de ce qui le regarde!
Des sites qui seront remplacés dans la foulée par d'autres sites...Ce discours d'interdiction est du brassage de vent...Comme prétendre interdire la prostitution est également du brassage de vent...Avec le téléphone portable ils ont le bonjour pour espérer empêcher quoique ce soit... Et puis, en revanche, j'ai peut être pas bien regardé mais je ne vois pas de protestations concernant les jeux vidéos, beaucoup plus ´repandus et utilisés que le X par les gamins et dont 95% consiste à faire exploser la tête du maximum de méchants à l'arme lourde avec éclaboussures de sang et morceaux de cerveau hyper-réalistes.....
Il y a tout de même beaucoup moins de jeunes qui cherchent à reproduire ce qu'ils ont vu dans les jeux vidéos, par rapport à ceux qui se comportent avec les filles comme dans les films X...
Je l'avais dit autrement (pas publié) mais c'est aussi mon avis...
Mon fils de 11 ans me demande si les soirées électro-gay-pride à l'Elysée continueront a être diffusées sur les réseaux. Je ne sais pas quoi lui répondre.
essayez : ôte-moi cette ridicule perruque et les talons aiguilles de ta mère et va faire tes devoirs 😎
réponse à shinchaku
a posté le 05 septembre 2022 à 17h30 et si vous vous occupiez de vos oignons au lieu de vouloir critiquer les autres, sans doute vous vous croyez malin de tel commentaire alors que vous ne faites que montrer votre petitesse

The Standard Group Plc is a multi-media organization with investments in media platforms spanning newspaper print
operations, television, radio broadcasting, digital and online services. The Standard Group is recognized as a
leading multi-media house in Kenya with a key influence in matters of national and international interest.

Standard Group Plc HQ Office,
The Standard Group Center,Mombasa Road.
P.O Box 30080-00100,Nairobi, Kenya.
Telephone number: 0203222111, 0719012111

More stories to check out before you go
Remember the story of Mercy Igoki, the 48-year-old senior assistant university registrar who accused her daughter of stealing her husband?
Mercy met and adopted an orphaned girl who was three years older than her first born. That was in 2006.
The girl bonded very well with her family and her problems began when she had to resign her job to recover from an accident that left her with multiple fractures.
“I enrolled for an undergraduate degree in Meru. I would be away from home sometimes up to three weeks or longer at a time because of my studies,” Mercy was quoted in Parent magazine, adding that she then began hearing rumours from neighbours about her adopted daughter sleeping with her husband.
“In anger, I confronted them and to my shock, my husband blamed me for the affair, saying I had brought the girl to him,” said Mercy. She has since forgiven them.
Then there was the case of Samuel Kamotho, a Thika-based engineer who was almost lynched by his neighbours after his wife, Virginia Wangari, accused him of sleeping with his 18-year-old daughter, Lucy Nyawira.
Stories of fathers sleeping with their daughters, biological or adopted, never seem to leave people gaping in wonder.
In the case above, the 51-year-old Kamotho denied the allegations, claiming his wife was peddling lies to tarnish his name for refusing to accept her back.
His daughter too denied there was any sexual relationship between them.
But why do fathers sleep with their daughters? And do girls fancy sexual intimacy with their fathers? Is it that some men have such a low sense of value and coupled with their insatiable desire for sex, are blinded into engaging in such distasteful incestuous acts?
Irene Waruru, a businesswoman based in Kiambu, claims that one of her neighbours slept with his biological daughter for years without being questioned.
“I think he was depressed. His wife and family members were aware of what was going on, but did not do anything. His daughter did not complain either. It was such a twisted family,” she claimed.
But not all cases involve mentally-disturbed fathers; sometimes a totally sane man can take advantage of a mentally-ill daughter.
A while back, a Maralal court slapped a 60-year-old man with a 20-year jail sentence for defiling his mentally-ill stepdaughter and infecting her with a sexually transmitted disease.
The then Maralal Principal Magistrate, Charles Ndegwa who sentenced Lesunya Lekirimpoto, said the prosecution had proved beyond reasonable doubt that the accused had committed the offence and “the court sentences the accused to serve 20 years in jail to serve as an example to would-be offenders.”
The court heard that the accused, his stepdaughter and his wife were sleeping in the same bed when he committed the offence.
He is said to have turned on the teenager after he had domestic differences with his wife and proceeded to defile her.
A quarrel ensued after the incident, prompting the complainant and her mother to report the accused at Wamba Police Station after which he was arrested.
In mitigation, Lekirimpoto, pleaded for leniency because he was the sole breadwinner. But the court said the sentence was commensurate to the offence committed.
Others blame such acts on orders from ‘higher powers.’
Remember the case of the MP from Western Kenya who could no longer visit his village home during the day due to shame as neighbours found out that he was sleeping with his daughter?
Well, it later emerged that the politician h
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