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A Japanese porn producer is opening a sexxx-rated “adult theme park” staffed with starlets.
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SOD Land (Soft on Demand) is slated to open Oct. 10 as a multi-floor extravaganza of bars and entertainment in the Kabukicho red-light district of Tokyo’s Shinjuku Ward next month, Tokyo Sport reports.
Soft on Demand chieftain Yoshiaki Nomoto said the establishment had been on the drawing board long before the onset of the pandemic.
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“Kabukicho really took care of me when I was a college student,” he told the newspaper. “So when I found the building, I decided to take on the challenge immediately.”
SOD Land features four floors and a basement. Each features a different theme.
In the basement, newly minted porn starlets will staff the space, while industry vets will serve drinks on the third floor, Syain Bar Kabukicho, described as a “space of dreams.”
On the second floor, women from the commercial sex industry are featured. The fourth floor is the Silent Bar where porn stars clad in bikinis can be gawked at by customers through a one-way mirror.
Customers are barred from speaking.
On the first floor is a souvenir shop loaded with porn DVDs, sex toy machines and a photo booth.
Soft on Demand owns two other porn-themed bars in Japan.
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Because of the pandemic, customers must wear masks, have their temperatures taken and practise social distancing.
The adult playground also has established something that sounds like it comes from a samurai movie.
The “Three Defences” system includes the use of an alcohol-free disinfectant, ultraviolet rays targeting the upper halves of the rooms, and the latest in air conditioning technology.
“In the end, I want everyone to watch AV (porn),” Nomoto said. “This goal of this place is to get them home with a half-bulge in their pants.”
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