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R Kelly guilty on 6 counts; co-defendants not guilty in Chicago trial
Reporting R. Kelly: Looking back on decades of sex abuse allegations
Arby's manager urinated in milkshakes for sexual gratification: police
Former Torrance police officer arrested for alleged child sex material
Northern California man accused in prolific child porn case
Santa Ana minister charged with possession of child pornography
Former SoCal music teacher sentenced to prison in child porn case
CA child porn arrest: Detectives find 1K DVDs showing kids being raped
LAPD officer arrested for allegedly possessing, distributing child porn
Netflix 'Cheer' star charged with child pornography
Riverside DA's new dog helps sniff out hidden hard drives
Judge denies R. Kelly's request to be released from jail due to COVID-19
IE school counselor accused of placing hidden camera in boys' restroom
Fontana photographer arrested on child porn charges
Man charged with sexually assaulting Irvine teen he met online
Judge denies bid to raise R. Kelly's bond in Ill. case
R. Kelly trial date set on federal sex crimes charges filed in Chicago
SoCal babysitter charged with sexually assaulting 12 boys
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Thursday, Oct 13th 2022

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‘Desperate’ Liz Truss set to U-turn on corporation tax this weekend
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The young mother lives in an area with one of the worst rates of under-age pregnancy in the country.
But even so, the neighbours are shocked.
Not content with getting pregnant at 11 and giving birth at 12, she is now expecting her second child at the age of 14.
Her unborn baby's father is 17 and out of work, so the financial burden of supporting her growing family will continue to be borne by taxpayers.
One neighbour on a council estate in Rotherham said: 'She is giving out the message that it's OK to keep getting pregnant and the state will just keep paying for it.'
The schoolgirl's family background makes depressing reading.
Her own mother was just 14 when she had her, and went on to become Britain's youngest grandmother at 26. The girl's first baby was fathered by a man of 23 who was also her mother's lover.
He had fathered a child with her mother, too, which was born ten days before hers.
He was convicted of having unlawful sexual intercourse and jailed for seven years at Sheffield Crown Court, but the sentence was halved on appeal.
The girl did not realise she was pregnant until she started giving birth on the lavatory of her family home.
The family had to be rehoused because of the ensuing publicity and she later claimed she had been raped by the man.
However, the background to her second pregnancy, now in its seventh month, appears to be the more familiar one of 'illicit' teenage romance.
Her boyfriend is a daily visitor to her mother's semi-detached council house on the outskirts of town.
According to neighbours he often stays late, and is sometimes there overnight. He claims he will stand by her and help bring up both babies.
But for the time being at least, the family will have to rely on welfare payments.
The young father-to-be is believed to have been questioned by social workers and police, but not to have been arrested.
He said of the pregnancy: 'I'm not bothered about it, it happened. But her mum is worried about her kids being taken into care.' One of his friends said: 'They are a very quiet couple. They don't go out to pubs or clubs or anything like that.
'They seem very close. It's a longstanding relationship, he has been going out with her for at least a year.
'He is a bit of a rogue - just one of the lads.
'The girl never wears make-up or flashy clothes. She might act a bit older than she is, but with already having one kid to bring up that's because she has no choice.'
Yesterday the girl's mother would not discuss the situation.
Asked about her daughter's predicament she replied: 'So, what am I supposed to do about it?'
She added: 'A lot of nasty rubbish is being talked about my daughter and I don't want to say anything more.' Then she slammed the door.
Neighbours said the teenager had tried to hide her pregnancy for as long as possible, and now spent most of her time at home awaiting the birth
One said many local people blame the girl's mother for what has happened.
'Nobody really blames the girl or social workers - they are at the house almost every week and they seem to be doing the best they can for her,' she said.
'It's her mother that everyone resents, and people are shunning her on the streets.
'The mother has encouraged the relationship with the boy and there is a lot of ill-feeling.
'It looks as though she will have to move to another area because of the animosity towards her.
'Most people around here are decent and hard- working and wouldn't let their kid get into this sort of mess.'
Local Labour MP Denis MacShane called for better sex education in schools to prevent more such cases arising.
He warned: 'Children are under immense pressure to behave as adults when they should be allowed to live as children.
'Britain has unacceptably high rates of school-age pregnancy compared to the rest of Europe.
'We need more support for families and need to reintroduce the idea of personal responsibility at all ages.'
Published by Associated Newspapers Ltd
Part of the Daily Mail, The Mail on Sunday & Metro Media Group

Thursday, Oct 13th 2022

5-Day Forecast

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‘Desperate’ Liz Truss set to U-turn on corporation tax this weekend
Lucy Letby trial: police found note in nurse’s home saying ‘I am evil, I did this’
Kherson: Russia to evacuate civilians from occupied region as Ukraine advances
Florida jury spares Parkland school gunman from death penalty
Leah Croucher's parents lay wreath at house where human remains found
U.S. House Jan. 6 committee votes to subpoena Trump
Russia's army will be 'annihilated' if Putin uses nuke against Ukraine
Netflix ad-supported service to launch in November
Kwarteng says ‘let’s see’ on corporation tax U-turn as pressure mounts
NatWest bank to close 43 branches as it moves away from high street shops













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Sarah Payne is a name few parents will ever forget. The summer holidays had barely started when she was snatched from a cornfield and bundled into the back of a van, another victim to add to Britain's bleak catalogue of abducted children.
But there was something about the disappearance of this bright-eyed eight-year- old that dominated the thoughts of parents across the land.
She had been kidnapped in daylight just a short distance from her grandparents' home.
For weeks afterwards, her little face beamed out almost everywhere from ' missing' posters or newspaper appeals.
Practically every day, you could catch her increasingly desperate parents on a TV screen somewhere, pleading for help, refusing to give up hope.
So when hope died, and Sarah's naked body was found in a dismal roadside grave, there could hardly have been a mother or father anywhere who didn't imagine that it could so easily have been their own child.
The perverted irony of this case is that as far as Sarah's killer was concerned, it might just as well have been.
Any little girl would have done for Roy Whiting, on any day.
Had the tragedy of chance not thrown them together that summer's evening two years ago, then some other parents, somewhere else, would almost certainly have been in mourning.
He did not stalk Sarah Payne. He had never met her before and had no connection with her school or family.
But Roy Whiting was ever ready to take an opportunity.
We now know he had kidnapped and indecently assaulted a young schoolgirl before. He couldn't get the thought of children out of his sick mind.
He had already prepared the back of his white van like a sealed prison cell, with all the necessary equipment for abducting and assaulting a little girl, right down to the rope, the nylon-tie handcuffs and the Johnson's baby-oil.
He spent the day cruising three parks, a funfair and a boating lake. He didn't have long to wait.
Some time around 7.50pm on July 1 last year, Sarah Payne was making her way out of the cornfield at Kingston Gorse, West Sussex, after playing with her sister and brothers at a rope-swing play area popular with local children.
In a disastrous coincidence, it appears she simply stumbled into Whiting's path. He suddenly-found himself presented with an eight-year- old girl in her favourite blue dress and little black shoes.
Yet the chances of the two coinciding would have been massively reduced, or even eliminated, had Whiting's twisted predilection for young girls not been left to develop by those who might have done something about it.
For it transpires that Whiting had been convicted five years earlier of abducting a nine-year-old schoolgirl and subjecting her to a disgusting attack.
It does not take much imagination to identify a pattern in his actions.
Once again, it was a sunny Saturday and she was playing in the street. He snatched her, dragged her into his car and took her on a terrifying drive to a secluded spot in West Sussex.
There, he told her he had a knife and a rope then ordered her to strip naked.
He assaulted her and tried to force her to commit indecent acts.
It was 90 minutes before he allowed her out of the car.
When he later appeared in court, however, a psychiatrist told the judge in a medical report that Whiting was 'not a paedophile'.
Furthermore, Whiting volunteered to undergo treatment for his perversions in prison.
His pathetic explanation for the offences - to which he pleaded guilty - was that something 'just snapped'.
First, it allowed Judge John Gower to sentence him to only four years in prison (the maximum sentence for indecent assault is ten years, and the jail term for kidnap is normally between five years and life).
Second, going to prison only as an unclassified sex-offender meant he never received any of the attention the authorities afford paedophiles, both to help them and to protect potential victims.
Nor was he segregated with other child-sex offenders, incidentally --he avoided retribution from fellow inmates by claiming he had been jailed for a car-ringing scam.
Although he had assured the court he would undergo voluntary treatment for his perversions, he never did.
Neither did he take up the option of treatment under licence once freed.
Crucially, no one bothered to check. There wasn't even any mechanism in place to do so.
The first time anyone identified his perversion was when a probation officer opposed his parole application because he had not admitted culpability for what he had done.
She believed Whiting was 'a predatory paedophile' who would re- offend and possibly kill next time.
Parole was refused then - but Whiting was nevertheless released in November 1997 after serving just over half his sentence.
It was only then that he came under any kind of structured scrutiny.
The national register of sexoffenders had come into operation while Whiting was in prison and he signed it after he was freed.
Inspector Paul Williams, an intelligence officer with a brief to monitor sexoffendersin the Sussex area, visitedhim at home.
The fact that he was on this list, and because of what Williams knew about him, was the reason he would so quickly become a suspect for the Sarah Payne murder.
Mr Williams said that when he heard about Sarah's disappearance, he put Whiting 'at the top of my list'.
Yet at Christmas 1997 Whiting was essentially on the loose again. It would have been impossible --and unnecessary at that stage - for police to keep a constant watch on him.
After all, he did not shape his life in the classic style of paedophilia. Perhaps he was too clever for that.
He even showed some signs of reform - getting rid of a stash of pornographic magazines and videos from his home, for example.
He categorically told police when questioned about children: 'I keep away from all that now. I've learned my lesson.'
Yet there would later be signals that flagged up his continuing sexual interests.
In Littlehampton, some time after the first police visit, he moved to a flat overlooking the beach and a children's playground.
Even his work would not get in the way of his hobby. In the past, he had organised his schedule as a mechanic at a local garage so he could take cars on road tests at the exact time girls were walking home from school.
Now he would make time to go out 'window-shopping' in his car, cruising parks and playgrounds.
Three years later, when Sarah Payne became his victim, he was also much wiser.
The only reason he was caught last time was because police were given a good description of the abductor and his car. This time there would be no witnesses.
So were the danger signs there when he was convicted in 1995?
The mother of his first victim is in no doubt. The dark-haired housewife, who cannot be named without identifying her daughter, told the Daily Mail: 'It staggers and angers me that he was not classed as a paedophile.
'I would like to stand in front of the judge and those who defended Whiting then, and ask them how they feel now. I am sure Sarah Payne's parents feel the same.'
Quite what turned Whiting from an unremarkable teenager into a monster who preyed on children seems to have escaped the 'experts'. But with hindsight, there were ominous foundations.
was born in Horsham, West Sussex, on January 26, 1959. He grew up in Crawley, one of the 'new towns' created to relieve pressure on London, from where his parents had moved.
It was a pleasant modern suburb, but Whiting's upbringing was hardly idyllic.
He was abused as a child by a close relative. As long ago as 1965, when Roy was six, his father George, a sheet metal worker, was cautioned after an indecent act with a girl at the local swimming baths.
George and his wife Pamela had two other children, a boy, three years older than Roy, and a girl, six years younger.
Roy would later tell people his mother had a nervous breakdown when he was a child. Pamela left in 1976 - on her daughter's 11th birthday - leaving the three children with their father.
Roy Whiting had not enjoyed school. He was slow at reading and never showed any flair in his other work. Even at this age, his class-
mates described him as solitary and aloof.
The one passion he had was cars. So at 16, with few other options, he got a job as a mechanic. He drifted between several garages before settling at Kirkham Motors in Crawley, where he worked as an MoT tester.
Even there, in the company of other mechanics, he failed to fit in. The lone figure in the corner, listening to his favourite heavy metal music on a cassette player while he worked, was Roy Whiting.
In the evenings he would spend his time doing up old cars at home. The most respectablesounding entry on his otherwise uninspiring CV would have been a spell at Lancing College, a leading independent school whose alumni include Evelyn Waugh and Sir Tim Rice.
But Whiting was never a pupil - all he did there was an out-of-hours paint-spraying course when he was 18.
From the mid-1970s until 1991 Whiting was a casual worker at the Cherry Lane adventure park in Langley Green, Crawley.
He would turn up and help children fix their bicycles. He was also a member of the Crawley Tigers cycle racing team which competed at the children's play area. He
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