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The New Girl in School: Transgender Surgery at 18
It was not easy. For days afterward, she had dry heaves. She lost weight from her already frail frame. She did not seem empowered; she seemed regressed. “I just want to hold Emma,” she said in her darkened room at the bed and breakfast in New Hope, Pa., run by the doctor who performed the surgery in a hospital nearby. Emma is her black and white cat, at home outside Syracuse, N.Y., 200 miles away. Her childlike reaction was, perhaps, not surprising. Kat, whose side-parted hair was dyed fire engine red, is just 18, and about to graduate from high school. It is a transgender moment. President Obama was hailed just for saying the word “transgender” in his State of the Union speech this year, in a list of people who should not be discriminated against. They are characters in popular TV shows. Bruce Jenner’s transition from male sex symbol to a comely female named Caitlyn has elevated him back to his public profile as a gold-medal decathlete at the 1976 Summer Olympics.
In a cozy cottage decorated with butterflies to symbolize transformation, Katherine Boone was recovering in April from the operation that had changed her, in the most intimate part of her body, from a biological male into a female.
It was not easy. She retched for days afterward. She could hardly eat. She did not seem empowered; she seemed regressed.
“I just want to hold Emma,” she said in her darkened room at the bed-and-breakfast in New Hope, Pa., run by the doctor who performed the operation in a hospital nearby. Emma is her black and white cat, at her home outside Syracuse in central New York State, 250 miles away.
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