Porn Web Browser

Porn Web Browser


Orphne is a project that intends to catalog every free porn site on the Internet, and make it accessible in a safe, friendly, and easily searchable format.
NEW! Orphne is now available as a Firefox Extension. Check it out by clicking the install link while browsing this page with Firefox.
Orphne will continue to be available in the stand-alone version, too. Version 1.1 is now available.
A built-in tagging system and search engine lets you find exactly what you want, instantly. A rating system makes sure the best links rise to the top. Customizeable slide shows show you only what you want to see.
Not only that, Orphne is FAST, and completely free.
Please note, right clicking and saving these links using "Save As" might result in a corrupted download. Left clicking will take you to the sourceforge site which will start an automated download for you.
Click on the Download Firefox Extension link to the left and save the file to your desktop. Then open the saved .xpi file from Firefox, and follow the instructions. Start Orphne by clicking the Orphne option in the Tools menu.
Download, unzip, and run the orphne executable. That's it!

Which Browser's Users Are the Most Porn-Crazed?
The influx of smartphones and tablets has meant one thing and one thing alone: Human beings have never had so many ways of consuming pornography. But which browser—Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and more—gets the most action? Fortunately, our friends over at Pornhub had the answer.
Now, just so you can get an idea, here's a breakdown of Pornhub's traffic by device:
Interestingly enough, phones are wildly more popular than tablets when it comes to looking at naughty bits. But the tried and true standby—our good friend the desktop—still reins supreme.
Once we start breaking it down browser by browser, though, the real fun starts.
As we expected, Chrome is number one in our hearts and on our desktops, but you kids are a lot more willing to resort to Safari when sneaking smut on-the-go. And in case you forgot, Blackberry has a tablet! A tablet that delightfully makes up exactly 0.69% of all tablet porn consumers. No, seriously.
But how active are these various users?
IE mobile users win with 10.1 pages per visit, but also lose—because they are IE mobile users. Opera users, it seems, are resigned to the simpler things in life, content with a mere 6-ish pages per session.
In terms of content of choice, both Chrome and Firefox users are dealing with some Oedipal issues, while Internet Explorer users prefer a bit more exotic fare.
And if you're shocked to find that IE users still exist—much less manage to make their way over to the less clothed, more pop-up laden corners of the internet—then you'll be particularly shocked to learn that users going all the way down to IE 6 are managing to make it work (so to speak).
But that 13-year-old browser, apparently, takes a toll. IE users took the longest amount of time to get the job done across the board, clocking in at a steady 10 minutes and 30 seconds for desktop users. Which is a marathon compared to the seven minutes Opera users take to enjoy their special sexy alone time.
And considering tablets are pretty difficult to use one-handed, it's understandable that they demand the longest sessions.
You can head on over over to Pornhub here to see the rest of the charts, and happy browsing. [Pornhub]
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I'm really surprised that on Mobile browsers, no matter which it takes about the same amount of time. I wonder what the reason for that is? Further insight guys?

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