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Published December 12, 2013 12:00AM (EST)

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It's a frightening thought: Do advertisers know more about your sexual proclivities than your spouse? That was the implication of a piece last week in the Financial Times . The headline alone was alarming: "Visits to porn sites tracked by hundreds of companies." The piece went on to report that the details of one’s visit to a porn site "could be incorporated into the vast dossiers that internet, advertising and data companies create about individuals, and are used to tailor the ads and content people see."
Just imagine the possibilities: John Doe is into masseur porn -- let's make sure he sees that local spa ad. Jane Doe has watched three bukakke videos in a row. Let's target her with this banner ad for baby wipes! But reporter Emily Steel suggested an even scarier specter: "A credit card company, for instance, could choose not to target ads to a person who frequently visits porn sites, judging them to be a higher risk customer," she wrote. "A gambling operation, meanwhile, could target more ads to people who spend hours visiting adult sites, considering them to have more addictive tendencies."
This set my freedom-loving teeth a'chattering. I started defensively grabbing at my Internet porn like a gun nut would his rifle. But just how real is this threat?
I brought my question to YouPorn. The site was sued in 2010 for exploiting a Javascript flaw to view which other adult sites its users had visited. Corey Price, vice president of, told me that the Pornhub Network, which includes YouPorn and RedTube, does "not allow third-parties to access our users' activity on the site or their web history." (Which does not mean that Pornhub itself abstains from tracking.) He added, "We have strict privacy policies and would never share or sell their personal data." I contacted several ad tracking companies found on adult websites, but only two responded, both to say that they did not collect personally identifiable information about people's porn habits.
Next up: Evidon, the company that supplied the Financial Times with its data, and which owns Ghostery, a privacy browser add-on. You can imagine my surprise at finding that CEO Scott Meyer actually downplayed the risk of such trackers when it comes to viewing porn. "It’s easy for people to misperceive what’s really going on," he said. "There’s a logical leap that is inaccurate, which is that just because you visit an adult site, all this information is going into some profile that’s being shared." The majority of companies that collect data from porn sites do so "responsibly," he says. "Just because the technology is found on this website does not imply any nefarious intent by any means," says Meyer. It's possible, he says, "but it’s definitely not one that we believe should be causing widespread panic."
I was starting to think the risk was overblown. Then I spoke with Sarah Downey, a privacy analyst for Abine, which dubs itself "the online privacy company," who disagreed with Meyer's relaxed reading. “Data collection and profiling -- and the sharing or selling of that data -- is a massive problem and a multimillion-dollar industry,” she said. “I've seen enormous misuses of that data, from lost job opportunities to lowered credit scores and credit limits. The fact that trackers are present, and invisible, on porn sites is itself unnerving, and I'm not sure how one person can state with confidence that they're all acting responsibly.”
I soon found that some in the privacy community are skeptical of Evidon’s motives. The company has several million users who have opted to share their Ghostery activity, meaning that the company collects detailed data about those users’ interaction with tracking ads. It then sells that information to companies interested in optimizing their ad tracking. In an interview with the MIT Technology Review , Jonathan Mayer, a Stanford graduate studying Web privacy, argued that Evidon is financially motivated to "maintain positive relationships with intrusive advertising companies.” Evidon denies any conflict of interest.
I asked Mayer if he believed there was reason to worry that one's porn-browsing history could be sold -- say, to a potential employer -- or made public. “I'm not aware of any company intentionally doing either,” he said. “But it's just one rogue employee or data breach away.” The recent revelation that the NSA spied on Muslim "radicals'" porn-viewing habits with the plan of using that information to discredit them makes the threat seem all that more real. “The NSA gets most of its data from private companies. They’re the start of the surveillance supply chain,” said Downey. “It might start with quote-unquote radicals, but it could go to any one of us.”
So should you worry about your porn being tracked? Yes. There is plenty of reason for concern. But remember that ad trackers aren't just on porn sites -- they’re on social networks, financial websites, medical forums, you name it. In fact, an Abine study found that porn sites had fewer trackers than almost any other category of site. As one privacy analyst put it to me, focusing on porn tracking minimizes the problem. What you watch on YouJizz is the very least of it.
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Best porn blocking apps & app blockers
Aug 02, 2022 Filed to: Block Porn Proven solutions
If you have a teenager or a kid in the house, then you should certainly consider using porn-blocking apps . If they get access to porn at such an early age, then it can tamper with their natural mental growth. So it is parents' duty to protect kids from any indecent content or block inappropriate websites , including porn. Thankfully, there are different ways of blocking porn. In this guide, we will suggest to you the 10 best porn blocker apps so that you can easily learn how to block porn on your kid's smartphones.
To avoid this, you can use porn blockers . These apps can restrict their access to any indecent or inappropriate website. Most of these apps also have an automatic content filter that will make sure your kids would only access age-appropriate content. You can enable these filters and even manually block certain websites (or apps) that you find inappropriate.
FamiSafe porn blocking App is certainly the best porn blocking app that you can use. Since it is extremely user-friendly and can block porn content in an all-around way, you won't face any trouble learning how to block porn apps or adult sites on your kid's phone. Besides, parents can also monitor social medial texts containing porn keywords or detect porn images. The porn filter app is compatible with every leading Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, and Kindle Fire device.
Try for Free on Google Play and App Store!
The next spot on our list is from the house of Norton. The parental control tool has a dedicated feature to block all kinds of content that would be inappropriate for your kids.
If your kids use an Android phone, then you can use this app for blocking porn websites. The only drawback is that your kids can bypass this filter by uninstalling the app.
OurPact is a user-friendly app that brings the entire family together. Besides accessing its scheduling features, you can also use it to block porn as well.
With this user-friendly app, it would be quite easy to learn how to block porn on any smartphone remotely.
This is one of the most widely used porn blocking apps for iOS devices. After making a one-time purchase of $14.99, you can start using it to block porn and inappropriate content.
Spin is a safe browser that can actively be used for blocking porn. It supports all the major search engines and has an advanced algorithm for automatic content filtering.
If you have a teenager in the house, then you should certainly consider using this porn blocking app. Besides smartphones, you can apply restrictions on computers too.
Out of all the iOS apps available for blocking porn, this one is highly recommended. Freely available, it can set automatic porn filters.
The app certainly lives up to its name. It is available for leading Android devices and will let you filter inappropriate websites on the go.
As you can see, out of all the provided options, FamiSafe is considered the best way to block porn on your kid's smartphones . But FamiSafe can not only block porn apps and sites but also can monitor dangerous porn messages and images on kids' devices. Here are some of the specific reasons that make it the best choice to block porn:
“The suspicious photos detecting feature is so easy to use and I don’t need to check my child’s phone physically. Amazing it is!” --Branch English, July 30,2022.
“When I was notified by the suspicious photos detecting feature about pornographic content on my son’s phone, I tutored him right away and I am glad I tried this app.” --Flores Griffith, July 29,2022.
“In order to block pornographic and other age inappropriate content from my child’s phone, I use the website filtering in famisafe and it works great!” --Hatfield Mayle, July 25,2022.
Now when you know about all these major porn blocking apps , you can certainly provide a safe online environment for your kids. Simply block all porn on your kid's smartphone and start monitoring the way they use their device. Enable content filters and restrictions on the device remotely and take a thoughtful step towards rightful parenting.
Generally rated 4.5 ( 105 participated)
Best porn blocking apps & app blockers
Keep kids away from unblocked porn sites

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Порнография - настоящее искусство, которое, как и любой другой жанр, имеет множество граней, категорий и подкатегорий. Можно собрать на компьютере гиг порно, однако не оценить до конца всей прелести этого необычного кинематографического жанра - в действительности качественных роликов снимают единицы. Наш порно трекер предлагает посетителям возможность насладиться "сливками" отечественной и иностранной порнографии в режиме онлайн, а также скачать порно через торрент без необходимости отправлять СМС. Для вашего удобства все ролики разбиты по категориям, а благодаря качественной навигации любители самых необычных жанров порнографии смогут найти то, что давно искали.

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