Porn Story Rape

Porn Story Rape


I only cheated on my husband once, depending on how you count. It was at a wedding...
A blackmailed clerk helps her master in a business venture...
A former Hongkong beauty queen returns to high class whoring...
Wife was raped while on vacation, however she then became the mistress of the rapist and performed every sex act imaginable with him. Including allowing him to screw her without a rubber and letting him cum in her...
two women meet in a bar and quickly form a relationship...
Guests invited for a formal dinner with Arnold have their privates eaten beneath the formal dinner table while they eat their delicious meals above the table...
Filipino princess has Yoni"s massage...
Clara gets a surprise on honeymoon...
A mature married woman becomes addicted to pain pills but doctors will no longer prescribe them.She finds a dealer but he makes her pose for him...
A teenage virgin boy finds the lady next door isn"t so much older as vintage...
A terminaly ill woman alows snuff to finance disabled son to live in peace...
The company Christmas party ended and Misty was on her way home...
My young wife secretly becomes a cock slut in our first year of marriage...
A young girl loses her virginity to an ex porn star in Italy.
This is presented as factual but is completely fictitious...
A chance meeting in an upscale restaurant leads to hot sex in a brand new limousine! Women"s erotica with an arousing story line that will satisfy your sensual reading needs...
A beautiful love story in the streets of a lost city...
An adventurous life of a lady secret agent of a private spy agency. She is known as tigress of spy world! But one mission she can"t forget in her lifetime!
Wife Jennifer had moved out as we were having some issues...
It was a long ride home - literally!
The beautiful mistress of a captured spy is forced to whore in 19th century Mexico...
The slave is finally allowed to fuck his Mistress, but at a price...
A loving wife, scared, insecure and lonely has an affair - an indiscreation that might cost her the marriage she desperately wants ti maintain!
Wife younger sister came to stay with us, to help her...
Wife gets drunk on honeymoon night and has interracial sex...
One cop"s search to help a friend leads to many surprises...
Rebel soldiers enjoy the bodies of the wives and daughters of their defeated enemy after overthrowing the government of a South American country in the 1970s...
Carly embraces her new found love affair with Sara only to find that she must ultimatly face the ever expanding consequences. Julia (a.k.a. Jade) and Peters relationship reaches a new level as the girls discover yet another neglected woman in need of sensual comfort...
Wife and a new friend make improvements on a porn flick they shared at a party...
Erotic tale about lust leading to love...
My true story as a cop on holiday in Japan...
Several couples add another couple that really adds to the mix...
Wife was previously married and sexully repressed, a very horny young woman who married way too young and was in a less than satisfying relationship until she divorced and with in a short time met me...
This is a possible direction a continuation of a story by Author Lyn Young Wife Groomed Series...
Dennis is a 65-year-old retired Vietnam Vet romantically involved in a May-Dec. relationship with a 35-year-old member of an off-the-grid lesbian survival community hidden deep in the Rocky mountains...
My adventurous story with my slutty lover/wife Shruti. Involves gangbang, cuckold, humiliation, rough sex...
Pumping her tits dry several times a day...
A revolution in a small South American country leaves a group of women at the mercy of the victorious rebels...
My first time having sex took an interesting turn...
An abusive husband is paid back in a violent assault for the wrongs he has done. A black man shows the bigoted wife beater that he is no more than a faggot sissy only at his best when ass is stuffed with cock...
In Paris, the City of Lovers, a sexy teenage blonde drops to her knees to make the name true...
A young man thought he was small but learned later his thinking was in error...
An erotic tale of lust that leads to love...
One late night, a secretary asks her boss if he"ll impregnate her. He obliges...
Bringing my work home seemed to be a weekend ritual with me. Frankly, today, working was the last thing I wanted to be doing on this Saturday afternoon...
A beautiful destitute widow is forced to whore in a Wild West saloon to support her son...
Janet and I told the boys that we were going shopping and we would be back ""later, so off we went to the nearest mall to find the sluttiest clothes for ""tonight...
The young mistress of a captured spy is forced to whore for the army during the Mexican-French war...
A Hunger Games type story. Depicted in this story are naked females using their bodies to smother and kill victims. There are no ages given in this story, it is up to you, the reader to supply them as you see fit...
The beautiful Italian widow of an officer becomes a whore for American officers in wartime Italy...
Continuing from part one: 徹h, by the way, did I mention that I had invited the three Swazi boys around to the cottage for drinks tonight? They asked if they could bring three of their well hung friends. I said sure...
A bored mans fantasy becomes a nightmare reality...
This was my fantasy about wanting to have sex with a girl I know. Her name is Jodie and even though I"m married. I still have a fantasy of having sex with he...
Curious Meg requested a 3 man gangbanged for her birthday gift and gets it...
The story of my time with 5 Black studs, who made me their bitch!
A high school cheerleader becomes a struggling chick who used her body to get men to take care of her...
Mercenaries demand sex from an actress to help her escape, after she"s trapped by a revolution while doing a photo shoot...
A sports mad girl cannot find love and wants to outdo a spoiled rival, but Eros has other ideas!
A beautiful actress and model suffers a savage gang bang in London...
An erotic tale of lust that leads to love...
My buddy gets Wife for his birthday...
The office joker finds the error of his ways...
A widow in the 19th century wild west has to whore in a saloon to support her son...
Three of us meet a man at a bar and he takes us all home with him...
My Fiancee"s transformation into a whore. Her kindness in aiding in the coming of age of a young (legal age) boy and how, after we were married, she fell into prostitution...
An encounter with my ex boyfriend...
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I admit I am and always have been a fan of dirty stories which is how I came across this web site. I wanted to share a recent experience that took me somewhat by surprise.

I was taking my daughter to her soccer game on Saturday but had to stop by at the office to get a couple things done first. We rode the elevator up to my floor with an attractive man in his late twenties. We got off and he kept going up. My daughter, Darrian, just sat and waited for me and just as I was finishing up the same man in the elevator entered my office and shut the door. I didn’t give this a second thought and smiled and asked, “Hi. Can I help you?”

He just locked the door and said, “Oh, I’m sure. Now just shut up and everything will be just fine.” He had a wild look in his eyes and I was shocked.

I stammered, “Whwhwhat? What are you doing?”

“Again lady, shut the hell up and everything will be fine. Now you and (he paused waiting for Darrian to tell him her name, which she hesitantly did) Darrian come over here and stand in front of me.”

I said with some authority, “Okay, if this is some sort of fuckin’ joke you are messing with the wrong person!”

He smiled and grabbed Darrian by the arm and flung her in front of himself. “I’m quite serious. Now do as you are told.”

I wanted this to go away quickly so I did as he said. He was looking us up and down. I am 39 but keep myself in good shape and consider myself attractive. I have blonde hair as does my daughter, but hers is longer.

He came over to me and said, “Now listen MOM. We are going to have a little fun here so just relax and enjoy.” With that he began unbuttoning my shirt. I just had on my husband’s flannel shirt and cotton-style pants. I was revolted as he undid my shirt and began to knead my breasts. He said, “Oh, very nice. Very firm for a woman your age.”

The man undid my belt and dropped my pants. He began walking around me totally enjoying himself as he rubbed my ass and pussy through my panties. I always wore very skimpy underwear at my husband’s request so he was rubbing more flesh than panty. Then I figured this S.O.B. was going to rape me but I’ll be damned if I was going to let him hurt Darrian.

Darrian was getting extremely nervous from what I could tell, but she didn’t lose her cool. He walked over to her and was very soft and gentle as he spoke to her. “Okay, honey, there is no reason to be scared. I’m just gonna make you and your mommy feel good.”
I spoke up to stop him, “You fuckin’ perv! Leave her alone.”

He just matter-of-factly said, “Shut-up. You’ll get yours soon enough.”

He walked behind Darrian and she was getting very shaky. He stoked her arms and pushed her long, blonde, hair aside and very softly began kissing her neck. Darrian was kind of in shock. He was nibbling and sucking and kissing her neck. I could see her relax more as he did it. She was reacting to it by closing her eyes and lowering her head almost as if to offer herself to him. He was holding her very close and whispering softly to her. I was praying she wasn’t getting turned on by this prick and just staying smart and not inciting him.

My prayer wasn’t answered. He untucked her soccer shirt and started peeling it upward. Darrian lifted her arms to help him as he took off her shirt. She stood there in her sports bra. I was looking at Darrian and realized how she was really filling out and becoming a beautiful 16-year-old woman. He broke my train of thought by grabbing her cheeks and planting a long kiss on her. He asked her, “Darrian, have you ever been turned on by a guy before?” She nodded her head, “Yes”. He continued his questioning, “Has a guy every made you feel good down here before?” He began to stroke her vagina area. She told him, “I’ve only had a guy in my mouth before.”

This about floored me! I though Darrian had always told me everything and here she was telling this stranger, this raping stranger about how she pleasured a boy by giving him a blow job. He was attractive and being very gentle with her but still…

He asked her, “Do you want me to make you feel good down here?”
She blushed and nodded her head in consent.
He smiled his stupid movie star smile and said, “That’s great honey. You won’t regret it. Now why don’t you take your shorts off for me.” Darrian did and he said, “Good. You are so beautiful. Please take off your bra and panties for me.” Again she did as she was told.

She was standing there totally nude in front of him and I was oddly fascinated and yet revolted by this whole scene in front of me. I could really freak out because Darrian was agreeing to this and he was being so gentle.

He grabbed Darrian and she fell into his arms as they kissed again. She was moaning into his mouth and they deeply kissed. He grabbed her butt and picked her up and set her down on the floor. He moved down to her nipples and began to lick them by circling them with his tongue. Darrian held his head tight to her breasts. He kissed and licked all the way down her stomach. She was shamelessly, but probably uncontrollably, arching her hips up to him. He smiled at her and lifted her legs up and apart and he buried his face into her butt. He was licking her ass and she just kept repeating, “Ohhh my God. Ohhh my God. Ohhh my God,” softly to herself.

Her body jerked when he made his move to her vagina. He licked up her lips over and over and Darrian was whimpering with each tongue stroke, “Mmmmph, Mmmmmph, yesssss!” Finally he honed in on her clitoris and was working it. I knew she wasn’t going to last long being so unaccustomed to this type of stimulation. Darrian’s eyes were clenched shut and she was bucking into his face. She was saying, “Ohh, yesss! Lick me there. Oh! Oh! Oh!” Then she had her orgasm by twisting her body all over the floor as the stranger kept up with her jerky movements until Darrian’s orgasm subsided.

He got up and licked his lips as Darrian was lying there sweating and smiling and catching her breath. He walked over to me and I was slowly backpedaling, but I couldn’t speak. I bumped into my desk which stopped me and he touched my panties. I knew they were soaked and when he found out he became the compassionate one, “Okay, you’re in no condition to fight. Just get down on all fours and I’ll take care of you.”

Darrian, most likely still delirious from her orgasm, said, “Oh, mommy do. It feels soooo good.”
I was so ashamed and embarrassed but didn’t know what else to do as he was guiding me to the floor by pushing on my shoulders. His pushing didn’t matter because I was uncontrollably dropping to my knees for this stranger, this rapist, to fuck me. I needed release more now than ever before and opened my legs to allow him access to me when I heard him remove his pants. He crawled in between my legs and pulled my soaked panties aside and planted his solid dick head to my sloppy pussy. I pushed back hard taking him into me in a single stroke. I was sobbing partly due to shame and partly due to the fact that his dick felt so good it was almost a lifesaver. It wasn’t too big or too small, just 7 inches of thick perfection and he humped it in and out of me with authority. He reached around and fondled my clitoris and I lost it. The room was spinning and I orgasmed harder than I can ever remember. He kept pumping and my arms gave out and I rested my head on the carpet looking backwards. He was close to orgasm himself and suddenly he pulled out of me and turned around while still on his knees. I couldn’t tell what he was doing at first. When his orgasm ended he pulled back and moved out of the way. Then I saw Darrian on her hands and knees behind him as she gave his dick a final lick. She had come on her lips and her tongue came out and circled her lips to get any semen that escaped. She smiled up at him and was still swallowing and smacking her lips as she enjoyed his salty taste. I knew it was wrong, but I was so proud of her and happy to be a part of this experience with her.

It was very awkward getting dressed. The impact of what had just happened was spinning through my head. He told us before he left my office, “I’ll be in the office next Saturday again too.” Then he left. Darrian and I finished dressing and cleaning ourselves the best we could. We got on the elevator to go down. I grabbed her and kissed the top of her head to reassure her. I asked, “Do ya want to come to the office with mommy next Saturday too?”

She looked up at me and smiled as if she was hoping and praying I would ask her that and nodded her head “Yes”.


you say you and your daughter were happy at his invitation to next Saturdays session. it is clear this is what you wanted it as you did not report this man to the police and in your opening refer to it as something that surprised you (very mild feelings for what took place) and your daughter enjoyed it as she was made to orgasm and is extremely enthusiastic about returning. but you give no details on subsequent sessions. it seems obvious that it must have happened again as you are both wanting it. please give details on any further sessions as well as your daughter darrians loss of her virginity as i assume she has lost it by this point. also i understand you were not at all present but if you have or would talk to darrian any details on her first experience with oral sex would be appreciated. otherwise very great story. enjoyable and very sexy thank you.
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