Porn Star's Daughter Ch. 07

Porn Star's Daughter Ch. 07

No, that wasn't right. Tracy was teaching me how to give pleasure to men. To my father, specifically.

At that point, another thought hit me like a ton of bricks. Tracy was a true pervert.

She was getting off on knowing that her man's daughter was watching. Not just watching, but getting off on it. Any sane person would have been shocked or even disgusted by the thought, but Tracy was relishing it all. I found myself trying to read her thoughts, attempting to understand what was going trough her mind. Did she know I'd never seen his cock before, that giant swinging dick that she was so masterfully coaxing with her mouth and hands...

Oh god...

My orgasm flashed through me unexpectedly, a thunderclap of power rattling my ears. My breath caught, and I stiffened while my vision went white. There had been no slow build up, no ever-increasing waves of anticipation until a crest was reached. This was just... bang!

And it was only from playing with my nipples.

I felt light-headed, and my balance was tipsy. I needed to breathe, and I reached out for the banister to steady myself, but it wasn't there. I found my free arm waving comically to find the edge of the banister, the wall, anything, but finding no success. My other hand was too busy trying to jam inside the fly of my jeans to be of any help.

I opened my eyes to find that in my sudden, uncontrollable orgasm, I had straightened up, thrust my hips forward, arched my back, and was now a good several inches higher than when I had been hiding. My hand, which previously had been right at the banister height, now swung in a futile attempt above the railing.

And I was completely visible.

Tracy was playing with her own cunt, her mouth suckling on my father's dick, frigging herself towards her own orgasm. Her eyes were locked on me, watching my body breathe laboriously in the post-orgasmic cool down. There was nothing I could do. I was completely exposed, and what had just happened was unmistakeable.

I looked at my father's face, ready to make some lame excuse or try to deny what I had just done. His face was contorted, a seeming agony twisting his eyes tight.

"Oh god, baby," he said. "You should write a book!"

My eyes widened in shock. He didn't know! He hadn't seen a thing - his eyes had been closed the entire time!

I felt like I had dodged a bullet. I dropped out of sight as quickly as I could, trying not to make a sound. Sure, Tracy knew I was there - hell, she knew everything - but my father was still completely clueless.

She lifted her mouth off of his dick, smiled at me, and said, "Maybe I should just make instructional videos, instead." Then she winked at me. "I'm sure someone could learn a thing or two from me."

She scooted off the couch, and my heart pounded in panic. She simply stood over his legs with her back facing him, pulled her skirt up around her waist, and sat on his lap. "I gotta have you inside of me," she said, continually stroking him.

She held his cock in front of her body, lightly running her hands up the massive shaft. Her blouse was not completely unbuttoned, but her magnificent breasts - breasts that I wished I had - were completely exposed. As if he read my mind, my father reached under the back of Tracy's shirt and unclasped her bra, which fell forward and revealed them in all their glory. She took her hands off his cock long enough to slip her bra off in that trick that always seems to stun men - remove the bra while keeping the shirt on.

The effect was intoxicating, however. Her blouse, open several buttons lower than her breasts but still attached, framed her torso perfectly. She began working his cock in earnest again, but this time pulling it between her breasts.

"You know, I love when you do this," my father said, "but I honestly don't know why you like it so much."

Tracy grinned, widely. "Oh come on, Rod," she said, slyly. "You're the only man I know who can fuck my tits while in reverse cowgirl."

He laughed, but then covered his mouth with his hand to keep quiet. "Plus," Tracy continued. "It always amazes me when I know how far this thing gets up inside of me."

As she said this, she was looking straight at me. I swallowed and found my throat as dry as the Sahara. All the moisture that should have been in my mouth was now pooling in my jeans. I watched in fascination, and in horror, as light began to dawn on me. I felt like a dunce that had to be shown that one and one did in fact equal two, as Tracy was demonstrating to me just how far my father's cock could possibly reach. The head was, after all, nestled in between her breasts. Granted, she was hunched just a little, but still!

Tracy lifted herself off of his lap, aimed herself towards the upward spear of his penis, and lowered herself downward.

Where were her panties? I thought to myself. Had she been going commando all day? That's when I realized that I shouldn't be throwing stones - I had been going commando all day as well. Good thing, too, because it was hard enough to play with my pussy freely with these damn jeans.

Such concerns were pushed out of my head the moment that I saw his cockhead press against her flesh. She rubbed the head back and forth against her pussy, getting him slick with her wetness.

"You are such a tease!" my father complained.

"You're damn right I am," she admitted without shame. "But you know I have to get it nice and lubed up to get you inside."

My father groaned in frustration, but her eyes were aimed straight at me. "This is extremely special, you know," she continued. "I can't fuck you like anyone else. I have to treat you with care, and respect. If I'm not careful, you could destroy my pussy."

My father chuckled, somewhat embarrassed. "I love it when you talk dirty," he rasped.

I tried to swallow, and again it was difficult. Tracy actually was giving lessons here. She was talking dirty to my father, sure, but she was also talking to me, too. But why? Why would she feel the need to tell me this? From everything I had read, my father's size wasn't just unusual, it was damn near abnormal. There was almost no chance that I'd ever meet an actual person in real life with a dick that big, much less have the opportunity to fuck one.


Just what was her end goal, here?

Tracy began to sink down, slowly, until the head was almost completely absorbed by her body. From my angle, I could still see that it wasn't totally inside her, though.

"Oh god," my father groaned. "I need to fuck you!"

"Shhhh," Tracy chastised him. "I've got to work you in at my pace. Let me do the work, and then I'll let you know when you can fuck me senseless."

Again, I saved this information away in my memory vault.

"I know, I know," he said through gritted teeth. "I know the drill."

Tracy smiled, broadly. "No, sweetie," she said, "You are the drill!"

They both laughed at that. The motion slipped him further into her cunt, and I drew a hand to my mouth to stifle a gasp. My other hand began fondling my pussy lips with greater intention. I tried to imagine what Tracy was feeling, wanted desperately to go back to my room, grab the dildo, and match her inch for inch.

Tracy began to rise again, slowly, and I could see just how much effort it was taking for her to disengage. In fact, it looked almost as if it was taking more effort than taking him in.

Even from where I was hiding, I could see the difference in moisture between the head and the rest of the shaft. Once again she took the head in, and I watched in anticipation as the flare of the giant head slipped inside once more. She slid a little further, maybe a fraction of an inch, but they both sucked air between their teeth.

"Oh god, Tracy," he moaned.

"Don't!" she warned. Her tone was serious, not to be challenged. He raised both hands to his head, closed his eyes, and winced in agony.

"So tight, so tight," he mumbled.

"If you can't control yourself," she hissed, her breathing labored, "I'll have to climb off you. I don't want to go to the hospital because you can't be patient."

He grunted in effort. "It's not that," he said. "I can feel your walls closing in around me, pulling me in."

At that, she smiled, and once more looked straight at me. "I know that's the way you like it, baby," she said. "I know you can feel me grip you. I love squeezing the head with my pussy, let you feel everything."

He put his hands on her hips, and I could see he was trying to get her to go further. She slapped his hands away, and he threw them on the couch. He was unsure what to do with himself. It must have beeb very difficult for him to let her do all the work.

She began rocking her hips back and forth a little, but the slight motion made his cock shift back and forth like a gear lever in a car. When she stopped for a moment, I saw with complete surprise that he was now halfway inside her body.

My hand probed my own cunt to the best of my ability, but the tight jeans restricted much movement at all. I was frustrated, even though I had just experienced a powerful explosion, myself. I wanted more freedom to get my hand at the right angle, more penetration with my fingers, but I couldn't do it without standing up and exposing myself completely. Tracy knew that I was there, but so far my father did not.

I couldn't risk it. Instead, I tried to curl my thumbs around the waist and shimmy the jeans lower on my hips, just enough to give me better access. It wasn't much - barely an improvement, really - but it helped. A little. Very little. But I'd take it.

Moving my jeans around had shifted my focus away from their coupling, and when I looked back I saw that she was pistoning her hips up and down slightly, tiny movements that seemed to draw him in further every once in a while. When that happened, they both gasped at the new, extra sensation.

Both of them were covered in a sheen of sweat, even though they hadn't looked like they had exerted themselves very much. Apparently the effort to maintain control was just as exhausting as a full-on pounding. Perhaps more so. I stared at her breasts, hanging lewdly inside of her blouse, glistening with sweat and looking... enticing.

I had a momentary flash; sticking out my tongue and licking her chest, tasting the salty sweetness of her flesh. I thought back to how she had fondled me in the bathroom, and once more felt confused about what it was that I really wanted.

Tracy caught where I was looking, and raised her hands to the collar of her blouse, pulling it open to expose herself to me. She said nothing, made no other indication, other than that one movement and slightly - ever so slightly - arching her back to offer her fantastic tits to me. I pressed my fingers into my pussy even harder.

"Tracy," my father complained. "Please..."

"You poor thing," Tracy cooed, talking to him but looking at me. "It must be so frustrating for you, wanting something and not able to get it. Knowing that it was just in your reach, but you can't do anything about it."

"You bitch," my father said, but he laughed as he said it. He wasn't serious.

But the same thought had crossed my mind. She was looking at me, talking to me. I was serious about it.

"You need some relief, don't you baby?" she asked, coyly, her hips still inching up and down in a hypnotic, rhythmic pattern. Her eyes were still locked on mine.

"Yes," he said, the word drawn out. I simply nodded, and vainly tried to swallow.

"You don't just want it, you need it," she continued. I opened my mouth to say something, but closed it just as quickly. She was completely in my head, now.

"I don't know," she teased, running a hand over her chest, pinching a nipple. She gasped a little. "What would you do if you actually got it?"

"I'd fuck you until you passed out from too many orgasms!" my father spat.

She looked at me, pointedly, and paused for the briefest of moments. She wanted to make her next point very, very clear.

"Would you? Would you fuck me like that?" she asked.

That was it. That was the line that shouldn't be crossed, couldn't be crossed. Up until that point, she had flirted, teased, taunted me. She had tempted me, had left just enough to the imagination, kept a "will she or won't she" sexual tension.

Now, however, she was emboldened by the events of the evening. She was directly asking me, point blank, in no uncertain terms. She wanted to know my answer.

I panicked. Flustered, I didn't know what to do. I felt like a time bomb with only two seconds left. I wanted to run away, escape, wished I had never come back out of my room. What had I been thinking? I was going to try to play coy and tease her? I was totally out of my league.

I simply stared at her, my mouth slightly open, frozen in tortured indecision.

"Yes!" my father growled.

She grinned a little wider. "I'm not sure I hear you," she said. Once more, she was being crystal clear.

To my horror, I felt my head begin to drop in a nod. I felt completely out of control of my own body. The part that wanted this, wanted her, had taken over. Something inside me, something that I didn't even know existed, reached up out of my subconscious and moved my head on my own behalf.

My father grabbed her hips, but she slapped them away once more. "I want to hear you say it!" she ordered.

"Yes!" my father groaned with an intensity that shocked me. I had never heard anything so primal come from him before. He was at a breaking point, and we all knew it. Tracy looked pointedly at me, expecting an answer. I got the impression that if I didn't give her one, she was going to leave my father high and dry. I suddenly felt a pressure that only I could stop the torment.

I nodded sharply, and mouthed the words, "Yes!"

Tracy visibly relaxed at that. "That's what I wanted to hear," she said, and sank herself completely down on his shaft in one swift motion.

All three of us gasped out loud. It was a monumental feat, worthy of applause. Under another circumstance I might have given her a standing ovation. As it was, though, I watched, frozen, shocked to the core at seeing her impaled - and I mean that in the most literal sense - on my father's giant penis.

Gone from her face was the assured confidence of the teasing, coy, playful seductress. Now, her eyes were wide with the realization of what she had done, and I wondered if she had ever done it before. Could this have been just a bit too much of a stretch, all for my benefit?

She looked at me with an unreadable look on her face, a mixture of triumph and, perhaps, an acknowledgement that she may have bitten off more than she could chew. She looked down between her breasts at her belly, which did in fact protrude slightly from the extra girth in her womb. She ran her fingers lightly over her belly, and down to my father's balls, which rested firmly against her labia.

"Oh my god," I heard her marvel.

My father echoed her sentiment, but in a much different intensity. "Oh my god, yes!" he roared. His hands flew to her hips, but this time she didn't slap them away. He didn't seem to care that he was being noisy or loud. He didn't seem to care about anything at all.

He held onto her hips, and then stood up!

I don't know how he was able to physically do it, but he simply stood up with his dick embedded inside of her, and picked her up off the ground, feet and all. Tracy wasn't a big woman by any means, but she looked like a rag doll when my father turned her over and tossed her body over the corner of the couch. Working in construction had given him an incredible strength, apparently, and his libido had taken that and amplified it.

Mesmerized, I watched as my father tuned out the rest of the world, and pounded in

and out of Tracy's cunt. She encouraged him, begged him to fuck her, harder, harder, and he did. He was like a machine, his cock like one of those pistons in the giant earth moving equipment that I've seen in his trade magazines from time to time. She came over and over again, until her cries were one long wail, a pleading pathetic cry for both more - and no more - at the same time.

He gripped one hand in her hair, pulling her head back. I almost cried out for him to stop, never having seen such rough play before. I thought he was hurting her, when she growled at him to do it harder. More!

Her orgasms came in rapid succession, rising her voice to a crescendo, and then starting again just as it seemed she was crashing down from them. He fucked her so hard that she flopped around on the couch, completely unable to control herself. She could gain no purchase anywhere - as soon as she was able to steady herself with her arm, he simply fucked her harder so that she couldn't stay put.

"Do it!" she snarled, allowing herself to be tossed around on his whim. "Do it!"

"I'm close," he said. They both sounded angry.

She twisted her head around enough so that she could look him in the eye. "Do it!" she repeated. "I want you to come so deep in my cunt that I can taste it!"

My father redoubled his pace, and once again she flopped up and down. If the act wasn't so bestial, it would have been comical. He picked her up again, this time holding her body close to his. He gripped her tightly, his muscles pressed tightly against the fabric of his shirt, and thrust his hips against her ass once, twice, a short pause, and then a final time.

I could only partially see their faces, given the angle of how they were standing. I could see, though, that both of them were spent, completely exhausted. My father started to withdraw from Tracy's body, both of them holding their breath until it finally came out, flopping downward, semi-hard, and sopping wet. Tracy leaned her head back against his chest, her hair soaked from sweat, her face shiny from exertion. She tried to reach up to touch his face, but she couldn't find the energy and simply let it fall back to her side.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

She nodded, and he released released her. She took one step, and then collapsed on the floor. He reached for her immediately, but she weakly held up a hand to stop him. She looked up at him, and I could see that she was laughing.

"My legs don't work yet," she said. "Jesus Christ, Rod, when you fuck a girl you really fuck a girl!"

He started laughing, too, and then looked around. He started to turn towards the place where I was hiding, and I ducked down below the railing, out of sight.

"Oh man," he said. "I don't think we were very quiet. Do you think she heard?"

She giggled. "Unless she escaped out a window, hopped a bus, and is now two towns over, I'm pretty sure she heard."

"Maybe we should head to bed as well," he said. "I guess I'll have some explaining to do in the morning."

"Rod," I heard Tracy say. "She's eighteen. She probably has more experience than you think. Or at least, she may know more than you give her credit for."

I felt my heart begin to pound in my chest. I mean, I didn't have any experience at all, and I certainly didn't know how much credit anyone could give me. At the same time, my father would have a very good idea of how much I knew if I didn't get out of there!

Unfortunately I had left myself in a very awkward position. My jeans were mostly down around my hips, twisted a little to the side, and I needed to escape back to my room as quickly as possible with my clothes tripping me up.

I heard them trying to gather themselves together, and I scrambled backwards the best I could without rising above the banister. After what felt like years, I finally made it back to my bedroom and silently closed the door behind me.

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