Porn Star's Daughter Ch. 02

Porn Star's Daughter Ch. 02

Chapter 2 - Home Sick 


I awoke the next morning with the sound of the front door closing as my mother went to work. In total I had slept for more than fourteen hours, and I felt wired. I went out into the kitchen to get some food, feeling ravenous, and saw the note my mother left telling me that she had called the school and let them know I wouldn't be in. 

Faced with a free day, I wasn't really sure what to do with myself. I knew at some point the VCR was going to be reconnected, and I was going to see which girl finally was able to take my father's massive cock down her throat like a sword swallower. There was a part of me that wanted to pace myself, though, the mystery now providing its own tantalizing tease. 

I tried everything I could think of to distract me, but I had my homework done by 11 a.m. and even Holden Caufield wasn't connecting with me. I went downstairs to find the elusive remote, which took some time and just prolonged my frustration. Before I knew it, the VCR was hooked up, the tape was playing, and I was lying on my bed with my pussy out and exposed to the world (or at least my bedroom). 

Girl number 3 was a perky bleach blonde, who looked a lot like... Simone. I sat up on my bed and screamed out loud in defiance and anguish. 

I was a bit surprised at my own reaction, if I'm completely honest. It came out of me suddenly and viciously, a knee-jerk reaction beyond my control. All at once I lost my arousal, wallowing in my frustration. 

"I hate that bitch!" I yelled aloud, and my inner tormented soul agreed with me. I wanted to throw something at the TV. 

I certainly didn't want to see Simone (or anyone who looked like her) have sex with my dad. As the interviewer asked Simone's doppelganger more insipid questions, I scrambled to find the remote. I just wanted to fast forward through this as quickly as possible. Where the hell was it? I just had it here, somewhere. 

"And what are you going to do if you can't take it all?" the off-screen voice asked. 

"Oh, I'll take it all," Simone's twin said. 

I found the remote, fumbled with it, and aimed it at the VCR. Nothing happened. Damn batteries. I began hitting the remote with the palm of my hand, trying to get the batteries to move enough to get the remote to work. 

"Are you really going to take him in your ass?" the interviewer asked. 

I froze. What? 

The blonde blushed a little. She was playing up the cute girl-next-door act. "I can't wait," she said. 

I sat on my bed, mouth agape, arm hanging in space. I couldn't press the button. 

"Don't you think it'll be a bit rough on you?" 

A huge grin broke across her face. "I like it rough," she said. 

What the fuck? My arm slowly lowered to my lap. 

Without warning a large cock came into view on the screen from the right. The girl - I wished I had been paying attention when she said her name - immediately opened her mouth to accept the giant head. 

Once more my mouth opened as I saw this girl practically unhinge her jaw to get her mouth around my dad's monster. Inside my head, I was trying desperately to cope with the confusing emotions. This girl looked like Simone, though her voice was a little deeper (not like a man's, but rather a bit more sultry than Simone's whiny tone). I hated Simone, and did not want to see this. 

She was taking him in, though, farther than the others had. I wanted to fast-forward through this, but was fascinated by the sheer mechanical skill of this girl. My dad's cock crept between her lips until she had fully half of it lodged in her mouth. It was obvious that she wasn't going to be able to go any further, impressive as her achievement was to this point. 

Her eyes were focused upwards at my dad's face, off camera. He put one hand on top of her head, and pulled himself out. The difference between the dry skin and the soaked saliva-covered head was obvious even on the poor VHS resolution. 

He leaned into view, a stern look on his face. My heart thumped as I recognized it - she was in for it. 

"That's all you can do?" he asked, more of a statement than a question. She said nothing, just swallowed and nodded. 

His mouth set in a firm line. "I'm disappointed in you," he said. The words sent chills down my spine. I knewwhat the next ones would be. 

"Prepare for your spanking." 

My heart raced. I haven't always been the perfect daughter, and have had my bottom swatted on more than one occasion (though thankfully, not for many years). Even so, the firm, demanding, controlling tone of his voice on the videotape brought back some little girl panic in me. Was this the starting point? Is this how he came to learn how to punish? 

Simone's look-alike, however, had no such trepidation. If anything, she looked incredibly aroused. Her excitement seemed to agitate him, however, and he pulled her roughly up and over to the bed. He sat down, and brought her across his knees quickly and forcefully. 

Her ass, milky white and perfect, formed two round humps in front of me. From the angle of the camera, I could see everything. As big as he was, the erection seemed to defy gravity and angled up against her stomach. I had a momentary thought about what she must have felt when his cock touched her there, but the thought didn't last long. 


I couldn't help it. I jumped. I had expected a little role-play, a little playfulness, but there was none. He had actually spanked her! Her torso lurched forward involuntarily, her eyes wide with the shock of the blow. I could see tears already starting to well up in Simone's - I mean, the actress's - eyes. 

"I'm sorry," she whimpered. 


"What did you say?" he asked. His face looked grim, concentrating. 

"I... I'll do better," the lookalike said. Her eyes were quickly turning red, and she nodded to someone off camera, then shook her head. 

She's telling someone that she's okay, I realized, and she doesn't want them to interrupt. 

My dad's hand came down again. This time, a huge grin broke out across her face. 

"Holy fuck, she's actually enjoying this!" I said out loud. I remembered when my father spanked me; I had no such pleasure from the activity. 

But I was gaining tremendous pleasure watching Simone get spanked. My father was not holding back, and even though she was evidently enjoying it, there was no denying that she was getting punished. 

Finally! I thought to myself. I mean, I knew it wasn't really Simone, and I had no idea who this girl was. But I could let my fantasy ride this one out, however. I was beginning to be thankful that I didn't know this girl's name; this way I could pretend it was my arch-nemesis from school. 

The hand came down three more times, and my hand inched closer and closer to my bare pussy. When I finally touched myself, I was in for a shock. I had never been so wet in my entire life. I could have probably completely taken my dad's size at that point. 

Oh no I did not just think that! 

I pushed the mental slip out of my mind and focused on Simone's punishment. 

After a half-dozen swats, Simone's ass was cherry red. She was squirming on his lap, rubbing her body across his thighs and, yes, his massive penis. Every time she moved, I could see his cock pulse and bounce upwards to meet her. 

"What are you going to do?" my dad asked in the tone I knew so well. Whenever he had that tone of voice there was only one answer that was the right one, and he knew that I knew it. If I didn't answer properly, I knew that there were more spankings coming. 

She knew it too. "I'm going to take all of you?" Simone-ette asked. 

"Damn straight you are," my dad said. Thwack! 

This time her body convulsed, her back arched a little, and her mouth opened up in short gasps for air. 

Did... did she just have an orgasm? I wondered. 

She was squirming all over his lap now. He rubbed her beet-red ass with the palm of his hand, which only sent her into further conniptions. She really was into this! 

She scrambled off of his lap and took his cock in both of her hands and began sucking him off. Compared to before, she looked like a woman possessed. The way the camera was angled I could see massive red welts on her ass where she had been spanked, as well as her enthusiastic sucking. Whatever it was that she liked about the spanking, it pushed her into a completely different level. 

My own fingers fapped away at my pussy, my hips rocking back and forth as my own arousal was finding the cresting point. I hated Simone, absolutely despited her, but for some reason watching her get excited as she was spanked had me soaked and aroused. The conflict of emotions - the hate and the lust - were confusing, but I would have to deal with that later. Right now I was in the moment. 

Despite her obvious arousal and enthusiasm, she wasn't able to do much better than before (impressive though it may be). My father pulled her up and put her onto her hands and knees on the bed, her ass presenting him with a crimson target. 

She knew what was going to happen, and she wiggled her bottom in his direction to entice him. Simone was in heat! 

I didn't know what was going to happen. I didn't know what I wanted to happen. Part of me hoped he would spank her again, and part of me wanted him to take her any way he felt the need. Simone needed to be taught a lesson and if I could live vicariously through this video then I would do just that. All I knew was that watching her get her come-uppance (so to speak) had me on the brink of one of the most powerful orgasms I thought I'd ever have. 

My father stepped up behind her, holding his cock in his hand. The blood flowing through the shaft made it almost as purple as her ass was. She looked over her shoulder at him, and pouted. "Please Daddy," she purred in a high voice. "I can do better." 


I screamed. My body was primed and soaked, I was ready to come, and hearing this Simone look-a-like call my father Daddy filled me with rage. My father's massive cockhead began to spread her little nether hole open, buckling in around the fleshy helmet. Red and purple handprints were rising up on her ass cheeks, and with the deep red shaft of his cock it looked as if the video tape's color had been completely messed up. 

She began to push back on him, swallow his cock. I watched in both fascination and horror as she was going to do it. She was going to take that entire length up inside her ass. Slowly, agonizingly, it began to disappear. Inch by inch. The camera was close enough now to watch as the veins were consumed by her sphincter, spreading to accommodate his widening girth towards the base. 

Then, with about two or three inches to go, it stopped. It was easy to see that something inside her body simply wouldn't allow him to proceed any further. She couldn't take all of him, after all. 

Still, she was immensely proud of herself. She gasped, surprised, but her look of satisfaction was unmistakeable. She looked right at the camera, and smirked. 

It struck me to the core. It felt like she was looking through the camera, looking straight through a wormhole of time and space, looking through my television, looking straight at me. That smirk flashed me back to the day before, right when Simone looked at me as if to say, I got you now, bitch. 

In truth, I couldn't get it out of my mind that this was Simone he was fucking, Simone who was enjoying this. Simone, who had tormented me and tortured me, Simone who had embarrassed me and bullied me. She was enjoying it - all of it. She was being rewarded. 

"Oh yes, Daddy!" she squealed. 

"That's not your Daddy!" I screamed at the television. He was fucking her harder now, and she was gasping for breath, her orgasms overtaking her as her fingers frisked between her legs, a high sheen of sweat covering her entire body. 

I took a staggered breath and realized I was crying. I raised my hand to my face to wipe away the tears, only to realize it was the same one I had just pulled from inside my pussy. I felt even more foolish. 

"That's my Daddy," I muttered to myself.

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