Porn Star Tricks

Porn Star Tricks


Porn Star Tricks
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To get a deeper insight into an often misunderstood industry, we spoke to American porn star Miley White.

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There's an art to faking an orgasm.
Miley started her porn career at 18 years old after having a fascination with the sex industry from an early age. She is currently based in Australia, where the industry is comparatively small, but growing.
"I once told someone what I do and they didn't believe me, so I told them I was a dolphin trainer instead and they believed it".
"Sometimes they're real, but overall they're fake because it's a job".
"There's an art to it: breathe in, open your mouth slightly and close your eyes".
"Camera angles, strong pelvic floor muscles and some water create the illusion of squirting".
"I sometimes only have to work once a week so it gives you a lot of free time. Some people are DJ's as well or just do whatever they like".
"Because of the noise heaters make, we can't use them, so it's freezing sometimes".
"I only know two people in the industry who don't have a degree. I have a Masters in Social Work".
"I have a bra and panty set that's worth more than my car".
"I'll go in the post office with my posters rolled up and some underwear or all these DVD's to send and the person behind the counter just hates dealing with it".
"One girl recently had a baby and accidentally lactated all over a guy during filming".
"I think I've only watched myself once, unless I'm editing it".
"I released a video and one fan noticed a pizza box in the background and politely suggested I clean it up".
"The trick is to insert a piece of make-up sponge inside to stop the flow".
"It can be quite a feminist driven industry and women generally get paid more".
"Sometimes it's easier because they understand your work. Asa Akira met her husband on set".
"Every serious production will require you to have a STI test for health reasons".
"Fans are usually very sweet and shy and they do ask for autographs".
"You can tell when a guy uses viagra because it makes his face really red which looks bad on camera, so directors don't like it".
"We're not ashamed, it takes a lot of dedication, we can support ourselves and no, we don't hate ourselves".
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Your immediate reaction is likely, "Oh, hell no." Hear me out, though.
First of all, as evidenced by these photos , porn stars know a thing or two about transformation. Second, these ladies work under grueling conditions, at least as far as hair and makeup longevity go. Sweat, rubbing, and hot lights all conspire to make mascara run and hair tangle. While these women often use professional hair and makeup artists on set, they've definitely picked up a lot of different tricks and techniques along the way.
I chatted with five adult actresses β€” Tasha Reign, 25; Allie Haze, 26; Samantha Saint, 26; Raylene, 37 (recently retired); and Kelly Shibari, 41 β€” who were happy to share their secrets, from how to get a natural-looking faux tan to the secret to getting fake eyelashes to stay put.
Hiding back-ne and butt-ne: Since adult actresses' asses are often front and center, having a visible blemish or bruise there isn't ideal. Pretty sure this is something real women can relate to, too, even if you're not filming your sexual encounters for the masses. Rather than cancel your date, opt for a heavy-duty, theater-caliber makeup, like Cinematic Secrets . Apply makeup of your same skin tone to the blemish, cover with powder, and always set with a finishing spray, recommends Reign.
Setting your makeup: If you're engaging in an activity where your makeup is likely to run, always use a finishing fixative spray after you apply. Many brands make a version. Need something more heavy duty? "Drag queens that I know use strong hold hairspray on their face as a fixative," Shibari says. "I tried using it once. It was weird, but my makeup stayed. It should be a light dusting. I don't know how they figured that out!"
Getting false eyelashes to stick: Faux lashes are popular both on set and off. Want them to last longer? "As long as I don't pack too much mascara on, I can usually get them to last about three days if I place them correctly," says Haze. "If you accidentally glue one to your lash [instead of your lid] they start to bend." Shibari recommends using lashes that wing out at the ends instead of lashes that are all the same length. Finally, the trickiest but most natural-looking are singles. "If I'm going out for the evening and doing something that's not porn-related and I still want a full look, I use singles," Raylene says. "If you practice applying them with tweezers, it's easy."
Solidifying your fake tan: To fake a bronze glow without the mess, streakiness, and commitment, Haze likes to mix a temporary bronzing cream with her moisturizer. "I use it because it's great for camera and lighting, and it reflects things away from bruises or whatever," she explains.
Using lip liner instead of lipstick: For obvious reasons, dark lipsticks don't really work on a porn set. Plus, according to Reign, "Right now the natural look is 100 percent in. That's what people like to shoot." If you want a bit of color and shine without the mess, line and then fill in your lips with a lip liner a shade darker than your natural lip color. Finish with a coat of gloss on top to make them look "plump and full," according to Saint. The liner stays put much better than, say, a nude lipstick will.
Getting a flawless bikini line: A lot of porn stars who shoot frequently can't wax their bikini areas because you need to have a quarter inch of hair growth to get the best results from waxing, so many of them shave the day before they go on camera. "I'm Hispanic and I have thick hair, so it's hard to shave on back-to-back days," Haze says. "I put baby oil all over the area. No soap beforehand! The baby oil sticks and it gives you a nice, clean shave. After the shower I use a cocoa butter product."
The hair care product porn stars love: You'd think it would be extra-hold hairspray, but you'd be wrong. Every porn star I spoke to swears by dry shampoo. Not only does it get rid of excess oiliness and allow you to go an extra day or two between washings, but if you're blonde, it can even help hide roots, since many dry shampoos tend to leave a bit of white residue, according to Reign.
Keeping your eyes fresh: Raylene switched from black to brown mascara because as you get older black can look too harsh and age you. And while we're discussing eyes, the skin around your eyes is super delicate and susceptible to fine lines before the rest of your face, so scrubbing around that area is not ideal. Shibari, who swears by waterproof eyeliner when she shoots, uses an oil-based makeup remover and cotton swabs to gently remove eye makeup, then washes the rest of her face. For a natural eye makeup remover option, Raylene swears by coconut oil. (Bonus tip: She also uses it as a lube during sex.)
Cheryl Wischhover writes about beauty, health, fitness and fashion.

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Michael Castleman

Published September 6, 2000 7:19PM (EDT)

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These days, the vast majority of women in porn have smooth-shaven vulvas, or close to it. What's shaved always looks very smooth. Silky smooth. Baby smooth. And if you've ever tried to duplicate that "porn smooth" look, impossibly smooth. What's the porn stars' secret?
"I wish I knew," sighs Louanne Cole-Weston, a sex therapist in the Sacramento, Calif., area, who is the "Sex Matters" columnist for "But I'll tell you one thing: There's a surprising amount of interest in pubic hair removal. The recent column I did on it got more responses than anything else I've ever written for 'Sex Matters' -- and not just from women. Many men are interested in getting rid of their pubic hair, too. I was surprised at all the interest."
It's not easy to track the history of pubic presentation. Ancient Chinese, Greek and Roman erotic art generally depict genitals -- both male and female -- without pubic hair. Did the ancients remove it? Or did the artists simply not include it? Art historians are silent on the subject.
Trackable pubic fashion dates from the mid-19th century invention of photography. Compared with today's crotch close-ups, surviving erotic photos of nude women from the Civil War era tend to be demure. They show naked breasts and buttocks, but often not the pubic area. However, in those that show frontal nudity, the amount of pubic hair varies from full to none.
Early pornography -- the "blue movies" of the 1920s and 1930s -- show a similar range of female pubic hair, from bushy to bald.
But in recent decades, there has been a clear trend in the sex media toward bush wacking. "If you track Playboy and Penthouse over the years," explains Marty Klein, a Palo Alto, Calif., sex therapist and author of several books (most recently "Let Me Count the Ways: Discovering Great Sex Without Intercourse"), "you see full bushes through the 1970s, then from around 1980 through the present day, a steady trend toward less and less hair."
"I was a Penthouse model in the early 1980s," says retired porn star Kelly Nichols, "and I posed with a full bush. No one in adult entertainment shaved back then. Now everyone does."
"For many years, I've been a lifeguard at a pool at a large university," writes one woman contributor to the Shaving Forum on Joan Elizabeth Lloyd's Secrets for Lovers Web site, one of the many Web sites devoted to the smooth look, "so I see a lot of naked college-age women in the shower and locker room. Over the years, there's been a trend toward pubic trimming and shaving. Most college women these days keep their pubic hair trimmed short. And it's not uncommon to see them completely shaved."
But the lifeguard adds that pubic trimming might be an age-specific phenomenon: "I still see full bushes, but usually on high school girls, or women out of college, in their mid-20s or older."
"The trend toward shaving might just be fashion," Cole-Weston speculates. "In another 10 years, the full look might return."
Unlikely, says Betty Dodson, a sex educator based in New York City, and producer of "Viva La Vulva," a video celebrating the beauty of women's genitals: "I think we have changing ideas about what's public and what's private. Nudity is less private than it used to be. When women's clothing began showing bare arms and legs in the 1920s, leg and underarm shaving followed soon after. Not all women shave their legs and armpits, but most do. And now that nudity is more public -- nude beaches, routine nudity in film, and the enormous amount of exhibitionism and porn on the Web -- I'm not surprised to see a trend toward pubic shaving. I think it's probably here to stay."
If anyone should know how the porn stars get so smooth, the producer of "Viva la Vulva" should. "Honey," Dodson says, "I have no idea."
Every summer, many women shave the bikini line around their upper thighs and lower abdomens to keep unsightly hairs from poking out of their bathing suits. It's a short step from there to shaving the vulva, or for men, the penis and scrotum.
Several Web sites are devoted to the joys -- and hassles -- of baldness below the belt, among them, On all of them, razor shaving rules. Very few people even mention other options. Shaving is easy, convenient, cheap and can be done at home, usually in the shower.
One happily razor-shaved woman posted this: "I recently shaved my pussy as a surprise for my boyfriend. Our sex was incredible. I love the feeling of being shaved and enjoy touching my soft lips. Of course, to stay smooth, I have to shave almost every day and use a quality shaving cream and razor. I follow with a cold water rinse and then use baby oil or a good moisturizer. Those little red bumps stay away if you take the proper precautions. I intend to stay shaved. Sex has never been better.
Other people, however, aren't so enthusiastic. Another post: "I need to find a better way than shaving. For me, it's just too painful."
"Shaving can be a real hassle," Dodson explains. "Many women find that it irritates the vulva. Or that it gives them ugly red razor bumps. Or that the area itches unbearably as the hair grows back. Or that they get painful ingrown hairs."
Razor bumps are the most common complaint among pubic shavers. They're ugly and they itch. The bumps develop because razor shaving leaves hair with a thick blunt end, instead of the fine tapered end of unshaved hair. As pubic hai
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