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Sexy Networking by Dirk Hooper > Adult Personal Branding > List of Social Media Sites for Adult Content Creators by Dirk Hooper
Yesterday Tumbler enacted a permanent ban on adult content . This is just the latest in a series of announcements that have gradually downgraded content on their platform that is intended for adults only.
Banned content includes photos, videos, and GIFs of human genitalia, female-presenting nipples, and any media involving sex acts, including illustrations.
Tumblr is not alone in the war against adult content creators and sex workers. Just last week Facebook announced that you could not make posts that “facilitate, encourage or coordinate sexual encounters between adults.”
Tumblr was particularly harmful to the adult content crowd because when it was founded they were one of the few social media platforms that fully allowed adult content. Like many other apps and services, they allowed adult content to grow their base and then abandoned them, later on, to chase after general audience advertisers.
Every time a major app or site shuts down it creates a vacuum.
Many smaller or new platforms have been suggested by mainstream media. The articles I’ve read so far on the subject were exceptionally poor and obviously written by people who do not have to deal with the onerous restrictions you encounter when posting adult content.
Some of those platforms are not fully ready to take on the influx of millions of people that have been denied a place to post. Other platforms are not as full-featured or contain the social media element that Tumblr offered.
As a fetish photographer, erotic artist and writer, and consultant for Sexy Networking, I’m scrambling to find new platforms to share my work, without censorship or the hassle of fighting bans.
In reaction to that, and hopefully, to help others who are dealing with the same issue, I’m going to create a list of social media sites that promise to fulfill some, or all, of the features that Tumblr offered and also will allow adult content.
None of the sites below are perfect and they purposefully post amorphous terms of service so they can ban your content at their discretion. Be careful on any platform.
The sites that follow are more relaxed in allowing you to post adult content, that’s all. That certainly does not mean that they don’t have rules you must follow. Follow the rules and watch for any developments.
If you’re a sex worker, then realize that almost no social media platform will openly allow you to solicit services (maybe Switter, perhaps the two social media sites based on cryptocurrency… maybe not). SESTA/FOSTA has made a big mess that restricts what you can say and how you can say it (which is a violation of your civil rights and will be struck down). You’ll have to be doubly careful, even on the sites listed below. Use these sites to build your brand, to post adult content, and to lead them to your own website or somewhere else you can do business.
I’ll also make the point that you should never have your entire presence in one place. Diversify. Be everywhere. Then if you lose one account, you just pick up elsewhere like normal. You should also have your own website because it’s the only place you can truly control what content is offered and how it is presented, and it’s the only place you ensure will always be available to your fans.
All of the website headings below are all clickable links to the platform.
Unfortunately, there are only two large social media sites that allow adult content now.
Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and all the rest, have terms of service that are excessively restrictive and purposely vague, which allow them to boot you off their site at will.
There is little to no chance that any of these sites are going to relax their rules. It’s much more likely that they will get even more restrictive.
This is not the article to discuss why we don’t have more social media sites that are exclusively for adults, but I plan on discussing that soon.
I know many people have problems with Twitter but this is still one of the few and final large social media sites that allows adult content.
That doesn’t mean that Twitter doesn’t have rules, it certainly does. It also doesn’t mean that they won’t discriminate against people who are adult content creators or sex workers, because they do.
But right now if you’re looking to reach the widest possible audience in one place Twitter is your horse.
I’d also like to point out that Twitter is seeking big general audience advertising as well, so don’t put all of your eggs in this basket. They could change their terms of service at any time.
Reddit is still the Wild West of the Internet. That’s both good and bad.
As a social media site it is bare-bones and grossly unsexy. But, one thing it does have going for it is a strong libertarian take on content.
They pretty much let you post whatever you want.
Just like Twitter, Reddit is starting to implement content rules. But, for now, it’s an option.
What follows is a list of sites that are for a broad number of interests, but may allow some adult content. Some of these sites are brand-new or in beta phase. There are only a couple that I can speak about with any certainty.
These sites do not have the heavy number of users that Twitter and Reddit have, so you’re going to have to fight harder to be seen.
I’m going to present these here and tell you what I know right now. I have reached out to several of these platforms to get more information.
If you have suggestions on apps to add, or you think one of these should be removed, then please contact me at .
I’ve been on Steemit for a while. I’ve shared plenty of adult content on there with no problems. Steemit is an unusual platform because it is based around their own cryptocurrency system.
You can actually be paid for content that you post on that site. If your content is popular it can bring you real money.
Also, you’re welcome to post adult photos, videos, text, or anything else you want. There is no centralized authority that polices content on Steemit. It is completely decentralized.
As a social media platform, it’s pretty weak, but it does have some of those elements. What it mostly offers is real freedom, and that’s awesome.
When I asked my Twitter network about places to share adult content Minds was mentioned several times. I literally just signed up for an account (@DirkHooper) so I’d don’t know much about the site at this time.
However, it looks similar to Steemit, since it’s based around cryptocurrency. It also lists their site as being completely decentralized, which means you do not have some overarching authority policing your posts. Plus, it promises that you can make money.
I’ll be getting involved in the site soon and have more to report.
Mojofire is a microblogging platform that has been designed to be broad in scope but also allows sex workers another content creators to share their work and promotion.
Since one of the developers is a sex worker I am hopeful that this site will live up to expectations.
I’m in contact with one of the developers right now and hope to run an article on this site soon.
Meanwhile, you can sign up on their homepage to be alerted when they launch.
Pillowfort is in a beta phase right now but promises that it will allow adult content when they get fully running. Just like with all other social networks that remains to be seen. But if you want to get it on the ground floor now is the time to get on their waiting list.
This is a site that was mentioned in several articles as a direct alternative to Tumblr for adult content creators, but I have not been able to verify that. I tried to contact Pillowfort through their Twitter account to get a statement from the developers, but they have not responded to me at this time.
I’m a firm believer in reaching out to as wide of an audience as possible. The reason why I like Twitter so much is because I’m not just preaching to the converted. Broad platforms allow me to reach an audience that might not automatically be interested in hard-core fetish, BDSM, or kink.
It upsets me to be relegated to a relatively small corner of the Internet. But maybe that’s not a problem for you, or you’d rather speak only to a very specific crowd, which is fine.
These are sites that have been set up that speak to a smaller but more passionate niche crowd.
After the SESTA/FOSTA debacle, Switter was launched earlier this year. It is a subset of the Mastodon app.
Switter has “sex worker – SW” in the title so you know that content is free and clear. And the server for Switter is in a location that protects free speech.
Switter functions much like Twitter but asks that you label your adult posts as sensitive content.
Because there are not many people on this platform engagement is fairly low, but you do know that you are speaking directly to an audience that wants to hear from sex workers and adult content creators. I hope you’ll join me there.
Most people reading this article will be familiar with Fetlife. This is a social media platform designed specifically for the kinky set. Therefore, you’re not going to have a problem posting kinky stuff and the platform is broad enough where you can post photos, videos, articles, stories, and create groups.
Engagement here is sparse, although groups are very active. Some people love Fetlife. Maybe you’ll be one of them.
These following genre-specific sites are new or in beta. I will be joining each of these and check them out. I’ll report back here when I know more.
The addresses are listed below, in case you want to check them out on your own.
I’ve been a member of DeviantART for over a decade. They do allow adult content with some restrictions.
They allow photos, writing, and traditional art. The user interface for the site is a little clunky and dated, although, they are promising a major update soon.
As long as you don’t show erect penises, intercourse, or anything else too crazy you can get away with a lot here.
There is a broad active community of artists and admirers on deviantART. If you’re sharing great content your work can really take off here.
Newgrounds has stepped up as an alternative for artists who are fleeing Tumblr.
Newgrounds seems to be heavily weighted towards anime style cartoonish artwork (I could be wrong, but that’s what I’m seeing so far). They have a network that is essentially walled off until you get enough interest on your initial downloads.
They do not allow photography here.
It remains to be seen if Newgrounds is even as good as DeviantArt. But it is another option and they do allow adult artwork.
Ello is another site that was mentioned several times in reply to my Twitter query, so there may be something to this site. I just signed up and so far I enjoy the vibe and the user interface.
It remains to be seen what kind of engagement is possible on the site and how relaxed they are regarding adult content.
Again, I will update as soon as I knew more.
If you’re interested in sharing porn photos and videos specifically here are a few sites that I have found or has been suggested, but I have very or no experience with.
These communities are specifically designed to allow you to share adult content. These are not true replacements for Tumblr, but may provide an outlet for your content, and in many cases you can also make money here. There may be many more out there. I encourage everyone to contact me directly to add to this list at .
I’d like to invite everyone to tell me what their experiences are on these platforms so I can share them and give you a more comprehensive outlook.
I will be checking these out as well, but until then here are the links to these sites so you can make your own decision.
“ (ELM) is a digital marketplace for buyers to directly interact with adult content creators. Although the focus of the site is amateur porn, custom fetish clips, and amateur adult content, we welcome a wide range of adult content including audio and written work from amateurs and professionals alike. What makes ELM different from other “adult” sites is we only allow people who create and star in the content to sell that content.”
“Whether you are a writer, a photographer, a cinematographer, an artist, or just an exhibitionist you can earn cold hard cash for your creativity. welcomes a market where you can find others interested in the content that adults may have to offer.”
This list of social media sites was gathered over a week through surveys that I posted on various platforms. It is by no means comprehensive or complete.
I will continue to add sites and information to this page and keep it up-to-date as possible. I want to help as many people as I can. I know this is frustrating.
The only way I this page will be as accurate as possible is with your help.
Do you have information go to bad about some of the sites that I have listed? Have I missed some apps? (And I know, that I have missed plenty.) Have some platforms terms of serviced changed? Please contact me and tell me so that I can keep this list up to date.
You can reach me directly at with your information.
We’re all in this together and information is our most powerful defense.

*First Published: Dec 22, 2018, 6:00 am CST

Maksim Shmeljov/Shutterstock


Posted on Dec 22, 2018   Updated on Jan 26, 2021, 6:41 pm CST
Tumblr porn is no more. After years of laissez-faire policies on adult content, Tumblr has outright banned NSFW content on the site. The move essentially kicks out sex workers , adult artists, kinksters, and 18+ bloggers who made a home on the service for over a decade, leaving many to look for sites like Tumblr or alternative Tumblr services.
While Tumblr stored a rich and inclusive archive of queer porn, fetish artwork, and kinky communities that cannot be replaced, there are alternatives out there for users fleeing from the Dec. 17 ban. Some have been around for ages, while others are still growing and maturing into similar porn sites. Here are some of the best Tumblr porn alternatives and sites like Tumblr to look out for in the meantime.
Twitter quickly became a similar porn site to Tumblr, and a popular safe haven for artists and adult content creators impacted by the Tumblr ban. The site sports laid-back policies on adult content, letting artists, porn creators, and cam girls all build a following on the site. While Twitter usually tags NSFW material, and you may need to manually allow “sensitive content” to be displayed on mobile, it’s one of the last major social media networks that still freely allow pornographic content on its servers. But as far as sites like Tumblr go, Twitter is relatively similar.
If you’ve never used Twitter before, the site lets users follow each other to curate an endless timeline filled with tweets, or short messages that max out at 280 characters. Searching for content is as easy as typing in a keyword or hashtag and reading through the results, plus many adult artists and sex workers on Tumblr already have accounts on Twitter. To get started, we recommend checking out artists bramblefix and Ktullanyx , as well as adult performer pawslut . For queer porn in particular, Valerie Halla’s NSFW Twitter account @drool_cutie is a great choice.
Mastodon took off in 2017 as a popular, progressive similar porn site to Twitter. The social media service sports content warnings, improved privacy features, and best of all, a federation system called the “fediverse.” On Mastodon, users interact by registering accounts on an instance—a separate community and server part of a larger Mastodon federation. Users from different instances can interact with each other, or they can simply hang out in their own instances. The social media network has incredibly inclusive policies on adult content, so much so that its founder even put together a blog post explaining why fleeing NSFW Tumblr users should make the switch.
Mastodon hosts an enormous catalog of instances based on adult content. For sex workers and their clients, Switter is an excellent sex work-friendly for staying in touch. For an alternative Tumblr service, there’s something for everyone. But several popular Mastodon instances have since been taken down. There was Humblr, for example, a self-described “home to all previous Tumblr users that were pushed [off] the site” due to the NSFW purges. However, the site has since been shut down. Another 18+ instance, (which went offline sometime after this article’s publication), offers a “safe, open space focused on those in the NSFW LGBT+ community.” And Art Alley allowed artists and commissioners alike to post adult illustrations.
Instead of following creators like on Tumblr or Twitter, Patreon lets users pledge a small, reoccurring amount of money to support their favorite artists. In return, artists provide perks or incentives based on tier pledges. NSFW comic artist ThirtyHelens , for example, runs a Patreon with over 400 users supporting her work. Patrons can pledge a wide range of tiers per month, from $3 for full-resolution versions of her comics one week before release to $10 per month for PSD files of everything ThirtyHelens creates.
Other popular Patreon users include the artist Fuya , who does anime-inspired explicit drawings, as well as NSFW illustrator Sakimi Chan . Adult game developers also run their own Patreon pages where fans can turn to support their creations. Redamz , the creator behind adult dating game Monster Girl Island , has over 6,000 patrons on the service. Game developer Palmer , meanwhile, lets users pay $10 per month for early access to erotic video games created by the studio Love-Joint. Ethically, Patreon is a solid alternative Tumblr service.
In some ways, Pillowfort is a similar porn site to Tumblr what Mastodon is to Twitter. The service has laid-back policies on adult content and gives its users much more control over their privacy. Granted, Pillowfort is still pretty small, having only sent out registration keys to the service’s Kickstarter backers in September. But the site has grown in users since Tumblr announced the NSFW ban in early December 2018, and adult content has gradually made a place for itself on the site.
If you’re interested in following Pillowfort accounts for adult content, we recommend checking out the site’s community feature, which is a great way to quickly fill your feed with NSFW content. The “NSFW” community is a perfect starting point for adult illustrations, with over 800 users part of the group. For fleeing Tumblr users looking to reconnect with their friends, the “Tumblr NSFW Art, BDSM, Kink and Sex-Work Refugees” community is as popular as it is active. Oh, and for queer men, the “Gay Bears” community is a great choice for the boys out there that like their dates big and hairy.
Users can request an access key by donating $5 to Pillowfort, or can use an invitation key from a current user. While the site has closed registration in December in order to “improve performance and add necessary features,” registration is open as of June .
Update 11:23am CT, Feb. 25, 2020: This article has been edited to reflect that Mastodon’s instance is currently offline.
Update 11:14am CT, July. 8, 2020: This article has been edited to reflect that several Mastodon instances are currently offline, and that Pillowfort is accepting new users via donations.
Ana Valens is a reporter specializing in online queer communities, marginalized identities, and adult content creation. She is a former Daily Dot staff write
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