Porn Is Great

Porn Is Great


Porn Is Great
Porn Can Be Good For You (and the World) — Here's Why

June 24, 2018

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Porn is a great place to figure out what you like — and more importantly, what you don't like. It can also help encourage body positivity and embrace masturbation (hey, it's healthy !). Can you be a feminist and watch porn? Of course! Here's why porn can actually be good for you.
Watching porn helps you figure what and why things turn you on — or off. If you like something, find more in that category and see if it works for you. If it doesn't, find out who the performers are and see if they do it for you. Find someone or something that gets you hot and bothered and think about why. If you are into a particular porn star, support their work (even if, like me, you're broke AF). Send something you really liked to a partner (or partners). It's a great way to start a conversation about what kinds of sex you're interested in and show them what you want to try. I was seeing this guy for six months. I asked if that was what he was into, and he said he didn't know. A grown man didn't know what kind of porn he was into because he was "in and out in 10 minutes" and "didn't really think about it." So he wasn't able to explain what he wanted or even liked. Watching porn with critical thought could have made this dude's life a little better.
Rule 34 exists for a reason. Representation matters. While the porn industry has massive issues with the line between representation and fetishization, there's always space to see a body that looks like yours having sex. I advocate for critical consumption of all media — especially porn — and that includes looking at bodies that resemble your own. XXX porn fights repressive representations of genitalia. Vaginas are wonderfully diverse in shape, size, and color. Porn, with its close-up shots of labia and clitorises, allows viewers the opportunity to see genitalia that look different from their own or the ones they saw in middle school sex ed classes. And all those lovingly shot blow jobs? You guessed it — a great time to learn that penises can curve left or right, be pink or brown or black and any color in between, and can still get off and get someone else off. Porn normalizes genitalia in its diversity.
Porn proves that anyone interested in having sex (with a consenting adult) can — and can be hot while doing it. Curvy, thin, queer, straight, trans, kinky, and vanilla all engage in sex and prove the viability of representation.
There are a ton of health benefits. "Procrastibation" is a great way to waste time while achieving something. More importantly, it's a great way to figure out what kind of touches you respond to and enjoy. Super into clitoral stimulation? Tell your partner! G-spot or prostate play? Again, let your partner know! Knowing how and what you like is key. Porn is a regular part of masturbation rituals, so go forth, watch porn, and get yourself off.
A woman about her money is great. There are conflicting reports about exactly how much more they make , but women in porn can make double their male counterparts. I am here for supporting women making their own money. Yes, women in porn can be feminists; no, not all porn is degrading to women and femme people. These figures also represent gender-conforming mainstream porn points of view, and not everyone making porn falls into these categories, but let's celebrate the little victories. I know there is still so much progress needed for gender-nonconforming bodies, but in a world where white women make 74-82 percent of what men are paid and women of color even less, it's important to acknowledge the areas in which we've made progress.
I've met too many young women who buy into the idea that all women in porn are being exploited. Yes, exploitation is very real, yes, human trafficking is a huge issue, but many women in porn have chosen to be there. Read their stories, and think about the implications that assumptions lead to. Dare I say, make them real people, with real complicated lives? Better yet, find performers you like on Instagram and Twitter. Find people who jive with your politics, find people who actively identify as feminists, and support their work. Look at the work performers do outside of porn, and consider even thinking about them, their passions, hobbies, and politics after you cum. Walk the feminist talk, liberate your sexuality, and support people doing what they love for a living. That's feminist as hell.
So for all of this, I say we start talking about porn. What we watch, what we like, and why we like it. Honestly, where's the harm in well-informed people who are able to articulate sexual interest and desire? Sounds pretty great to me.

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The Surprising Benefits Of Pornography

Porn may actually be good for your relationships and personal health. Who knew?

This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator.

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For many people, stumbling upon someone's browser history
can be a bit troubling, and even traumatic. Pornography is one of the most taboo
subjects, so it seems counterintuitive to think viewing porn can be good for
you. There are many studies out there discussing the detriments of porn, but we
often overlook the lighter and brighter side of the argument. While porn certainly will
not be curing cancer anytime soon, it is not nearly as bad as the anti-porn
frenzy would suggest. In fact, it comes with surprising benefits for porn
users. To defend porn against its critics, here are some reasons why a little
Internet porn is good for you.
It's actually pretty healthy, and very normal.
Sure, porn may
provide people with unrealistic expectations about sex and relationships, but
so does "Twilight." Unrealistic expectations about sex are everywhere, so porn
cannot be blamed for that! Some people watch porn to escape. It depends on how
it is being used that determines its effect on your sex life. Ultimately, no one
should feel threatened or ashamed.
Despite the studies
claiming that porn is bad for your brain and your
relationships, there are just as many studies saying that porn does not
cause irrevocable harm to the brain or your sex life — in fact, it might
even be kind of good for you . A survey done of 688 Danish adults concluded
that porn
did not yield any negative mental or health effects . In fact, the
researchers found a positive correlation between the subjects’ porn viewing and
increased sexual satisfaction, as well as self-reported benefits in other areas
of their lives.
It allows you to explore and learn.
Porn is great for
when you want your fantasies created for you, because let’s be honest, we are
not always that creative. Just as sex ed was how we find out about the mechanics
of sex -- what goes where — pornography is how many of us begin to figure out
how that relates to our sexualities. Pornography is not
an ideal replacement for sex ed , but it can be an excellent education as to
what’s out there for you to explore.
It is all about how
you use it; of course porn is exaggerated, but name one aspect of the
entertainment industry that isn't. There are definitely unrealistic
expectations — especially
for women — so we must keep in mind how porn is a way to get a taste of
what certain things might be like, not what it will actually be like. Don't use
porn as your own sex encyclopedia because not everything is exactly by the
book. Only real exploration can tell you what you actually like, but using porn
as a jumping-off point may not be such a bad idea.
It can help people feel more comfortable with sex.
Sex, in general —
with its unanticipated noises and bodily fluids and ridiculous O-faces — is
kind of funny, and even a little silly at times. The fact that there’s an added
level to artifice to porn makes it even better. If you cannot get into porn itself,
you can at least get behind the idea that sex should be fun. Watching porn can
help people get more comfortable with all the crazy nuances of sex.
Keep in mind,
however, that porn is a form of entertainment created by professionals. This does not mean porn cannot help you
explore what your likes and dislikes are; it just means you should keep things in
perspective. Actors may do things you do not agree with, but that does not mean you
have to do it, too. Although most of us may be uncomfortable talking about
certain aspects of sex, viewing media can be a helpful way to broach that
subject and create opinions for yourself and others.
The best sex happens
when partners are on the same page. Watching porn together helps couples get
honest and open about their preferences — and that's when good sex happens. If both people are comfortable with something,
that can be a great revelation. In fact, a 2014
study in the Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy found that couples
who were honest with each other about their porn use generally had healthier
Pornography is not a replacement for the real thing, but
research has also shown that having a healthy masturbation schedule
actually makes us better sex partners — and partners in general. While not
only being good for your physical and mental
health , it is a way to continue making sure your own sexual
needs are being met outside of the bedroom. Even for those in
relationships, it is important to be able to make each other happy, along with
making yourself happy.
There is an enormous
divide between perspectives on porn in our society. While some say it is
perfectly healthy and natural, others say it accounts for porn-related issues such as erectile
dysfunction, elevated divorce rates and even sex addictions. There is good and
bad; it is not that simple, and there will probably never be a final study on
porn to sway everybody from one side to the other. Whether you watch porn or
not, it can be agreed that the keys to positive sexuality are honesty, close
attention to your own desires, and good communication — so sex gets better for
There are consequences for even the smallest act and we need to start paying attention.
It has been a couple of years since the Internet has exploded with more drama in the makeup community, featuring James Charles and Tati Westbrook. Now, I'm not getting into the tea, but for those that don't know what's happening, here's a summary: James Charles sponsored a brand that happened to be the biggest competitor of Tati Westbrook . She later emotionally exploded on social media and revealed some facts about James Charles, one of them being that he uses his fame to change the sexuality of straight men (failing in the process).
The bullies of this world are back at it again. This time they’re manipulating someone’s weaknesses to a whole other level.
Do you ever just wonder what genius decided to divide a seven day week into five and two? Because me too.
I get at least one text a day asking for food
recommendations in New York City. Maybe that’s because I have a list on my
phone of all of my favorite places, or maybe it’s because I have my own
foodstagram account. Either way, I am always happy to share. As most people
know, I am obsessed with finding the newest, trendiest and most delicious dessert
destinations in NYC. Here are some of my faves! Enjoy!

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