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Porn Imageboard
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— Julian Dibbell of Wired , on you-know-where
Notable Imageboards ( every link below should be considered NSFW unless specifically mentioned otherwise):


↑ The same rule, though unstated and unofficial, goes for MLP's eternal rival , Homestuck .

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Online forums that exist expressly for the purpose of posting images and/or disscussions. They usually have a variety of sub-boards, each with its own focus. Unlike most forums, threads are never archived by the site, so if nobody posts in one for a while, it will eventually be deleted.

The imageboard as it's usually thought of today began in Japan. Futaba Channel , a spin-off of the popular text-based discussion board Ni-Channel (2ch) is probably the best-known. Sometimes the blanket term 'wakaba style' board is used ( wakaba referring to the board software that runs the board), traditionally allowing anonymous posting with a self-enforcing theme and standard that hopefully keeps it from becoming too mediocre.

The best-known in the US is probably 4chan , created in 2003 to serve as an English-language version of Futaba Channel. Especially among American Otaku , it's quite popular for the generator of memes and, due to anonymous users and loose moderation , extremely variable quality; for these reasons, one could see imageboards to be the antithesis of social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook .

Most American wakaba boards trace their heritage to 4chan, as alternate boards proliferated when 4chan went offline in its formative years. The successful ones tend to cover more specific niches, like Meganekko or sad girls in snow . Or guro hentai . Or Lolicon . Or guro hentai with underage meganekkos in snow . Or guro hentai with underage meganekkos in snow weeping profusely over image boards . Or... you know what, let's just stop talking about it .

The only real standing rules of just about every imageboard site in existence (besides specific topic rules for subforums) is that its users can't post anything considered illegal in a site's area of hosting (many admins turn a blind eye to things like unauthorized filesharing, however). Dodgy to outright highly illegal material is occasionally posted anyway just for the pleasure of subverting this rule; mods unsurprisingly counter this with anything from warnings to reports to the FBI.

What many imageboard sites have in common is using the same distinctive layout and interface from 2ch: there is a sidebar either on the left, bottom, or top (but never the right) that lists each board on the site in a simple URL theme (usually a contraction of their topic name), and to the right of this is the actual site content. Most boards are also set up fairly similarly to 2ch, ( /v/ , /m/ , /tg/ , etc) so you can usually count on wholly different sites to have the same general setup.

Not to be confused with our own Image Links Wiki or Image Booru .

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Not to be confused with 2channel , a Japanese textboard .
An imageboard is a type of Internet forum that focuses on the posting of images, often alongside text and discussion. The first imageboards were created in Japan as an extension of the textboard concept. These sites later inspired the creation of a number of English-language imageboards.

Imageboards, similar to bulletin board systems , are used for discussions of a variety of topics. The primary focus of imageboards, however, is directed away from text posts, and is instead placed on picture posts. The two share many of the same structures, including separate forums for separate topics, as well as similar audiences. Imageboards are much more transitory with content—on some boards (especially highly trafficked ones), the thread deletion time can be as little as 10 minutes. In Japan , where imageboards are more common, [ citation needed ] topics will vary widely, ranging from trains to current news . The most popular English language imageboard, 4chan , similarly has a large variety of topics.

Imageboards are also different from online galleries in that most of the works posted are not made by the poster, but instead are taken from other online sources: galleries, other imageboards, and edited pictures.

Most imageboards and 2channel -style discussion boards allow (and encourage) anonymous posting and use a system of tripcodes instead of registration. A tripcode is the hashed result of a password that allows one's identity to be recognized without storing any data about users. Entering a particular password will let one "sign" one's posts with the tripcode generated from that password. Trying to take another user's tripcode and compute their password from it (for instance, to make posts that appear to come from a particular person) is somewhat computationally difficult. For those who want a custom tripcode, however, there are custom tripcode generators (which are technically tripcode crackers) available, such as Meriken's Tripcode Engine [1] and MTY_CL. [2] In general, anonymity is considered to be one of the advantages of an imageboard, and some boards have from time to time removed the ability to post with a name altogether (known as "forced anonymous/anonymity").

Due to the fact tripcodes can be cracked given enough time, some imageboards, such as 4chan and 8chan , implement a "secure" tripcode. [3] Such tripcodes are not reproducible across different imageboards; they work by prepending a secure salt to the tripcode, barring intrusion , known only to the server owner. [3] They therefore function closer to a username than to a cryptographic signature; this is why QAnon could not verify themselves on another website when 8chan went down in late 2019. [4] [5] [6]

There are two primary types of imageboard software packages in widespread use: [ citation needed ] linearly directed imageboards modeled closely after Futaba Channel (in which content is posted through hierarchical subsections of topical interest, usually denoted by a forward slash such as "/f" for female), and nonlinear imageboards modeled after Danbooru (usually indicated by the usage of controlled folksonomic vocabulary for topical tagging and search).

There are currently several Futaba-inspired imageboard software packages in widespread usage today, including Vichan , Kusaba/Kusaba X , and TinyIB . [7]

Futallaby is a PHP script based on the Futaba script from Futaba Channel . Although the Futallaby source is still freely available at 1chan, [8] it is no longer in development, and the download page recommends using Wakaba instead, stating that "Wakaba can do everything Futallaby does and so much more." Futallaby started as a translation of Futaba, later retooled to support XHTML and customizable CSS styles.

Wakaba is a Perl imageboard script with a SQL backend to store thread information. [9] It is designed to be more efficient and cleanly written than other scripts that are available, while preserving the same kind of functionality. Because of its focus on bare-bones functionality, Wakaba lacks many of the modern amenities provided by 4chan's Yotsuba, [10] and newer imageboard scripts. A few users have attempted to remedy this by forking the original project and adding in features they consider beneficial. Two FOSS examples of this are frankusr's Wakaba fork, [11] and the user experience focused Glaukaba . [12]

Kusaba was a PHP-based modular imageboard software, which used MySQL . [13] The creator has discontinued the project, in favor of developing TinyIB instead. [14]

Kusaba X was a continuation of Kusaba by a separate developer. Like Kusaba, Kusaba X was written in PHP, and was designed with modularity in mind. It requires a MySQL or SQLite database to run. Kusaba and its derivatives were at one time some of the most popular imageboard solutions. [ citation needed ] Kusaba X has been implicitly discontinued, as it has not been updated since 2013, and the website is unavailable.

Tinyboard is a PHP based imageboard script with a MySQL backend. [15] It was eventually discontinued and forked into vichan ,. [16] Tinyboard (and its forks) notably feature extensibility with JavaScript. [17]

Infinity is a fork of Vichan that allows user board creation. It is the basis for 8kun . [18] Infinity has been discontinued, however it has been forked into OpenIB , which remains supported. [19]

Taimaba is 420chan's proprietary continuation of Wakaba, overhauling it with many modern features and a public API. It is a hybrid Perl and PHP platform, as compared to Wakaba's static html output. This fork remains in use today, however the source has never been released. [20]

TinyIB is a PHP-based imageboard software from the original developer of Kusaba, intended to be "lightweight and efficient". [21] It supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and the lack of a database completely ("Flatfile"). Started in 2009, [22] it still sees major active development as of 2021.

Vichan is a fork of Tinyboard "with more features and that receives security patches". [23] It officially supports up to PHP 7.0, and though it has security support, the development team strongly urges users to "consider other imageboard packages" due to having "next to no active development". [23]

LainChan is a fork of Vichan, intending to "actively build on it and add a lot of features and other improvements". [24] It supports up to PHP 7.3. [25]

Lynxchan is an imageboard based on JavaScript and Node.js . It requires a MongoDB database to run. [26]

Usually referred to as a " booru " (plural "boorus"). Unlike Futaba-inspired imageboard software packages, Danbooru and derivatives aim for a non-hierarchical semantic structure in which users are able to post content and add tags , annotations, translations, artist commentary, and comments. There is also Deep Danbooru, which loads images from danbooru sites and automatically tags them. [27]

There exist a number of different Danbooru-style imageboards, both those with shared source code and those that are not released for others to use. The two main Danbooru derivatives are Gelbooru and MyImouto.

Dvach , Russian : двач , romanized : dvách [28] is a Russian imageboard that replaced imageboard (originally known as dvach) which was shut down earlier on January 17, 2009; it thoroughly copied original layout and was heavily advertised over the internet and managed to succeed the original one in popularity. [29] According to its owners number of posts left in the /b/ board exceeded 150 million. [30] In September 2016 a pro-Russian government organisation, [ clarification needed ] MAIL.RU , helped to organize "defense" against alleged DDOS attacks that took place during the same month; events raised concerns and speculations among users who grew suspicious over alleged takeover committed by the and who criticized the owner's controversial decision to accept "help". [31] [32] [33] As of October 2018 It was widely believed that imageboard was simply "sold" on undisclosed terms to pro-government organisation. [33] The decision was met with high criticism of risks of disclosure of users' credentials in inherently anonymous-community to the government body that could potentially violate principles of anonymity, causing many to leave the board by the end of 2016. By 2019 it remains among the largest active Russian-speaking imageboards.

An English-language imageboard based on cannabis culture [34] which was created on 20 April 2005 by Aubrey Cottle . The name is a reference to the larger 4chan [35] and the code term 420 of the cannabis subculture . Its boards include various drug-specific boards, [34] as well as a board featuring a chatbot named Netjester. [36]

4chan is an English-language imageboard based on the Japanese imageboard Futaba Channel. This imageboard is based primarily upon the posting of pictures (generally related to a wide variety of topics, from anime and popular culture to politics and sports) and their discussion. The Guardian describes it as "at once brilliant, ridiculous and alarming." [37]

The site and its userbase have received attention from the media for a number of reasons, including attacks against Hal Turner on his Internet shows, [38] distributed denial-of-service attacks against eBaum's World , [39] [40] taking part in Project Chanology , [41] and multiple cases of anti-animal abuse reports . [42]

8chan (or Infinitechan) was a primarily English-language imageboard, although it has sub-boards dedicated to other languages. Just like 4chan, 8chan is based on posting pictures and discussion anonymously, but unlike 4chan, 8chan lets its users decide what they want to discuss by allowing any user to create t
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