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A former London long-haul trucker who was engaged in a BDSM lifestyle with his wife admitted he repeatedly violated his 11 to 13-year-old stepdaughter and impregnated her, court heard.
The 64-year-old American, who was extradited to Canada several months ago, pleaded guilty Thursday to two counts of sexual assault, three counts of sexual interference and sexual exploitation against his now 30-year-old stepdaughter and another girl whom he babysat.
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The sexual predator and his then-wife were “participants in a BDSM lifestyle involving consensual sexual encounters between themselves and sometimes other adult couples,” Crown attorney Jennifer Gibson said, reading an agreed statement of facts to Justice Heather Pringle.
Pringle will sentence him on March 26.
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“Their three children, (two girls, now 31 and 30, and a son, 27) were aware of this BDSM lifestyle and were encouraged to participate in it with both stepdad and mom,” said Gibson.
The couple sexually abused those children on “family nights” where stepdad had two stepkids hold down the eldest sister while he had sex with her.
The pedophile also directed the younger sister to have sex with her brother and tied up the girl — then 12 — with scarves, blindfolded her and tried to rape her.
The trucker took his Grade 8 student stepdaughter on an overnight delivery to facilitate sex. After multiple rapes, he impregnated her, court heard.
She hid the pregnancy, miscarried after six months and buried the fetus. She revealed this pregnancy to the stepdad and ended the abuse, court heard.
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The stepfather, who’d already admitted to sex offences against his older stepdaughter and younger son, completed his seven-year prison sentence, which was meted out in 2007. He was deported to the U.S., then extradited back here last year to face the allegations involving the younger sister.
The mom, now 60, was granted day parole last month on her five-year sentence for her sex crimes and printing/publishing child pornography. She already served three years between 2009 and 2012 for incest and sexual interference with a young boy in her trust between 2003 and 2006.
She “distributed explicitly pornographic pictures and videos of one victim online and arranged for other men to engage in sexual activity with them,” her January 2020 parole decision stated.
Former Degrass High actor Jason Dickens has also pleaded guilty to child porn charges stemming from this case. The 48-year-old, who has been in custody since April 2016, is seeking bail on Tuesday.
Meanwhile, another man — London photographer and former Scottish cop Martin Galloway, 60 — who’s accused of sexually abusing one of the mom’s daughter, will face judgment Tuesday at Old City Hall courts.
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