Porn Centaur Story

Porn Centaur Story


Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 1: The Discovery - Story about a young wife coerced into breeding with an animal
Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fiction Bestiality Pregnancy 
The research laboratories were situated a 10 miles from the township of Natasha's Ville and was to later become known as EvilsVille because of the cloud of secrecy that hung over the classified property.
During his 30 years at the research installation, Frank Omnibach and his dedicated staff had made remarkable advances in the fields of genetic engineering and cross implantation of genetic material. They were approached by a government agency after a particularly devastating equine flue epidemic which left a lot of mares infertile and a majority of stallions sterile. The mares and stallion at the research station had been inoculated so they were in no danger of contracting the disease. The team's enthusiasm toward the project finally bought them to the possibility of grafting stem cells from humans into animals and they discovered that it was only a small step to do the reverse and graft animal cells into humans.
They hoped the grafting of stem cells would allow horses and humans to have young together, and it was hoped that the foal or baby depending on the female in the coupling would be a mix of both.
They were certain that they would be successful in transplanting healthy ovarian cells from a mare into a human volunteer. They decided on using only one of a woman's ovaries once they found a volunteer and would only graft enough cells to affect about 25% of that ovaries capacity.
It was soon after that when Jackson Matson agreed to let his wife Angela, join the team at the laboratory as their typist/stenographer. A few weeks after her arrival Angela had an acute appendicitis attack and as Dr John Webson was a member of the team he performed the operation.
Jackson knew that he could no longer sexually satisfy his wife so without consulting his wife, Jackson gave his consent which allowing the grafting to be performed on his wife.
During the operation the surgeon transplanted only enough healthy animal ovarian cells to affect about 25% of her ovaries capacity. In theory she could become pregnant to both a human and a stallion.
During her recovery, Angela was unaware of the changes that had been made to her reproductive system. It was several months after the operation before she learned about her husband's deception. At first she was furious for not being asked before the stem cell grafting. She threatened to leave and divorce her wealthy husband.
Several days later after she calmed down, she started giving a lot of thought about what had happened to her. The thought getting pregnant by an animal's sperm became more exciting to her.
Angela had kept her family secrets to herself and she had vowed to never to tell her husband. He knew Nancy Marsden, her mother but he didn't know that her brother was actually her father.
Susan Mixon told Frank Omnibach that knew that the best chances of conception occurring would be from the direct mating of mini stallion and Angela.
The biggest problem that faced them was how they were going to get Angela to willingly allow the stallion to mount and mate with her. No one at the research station knew about Angela's family's involvement in incest and bestiality and she had no intention of telling anyone.
When the board of directors of the research labratories, broke through the cone of silence and secrecy that surrounded the experiments, they were appalled, and threatened to withdraw all funding and close the establishment down.
Frank told the board of directors to keep out of their noses out of the experiments.
Angela didn't know that her chromosome levels had dropped significantly to a level of 33 which was close to an animal's level. She didn't understand why she started feeling so sexually alive nearly a year after her surgery.
Then on a crisp spring morning, Angela arose and left their apartment in the early hours of the morning wearing a loose fitting halter top and brief shorts that barely covered her hairy crotch. She had quit wearing panties several weeks before, because she found them annoying and uncomfortable. Once outside in the crisp early morning air. She found herself being drawn uncontrollably toward the stables.
As she neared the stables she was amazed to see the young mini stallion raise his head high in the air and let out a piercing whinny. Angela's first thought was that the stallion had caught the scent of a mare, she quickly realised that the mares were in one of the distant fields.
Angela climbed through the railing and stood just inside the stable yard. The stallion walked over to her and sniffed her leg.
She smiled and waited, not sure of why he was sniffing at her leg.
When the stallion raised his head slightly and swished his tail from right to left she realised that she was the reason the stallion for the way he was acting.
Her pussy was twitching in spasms and dripping vaginal juices as the stallion started sniffing at her twitching pussy.
It didn't dawn on her that that the stallion could smell her as if she was actually a mare in season.
When she looked beneath the stallion's stomach again she saw that he was flexing his semi-hard cock and slapping it up against his belly.
She had no idea why the urge was to climb through the fence and get in with the stallion. With her back toward him she had an uncontrollable urge for sex, something she hadn't felt for over three years.
She pushed her shorts down and pulled her halter top off and stood naked in front of the mini stallion. The young stallion moved along side of the naked Angela, sniffed her cunt and nibbled on her buttocks briefly.
The realisation finally dawned on her that she was the reason for the stallion's strange behaviour.
Angela took hold of a railing and spread her feet as she waited for the stallion to mount her.
As he mounted her she felt his cock slapping against her buttocks as he searched for her pussy opening. She arched her back a little and for him gets his cock into her. She screamed loudly as the head of his cock found her pussy lips and he savagely drove nearly all of his hard cock into her cunt. She had never had such a large cock in her cunt before.
The stallion's thrusting became frantic as Angela's pain turned to ecstasy. As heaved one last time and as the head of his large member pressed against the neck of her womb she felt a deep pain which immediately told her that he had gone deeper into her than any cock had been. The pain subsided only to be replaced by a feeling of relief as the sudden rush of hot stallion cum flooded into her.
She glanced down between her tits and could see her belly, visibly extend as the hot cum pumped into her. She relaxed and lowered her head so that it rested on the railing that supported her. The effect was to raise her lower body and make it even easier for the stallion's cock to slide in a little further.
The force of his ejaculation forced a large quantity of his hot cum through her cervix and into her womb. Her stomach was so distended that she looked as if she were already four months pregnant. Then the full realisation of what she had done hit her like a slap in the face that the whole purpose for mating was pregnancy.
She felt as if a hose was being taken out of her body as the stallion dismounted.
She was determined that this wouldn't be the last mating between them. She knew that there was a possibility of pregnancy after stealing and using the serum. Her stomach remained distended for nearly an hour after the stallion had pumped her full of cum. She was walking back to the laboratory when she felt an urgency to urinate. Stopping she spread her feet just as the bulk of the stallions cum gushed out of her cunt.
Angela returned to the stables later that afternoon only to find that the stallion showed no more interest in her. Being with the stallion suddenly didn't interest her anymore. Three weeks later Angela was worshipping the porcelain god at three in the morning throwing up. She sat, on the bathroom floor, for the third time in as many days she was so tired she wondered what could be wrong. A week later the throwing up subsided. Three more weeks passed, and it was becoming obvious that Angela was indeed pregnant. "Jesus... " she said aloud, "I missed my period two weeks ago!"
A cold wave went through Angela's body then, so pressing were her thoughts - she tried to reason with herself.
Angela reflected on the one and only time she'd allowed the sleek, muscular black stallion to mount her. She remembered how it felt then when she first felt the head of his cock flare and expand inside her the moment before he ejaculated.
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A beautiful human is captured by a handsome stallion/man.
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Sahra frolicked through the high grass, playing with her younger brothers. Sameal leaped from his hiding spot and shouted to Seth and Jarl. The farm was remote and the three younger boys were the beautiful eighteen year-old's only companions.
Suddenly the other reason she was there became important. Hoof beats echoed through the deep valley and she got the boys attention. "Run! Tell father that bandits are near." To cover the small boy's escapes she took up her bow and quiver and prepared to face the horsemen.
Drawing a bead on the lead rider she was momentarily stunned to realize that they weren't horsemen at all.
The leader easily ducked her arrow and then they were around her. The leader peered at her through light blue eyes that seemed very human. Long black hair hung past his shoulders and over his broad, brown chest. Below his waist was the body of a huge black stallion.
"Brave lovely." His hooves pranced as he snatched the bow out of her hands and laughed as his three companions surrounded her. "So, Golden Hair? How would you like to come home with us?"
"You wish to die a virgin?" He laughed again as she gasped. "I claim Golden Hair for my own!" Strong arms swept her off her feet and carried her away from her valley and her home.
After a while he tired of carrying her and swung her onto his smooth, broad back. She was forced by the rugged terrain and the pace to hug the hard flesh of his middle. As the coarse silk of his hide rubbed between her legs, she leaned forward and rested her cheek on the tanned satin muscles of his back.
For days they traveled up steep trails and through hidden mazes of canyons. During breaks she would steal looks at the terrifying man-beast who had claimed her. Virgin she might be, she was also a farm girl who knew the way of things. Daemon, as the others called him, meant to claim her innocence. The huge tool he intended to use was there for her to see each time she slid from his back. It would surely be the end of her.
He stopped to let her rest as the others ranged ahead. Daemon caught her eyeing the swaying rod under his belly and lifted his front hooves in an impatient rear. The head slid out of it's sheath and grew as his eyes roamed over her abundant charms. "Ahh, Golden Hair. You fear my horse cock, do you? If you try to run, I will turn you over to my men and I assure you... you will not survive the experience."
Sahra stepped back and fell to her knees. "Please. Don't."
"Look what you have done to me." Daemon pranced slightly as the alarmingly huge, but not at all horse-like cock grew and swayed. He reached down, pushed the thin fabric of her gown off her shoulders and ran his rough hands over her breasts. He weighed the firm mounds and teased the pink tips until they tautened. "If you don't wish my cock pounding between your legs this instant I suggest you do something about it."
"Pet it! Take it between your pretty hands and milk it." His voice was low and rough."Kiss it and suck it if you have too - satisfy me this way or I'll take you hard right now... and I can guarantee that you won't like it."
Heedless of her nudity, Sahra crawled forward and gingerly raised her hands to the dripping cock. The flesh felt soft and it moved under her touch. Above her the huge body quivered with the effort to remain still. The hard hooves moved restlessly and she was uncomfortably aware that a single kick could kill her.
The barked ordered made her jump. Leaning forward she tasted the creamy drop at the tip. It was strangely exciting even as the taste made her shiver. Exciting that she held the power here - for this instant - she could make this powerful being quiver and jerk. Stretching her lips she took the tip into her mouth and licked it as she worked the shaft with both hands.
This was bad. She was kneeling under an animal and she was enjoying it on some level. The days spent not eating, unless the food was eaten from his hand and the hours spent straddling his back with only a thin layer of fabric between the silky pickle of his hide and her female core, all these things had left her feeling as if her skin was to tight.
She tightened her grip and suckled slightly. With one hand she petted the drawn-up sacks behind the cock and squeezed. The body above her shifted and almost dislodged her. Insanely, she only held that much tighter and sucked harder.
The first burst of cream shot into her mouth so hard that it slithered down her throat and threatened to choke her. A flood of cream sprayed her face and chest as she fell back onto the ground between the restive front hooves. Looking up she saw the handsome face contorted into an almost pained expression. His hands fisted and then opened as if seeking something to touch. After a moment he calmed and lifted her easily, his face inches from hers.
"Don't blush, Sweeting." He looked down into her wide green eyes and smiled.
"I am lost. Naked...sinful... behaving like a...."
"You are beautiful." He lifted her into his arms and waded into a wild mountain stream. "To see you covered in my spending, looking as wanton and wild as any creature. You are my mate, Golden Hair."
"My name is Sahra!" Coming to her senses she kicked his legs and swam free. "And I will be only what you force me to be!"
"No!" Sahra changed her mind at the last minute. The ceremony was grotesque and shameful.
"It is the custom." Daemon said quietly as swished his tail and paced the long house were he and the others were gathered. "The alternative to being my mate is to be the camp's whore."
There were no female Centaurs, and only a handful of human women in the isolated mountain village. The half-dozen women seemed normal and happy enough. They greeted the returning hunting party with hugs and kisses. There were almost forty Centaurs living there, from old gray-beards to children.
To be a Centaur's mate she had to perform the Ceremony. It involved surrendering herself completely to the adults of the village. She would have no dignity or privacy - ever again. Daemon handed her a glass of wine and she looked around at the women and the adult Centaurs that watched from a distance before she tasted the dark, herbal scented wine. "To the lesser of two evils."
"No!" Daemon thumped the stone floor with his hooves. "I will not accept that after all. If you do not wish to be my mate - speak now."
"What do you mean?" Sahra frowned. She studied the dark face as the blues eyes burned into her.
"Say the word. If you wish it you may climb on my back and I will carry you home with your precious virginity intact."
"It's a trick!" She looked up and tried to read his rugged features.
"It is not." He growled as he took her upper arms into his hands. He lifted her off her feet and kissed her, his mouth hard and demanding. She held back for a stunned instant and then melted as he slipped one arm behind her back and pulled her close. Without conscious thought her arms twined around his neck.
Powerful hands - hands that could crush her in an instant shook slightly as he ran them through her silky hair. He nipped her jaw and down the side of her throat. "Stay." The kiss that followed was warm and wet and soul deep. It lasted forever. It ended too soon. She was lost in it.
"But it's so strange." Sahra bumped her forehead against his chest. "Being shared with others... I don't know if I can."
"It's our way." Daemon held her tight for a moment. "You must wed yourself to the herd. Our women are few - we must capture them - and we must rely on all to protect and love them."
Sahra lifted the thick crystal goblet and looked over the rim. She knew it held more than wine and accepted that. She drank deeply, then licked her lips and smiled nervously. "I choose to stay." She lifted the glass and drained it with a gulp. The she took his arm and let him lead her to the center of the group.
Pots of incense were opened and smoke filled the large building. Rhythmic drumbeats pounded and her skin flushed hot and tight feeling. Daemon stood over her and opened the silken robe she wore, letting it fall to the stone floor. When he touched her breasts it felt as if he were leaving trails of fire. Her rose colored nipples grew so taut that they ached.
"Sahra, mate of Daemon!" His deep voice was hypnotic. "You will become one with our tribe?"
"Yes." Her voice sounded strange to her own ears.
"You will share your life with the tribe?"
"You will share your body with the tribe when asked properly?"
"Yes." She couldn't stop the words. The drums seemed to be inside her head now... inside her chest... and throbbing between her legs.
Daemon turned to the group, spinning her around and holding her in his arms. She leaned back against the hard chest. "She is mine. Treat her with respect for her gifts."
One of the women approached and offered a pot of oil. Daemon began to rub the sweet smelling oil over her high firm breasts. Just as it began to tingle he moved his hands lower over her flat belly and into the golden curls between her legs. Once or twice he stroked a spot that made her whimper, then he moved his hands behind her.
The other Centaurs came forward and - one at a time - kissed and caressed her gleaming body. Long fingers traced the inner lines of her legs and slipped into the pink slash between them. Every inch of her body was tasted and caressed by the handsome creatures. She was distantly embarrassed as she felt something hot and wet flow from her body and over o
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