Popular G-spot Stimulators

Popular G-spot Stimulators

If you're going to use App phone vibrators for ladies, it's important to keep in mind that the area is highly sensitive. In order to make your experience more comfortable and avoid any skin irritation, use lubrication of some sort. Lubrication also makes it easier for you to insert or remove the toy, so if you're just starting out with using a clitoral vibrator (or any kind of sex toy), don't be afraid to add some extra lube! Don't worry about getting carried away—a little goes a long way.If you've ever applied hand lotion or body oil before masturbating and noticed that your skin feels extra slippery afterward, then you know what I'm talking about when I say "add some extra lube."To sum up: if your favorite brand of hand lotion says "hypoallergenic" on its label and contains no alcohols (like glycerin) or silicone-based ingredients (like Dimethicone), then by all means—go ahead and use it for masturbation! However if there is an ingredient list on the bottle at all… steer clear!

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