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| \ ˈpä-pyə-lər



: of or relating to the general public


: suitable to the majority: such as


: adapted to or indicative of the understanding and taste of the majority

a popular history of the war


: suited to the means of the majority : inexpensive

sold at popular prices


: frequently encountered or widely accepted

a popular theory


: commonly liked or approved

a very popular girl

That is a very popular misconception.

The word “groovy” was popular in the 1960s but it's outdated now.

Her theories are popular among social scientists.

a popular history of physics

Delivering solutions based on the mindset of the customer became very popular among business managers at the beginning of the 21st century.

Joost Van De Velde, Forbes , 4 Aug. 2022

For me, what changed a little bit when the characters became really popular and mainstream was, they were just supposed to be horrible, horrific little monsters.

Ryan Parker, The Hollywood Reporter , 3 Aug. 2022

Jazz became popular , fashion exploded, and construction boomed.

John Dilullo, Fortune , 2 Aug. 2022

Cast-iron cookware, which dates back centuries, became popular in Europe and North America in the mid-1800s.

Ariella Gintzler, Outside Online , 27 July 2022

This month’s primary was also the first in which election officials had to operate every precinct — requiring hiring and training staff — and handle the influx of mail-in ballots that became popular at the outset of the pandemic.

Sam Janesch, Baltimore Sun , 25 July 2022



| \ ˈpä-pyə-lər



: of or relating to most of the people in a country or area

the popular vote popular culture


: enjoyed or approved by many people

a popular game


: frequently encountered or widely accepted

popular opinion

a popularly held belief


: of or relating to the general public

2 a

: of, relating to, or by the people (as of a nation or state) as a whole as distinguished from a specific class or group


: based on or alleged to be based on the will of the people


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common , ordinary , plain , familiar , popular , vulgar mean generally met with and not in any way special, strange, or unusual. common implies usual everyday quality or frequency of occurrence

a common error

lacked common honesty

and may additionally suggest inferiority or coarseness.

common manners

ordinary stresses conformance in quality or kind with the regular order of things.

an ordinary pleasant summer day

a very ordinary sort of man

plain is likely to suggest homely simplicity.

plain hard-working people

familiar stresses the fact of being generally known and easily recognized.

a familiar melody

popular applies to what is accepted by or prevalent among people in general sometimes in contrast to upper classes or special groups.

a writer of popular romances

vulgar , otherwise similar to popular , is likely to carry derogatory connotations (as of inferiority or coarseness).

souvenirs designed to appeal to the vulgar taste

These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'popular.' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback .

1548, in the meaning defined at sense 1

Latin popularis , from populus the people, a people
“Popular.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary , Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/popular. Accessed 12 Aug. 2022.
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Wörterbuch Englisch ↔ Deutsch: popular
hist. spec. ethnic- popular {adj}

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