Pool Asstr

Pool Asstr


Pool Asstr
Copyright 2016 by Jamie, all rights reserved

Another of the "Come" series, featuring young Janet and her old nemesis, Jim. The stories in correct order are: Come Out and Play, Come Play By the Pool, Come Fix the Pool, and Come Back Later Janet. Enjoy.

This can be a standalone story, but will make more sense if
you first read “Come Out and Play” and “Come Play by the Pool”. 
Standard Disclaimer: This story contains sexually graphic and explicit
material and as such it is not suitable for minors. If you are a minor, please
leave now as it is illegal for you to be here. If it is illegal for you to read
or view sexually explicit material in the community you view such material,
please leave now. This story and characters are purely fictional and any
resemblance to events or persons (living or dead) is purely coincidental. If you
are offended by sexually explicit stories, please read no further. If you are
offended by stories featuring group sex, bisexual situations, incest, sex
between minors and adults, or any other situation, please check the story code
before reading the text. These stories are just that, stories, and do not
promote or condone the activities described herein, especially when it comes to
unsafe sexual practices or sex between adults and minors.

The boys were gone for their week at camp, and it was real
quiet at our house without the screeching, yelling kids in the pool for a few
days. I had notified everyone that the
pool would be closed for repairs for this week. 

I had cleaned up the pump house, lubed the pump, and painted
the pump, piping and the big filter with Rustoleum
after I back washed the filter and added a couple of sacks of fresh sand. I had painted the pool house, and now I was
busy at the job I hated most. Cleaning
out old crumbling grout around the tiled edge of the pool and replacing
it. It was the cleaning out I didn't
like to do. But it had to be done, or
the water would get under the tiles and loosen them. There were only a couple of small bad places
and lucky for me, both were in the shallow end. I could stand in the water and
do it. 
I had everything closed up and locked, but if someone really
wants to find you...
I jumped, and dropped my awl I was using to dig out the old
grout. “Huh?” I looked around.
There on the pool deck behind me, standing with hands on
hips was Janet. She smiled at me sweetly
as I got my heart rate back down to normal.
“I had to climb over the fence. I knocked and I called, but you had all the
doors locked and you didn't come.”
“Oh...  Like I wanted
to keep people out?”
“Yeah.” My sarcasm was wasted on this girl.
I thought a brief moment. 
I had a couple more days to fix the tile. With absolutely no one else around, I might never have another shot at Janet like this one. “Sure! 
Let me get my tools put away. 
Want a candy bar?” Candy was
always good to distract her attention.
Playing with Janet didn't mean games or anything like
that. Playing with Janet had come to
mean we spent time together, me giving her my undivided attention, and
administering to her every need, which I had steered to be more and more sexual
as spring turned into summer. We had the
boob treatment, which gave me free access to her developing little breast
nubbins. We had an on and off sexual
touching that was limited to the upper part of her slit and clit only. And a couple times lately, when she was
really distracted, I had managed a finger in her vagina, but not for very
It was the idea of getting something in her vagina that had
me going today. So I was more than ready
to play.
“Get ready for the treatment,” I said as I headed into the
house. I came back with my 'formula'
which was nothing but unscented, greaseless hand lotion. I had convinced Janet that it was my 'Boob
Enhancement' formula, and it had enhanced her budding breasts. Actually I had
just taken advantage of a growth spurt which I could see signs of a few weeks
ago. Janet was vain, spoiled, contrary
and not too intelligent when it came to con men. The “Doctors” had even told me that sucking
on the little nubbins heated and moistened them to open the pores. She ate it up while I ate them up. How sweet
it was!
When I got back out, Janet was reclining on the lounge in
the shaded bower which was secluded and quiet. 
Only one lounge had the pad still on it, the rest of the pads were on
the deck. I had cleaned and scrubbed
them all. Janet was lying with t-shirt
and swimsuit bra off, ready for her treatment. 
I handed her the candy bar.
“Why are you doing all this work, Jim?”
“I could help you. I
want to swim here again. It's not so much fun at Ellen's pool. It is only girls there.” I think she meant nobody felt her up there.
“Well, part of the reason is all the boys are away at
camp. There won't be any boys here
“That's okay. You do
more fun stuff,” meaning I felt her up here.
“I'll tell you what. 
You let me do whatever I want for thirty minutes, and I will open up the
pool tomorrow afternoon. Just for you.”
“You want to do all that nasty stuff all the time.” Ah, that is my contrary girl speaking.
“You like some of it. 
Twenty five minutes. You hold the
watch and time me. Let me take care of
your treatment while you think about it.” 
I knew I was taking unfair advantage of the poor kid, but all is fair in
love and war.
Janet leaned back as I leaned over her and kissed and sucked
in first one tiny nipple and then the other. 
They were not as tiny as they were six weeks ago, but they had a ways to
go. Now in her t-shirts, there were two
definite bumps, which Janet was convinced was the
result of my free treatments. She was a
satisfied customer, if you ever saw one. 
To say that she liked the treatments might be an understatement. She
loved them. And I had tried to put into
her mind the tie in between good feelings up on her chest, and the good
feelings she got between her legs when I rarely got to caress her clit. 
From her sighs of contentment she was making, something was
going right. As I kissed and licked her
nipples, my hands caressed her thighs up to her short bottoms, and her tummy
down to her waistband; a concession I did not get a few days ago when I tried
the same thing. How did the saying
go? Absence and the heart grows fonder? How
about absence and the pussy?
For a change, there was no objection to my roving
hands. I let them rove to the snap and
zipper on the side of her shorts. I
unfastened them and slid her shorts down a couple of inches. I thought she was wearing her bathing suit
bottoms under them. I put my face up by
her ear for a moment. 
“Let’s just slip these shorts off. You got your bathing suit on.”
“You will need to come in the pool later to help me.”
She made no more objections as I pulled the shorts down and
off. I kissed down between her little
breasts and down her chest to her tummy. 

My fingers took over on her breasts. She didn't notice that I used no enhancer
this time. I might want to suck on those
puppies again, and I wanted nothing but Janet's natural taste in my mouth. Having paused at her belly button to dip in,
I was getting close to the swim suit.
Janet did not have a bikini suit. She compensated by leaving her draw string
fairly loose, and rolling the material down until the slight flare of her hips
was all that held her suit up. This left
the rolled down material about an inch above where her cleft started. It drove me nuts because as I was so orally
inclined, that expanse of slightly rounded belly was just waiting for a good
licking. But she always said no...
Today she was letting me lick it. Down from the belly button, past the slight
crease where tummy ended and Venus mound started. My chin caught the roll of material and edged
it down a half inch more. Almost to the cleft, and she wasn't stopping me. In fact, she moaned in pleasure. I took a chance. I made a pass up to her belly button again,
and pulled the center part of her suit down farther with my chin. Down to where the cleft could be seen peeking
out. Another half inch, and I would see clit. I figured if I got there, I have got it
made. The trouble is ,
I had used all my slack. The suit was
held up by her hips, and by her rear end resting on it. What to do?
I dropped my left hand to her right hip, tugged the suit
down an inch, and then quick got my hand on her breast again. Other hand to other hip. Wonder of wonders! She raised slightly
to aid my effort! I tugged this side
down a couple of inches, then went back to the other side and pulled that side
down even more. The clit was exposed, and
my lips were on it. Another
involuntary moan. Janet has mellowed, she let me have her clit without a protest. 
Should I press my luck? 
Get her naked? Get between her
legs? I decided to try naked. I dropped both hands to her hips and tugged
the waistband down. She lifted her butt,
and the suit slid down her thighs to her knees. 
I sat up and slid it off over her bare feet.
Janet was naked before me! 
Nothing was covering her little ten year old body. Janet opened her eyes. She saw I was looking at her body, and she
smiled an embarrassed little smile at me before she
closed her eyes again. I took it as
surrender. I took the clit in my mouth
once more as I leaned over her lower body. 
I thought I was going to finally have my way with Janet, I thought she
was ready. I wished she was naked on my
bed. Then I spotted the lounge pads on
the deck. They would do, I decided. I picked Janet up and when she started to
object I shushed her.
“ Shhh ! We are just moving down here where no one can
see us.” No one could see us up where we
were, but she didn't have to know that.
She stretched out on the mat, and shielded her eyes with her
arm like they do when you are giving them pleasure. I crawled between her legs, lapping avidly at
the little clit as I spread the lips open with both thumbs. I didn't take any chances, I concentrated on
the clitoris and bringing her to a quick orgasm. She had had one before,
brought on by fingering, now I was going to let her see, or rather feel what a
tongue could do to her clit. 
I was surprised that she was so accommodating today. Janet was usually not so nice. It could end any minute. She must come before she can make up her mind
to end it.
“ Mmmmm . Ooh! Aah !” The little
girl thrust her hips up at my face, held them up while I tongued her clit fast
and hard, and then she dropped back to the mat, open and vulnerable now. 
I was ready. I got
between her spread legs, I crawled up and I supported myself on my knees and
left elbow, while I guided my cock into the wide open lips and into the pink
softness where her vagina awaited. I
rubbed the head up to her clit, and back to the tiny perforation in her
hymen. The head was slick and hard and
ready. Here we go! I lodged the tip in
the tiny hole, put both elbows down, grasped her shoulders to prevent any
escape, and I thrust my hips forward and snap! 
I penetrated her and popped her cherry. 
A small cry I was ready to muffle with my lips. Her eyes were open wide and she started to
fight me, but I was too big for her and just my weight held her down.
I pushed on in to her warm sheath that stretched for its
first ever man's cock. She moaned again,
but it was not in pleasure this time. I
could not stop, I was in my own world of
pleasure. My tactile, physical sensation
was almost overshadowed by the realization that I had actually got my prick
into the one girl I had picked out of all the shouting, screaming little girls
in the pool the day the realtor first showed me this house. I had looked at this little girl and said to
myself, I have to have her. No one will
ever know she is what sold this house to me.
I was in all the way. 
I had it all in. Janet's eyes no
longer looked scared or pained. She had
an inward look, as if considering what was happening to her, and what she was
feeling. She no longer struggled, indeed, she hardly
struggled at all, so I don't believe she felt any more than the initial sting
of pain. As I made little movements with
my hips to ease and adjust the shaft in there, she made tiny adjustments with
her hips to ease the fit of her sheath to the intruder. It was almost like a minute little fuck-dance
we did.
“Jim! What are you
doing? Why did you stick your big thing
in there?”
“Have you heard about fucking, Janet?”
“Not yet, but we are about to start. You are going to like this.” I pulled slowly back, then moved slowly back
in. I did it again. And again. Then I forced myself to stop.
“N-No! Don't
stop. Do that some more.”
I started a regular rhythm, keeping my little head fairly
far in, and with straight strokes. I
didn't want to cause her any unnecessary pain where she was torn. Janet's eyes closed again, and her body began
to respond. I got slight answering humps
of her hips to my thrusts.
Did I hear a little low moan of pleasure? Perversely, I
stopped. Janet's eyes flew open. I got a questioning look. 
“Well, I am doing that nasty stuff you don't like.”
“Jim! Come on. Do it some more. It feels good now.”
I decided to make her crawl a little. “Say, please.”
“Jim! All right! PLEASE! 
Now do it!”
I started fucking her now, like this little girl needed to
be fucked. She responded, and closed her
eyes and bit her lip to keep from moaning and letting me know she was enjoying
it. But she could not control her hip
response. And soon she was moaning and sighing again.
“Please, please, please, please ungh ,
please.” Janet was trying to get there
but she just could not make it.
I was so close, and I couldn't hold out much longer. I let part of my weight down on her and stuck
a hand down in between our bodies, so that my body moving into her moved my
hand into her clit, stroking it as I thrust into her. We were both slippery with sweat. I kissed her forehead. I couldn't help it, I had to cum. The first strong spurt of semen and the
thrust that went with it, deep and long and hard, my whole body shuddering,
brought on Janet's climax. We suffered
our orgasms together as if we were in agony, but it was the blessed agony of
release. Janet was clawing my back. Her legs were wrapped around my hips to pull
me into her. We strained together and
then relaxed after the feeling crested and flooded our bodies with
pleasure. I relaxed for about ten
seconds, then I was pushed off of her.
“Ugh! Get off
me! You're too heavy!” 
I knew it was too good to last. Since I was getting pinched, I got off of
her. I thought it best to get a damp rag
for a little clean up. Not wanting a
hysterical girl on my hands, I did not let her see the smear of blood on my
wilting cock. I found a small towel
under the pad on the lounge we had been on, and quick ran some cold water on it
to dampen it. Then I wiped my cock off
before I turned and went back to her. 
She was lying relaxed and spent,
one arm over her eyes. It figured. If one of us gets to enjoy the afterglow, you
can bet your ass it will be Janet. Well,
I could fix that. I knelt beside her and
quickly slapped the rag over her cum oozing pussy. I wiped the small smear of blood going down
her ass cheek. That cold rag brought her out of it...
“HEY! What are you
doing? Get out of there!” She sat up and pushed my hand with the rag
“What's wrong now? I
was just cleaning you up. You got cum
and pussy juice all over your ...”
“I told you. My cum and your pussy juice.”
“I’ve got to rinse it first.” ‘So you won't see blood and have a fit,’ I
think as I rinse the blood out of the rag. 
“ Here. ” 
I handed it to her.
She sniffed and took it. 
“As the rag touched her crotch, she jumped. “That's cold.”
“Oh? I didn't think
you would notice.” She didn't even look
up. Sarcasm is lost on this kid.
“What is this stuff, anyway?” she demanded
petulantly as more cum oozed out of freshly deflowered cunt.
“I told you. It's
cum! I put it up in there when I had my
climax. It is what made you feel so
good.” Okay, maybe just a little lie. So
sue me.
“How do I get it out of there?” She dug the rag in her vagina and flinched as
she hit the torn hymen. The rag came out
with a little smear of blood on it.
“Now look what you've done!” 
I got it in before she could react. 
“Why don't you jump in the pool and wash it out?”
“What?” Janet was
still looking at the tiny smear of blood. She made another, more careful wipe
down there, and did not pick up more blood. 
She looked up. “Somebody might
see me.”
“No one can see back here.” I could tell she wanted to jump
in my pool naked, even if she couldn't brag to anyone about it.
Janet looked all around, and then she got up, ran and jumped
in the pool.
My cock stirred as I watched her little buns wiggle as she
ran. Maybe I could get a little
something in the pool? I ran and jumped
in after her.
“Remember, no yelling and screaming.”
Janet swam up to me, and grabbed me and pulled herself up
against me like she usually did. It
wasn't until she felt her bare skin against my bare skin that she realized I
was naked too. She recoiled, but I could see her looking down in the water to
see my cock. At the touch of her bare
body, it was half hard.
“You are so pretty and sexy and you get me all excited.”
“You can't put it in. 
I'm sore down there now.”
“I'll bet! You were a
brave girl to let me do that . You know if we wait a
couple of days, we can do it and it won't hurt at all, it will just feel really
Janet absorbed all that without saying anything. I tickled her and then ducked both of us
under. I played with the naked little
girl for half an hour and got some sneaky feels in. She didn't act like she cared much as long as
it was all on the outside of her pussy. 
The little girl got used to my naked cock, and when I got hard again seeing
her walk over to the lounge pad, she took it in stride. When I helped her dry off her naked body to
put her suit on, I got even harder and she just laughed, but she really looked
at my erection. I think she was
imagining that thing up inside of her again.
So I let her out the gate after we peeked out to see if the
coast was clear. Janet and I had a
secret together now, and I hoped it would mellow her out a little when it came
to our relationship. That remains to be
I went back and finished the pool work that afternoon, and
the girls and I swam the rest of the week. 
After all, Janet did what I asked, so I had to make some sacrifices too,
I'm thinking Janet will be around for some more stories.
All my stories are fantasies. Characters are imaginary. Do not try this at home or anywhere else.

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This story is just the figment of the imagination and contains depictions of
sexual encounters between adults and
Girl Sex Storys
Katie Cummings Fuck

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