Polygon Mainnet Guide

Polygon Mainnet Guide



First, let's make sure you have Metamask installed. If you don't have just go to https://metamask.com and install it.

Correct Chain on Metamask

Now let's add Polygon Mainnet Chain to your metmask.


To add Matic’s Mainnet, click on the Network selection dropdown and then click on Custom RPC.

It will open up a form with 2 tabs on the top, Settings and Info. In the Settings tab you can add Matic Mainnet in the Network Name field, URL https://rpc-mainnet.maticvigil.com/ in the New RPC URL field, 137 in Chain ID field, MATIC in Currency Symbol field and https://polygonscan.com/ in Block Explorer URL field.

Once you’ve added the information click on Save. You will be directly switched to Matic’s Mainnet now in the network dropdown list. You can now close the dialog.

Load Assets

Now, let's load assets like MATIC / USDT etc from other Chains like Ethereum / Binance Smart Chain to Polygon Chain.

Go to https://wallet.matic.network/bridge/

Connect with Metamask (choose the chain from where you want to transfer from)

Confirm the transaction and now it should appear on Polygon chain. To check just change the network to Polygon in metamask and it will show under assets.

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