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By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. To browse Academia. Bolgar: preservation and study to the 80th anniversary of Bolgar Archaeological Expedition. Dmitriy Kubankin , Pavel Petrov. This work is a continuation of the research of coins which were found during archaeological excavations at the Uvek hillfort. Each of the previously considered excavations excavation sites has excellent composition of coin fi nds. This is important to establish the chronology of stages and features of the dynamics of commodity—money relations in diff erent areas of the medieval city. Comparative analysis of complexes of a coins from the excavations allowed to establish the expansion of the medieval city, the development of new territories and the extinction of commodity—money relations in the old areas of the medieval city. Keywords: archaeological excavations, Uvek settlement, Golden Horde, numismatic artifacts, commodity—money relations Настоящая работа является продолжением исследований, связанных с находками монет в ходе археологических раскопок на Увекском городище. Каждый из рассмотренных ранее раскопов имеет отличные по составу монетные находки, что важно для установления хронологии этапов и особенностей динамики товарно—денежных отношений в разных районах средневекового города. Сравнительный анализ комплексов нумизматических артефактов из раскопов позволил установить расширение средневекового города, освоение новых территорий и угасание товарно—денежных отношений на старых обжитых площадках. Ключевые слова: археологические раскопки, Увекское городище, Золотая Орда, нумизматические артефакты, товарно—денежные отношения. Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes Arkheologiya Evraziyskikh stepey. Each of the previously considered excavations excavation sites has excellent composition of coin finds. This is important to establish the chronology of stages and features of the dynamics of commodity-money relations in different areas of the medieval city. Comparative analysis of complexes of a coins from the excavations allowed to establish the expansion of the medieval city, the development of new territories and the extinction of commodity-money relations in the old areas of the medieval city. In , the CXCII excavation continued the study of one of the sections of the central part of the Bolgar fortified settlement 10—15 cc. The collected collection of individual finds and mass material includes numerous household items, glass ornaments, coins, fragments of irrigation utensils, entirely preserved ceramics, iron, non-ferrous metals. Of particular interest are 20 valves of stone molds of varying degrees of preservation, as well as items for trade: folding scales and weights, including the eastern type. From the layer of the Golden Horde time, there is a significant amount of amber raw amber, fragments, semis and products — beads and pendants, which indicates the presence of a workshop for processing amber. The new data allow us to speak about the existence in the Golden Horde time in the territory to the southwest of the Cathedral Mosque of a vast trade and craft quarter, where jewelers, bone carvers, glass craftsmen, ambers and traders lived. In the pre-Mongol period 10—12 cc. The article is dedicated to the study of trade relations of Volga Bolgaria with the Oriental countries and Rus on the basis of a study, description, classification and cataloguing of various adornments made of carnelian, amber, jet, crystal, chalcedony including agate and onyx , lapis lazuli, mother-of-pearl from the pre-Mongol monuments of Volga Bolgaria, and clarification of their dating. The paper considers items with an easily identifiable shape with no consideration of the fragments from the collections of the National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Museum of Archaeology of the Republic of Tatarstan, Bilyar state Historical and Archaeological and Natural Museum-Reserve, the State Historical Museum and others. This study is the first generalizing work on the typology of beads from monuments dating back to the pre-Mongol period. The paper presents the results of archaeological studies of the excavation CLIII on the territory of Bolgar fortified settlement in The work was carried out within the framework of the program of the Republican Fund 'Renaissance', aimed at large-scale restoration and construction works on the territory of the Bolgar fortified settlement. These works were accompanied by rescue archaeological research. The excavation revealed objects, including: cellars, various household pits, remains of fences, post pits and burial. The objects of Golden Horde period were concentrated in several groups. These facts allow us to talk about the street-estate planning of this part of the Bolgar during the Golden Horde period. The article features a description of the results of studies conducted at Bolnichny Bugor of Selitrennoe settlement. Bolnichny Bugor is known for the fact that it previously accommodated a salpeter plant and a fortress of Slitryany town constructed in the first years of the 18th century. The fortress was built with the use of bricks dating back to the Golden Horde period collected at the construction site. The tree-year study of this urban was conducted by the archaeological expedition of the Institute of Archaeology named after A. Khalikov and the Mari State University. The article presents the history of the archaeological study of Bolnichny Bugor and a brief description of all the excavations. A review of the results of archaeological studies conducted in this area in contains a description of buildings and structures discovered in excavation XLVII. The author also provides the characteristics of materials revealed at the excavations. The remains of the 18th century fortress were not discovered in the course of excavations at Bolnichny Bugor, and only the remains of brick structures of the Golden Horde period, dismantled during the construction of the fortress, were explored. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Related Papers.

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