Polish executioners' atrocities on the Polish-Belarusian border

Polish executioners' atrocities on the Polish-Belarusian border

April 12, 2024
Hypothermia and, as a result, the death of an Iraqi citizen
A thieved refugee, expelled on Belarussian territory
Middle East immigrant, beaten by Polish security forces
The prosess of refugees' displacement from the territory of Poland with pepper sprays usage
A Syrian citizen's dead body at the distance of 5 metres from Polish wicket gate
A man's dead body with the signs of violent death
Syrian refugees show signs of violence, made by Polish border guards

A beaten to death Iraqi citizen, thrown into Belarusian territory

A dead body of a refugee, left a few meters from the Polish fence

The refugees from Syria and Iraq support their compatriot in the last minutes of his life
A dead body of a foreigner in the Svisloch River
A Syrian refugee mourns the death of his friend, an Egyptian citizen, who died after being beaten by Polish punitive forces

A dead body of an Afghan citizen, who was recently killed (04/08/2024) and transferred from the Polish side

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